FBI Director Robert Mueller was asked by a Congressional Committee to name the individual who is in charge of investigating the IRS scandal. He did not know. The most dangerous scandal in the country right now, and he doesn't know. He didn't even have the decency to make up a name. The reason Director Mueller doesn't know the name of this investigator, is because this individual doesn't exist. There is no ongoing investigation of the IRS scandal , because in the minds of Obama and his Administration , there is no scandal to be investigated. In their minds , nothing that has happened has been wrong .All of it, whether Benghazi , IRS, DOJ, NSA, or even this administration 's blatant denial of an existing terror threat, has occurred because it was all part of the plan . All of it has happened because it was supposed to happen . Why then , would you investigate the scandal, when there is no scandal? This is why no one has been fired . This is why no one will be fired , as long as Obama, and the Democrat Party are in power. What then , can be done? Win the 2014 Midterm elections , and win them big ,That is the only solution , the only way to reverse what is happening , and, most importantly, the only way to stop Obamacare from completely collapsing our free market economy. Republicans need to retain the House, pick up even more seats , and sweep the Senate. Essentially, it needs to be a repeat of the 2010 elections, but on steriods. The fate of the Nation is at stake . This is the one election that cannot be lost , or else the country is lost indeed. The Tea Party is a key component to victory. After all, , the Tea Party was responsible for victory in 2010, across the board. This was an uprising of just ordinary citizens , many of whom were engaging in the political process for the first time in their lives. All it took to awaken this sleeping political giant was Obama's ever expanding government , reaching deeper and deeper , into their wallets . That's okay, because that's the reason that spawned us as a nation as well. America only came into existence because of heavy taxation and regulation from the homeland, namely England. The Tea Party is the grassroots , get out the vote movement that will be the chief weapon in the fight to restore America its founding roots, but, ...there is one caviat, ...what took place in the Presidential election must not happen again, in this election . Make no mistake about it, the Tea Party was engaged in this election as well , yet, somehow, Romney lost. Why? This remains a center right country . The left is , fortunately , outnumbered. So , with all that was at stake, with all that Obama had done to the country already, why did Romney lose , even with the Tea Party component? The reason is unfortunate , and disturbing. The most important Presidential election of our time, and maybe of all time,was lost to the left , because those on the right , those in the Tea Party , refused to throw full support behind the Republican candidate ,Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Their reason was petty , and small minded. Apparently, Romney was simply not conservative enough for them . Apparently, many in the Tea Party , and many Republicans in general , bought the left's depiction of Romney as an out of touch rich guy who's Romneycare was a duplicate of Obamacare . They were wrong. Romney's certainly no hardcore conservative , but he was the Republican Party Nomineee whop pledged to destroy Obamacare , cut taxes , cut regulations, and strengthen our waning military. The bottom line is , Romney was the Republican Party candidate . We, as Republicans , should have had the common sense to get off our butts , go down to the polls, and pull the lever that would bring defeat to Obama and his agenda. The fact that many registered Republicans , who should have known better, simply stayed home on election night. Intolerable. Inexcusable And , this willful ignorance of political reality cannot be repeated in the 2014 midterms. Not if we are to survive as a Nation . Fortunately, deliverance from this previous mistake has come in the form of one time Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin , who has , in the past , proven to be the Archangel of Death to the Democrat Party. After all, every Republican candidate this woman endorses wins easily. That is a formidable political weapon to have on your side. Governor Palin has finally renewed her contract with Fox News , and as her appearance at CPAC demonstrated, her message remains as strong as ever . The timing of her triumphant return couldn't be better , since the Tea Party is the special domain of Governor Palin . Palin must rally the troops within this organization , and make it crystal clear to them , that all , I repeat, all , Republicans are to be supported in these elections , no exceptions. To win a team victory, you must support the team , the entire team , whether they are hard core conservative, or country club Republican . And , the timing for this election couldn't be more perfect as Obama and his Administration are imploding from one self imposed scandal after another. We can win ,and win easily, if the focus stays on backing Team Republican , no ifs ands , or buts. We are the Party of of Tax Cuts , Regulation Cuts , and a Strong Military. We have to win . Obama is wounded by scandal , but he must be finished off at election time. They say you shouldn't kick a man when he's down , but I say , you should not only kick him , you should get Roger Ailes of Fox News , to hire Sarah Palin , to not only kick him when he's down , but do it with high heeled , conservative hunting boots , and kick him so he doesn't get up again . Sarah's the Tea Party weapon , , but , in the end, it's up to us , the American People , the Conservative majority , . Let's not screw it up this time. Get off your couches and vote this time, not for an individual, but for the Republican team , that will end the scourge of Obama. Do it for country, for your children's future , and yes , let's do it for Mitt Romney . After all, Romney didn't lose that election ;....We did, with our apathy, and ignorance . Hopefully , that ignorance won't be repeated, this time. |
Friday, June 14, 2013
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