A new scandal has emerged .The Benghazi, IRS, and AP scandals have now been joined by , lo and behold;.. the Verizon scandal. Apparently , Verizon phone records are available to the Obama Administration . All phone records , of all citizens . Ironic, considering Obama's opposition to the Bush Patriot Act , which called for the wiretapping of suspected terrorists. But ultimately Obama's support for this latest invasion of American citizen's privacy is really no surprise , considering the overall theme put forth by the Obama Administration , namely;...control and shut down the opposition , by any means necessary , in order to secure the Democrat Power Base . Find the enemies of the Administration's weaknesses, and use the President's enforcers , the IRS, and the Justice Department, to silence them by financial means, and if necessary , by criminalizing them .All to secure future Democrat election campaigns. More information will no doubt, emerge in time, from other organizations , exposing more scandals , simply because control;..... of the media and the message , was the Obama plan from day one of his Presidency. However, there is one particular item , that has been the looming threat that seems to engulf the others . Obamacare , is the main control mechanism , the main weapon that the liberal left has long sought to implement . For through it, the left knew it could control the free market and the citizens that operate in it. One of the more frightening aspects of Obamacare is the concept of Death Panels , the idea that, once passed, the government would , quite literally, have the power to decide who would receive medical care , and who would not. Not based on medical reasons , but on financial considerations . In other words , if the care you need, is considered too expensive , and you were considered a bad risk, you could be denied medical care , for no other reason than it would save the government money;....money that could be better used , in more important pursuits , such as the Democrat election campaigns . Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin warned us of the possibilty of the Death Panel. Obama and his Administration denied there would be any such thing , despite evidence to the contrary . Now, however, we have solis , working , evidence that Death Panels are indeed real. Kathleen Sebelius , Director of Health and Human Services, is essentially the number one individual who will run Obamacare , once it is fully implemented. Recently , a ten year old girl has been denied a lung transplant , simply because of her age. She is ten , instead of the acceptable age of twelve. Acceptable to who exactly?Acceptable to Obamacare rules apparently;...rules enforced by ;...Kathleen Sebelius. The little girl has barely five weeks to live . Lung transplants on children of her age have had a history of sucess, in the past. Sebelius refused to overrule the existing age limit imposed by Obamacare , and allow the dying girl to be put on the donor list, despite the fact that she could have ,.with one stroke of the pen , made an effort to save this girl,by allowing her to be put on the donor list. She , instead, condemned the girl to death , by refusing to use her authority , as the Obamacare administrator in chief , to intervene on the dying girl's behalf. Refused. For no other reason than to help her , would violate the liberal law of nature , the law that places no major importance on any individual , but instead relegates all people to an equal status ;.... Equally screwed, that is. Under Obamacare, you and your madical problems are no more important than anyone else waiting for medical treatment , unless you're a rich Democrat supporter that is . Then , you can move Obamacare mountains. It took a local Philadelphia Judge to overule Sebelius, and pass a ruling that allowed the ten year old to be placed on the donor list . He saved her life , or at least , gave her a chance at life, a chance that Kathleen Sebelius would never have given her. You see Sebelius is a hard core liberal, who believes in the Obamacare agenda , and used this situation to demonstrate the control, and the power, that the Obamacare health sytstem would give the Democrat Party over its citizens. That demonstration , proving that point , was far more important to Kathleen Sebelius than one little girl. As the Director of Human and Health Services said before a congressional committee;"some people live, and some people die".This was the left's chance to demonstrate to the people that they are not important , unless the government says you are. So, they better get used to it. Condition the people to accept that they are just numbers , only as important, as the next number. Kathleen Sebelius is not alone in this attitude. Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi and showed no remorse for the deaths of four Americans at that embassy.When grilled about the circumstances of the attack, Hillary's only answer was, 'What difference does it make?" Susan Rice has now been approved as Chief Security Advisor to the President, despite pushing a false video story to explain the Benghazi terror attack. It was a lie , and she knew it . She has refused all questions , and gave no explanations , and now has been appointed by Obama to a position that would , in effect , make her immune to further scrutiny over the scandal. Lois Lerner directed the IRS to target conservatives in order to shut them down and secure Obama's re-election, and the 2014 midterm elections. Lerner refused to answer any questions put forth by a congressional committee, but still felt the need to arrogantly proclaim her innocence , while refusing to defend that claim. Arrogant, elitist , merciless , heartless. It would seem , apparently , that the female is indeed the deadliest member of the liberal species. But fortunatly;...they are opposed, by a force equally as deadly, namely;...the ever growing species known as conservative women . Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, in particular , have stood strong on conservative principles , and opposed all that the women on the left represent. But, the fight must go on . There can be no quitting, no surrender, no fear. The Death Panels, predicted by Palin , have now been proven real by Kathleen Sebelius, by her refusal to aid a desperately ill , ten year old girl. No one has been fired or repremanded, for Benghazi , the IRS, or the AP |
Friday, June 7, 2013
The Deadliest of the Species
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