Friday, July 5, 2013

The Sorcerer's Minions

There have been two events this past week that, at first glance, seem surprising , even shocking, until you understand the motive behind them , that is. Gay Marriage has finally been "recognized" by the Federal Government , and Obamacare 's mandate on corporations and businesses has been put on hold. Two stunners in one week, one right after the other. At face value, the Supreme Court's vote on Gay Marriage seems to be just another step towards gay equality , at the expense of the Defense of Marriage Act, and the Obamacare delay just an admission by the Obama administration that the bill  is unworkable and unable to fund itself. . On both issues, nothing could be further from the truth.
What this is really about is the same thing that it's always about , when the Democrat Party is in power namely, taxes and elections. The 2014 Midterm Elections are now hanging like the Sword of Damocles over the heads of the Democrat Party . If history repeats itself, and the Republicans win big, it may well be over for the Obama Administration.
The Tea Party was founded for one reason;...Obamacare.
2010 Victory for Republicans happened for one reason;...Obamacare.
Now, with Obamacare about to be implemented on corporate businesses , the left has seen the handwriting on the wall , and realized that Obamacare , at least on a corporate level, must go away , until after the Midterm Elections. Obama and the Democrats cannot risk alienating corporations that they will need , for both vote support, and campaign  donations . The bottom line is this;..the Democrat Party knows their Healthcare Law is unpopular,  unworkable, and will hurt businesses financially, so it must go away , until victory in 2014 is secured. The same with the Supreme Courts ruling on Gay Marriage. This also is about nothing more than the midterm elections. The Supreme court , led by liberal leaning Justice Anthony Kennedy has accomplished two things with its anti DOMA  ruling , which now recognizes Gay marriage on a Federal level . One; panders to the gay community , which is a strong Democrat voting block , and two; creates a new vehicle to use to raise taxes , and thereby raise money to to fund Democrat election  campaigns for 2014. That's all this ruling does. It has nothing to do with gay equality , and has everything to do with Democrat votes and the tax money needed; pay for those Democrat votes. Remember , Gay couples are not really oppressed , as the left would have you believe. Gay couples can already get married , anywhere they want. Even Clifornia, despite what the liberal media would have you believe. Even in California. What the arguement is about, is the Federal Government recognizing these marriages. Well, what does the term , "recognize ", mean , exactly? It means , "recognize financially , as in government entitlements and benefits to be given to married couples for no good reason , other than the fact that they are marriage.This is ridiculous.Neither Traditional, nor Gay Marriages should be receiving Federal benefits,...ever. If these unnecessary handouts are ended, so will the controversy over gay rights, and gay marriage;..and that includes the other issue of the gay marriage controversy, ...the Catholic Church. You see , the Catholic Vote has long been a primarily  right wing  vote. If the government , under the Obama administration , controls  the institute of marriage by providing tax payer funded benefits to all marriages , gay or straight , then , can its control of the Catholic Church , and its institions be far behind?If the Catholic Church can be neutralized through new Federal taxes, then , can the Democrat Party's forcing of Gay Marriage on the Church be far behind? The Gay community will certainly aid the Democrats in this goal, since the one real bug up their butts , besides getting those federal marriage handouts, ...has always been the Catholic Church's refusal to accept Gay marriages , or unions , in any way, shape , or form . If the left can eventually force the Catholic Church  to give in on abortion and Gay Marriage,...can the Catholic vote supporting the Democrat Party be far behind?
Power. Control. The Power of an ever expanding Federal  Government. The control of the American Free Market, and the people who work in it. Control the American people , through taxes , and you control the vote ;...for the Democrat Party.
Through taxes and entitlements, in the form of the Gay Marriage Act, the Democrats have now gained complete control over the gay community, and, perhaps , one day,.... the Catholic Church as well?
Through taxes and entitlement handouts , in the form of Obamacare, and, of course , the Amnesty Bill for illegals, the Democrats have gained complete control over the Hispanic vote , , not to mention the illegal immigrant vote. But, no need to panic, there is hope in sight, in the form of the 2014 Midterm Elections. "We the People", should not be fooled by this temporary reprieve from Obamacare This is nothing more than an admission of weakness , from Obama . He has blinked . The Democrats know that Obamacare could destroy them , as it did in the 2010 midterms. Now, for the first time, the left has shown weakness and uncertainty , in the face of looming annihilation at the polls in 2014. In desperation , they are trying to make their greatest weakness , Obamacare, disappear;...temporarily. But, it's too late for that . "We the People" have already felt its effects on our economy , and military . We won't be fooled . We won't forget. Not this time. 2014 must belong to the Republicans ;...if our Nation is to survive. And, no cheap magicians trick , called Obamacare, can alter the course of our destiny , take back the country.
Even as Egypt now celebrates its ousting of newly elected President Muhammed Morsi,who ruled like a Muslim Brotherhood  tyrant, and destroyed the Egyptian economy, so toomust we be prepared to oust the Sorcerer of Illusion  and Deception , ...Obama, by defeating his Minions in Congress and the Senate ,.....that promote and support his mad dream of a socialist utopia;..a dream that has become,...our nightmare.
The Fourth of July is the day we celebrate our freedom from the tyrannical rule of an oppresive government in England . This Fourth,while we celebrate , let's also resolve ourselves to the task that lay ahead;...freedom from tyrannical rule, overwhelming victory ,... the 2014 Midterm Elections.

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