What is the purpose of our Government? We are a self governed , Free Republic , so then , what is the purpose of our Government in Washington? The purpose is security. Nothing more, nothing less. We the People send these Representatives to Washington to make sure that our Nation is secure from our enemies , both foreign and domestic . That's why we pay taxes. That's why we have a tax system . Our taxes are designed to pay for our security , whether it be military , local police, FBI,CIA, or ATF, which is in charge of border security. Yes folks, border security is a part, a large part of the effort to secure our Nation , for a Nation that cannot secure its borders , is certainly not secure , and is certainly more vulnerable to the terrorists who want to destroy it. We have an existing bill , signed into law, in 1986, by President Reagan , that was designed to do just one thing ;....secure our border. Why then, are the so-called "gang of eight" , proposing a bill that will supposedly finally secure the border, and grant amnesty to all illegals living in our country. Why? Votes. Securing Democrat votes. Securing Democrat power. That is the only purpose of this new immigration bill . It is designed to legalize illegals , with the faint promise to secure our borders sometime in the future. What utter nonsense. The border will never be secured. This bill is nothing more than a Trojan Horse , designed to trick gullible Republicans into passing legislation that will almost certainly mean the end of the Republican Party , as we know it. Senators Lindsay Graham , John McCain , Marco Rubio , and others , have fallen right into Senator Chuck Schumer's trap. A trap that will not create security, but will instead create an unlimited supply of future Democrat voters . For, once Amnesty is granted, even more illegals will eagerly flood our country with the single purpose of living off our entitlement programs that the President and the Democrat Party so generously supply. And, in the end, the border will remain open , and all illegals , who will now be legal, will most eagerly vote, in all elections, for their benefactor, the Democrat Party.
Republicans need to wake up to the simple reality that the Hispanic community will always remain a Democrat voting base . No efforts by Senators Graham , Rubio , or McCain , to cater to them by passing this fraud of a bill, will matter at all. You don't change your Parties principles to appease a potential voting block. It won't work, and in the end, you will have reduced yourself to nothing more than an extension of the Party that is supposed to be your enemy. The solution to this mess? The Amendment to this bill proposed by Senator John Cornyn, that will demand a secure border first , and foremost, before any talk of Amnesty can happen . Senators Cruz, Hatch , and Paul, support this amendment, and it should be passed. Hopefully, Senator Marco Rubio , an otherwise staunch conservative , will wake up and begin to understand that he has been suckered by Senator Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats , and reject this bill , or any bill that doesnt demand a secure border first , before any proposals of Amnesty are even discussed.
The Democrats in the Senate , led by Chuck Schumer, have refused to entertain this notion , predictably , since they had no intention of ever securing the border, otherwise, they would have done it in 1986, under the Reagan Amnesty bill. A secure border would not only prevent new potential Democrat voters from entering our country, but it could also cause many illegals , already here, to self-deport, since they only want our low wage jobs and entitlements if they can continue to travel back and forth , across the border at will.
In other words, those here illegally will leave if the border is secured, because they do not want to become American citizens. They do not want to pay our taxes. They do not want to learn English . And, most importantly, , they do not want to be identified , as even being here , ...ever. They only want our jobs and entitlements . They do not want to be Americans. They do not like us , as a people, and, they do not like us, as a country. But, they do like the freebies that Obama gives them , in exchange for votes . You see, in the end, it's all for votes. Obamacare is part of this plan , for , while its registering illegals for medical coverage, it will , at the same time, be registering them with the Democrat Party.
This bill needs to be stopped, now, in the Senate, before it ever comes to a vote in the House. You see, despite Congressman Paul Ryan's assurances that the bill's flaws will be worked out once it gets there, we cannot rely on the Republican Congress to vote the right way on this . History has proven , that they cannot be trusted. Immigration is the Achilles Heel of all Republicans , including President Reagan . You see, deep down , both Parties want Amnesty, hoping to control the Hispanic voiting block. Republicans need to understand that , if Amnesty happens, it will not be in their favor. Illegals will always vote Democrat . Therefore, there can be no Amnesty,....ever. There is only one Immigration Bill that should ever be considered , and only one Immigration Bill that should ever be signed into law;....a Seal the Border Bill;....that is all. Seal the Border completely, and all other issues will be solved . And, more importantly, it is the duty and obligation of those that represent us in Washington , to seal the border , in order to secure our Nation . That is, after all, their Primary Job, the job that they swore an oath they would do.
The Republican Party needs to stop worrying about gaining votes , and start worrying about our war on terror, and the ever increasing invasion of illegal Obama Zombies ;...all potential terrorists and criminals , and all ready , willing , and able, to vote for the Party that wants them here , ...permanently, voting for them forever;....the Democrat Party.
Ultimately, if the Republicans want to pick up a new voting block, they need to do it the right way, by promoting conservative values and defending the principles of the Constitution . It worked for Ronald Reagan , in two landslide Presidential victories, and it will work for the Republican Party . It will always work, for the message of conservatism ;...is the message of truth. And, in the end, truth always wins. All the Republican Party needs to do is believe in this truth , and promote it , and the 2014 Midterm Elections ,....will be theirs .
Sunday, June 23, 2013
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