Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Riddle of the Sphinx

The deadline for the IRS to come clean with answers regarding their alleged targeting of Conservative Tea Party Groups has now past . Now, the next move is up to the Republican House and Senate. Will they call for a special prosecutor? Time will tell.
Attorney General Eric Holder has also failed to admit to knowing anything about the Justice Department 's targeting of Fox News reporter James Rosen .This, despite the fact that his signature is on the documents that approve the targeting of the Washington correspondent, esentially accusing him of espionage. Hoder refuses to answer questions regarding this incident, but is willing to meet with the press to discuss the matter ,"off the record". The fact that most of the AP outlets refused the invitation speaks volumes .
Benghazi will never be answered either. No one involved will provide the answers to the four  questions that must be answered;.."Why were requests from ambassador Stevens for increased security at his embassy repeatedly turned down? Who ordered the stand down? Who invented the youtube video cover story? And , where was the President, and what was he doing, during the eight hour attack on our Embassy? No one seems to know;...anything.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she was , "not aware" of requests for more security in Benghazi. IRS Director Lois Lerner testified befor a Congressional Committee that she is innocent of any wrongdoing , yet then proceeded to take the 5th Amendment , refusing to defend her claim of innocence before that same Congressional committee. IRS Director Steve Miller was also, "unaware" of any targeting of Tea Party groups , or any other conservative groups. He simply claimed to know nothing. Same with IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman , who also had no answer to why he visited the White House 157 times , in the space of four years. His only response to the question was a smug, smart ass comment about a White House Easter Egg Hunt.
No one knows anything .
No one is admitting to anything.
No one, in the future, will admit to anything.
And, apparently, even Republican stalwarts such as  Congressman Darryl Issa , Senator Lindsay Graham , Congressman Trey Gowdy, and Senator Ted Cruz, despite their persistent efforts , cannot force answers from this gang of conspirators , whose unwillingness to unlock their secrets has begun to resemble the Riddle of the Sphinx .
No one knows anything. Yet, circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that they had to know everything , and had to be directing this massive effort to protect Obama's Presidency ,  his re-election bid , Obamacare, and most importantly, the Democrat Power Base.
Here's the bottom line;..Will a Special Committee be able to force answers from these people? Not very likely. Democrats rarely, if ever, admit to any wrongdoing , nor do they willingly resign when their guilt is proven. No, only Republicans resign under the pressure of scandals . But, if no one is held accountable, what will happen ? How can it ever be proven that they are all guilty of what they are accused of? And, what of Obama? How can the Republican House and Senate ever tie these events, these scandals, to Barack Hussein Obama, let alone the members of his Administration? What is the ultimate proof that President Obama, and his Administration , are guilty of all that has transpired ;...all that has now reached fruition , all that is the result of the Obama plan , that has been in effect , since the day Obama was inaugerated in 2008?
The proof is found in one thing;...the Bush Administration . Under President Bush, there was no lack of security for our Embassies , during 911 anniversaries, or any other time.
Under President Bush, there was no denial that we are at war with Radical Islam . . The result was no terror attacks on our soil, for the eight years after 911.
Under President Bush, there was no IRS scandal , no targeting by his Administration of Americans , who dared to call themselves Constitutional Conservatives.
And yes, under President Bush, there was no AP scandal, no attack by the Justice Department on the First  Amendment rights of Americans , who might have disagreed with his Administration , and its policies.
That is the key, right there. That is the key that unlocks all that was , all that is , and all that will continue to be , the Obama Presidency.
Bush did not care about , or respond to his enemies , or their endless attacks. And, Bush was indeed attacked by the left , in ways that make the attacks by the right on Obama pale in comparison .
Bush never reacted .
Bush never defended himself.
Bush never let his enemies hatred define him, or his Presidency.
President George W.Bush had a job to do , and he did it. He made a vow , while standing on a pile of smoking rubble in New York , that those who knocked down those buildings, and the world,  would hear from all of us;..soon . They did hear . The world heard , as well. Bush kept his word. He ignored his critics and enemies and did his job as Commander in Chief. He defended our country, and unleashed hell upon our enemies. And, the critics be damned.
The Bush Legacy, then ,and now, through his continued work with the Bush Institute, is clearly defined. It is a legacy of strength, compassion , and determination to make the world a safer place where freedom and liberty can grow and prosper. In many ways , his Presidency was a mere prelude to the global work he does now to aid his fellow man and improve the human condition .
The Obama Legacy has also been secured.
Obama's need to silence critics of his socialist agenda , and his need to secure his power base , no matter what the cost, have created a legacy of deception and malfeasance , that is reflected throughout his entire Administration .
All critics need to be silenced.
Fox News needs to be silenced.
The Tea Party needs to be silenced.
All Conservatives , that believe in the principles of the Constitution , need to be silenced.
And , this is why we are , where we are;...right now.
Is Obama guilty? Is his Administration guilty? Of course. Obama knew all . He directed, all.It was his plan.  It was his agenda.  But , more importantly, it's the Liberal Plan, the Liberal Agenda, an agenda that was always there, but flourished under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama, and his Administration .
And , that is all the proof of guilt that the American people need , to condemn the President for all that has happened , during his reign.
Will he be impeached? Will any of those accused be fired? Will any go to jail?
Not very likely. No, Obama and his Administration 's ultimate punishment will be one thing;...Massive,and decisive defeat in trhe 2014 Midterm Elections. A defeat that will reduce his Presidency , and his legacy, to one of a lame duck President , whose need for power and control, was greater than his love of country, and the freedom and liberty , that defines it.
The Riddle of the Sphinx remains unresolved;...its enigma spanning the centuries . The Riddle of Obama , however, is really no riddle at all. It's answer was always apparent to those willing to strip away the liberal press created Myth ;...from the Man ;....and see the President for what he clearly is.

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