In the midst of the Benghazi , IRS, and AP scandals, President Obama decided to give a speech explaining the War on Terror. He spoke of of the Drone Strikes that are killing terror leaders ,including Anwar Al Awlaki .He explained that he would close Gitmo Bay Prison , despite having promised this nearly five years ago also. Most importantly, President Obama used his speech to reaffirm his Administration 's position that there is no such thing; a Global War on Terror.Tell that to the British soldier that was beheaded in the streets of London this past week; an Islamic Extremist. This matters little to Obama. You see, in the President's mind, Bin Laden is Dead, and therefore;...Al-Queda is decimated;...and on the run. This is the talking point that the President put forth at the Democratic Convention last September . And, it's the talking point that spawned the myriad of scandals that the Obama Administration finds itself embroiled in . Re-election is the reason behind all that is currently happening . There could be no terror attack on the Benghazi Embassy, right before re-election . Therefore, the attack on our embassy was ignored , and treated as though it didn't exist , except as a video inspired protest, that had no link to Al-Queda. All to secure re-election . The IRS had to prevent the Tea Party from stealing re-election from Obama , as it had stolen the 2010 Mid-Terms. The IRS had to shut down the Tea Party and its supporters , to assure Obama's victory , and of course, the implementation of Obamacare. If Obama was defeated by Romney, Obamacare would be repealed . It's as simple as that. This could noThe Press got Obama elected t happen .Same with the Associated Press scandal. The Press got Obama elected, by hiding his socialist Marxist past from the American Public. The Press covered for Obama. The liberal left press , that is. Fox News , however , is another matter. Fox News needed to be stopped. Therefore Whitehouse liason and Fox News reporter, James Rosen , needed to be investigated , and shut down , by Eric Holder, and the Justice Department. All leaks had to be stopped. Fox News needed to be shut down , to insure the Obama re-election . That was the reason for the AP phone record scandal. It has nothing to do with National Security. It has everything to do with Fox News;...the enemy of Obama, and the enemy that could have cost him re-election . The Obama Administration 's strategy suceeded. Obama was re-elected. But; what cost? Benghazi will not go away. An American embassy was attacked ;...and Obama and Clinton refused to defend it militarily. The IRS targeted conservatives , and now it may cost them ;...Obamacare. The AP scandal proves the Democrat agenda was simply to destroy Fox News , and Washington reporter James Rosen , no matter what it costs. Now, as all these scandals are being investigated , the President gives a speech on Military strategy regarding the war on terror. The purpose is clear;...the President's speech , complete with a Code Pink heckler disruption; mere misdirection , from the rapidly crumbling facade that is his Administration . A moment of desperation perhaps, from a President who is beginning to sense it all slipping away from him . Like Dr. Frankenstein , Obama is beginning to sense that his own socialist , marxist , creation , may be the thing that destroys him, ultimately. Yet, who shall be punished? Obama will not be impeached. No one will bring impeachment charges to the first Black President .Attorney General Eric Holder claims he knew nothing about the targeting of Fox News reporter James Rosen 's phone records . He will continue to pleasd ignorance, despite the fact that his signature is on the paperwork, authorizing it. He is personal friends with Obama. He will not be fired. IRS Director Lois Learner testified , before a Congressional hearing , that she is innocent of any targeting of Tea Party Groups , then decided to plead the 5th Amendment before she could be questioned. It doesn't work that way . You can't claim innocence, and then refuse to defend that innocence. Congressman Darryl Issa will , no doubt , have her recalled to testify again , since her speech amouted to her waiving her 5th Amendment rights. Miss Learner will be grilled again . But like all of them , involved in the Obama scandals, ...she will , say nothing. She will admit to nothing . Nor will Eric Holder. Nor will Hillary Clinton . Nor will Susan Rice. Nor will Obama. None of them knew anything . None of them will admit to anything. None of them , will be punished. After all, why should they be? They were simply following the plan, the Obama plan , the liberal leftist plan , from day one of Obama's Presidency.IRS Director Lois Learner was suspended, for refusing to answer questions at the congressional hearing. But , she was suspended;...with full pay. IRS Director Steve Miller was fired by the President, but;...Mr. Miller was scheduled to resign in a month anyway. Eric Holder will say nothing, and admit to nothing . He will remain as Attorney General. This raises an interesting point;...why bother with these hearings ? Why bother exposing the massive corruption and deception , in this administration , if no one is to be punished? How can getting the truth matter at all if those that created this web of lies remain in power? Here's why it matters . Those in the Obama Administration work for us;...the citizens of the United States. They are our employees. When we let them forget that, tyranny will surely follow. They must be exposed for all their lies so that this mistake is never again repeated. The truth must be revealed , and all the guilty exposed , so that , in the future, this problem is prevented ; simply voting Republican . For, when Liberal Democrats are out of power, ...all this madness will end, and prosperity and security will reign . That is the cold, hard ,simple truth that cannot be ignored. All that has been wrought during Obama's 5 years as President, has been wrought by ;...liberalism . This is the true enemy . Nothing else. When liberalism assumes power, destruction , and desolation , will surely follow;..every time. The simplt truth is;...if Republicans ruled,...none of what has transpired since 2008, would be happening. If George W. Bush was President, Benghazi ,and all our Embassies, would have been secured , the terror attacks neutralized, and the four men killed in the Benghazi attack;...would be alive. If Bush was President , there would be no IRS scandal, no targeting of Tea Parties, and no Obamacare , ready to be implemented. If Bush was President, there would be no targeting of Fox News by the Justice Department, and no Attorney General Holder , to deny knowledge of this;..and the Fast and Furious gun running scandal. If Bush were President, the economy would be booming, thanks to his permanent tax cuts , increased oil production , and limited regulations on corporations and businesses in general . And, most importantly, if Bush were President, Al-Queda would really be on the run , . There would be no terror attacks on our soil. For , if Bush were President , he would recognize the fact that we are , in fact, in a global war on terror. Like it or not, Bush would recognize the enemy for what it really is;....Radical Islam . If we, as a Nation are to survive ;..we must win this war;...or nothing else matters. We must win , but not by appeasement , not by negotiation ;...but by destroying it completely. If Bush were President;... he would recognize this. ;..and one other thing. If Bush were President, He would , unlike Obama, recognize that peace between nations can only be acheived ; war;..which forces the enemy to surrender . Bush understood that when you go to war, you fight to win , at all costs., so that ultimate peace can be achieved. But, part of that winning is being willing to recognize the enemy for what it is, and then , destroying it. For President Bush knew , evil will not learn to live in peace , unless it is forced upon them . Yes,there is a Global War on Terror, like it or not . But, Bush is not President. Obama is. How can Obama's evil socialist agenda be stopped.?Simple really. Not by impeachment .Not by the firing of members of the Obama Administration . But, by one simple task. The 2014 Mid-Term Elections . To end Obama's reign , all we need do is win the House and the Senate , in 2014, for the Republican Party. The, and only then , Obama is done , and , ultimately; is Obamacare. Apparently, no one in the Obama Administration , knows , or remembers anything about any of these scandals they created with their anti-conservative agenda. Well, lets give them something they will remember ;...Republican Victory in 2014. |
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Frankenstein Complex
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