In the wake of endless scandals , a collapsing economy , and an ever growing terror threat, President Obama has decided to go on another vacation, this time to the continent of Africa . But, no need to worry about the President's prioroties, because, before leaving, he has given a speech addressing the gravest concern on his mind , namely, ....Global Warming. Yes folks, just to show the American people that he does care about the issues , and that he is engaged in finding solutions to them , the President has given a speech concerning the Nations number one problem;...Global Warming. The President's solution? He has asked the American people for even more of their hard earned tax dollars , dollars that the President assures us will be used to solve this climate threat , once and for all.Now that's what I call , brass cojones. In addition , the President gives another speech , once again reassuring the American people that he will handle the NSA leaker Edward Snowden 's defection to Russia ; doing nothing to get him back. "I won't be scrambling jets to get back a twenty nine year old hacker", the President stated.
No surprise here. This is actually standard operating procedure for Obama . In the midst of an administration crumbling under the weight of scandals and lies, increasing terror threats and attacks, and a chronically eroding economy, the President has resorted to his favorite strategems;...ignore, deflect, ask for more tax dollars, and , his favorite crises solution , go on another muti million dollar vacation ;..on the taxpayer's dime.
However , this time the President has made an error in his choice of location . Currently , Africa is the domain of another President. Before President Obama goes there, I would suggest that he ask permission first , of the man that is currently regarded as the ,"Lord of the Jungle ", in the Dark Continent, namely, ....President George W .Bush. The tireless work that he, and Laura Bush have done to improve living conditions of Africans through housing , education , medical , and famine relief programs have endeared the former Commander in Chief to the people of Africa , like like no other man in history.
Indeed, no President, and no man , has ever done more to improve the human condition on the Dark Continent , than George W. Bush. The people of Africa have shown their gratitude by holding tribal dinners in his honor , during his many visits there. These dinners seemed to be not just a tribute , but also a ceremony , to initiate the former President into their tribe . Yes , it does seem that the African people have not only thanked the President, but have adopted him as well, as an Honorary African . Truly, George W. Bush, through the humanitarian work of his Bush Presidential Center , has become a hero to the African people, the real life eqivalent of a moderen day Tarzan , Lord of the Jungle.
Even the Irish singer and humanitarian activist Bono , has declared the work President Bush has done in Africa, "Blessed by God". Indeed, and perhaps , judging by the ritualistic dance ceremonies held in the former President's honor ,a declaration of godhood might be on their minds as well .
This might be a tough act for President Obama to follow , or, for that matter , even comprehend. After all , President Bush has accomplished his work in Africa , a private citizen . True , Bush , as President , did send tax dollars to Africa . In fact , his relief efforts there were greater than any American President in history. But , it's the Bush Presidential Center's efforts , funded through private donations , not taxes , that has really made the difference to the African people. And, best of all, his accomplishments have proven , quite conclusively, the falsehood of Obama's big Government philosophy. After all , the work of the Bush Center is , in reality, the voluntary work of the American people, who have generously funded this worthy operation .
Perhaps Obama, the false god of Big Government and taxation , should follow the example of the newly crowned African god Bush, and put his faith in the goodness and generosity of the American people who, left to their own devices , have always done more to aid their fellow man than any other people on earth. President Bush has proven that you can aid your fellow man , without raising taxes , increasing regulations on businesses, or weakening our military and anti terror programs.
President Obama should contemplate this one thing , while in Africa. , the one thing that President Bush already knows ;...America , as a Nation , has done more to aid humanity, and has liberated more people , than any other Nation on earth . And, will continue to do so,..if the foot of Obama's socialistic agenda is removed from its neck . But, perhaps this may be too much for Obama to comprehend. After all, President Bush helps people ,...simply to help people. President Obama helps people , with our tax dollars , to gain votes and Democrat Party control of the free market. To Obama , people are to be helped , only with other people's tax dollars , and only if it benefits the Democrat agenda. Taxes , to Obama , are not to be used to benefit mankind, but to be used , benefit government.After all , Obama is not in Africa for humanitarian reasons , ..he is simply on vacation again .And , yes folks , once again , this multi million dollar getaway is funded , by the American taxpayer. But, there is one positive note to the Obama trip.Judging by the chilly reception the President has received so far, is doubtful the African people will be holding any ritualistic dance ceremonies , his honor.
Friday, June 28, 2013
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