And it came to pass, that while John the Baptist awaited a grim fate in the dungeons beneath the Palace of Herod Antipas, he did send forth a message across Galilee, ..asking if it was Jesus coming that was foretold in scripture, or were the people of Judea to expect another? Jesus responded,.. "My answer to John is what you people have witnessed, the lame walk,..the blind see,..the sick and dying,..are healed." " I ask John , what was it he expected to see when he went into the desert to preach? Was it a reed trembling in the wind? No. Was it a man clad in fine garments? No, must look on King's palaces for men who go proudly dressed and live in luxury. "Why then,..did he go out?.To see a prophet?"
And,.as with John then, too now, with President Trump's doubters , who, in light of Syrian withdraw, and a Wall still unbuilt,..have now renewed and intensified their doubts , their reservations, ..about the President's ability to lead this Nation, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
But, as with John the Baptist "s doubts about Jesus,..the doubts of the faint hearted Trump acolytes,..are unwarranted , foolish,..and unnecessary. For, as with Jesus, before him,..the proof of Trump's ability as President , is what We the People have witnessed thus far,..
Tax and regulation cuts that have created an economic boom, not seen since the days of Calvin Cooledge.
A military revitalized,..and given renewed purpose, ..leaving ISIS nearly vaporized , and driven back into the shadows,.from whence they came,...
Our Allies in Freedom,...supported as never before,..
Our Veterans, now finally being cared for properly,..being treated as the elite heroes they truly are,...
Our Supreme Court Justices now, one by one,..being system atically replaced by Conservative Republicans, that protect and defend the Constitution as written, ..not as fantasized by the left,..
Our Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms,..the one right that makes all other rights possible,..protected and defended , never before in history,..
Unemployment at an all time low,..and America,..not only energy independent,..but now the leading energy exporting nation in the world,..again,..for the first time in American History,..
Trumpian Miracles all, be sure,..done in less than two years time,..yet the doubters remain ,..because of the Wall,..
The Wall that still remains to be built,..The Wall that symbolizes the tangible Will of the President,.made substance,..
The Wall, that ironically now seems a bridge too far, the Trumpian imposed government shutdown now seems infinite,..never ending, the clock ticks down to Democrat takeover of Congress,..with the coming Dawn of the New Year,.....
Yet, Trump remains supremely confident and determined to fulfill this promise, he has all the others he has made, including the controversial withdraw if Troops from Syria,..that sparked the sudden resignation of Democrat leaning General James "Mad Dog" Mattis,..who, opposing the President on virtually every one of his accomplushments,..has proven that the nickname bestowed upon him by his troops,..was, no doubt,..intended to be ironic,..
ISIS has been defeated by American forces in the Syrian region that remains controlled by Assad,..and Vladimir Putin. It is not now, nor has it ever been, American controlled territory. Therefore, there is no need for American forces to linger in terror strewn regions any longer,..for, like a flashing Ninja Blade,..the U.S. Military can always return, strike swiftly and decisively again,..if the ever changing winds of war require it,..
Bottom line?
As with all his other tasks, the President has proven he knows what he is doing,..does what he says he will do,..every,..single,..time,..
And seems always three chess moves ahead,..of all opponents and critics alike.
So now,..he should be doubted on the Wall? Absurd.
For, unbeknownst to such doubters as General Mattis,..and Faux Republican hack writer Ann Coulter,..slowly,....surely,..almost imperceptibly,..the Trumpian Vision for the Wall, has been taking form,..becoming solid substance,..the work going on for many months now, strategic border points ,....quietly,..without fanfare,..the ethereal vision is becoming undeniable reality.
The Wall will be built,..for the President has said it would be,..and what he says he will do, all the gods,...
He does,..
For his word, the the will of the American people, and Trumpian mission and accomplishment,..
Always one and the same entity,..
And, even as the Sands of Time inch ever closer to the New Year Democrat takeover,....Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schumer ,..even in the face of Trump imposed shutdown,..remain confidant,..supremely so,..that the President does not have the votes in House and Senate, pass the 5 billion dollar spending bill, to fund the Wall,..
The President's temper tantrum,..and refusal to leave Washington during his self imposed government shutdown,..have accomplished nothing, ...for his Wall will never be built,..
At least,..not on this mortal sphere,..
The President's Wall,..according to the Democrat Leaders,....
An Impossibility,...
But then,..what is genius,..except that which is always balanced on the edge of impossibiity?
Aye,..and there was genius at work here,.a Trumpian genius,.
Waiting, strike,..
For, as the President sat in press open conference with Schumer and Pelosi,. he kept leaning ever forward on the edge of his seat..coiled like a spring, poised to strike,.as swiftly as a deady Puma on the hunt,...leaning in to emphasize, one , irrefutable point, to the startled Democrat Leaders,..
The Security of the Nation comes first,..before all other things, in Heaven or Earth,..and the 5 Billion for the Wall will be his,.....
Or the Government will be no more,..reduced to eternal shutdown nothingness,..
The Government will obey his will,..and the will of the American People,..
Or,..he ,..will,..destroy it,..
The Ultimate Victor in this noble standoff?
The victory was Trump's, ..with the Repubican portion of the House quickly passing the 5 Billion Spending Bill for the wall,..and the Republican controlled Senate following suit shortly after,..
Private funding for the Wall,.. already exceeding 5 million per day,..
And, all the while,..the steel slat vision of the Wall taking shape at the border,..
Aye,..steel slats that aptly symbolize the President's impenetrible will,..and the deadly spikes at the top of the slats?
A warning, all who would dare attempt to thwart that will,..
A Will, becoming spiked steel ,..deadly reality,..
With the coming New Year Dawn,..
"Hear, O' Wall,..The Sound Of My Greatness!" ,...
The President seems to proclaim,..
And the Wall,..has indeed heard that sound,..
A Sound,..that, all the gods,.
Rumbles Like Trumpian Thunder,..
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018
"The Last Legacy!"
He was an American hero in every sense of the word, ..and the heartbreaking eulogy of his son,..George W.,..the miracle standing salute of wheelchair bound Sen. Bob Dole,..the Trump salute, and bonding with the Bush family,..and the final trip home, an adoring throng of fellow Texans,..all pay tribute to this fact.
He was the youngest fighter pilot of World War II, sef made oil tycoon,..Chsirman of the Republican National Committee, Ambassador to China,..CIA Director,.. Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan,..President himself,..for four years after Reagan,..Commander in Chief of the "Lightning Strike" of a War in Kuwait, against Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi forces,...and finally, ..the man who put into motion what President Reagan had begun, the final fall of the Iron Curtain,..and a new dawn of Freedom for Western Europe. Then came the elder statesman for the Reepublican Machine, ..and , ultimately, Advisor in Chief, the 45th President of the United States,..Grorge W. Bush.
Yes, George H.W. Bush wad indeed, all things in his day,..a warrior,..a risk taker,..a natural leader,..who never lost sight of the most important aspect of his life,....
Service to his fellow man,..
Service to his country,..that he loved with every fiber of his being,..
He was an easy going, unassuming man as well, despite all his accomplishments and family pedigree, ..and a man of humor as well,..whose love of a good joke,..or even a bad one,..never left him ,..even in his last hours.
And the love for this man? Incredibly bi- partisan, with both Republicans and Democrats alike praising him, as truly one of the greatest American figures of the 20th Century, and a good, likeable man as well. Yes,..even the Democrats loved him,..once he was defeated for re-election,..and no longer a threat to them that is. And as President, his accomplishments in the swift and effective Kuwait War, and Foreign Policy in general,..remain impressive,..even by today's standards, and in many ways,..unsurpassed as well.
Bush 41 orchestrated the bloodless fall of the Soviet Union, and a nearly casualty free , and supremely effective strike against the forces of Saddam Hussein , and opened new avenues of trade cooperation , with China and Saudi Arabia as well.
Yet, great as he was, ..loved as he is,..he failed to win a second term as President,..despite being the 2nd in Command of obe of the most popular Presidents in modern history,.. Ronald Reagan,..for eight years.
What was the fatal flaw that ended his Presidency after one term, leaving George H.W.Bush with the unenviable Legacy, of being the most popular one term President in History?
Actually, old 41' had the answer to this riddle himself, least partially. He once told Fox News pundit Chris Wallace , that he wished he had the charisma, and communication skills of his former boss , Ronald Reagan. H.W. felt that it was his inability to articulate the Conservative Republican message, to the people directly, that would, in the end,..prove to be his downfall.
In this, Bush was correct,..partially. But there was another fatal flaw that contributed as well, one that actually was the weakness of not just H.W.,..but every Republican Party representative , past or present. An unwillingness, see the Democrats for what they truly were,..and an unwillingness to treat them as the enemies of America , that they have always been. Bush senior always sought to work with the Democrats, always sought bipartisan solutions . So too did Reagan as well,..
What did it gain them?
Both men, as President, agreed to raise taxes , in exchange for a Democrat deal to cut government spending, and reduce the deficit at the same time. Both times it was a Democrat lie ,just put forth to gain the one thing Democrats can always be counted on to pursue relentlessly,...
Ever increasing taxes , ever increasing regulations,..and an ever weakening military as well,.. Both Reagan and Bush Sr,s Presidencies were marred by Democrat control in the House of Representatives .Reagan, however,..did have control of the Senate, and did eventually use this to push through the tax and regulation cuts that would create the economic boom that defined his Presidency. But, Bush Sr.suffered from Democrat control of both the House and Senate duribg his four years as Commander in Chief. This left him with little choice ,but to break his campaign promise of "no new taxes", order to obtain the funding needed to fight the War in Kuwait.
The war was sucessful,.and quick, with Saddam Hussein ultimately driven from the Kurdish regions ,.but the broken promise on taxes sealed H.W.'s fate in the coming election.
His son, George W. Bush, would fare better and win re-election , for one simple reason,..
From 2001,.to 2006,...President George W. Bush had a House and Senate that was controlled by Republican Super Majorities,..
This enabled him to create the greatest period of economic growth in American History , least until the coming Trumpian Age of Miracles that is. Even the Border Wall was being built,..finally,....going up as swiftly as the sails of a Pirate Vessel. The war on terror was working ,..with no terror attacks on American soil sibce 911,..and Sadam Husseins regime,. completely destroyed.
But then came 2007,..with the Democrats taking back control of both the House and Senate.
The result?
The economy spiraling downward, ..a new recession,..and the work on the border wall,..and the war on terror, stalled in !imbo,..indefinitely,.. Bush popularity polls at an all time low,..and ultimately ,.....the election of Barack Obama as President,..a President now armed with a Democrat controlled House and Senate , which resulted in two years of Democrat destruction ,.. including the tax scam pestilence known only as Obamacare.
The lesson of the Reagan-Bush Dynasty is clear,...
As great as they al were, strong as the Republican formed economies and military were,..all was eventually forgotten ,..and the Nation reverted back,..every time, destructive Democrat rule,...
Because they all refused to fight back,..and all sought to work with Democrats, instead of defeating them. Even Reagan , as great as a communicator as he was,....failed to see the folly, of working with Democrat House Speaker, Tip O'Neill,..on a raise taxes and cut spending deal,..
All failed to reinforce , irrefutable reality,..failed to ram home to We the People, inescapable fact,..
For the Nation to suceed,.
The Republican Party must suceed,...
It must control the House,..the Senate,..the Presidency,..and the Judiciary ,as well,..and preferrably by Super Majorities , that make all Democrat obstruction,.. virtually impossible.
Reagan,.Bush Sr.,..and Bush Jr., great as they all were,..
Failed to articulate this,..and often failed to even fight back, against the destructive Democrat Agenda.
All chose to rise above Democrat attacks , and play the statesmen,..
All failed to fight back effectively, against the real enemy,....
The Democrat Party.
All are considered Republican Party Statesmen, dignified,..reserved,..all carried themselves the way you would think a President should.
But all failed to stop the Democrat Machine from implementing its most destructive legislation,..Obamacare,..
All failed to stop them from weakening the military,..
All failed to stop the assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights,..
All failed to stop the erosion of our constitution,..
Because,..all failed to articulate the one, most important ,..most vital ingredient,..that must be there,..if America is to move forward,..and ultimately become that Shining City on a Hill,..that Reagan envisioned,...
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,...
In every single election,..on a State and Federal level,..
Without this,..grest though they all may be,..all they created, will, in the end, forgotten.
All are indeed good men,..skilled men,..great leaders,..but , the end,..all lacked that edge, that will to win, all costs,..that fighters instinct, beat the enemy ,and to win, matter what the odds, matter,..what the sacrifice,..
To win,..because,.in the end,.victory over the enemies of this noble experiment,..this Free Republic,..
Is all that matters,..if the Nation, and the world, to endure.
The Democrat Party is the enemy of America , and, as great as the Reagan -Bush Legacies are,..
None of them, recognized that fact.
Good men? Yes. But in war, in takes more than good men, win.
Sometimes it takes a Son of a Bitch, get the job done, and by all the gods,..President Trump is that Son of a Bitch, and a good man as well,..who, Reagan and Bush,..believes in Republican principles, with every fiber of his being,..and he also knows, that there is no more time for legacies , within legacies,..
Now,..there is only the mission,..
To Win,..always,..
To Win,..every battle,..
To Win,..every time,..
For, in the end,...Republican Victory is all there is,..the only Legacy that truly matters,..
To a World, on the edge if the abyss,..
And, by the Bristling Beard of Zeus, none may conquer Trump,..for he is power personified,..strength unequalled,..for his strength is the strength of his Republican Legions,..against which,..
No mortal Democrat can endure,..
He was the youngest fighter pilot of World War II, sef made oil tycoon,..Chsirman of the Republican National Committee, Ambassador to China,..CIA Director,.. Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan,..President himself,..for four years after Reagan,..Commander in Chief of the "Lightning Strike" of a War in Kuwait, against Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi forces,...and finally, ..the man who put into motion what President Reagan had begun, the final fall of the Iron Curtain,..and a new dawn of Freedom for Western Europe. Then came the elder statesman for the Reepublican Machine, ..and , ultimately, Advisor in Chief, the 45th President of the United States,..Grorge W. Bush.
Yes, George H.W. Bush wad indeed, all things in his day,..a warrior,..a risk taker,..a natural leader,..who never lost sight of the most important aspect of his life,....
Service to his fellow man,..
Service to his country,..that he loved with every fiber of his being,..
He was an easy going, unassuming man as well, despite all his accomplishments and family pedigree, ..and a man of humor as well,..whose love of a good joke,..or even a bad one,..never left him ,..even in his last hours.
And the love for this man? Incredibly bi- partisan, with both Republicans and Democrats alike praising him, as truly one of the greatest American figures of the 20th Century, and a good, likeable man as well. Yes,..even the Democrats loved him,..once he was defeated for re-election,..and no longer a threat to them that is. And as President, his accomplishments in the swift and effective Kuwait War, and Foreign Policy in general,..remain impressive,..even by today's standards, and in many ways,..unsurpassed as well.
Bush 41 orchestrated the bloodless fall of the Soviet Union, and a nearly casualty free , and supremely effective strike against the forces of Saddam Hussein , and opened new avenues of trade cooperation , with China and Saudi Arabia as well.
Yet, great as he was, ..loved as he is,..he failed to win a second term as President,..despite being the 2nd in Command of obe of the most popular Presidents in modern history,.. Ronald Reagan,..for eight years.
What was the fatal flaw that ended his Presidency after one term, leaving George H.W.Bush with the unenviable Legacy, of being the most popular one term President in History?
Actually, old 41' had the answer to this riddle himself, least partially. He once told Fox News pundit Chris Wallace , that he wished he had the charisma, and communication skills of his former boss , Ronald Reagan. H.W. felt that it was his inability to articulate the Conservative Republican message, to the people directly, that would, in the end,..prove to be his downfall.
In this, Bush was correct,..partially. But there was another fatal flaw that contributed as well, one that actually was the weakness of not just H.W.,..but every Republican Party representative , past or present. An unwillingness, see the Democrats for what they truly were,..and an unwillingness to treat them as the enemies of America , that they have always been. Bush senior always sought to work with the Democrats, always sought bipartisan solutions . So too did Reagan as well,..
What did it gain them?
Both men, as President, agreed to raise taxes , in exchange for a Democrat deal to cut government spending, and reduce the deficit at the same time. Both times it was a Democrat lie ,just put forth to gain the one thing Democrats can always be counted on to pursue relentlessly,...
Ever increasing taxes , ever increasing regulations,..and an ever weakening military as well,.. Both Reagan and Bush Sr,s Presidencies were marred by Democrat control in the House of Representatives .Reagan, however,..did have control of the Senate, and did eventually use this to push through the tax and regulation cuts that would create the economic boom that defined his Presidency. But, Bush Sr.suffered from Democrat control of both the House and Senate duribg his four years as Commander in Chief. This left him with little choice ,but to break his campaign promise of "no new taxes", order to obtain the funding needed to fight the War in Kuwait.
The war was sucessful,.and quick, with Saddam Hussein ultimately driven from the Kurdish regions ,.but the broken promise on taxes sealed H.W.'s fate in the coming election.
His son, George W. Bush, would fare better and win re-election , for one simple reason,..
From 2001,.to 2006,...President George W. Bush had a House and Senate that was controlled by Republican Super Majorities,..
This enabled him to create the greatest period of economic growth in American History , least until the coming Trumpian Age of Miracles that is. Even the Border Wall was being built,..finally,....going up as swiftly as the sails of a Pirate Vessel. The war on terror was working ,..with no terror attacks on American soil sibce 911,..and Sadam Husseins regime,. completely destroyed.
But then came 2007,..with the Democrats taking back control of both the House and Senate.
The result?
The economy spiraling downward, ..a new recession,..and the work on the border wall,..and the war on terror, stalled in !imbo,..indefinitely,.. Bush popularity polls at an all time low,..and ultimately ,.....the election of Barack Obama as President,..a President now armed with a Democrat controlled House and Senate , which resulted in two years of Democrat destruction ,.. including the tax scam pestilence known only as Obamacare.
The lesson of the Reagan-Bush Dynasty is clear,...
As great as they al were, strong as the Republican formed economies and military were,..all was eventually forgotten ,..and the Nation reverted back,..every time, destructive Democrat rule,...
Because they all refused to fight back,..and all sought to work with Democrats, instead of defeating them. Even Reagan , as great as a communicator as he was,....failed to see the folly, of working with Democrat House Speaker, Tip O'Neill,..on a raise taxes and cut spending deal,..
All failed to reinforce , irrefutable reality,..failed to ram home to We the People, inescapable fact,..
For the Nation to suceed,.
The Republican Party must suceed,...
It must control the House,..the Senate,..the Presidency,..and the Judiciary ,as well,..and preferrably by Super Majorities , that make all Democrat obstruction,.. virtually impossible.
Reagan,.Bush Sr.,..and Bush Jr., great as they all were,..
Failed to articulate this,..and often failed to even fight back, against the destructive Democrat Agenda.
All chose to rise above Democrat attacks , and play the statesmen,..
All failed to fight back effectively, against the real enemy,....
The Democrat Party.
All are considered Republican Party Statesmen, dignified,..reserved,..all carried themselves the way you would think a President should.
But all failed to stop the Democrat Machine from implementing its most destructive legislation,..Obamacare,..
All failed to stop them from weakening the military,..
All failed to stop the assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights,..
All failed to stop the erosion of our constitution,..
Because,..all failed to articulate the one, most important ,..most vital ingredient,..that must be there,..if America is to move forward,..and ultimately become that Shining City on a Hill,..that Reagan envisioned,...
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,...
In every single election,..on a State and Federal level,..
Without this,..grest though they all may be,..all they created, will, in the end, forgotten.
All are indeed good men,..skilled men,..great leaders,..but , the end,..all lacked that edge, that will to win, all costs,..that fighters instinct, beat the enemy ,and to win, matter what the odds, matter,..what the sacrifice,..
To win,..because,.in the end,.victory over the enemies of this noble experiment,..this Free Republic,..
Is all that matters,..if the Nation, and the world, to endure.
The Democrat Party is the enemy of America , and, as great as the Reagan -Bush Legacies are,..
None of them, recognized that fact.
Good men? Yes. But in war, in takes more than good men, win.
Sometimes it takes a Son of a Bitch, get the job done, and by all the gods,..President Trump is that Son of a Bitch, and a good man as well,..who, Reagan and Bush,..believes in Republican principles, with every fiber of his being,..and he also knows, that there is no more time for legacies , within legacies,..
Now,..there is only the mission,..
To Win,..always,..
To Win,..every battle,..
To Win,..every time,..
For, in the end,...Republican Victory is all there is,..the only Legacy that truly matters,..
To a World, on the edge if the abyss,..
And, by the Bristling Beard of Zeus, none may conquer Trump,..for he is power personified,..strength unequalled,..for his strength is the strength of his Republican Legions,..against which,..
No mortal Democrat can endure,..
Monday, November 26, 2018
"A Battle Won,..A War Begun!!"
The 2018 Midterms are now part of history,..and,.as predicted, the Republican Red Wave, became a Red Death indeed, that moved upon the Democrat Machine, and reduced its dreams of a Blue Wave,..of Supreme Democrat Power restored, dust. The Republicans not only held the Senate, but gained three,..perhaps four seats as well, and cemented the conservative element there that had been lacking in the past, due to RINO Senators such as Flake,..Collins,..McCain,..and Murkowski,..
Only three other times in American Midterm History, and not for a hundred years,..has the Party in power gained seats in the Senate, let alone picking up governorships, and State level legislstive seats as well,..all across the country. But, true to form, te Congress has been lost to the opposing Party, at a time when Republican control at all levels, is critical to maintaining and advancing the President's MAGA vision for the future.
True, the Democrats have gained control of the House by the slimmest of margins, and the retirement of 45 Republican Congressman had much to do with the narrow Democrat Victory,..but, nevertheless,..Democrats ,starting in January, now control the People's House, and with it, the purse strings of government spending as well. This does not bode well for an American people who are already prospering under the President's massive tax and regulation cuts, and it certainly does not bode well for aspects of the President's Republican Agenda that still as yet, remain unfulfilled.
But, the Republicans do still control the Senate , and this time with a solid, conservative base that stands 1000 per cent behind the President's agenda, and will, no doubt, check and countercheck every Democrat attempt to reverse and destroy all the Republicans hath wrought,..lo these many months. In fact, that will emerge as the main Republican goal for the next two years,..while, at the same time,..always looking for the opportunity, appoint at least two more conservative Judges, to the Supreme Court. Aye,..protect what the President has accomplished,..and prevent the Democrats from advancing any of their planned destruction.
The Mueller Probe will go on now indefinitely, increasing in intensity despite any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. No matter. They will search for anything they can use, to bring down this President, and end the Republican grip on power in Washington. There will be no bipartisan legisation, ..none whatsoever. Obstruction and Impeachment are the Democrat agenda, nothing more,..and to believe otherwise is to live in an alternate universe,..not based on reality.
And, an even more sinister Democrat strategem has emerged in the Midterm struggle as well, seen before, elections past, but one that will be used as the main Democrat weapon from this moment forward. A weapon , that must now be used by the Democrats as a nuclear option , save themselves , from political oblivion.
The Democrats now know, despite barely gaining control of the House, that their Party no longer has the voting base to win elections consistently, either on a State or Federal level. Too much of their true nature has been exposed now, by this savage, relentless, demon of a President.
So, to win,..the Democrats now know they must cheat.
They must reject the concept of a free and fair democratic election, and simply find a way to seize power , by hook , or by crook. Not surprising, really. All National Socialist based political parties eventually realize that free born humans will not willingly elect the iron boot of subjugation , the Democrats must now accelerate the deceptions they have perpetrated in the past,..and find a way to win that exposes fully, their contempt for the American voter, a contempt seen at other times,..down through History,..a contempt that all would be tyrants display toward their fellow humans, that they deem inferior,..mere sheep to be fleeced, ..endlessly,..all in the name of power and control,..the twin gods that all socialists ,..all communists,..worship,..including the Democrat Party.
The Broward County Florida attempts to steal the Presidency from George W. Bush in 2001,..and more recently,..a Senate seat from Rick Scott,..and a Governirship from Ron DeSantis,..are just the beginning,..
With the President on the ballot again in 2020,..the Democrats know that truck loads of fraudulent Democrat ballots, that mysteriously appear in Broward County during an election count,..will not be enough in 2020 to stop this President and his fiercely loyal Republican Legions . The Red Death will come again ,.. and this time will finish the Democrats completely,..
Unless the unexpected intervenes, the form of massive, voter fraud, that affects every voting poll,..everywhere,..illegal invader votes,..phantom votes, matter. All must be found,..manufactured,..and counted, 2020, if the Democrats are to win.
This, however, will not happen.
The President will win reelection ,..handily.
The House will be regained by the Republicans, and both Houses will be held by Republucan Super Majorities,..
For one, simple reason,..
The President and his Party now know the secret to beating the Democrats ,..easily,..and consistently.
Fight Back, hard, ..relentlessly,....savagely,..against any and all Democrat attacks, all levels of government.
Fight Back,..and vote straight Republican ticket, every single election,..
Fight Back,..and protect the tax and regulation cuts,..
Protect the 2nd Amendment right, to keep and bear arms,..
Protect our strengthened Military,..
Protect, and Seak our borders , from any and all illegal invaders who will, if left unchecked , become the future voting base, of the Democrat Party.
Fight for the MAGA Agenda, and for a President who has shown the Republicans the way to win,..and its simple,..
Destroy the Democrat Party,..
Before it destroys you,..
For,..the Midterm battle may be won,..
But the war,..has just begun,..
Only three other times in American Midterm History, and not for a hundred years,..has the Party in power gained seats in the Senate, let alone picking up governorships, and State level legislstive seats as well,..all across the country. But, true to form, te Congress has been lost to the opposing Party, at a time when Republican control at all levels, is critical to maintaining and advancing the President's MAGA vision for the future.
True, the Democrats have gained control of the House by the slimmest of margins, and the retirement of 45 Republican Congressman had much to do with the narrow Democrat Victory,..but, nevertheless,..Democrats ,starting in January, now control the People's House, and with it, the purse strings of government spending as well. This does not bode well for an American people who are already prospering under the President's massive tax and regulation cuts, and it certainly does not bode well for aspects of the President's Republican Agenda that still as yet, remain unfulfilled.
But, the Republicans do still control the Senate , and this time with a solid, conservative base that stands 1000 per cent behind the President's agenda, and will, no doubt, check and countercheck every Democrat attempt to reverse and destroy all the Republicans hath wrought,..lo these many months. In fact, that will emerge as the main Republican goal for the next two years,..while, at the same time,..always looking for the opportunity, appoint at least two more conservative Judges, to the Supreme Court. Aye,..protect what the President has accomplished,..and prevent the Democrats from advancing any of their planned destruction.
The Mueller Probe will go on now indefinitely, increasing in intensity despite any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. No matter. They will search for anything they can use, to bring down this President, and end the Republican grip on power in Washington. There will be no bipartisan legisation, ..none whatsoever. Obstruction and Impeachment are the Democrat agenda, nothing more,..and to believe otherwise is to live in an alternate universe,..not based on reality.
And, an even more sinister Democrat strategem has emerged in the Midterm struggle as well, seen before, elections past, but one that will be used as the main Democrat weapon from this moment forward. A weapon , that must now be used by the Democrats as a nuclear option , save themselves , from political oblivion.
The Democrats now know, despite barely gaining control of the House, that their Party no longer has the voting base to win elections consistently, either on a State or Federal level. Too much of their true nature has been exposed now, by this savage, relentless, demon of a President.
So, to win,..the Democrats now know they must cheat.
They must reject the concept of a free and fair democratic election, and simply find a way to seize power , by hook , or by crook. Not surprising, really. All National Socialist based political parties eventually realize that free born humans will not willingly elect the iron boot of subjugation , the Democrats must now accelerate the deceptions they have perpetrated in the past,..and find a way to win that exposes fully, their contempt for the American voter, a contempt seen at other times,..down through History,..a contempt that all would be tyrants display toward their fellow humans, that they deem inferior,..mere sheep to be fleeced, ..endlessly,..all in the name of power and control,..the twin gods that all socialists ,..all communists,..worship,..including the Democrat Party.
The Broward County Florida attempts to steal the Presidency from George W. Bush in 2001,..and more recently,..a Senate seat from Rick Scott,..and a Governirship from Ron DeSantis,..are just the beginning,..
With the President on the ballot again in 2020,..the Democrats know that truck loads of fraudulent Democrat ballots, that mysteriously appear in Broward County during an election count,..will not be enough in 2020 to stop this President and his fiercely loyal Republican Legions . The Red Death will come again ,.. and this time will finish the Democrats completely,..
Unless the unexpected intervenes, the form of massive, voter fraud, that affects every voting poll,..everywhere,..illegal invader votes,..phantom votes, matter. All must be found,..manufactured,..and counted, 2020, if the Democrats are to win.
This, however, will not happen.
The President will win reelection ,..handily.
The House will be regained by the Republicans, and both Houses will be held by Republucan Super Majorities,..
For one, simple reason,..
The President and his Party now know the secret to beating the Democrats ,..easily,..and consistently.
Fight Back, hard, ..relentlessly,....savagely,..against any and all Democrat attacks, all levels of government.
Fight Back,..and vote straight Republican ticket, every single election,..
Fight Back,..and protect the tax and regulation cuts,..
Protect the 2nd Amendment right, to keep and bear arms,..
Protect our strengthened Military,..
Protect, and Seak our borders , from any and all illegal invaders who will, if left unchecked , become the future voting base, of the Democrat Party.
Fight for the MAGA Agenda, and for a President who has shown the Republicans the way to win,..and its simple,..
Destroy the Democrat Party,..
Before it destroys you,..
For,..the Midterm battle may be won,..
But the war,..has just begun,..
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
"Curse Of The Cobra!!"
President Trump truly is, a conservative force of nature beyond compare, without equal, ..and his first two years of solid, record breaking accomplishments , at home and abroad, confirm this beyond a shadow of a doubt. However, even this President is me rely mortal, and as such, subject to the basic laws of political reality, just like all his predecessors. Yes, winning is indeed second nature to him, and from the moment he took the oath of office , the MAGA agenda was moving forward at almost warp speed. But again,..he is still subject to the basic laws of political science, and for this President, or any Republican President to suceed,..he must have , at the very least, a Congressional House and Senate, that are controlled by Republican majorities, if not Super-Majorities.
It is crucial, for any Republican President to have this, if he wishes to pursue the basic conservative agenda that is the goal of every Republican Representative. Tax and regulation cuts, a strong military and defense, and 2nd Amendment rights,..are the bare essentials , the fundamental basics, that all Republicans live and die by, for this political trilogy is the Republican framework, that must be there, in legislation and finally, law,..if the nation is to continue to move forward. Only Republicans cut taxes and r egulations,..period.Only Republicans support our military,..period. Only Republicans protect and defend our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..the one right, ..that makes all others possible, a Free Republic.
Therefore, Republicans must maintain their hold on government power on a Federal and State level, ..or the MAGA Agenda and basic Republican agenda as well,..are all for naught. And the President,..great though he may be,..knows this all too well.
To this end, with the November Midterms, upon us,..the President has made his priority clear, he has , once again, increased the level of Trumpian pressure to an almost infinite level,...criscrossing the country with rally after rally,..sometimes two or three in a single day,..and transforming his merely frequent tweets,..into a constant stream of consciousness flow of Savage Republican attack, unleashed upon the now nearly defenseless Democrats. Aye defenseless,..and now even more vulnerable than ever,..with two Kavanaugh accusers now admitting their rape accusstions were mere phantoms, ..shadow with no substance,..Democrat manufactured mirages,..that have now vanished, in the coming dawn of cold, hard reality,..and truth.
Aye,..the Democrats are on the ropes, their prediction of a Blue Wave , pure wishful fantasy, designed to discourage Republican turnout at the Midterm Polls,....
But,..that will not happen,.. and the Republicans will hold both the House and Senate,..with Super Majorities gained in both as well,..thanks to Trump's relentless rally blitzkrieg that continued,..right up to the zero hour,..of election day.
The Democrats are now fully exposed for what they truly are,..what they have always been,..
And their rage ,..violence,..and madness?
The natural response to one, simple thing,..
They now know,..that their loss at the zero hour,..will be a massive one again,..
And they know one more thing as well,..
They now know,..they cannot win again, any election,..
For they now face a Republican Demon who has no fear,..and plunges into the fray of political battle ,..just for the sheer joy of it,..and,..for one more reason as well,..
He wants to win,..all the time.
He insists on winning,..every,..single,..battle,..and does indeed.
Trump and his Republican Legions now know , this Zero Hour of Midterm battle,..
There can be no turning back,..
To save the Republic,..
The Democrat Party must be destroyed,..permanently.
For if not,.. the Democrat Machine will not stop,..will not relent,..until they gain their revenge on Trump,.. the Republican Legions ,..and America itself,..
By destroying all.
In the last days of World War II,..President Truman , after much deliberation,..came to a final, grim conclusion,..
The Evil Empire of Japan,..would not surrender ,..ever. Even with their Axis power allies now crushed by Allied Forces,..Japan would fight to the last man, and would never relent,..never surrender,..never admit defeat. Therefore,..Japan must be utterly convinced that the American President is the Hand of God on Earth,..with the power to reach into the heart of the atom itself,..and unleash a thunderous holocaust of fire, lightning,..and scorched earth armageddon, the twin cities of Hiroshima,..and Nagasaki,..
The result?
The complete and unconditional surrender of Emperor Hirohito, the Allied Forces ,..
The Second World War was over,..and thousands of American and Allied lives,..were saved from a prolonged battle with the Kamakazi motivated Japanese Forces.
And the greater, longterm result?
The once evil empire of Japan , determined to destroy America, now one of our strongest allies in the fight against terror,..and a growing,..prospering, free market Republic as well,..
All it took was their complete destruction,..To save them,..from themselves,..
So too,..for the Democrats now,..
And Trump and his Republican Legions are now poised to unleash the Red Death, a scant few hours,..and bring forth the same cleansing doom,..that may one day,..bring forth rebirth,..a Democrat Party ,..perhaps, longer standing in the shadow of evil.
Republucan Victory in the Midterms seems almost assured indeed,..with the President's ever massive rally turnout, across the nation,..the cold, hard evidence of the brutal rout ,..the merciless beating,..that the Democrat Party is about to experience,..
Yet again.
And,.in the minds of Democrats, there seems to be little hope now,..despite rigged Democrat polls skewed to discourage and demoralize Republicans who ,..smelling Democrat blood,..are now poised to move in for the final kill,..
The final,..Democrat,..kill,..
Aye,..little hope indeed,..
And Trump the Sorcerer Supreme,.on Halloween Eve,..with malevolent demons and spirits seemingly at his beck and call,..provided the final psychological killing stroke, the form of a hastily conjured spell of sorts,..aimed at the gathered Rose Garden Press,..
They were assembled , cover the President and First Lady , greeting young Trick or Treaters,..garbed in full hobgoblin masquerade,..
Aye,..greeting them,..
And using them as well, props in a new, ritualistic shadowplay,..a conjuror's counterspell,..cast to break , once and for all,..the soul,..the very spirit,..and essence,..of all things Democrat,..and return them to the dark abyss,..of political purgatory,..
The President,..spotting one little girl in witches garb,..quickly asked to borrow the strange staff she carried with her. Without missing a beat,.the President gripped her plastic prop,..and, with arms extended, turned toward the puzzled press corps,..stared intently ,..and with the strange septre aimed directly at them,..
The President mouthed something unintelligible,..under his breath,..perhaps a conjuror's curse,..
Perhaps nothing at all,..
But when asked by Fox News host, Laura Ingraham about the incident,..and the witches staff he borrowed,..
The President merely smiled, ..enigmatically,..and said,.. "It was a Cobra",...and then said,..
Nothing more,...
No surprise,..for a sorcerers spell is not for the ears of mere mortals,..and this Cobra wielding conjuror may have ,..with this All Hallows Eve gesture,..
Cast the final spell,..
The Cobra's Curse,..
Upon the Doomed Democrat Party,..
It is crucial, for any Republican President to have this, if he wishes to pursue the basic conservative agenda that is the goal of every Republican Representative. Tax and regulation cuts, a strong military and defense, and 2nd Amendment rights,..are the bare essentials , the fundamental basics, that all Republicans live and die by, for this political trilogy is the Republican framework, that must be there, in legislation and finally, law,..if the nation is to continue to move forward. Only Republicans cut taxes and r egulations,..period.Only Republicans support our military,..period. Only Republicans protect and defend our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..the one right, ..that makes all others possible, a Free Republic.
Therefore, Republicans must maintain their hold on government power on a Federal and State level, ..or the MAGA Agenda and basic Republican agenda as well,..are all for naught. And the President,..great though he may be,..knows this all too well.
To this end, with the November Midterms, upon us,..the President has made his priority clear, he has , once again, increased the level of Trumpian pressure to an almost infinite level,...criscrossing the country with rally after rally,..sometimes two or three in a single day,..and transforming his merely frequent tweets,..into a constant stream of consciousness flow of Savage Republican attack, unleashed upon the now nearly defenseless Democrats. Aye defenseless,..and now even more vulnerable than ever,..with two Kavanaugh accusers now admitting their rape accusstions were mere phantoms, ..shadow with no substance,..Democrat manufactured mirages,..that have now vanished, in the coming dawn of cold, hard reality,..and truth.
Aye,..the Democrats are on the ropes, their prediction of a Blue Wave , pure wishful fantasy, designed to discourage Republican turnout at the Midterm Polls,....
But,..that will not happen,.. and the Republicans will hold both the House and Senate,..with Super Majorities gained in both as well,..thanks to Trump's relentless rally blitzkrieg that continued,..right up to the zero hour,..of election day.
The Democrats are now fully exposed for what they truly are,..what they have always been,..
And their rage ,..violence,..and madness?
The natural response to one, simple thing,..
They now know,..that their loss at the zero hour,..will be a massive one again,..
And they know one more thing as well,..
They now know,..they cannot win again, any election,..
For they now face a Republican Demon who has no fear,..and plunges into the fray of political battle ,..just for the sheer joy of it,..and,..for one more reason as well,..
He wants to win,..all the time.
He insists on winning,..every,..single,..battle,..and does indeed.
Trump and his Republican Legions now know , this Zero Hour of Midterm battle,..
There can be no turning back,..
To save the Republic,..
The Democrat Party must be destroyed,..permanently.
For if not,.. the Democrat Machine will not stop,..will not relent,..until they gain their revenge on Trump,.. the Republican Legions ,..and America itself,..
By destroying all.
In the last days of World War II,..President Truman , after much deliberation,..came to a final, grim conclusion,..
The Evil Empire of Japan,..would not surrender ,..ever. Even with their Axis power allies now crushed by Allied Forces,..Japan would fight to the last man, and would never relent,..never surrender,..never admit defeat. Therefore,..Japan must be utterly convinced that the American President is the Hand of God on Earth,..with the power to reach into the heart of the atom itself,..and unleash a thunderous holocaust of fire, lightning,..and scorched earth armageddon, the twin cities of Hiroshima,..and Nagasaki,..
The result?
The complete and unconditional surrender of Emperor Hirohito, the Allied Forces ,..
The Second World War was over,..and thousands of American and Allied lives,..were saved from a prolonged battle with the Kamakazi motivated Japanese Forces.
And the greater, longterm result?
The once evil empire of Japan , determined to destroy America, now one of our strongest allies in the fight against terror,..and a growing,..prospering, free market Republic as well,..
All it took was their complete destruction,..To save them,..from themselves,..
So too,..for the Democrats now,..
And Trump and his Republican Legions are now poised to unleash the Red Death, a scant few hours,..and bring forth the same cleansing doom,..that may one day,..bring forth rebirth,..a Democrat Party ,..perhaps, longer standing in the shadow of evil.
Republucan Victory in the Midterms seems almost assured indeed,..with the President's ever massive rally turnout, across the nation,..the cold, hard evidence of the brutal rout ,..the merciless beating,..that the Democrat Party is about to experience,..
Yet again.
And,.in the minds of Democrats, there seems to be little hope now,..despite rigged Democrat polls skewed to discourage and demoralize Republicans who ,..smelling Democrat blood,..are now poised to move in for the final kill,..
The final,..Democrat,..kill,..
Aye,..little hope indeed,..
And Trump the Sorcerer Supreme,.on Halloween Eve,..with malevolent demons and spirits seemingly at his beck and call,..provided the final psychological killing stroke, the form of a hastily conjured spell of sorts,..aimed at the gathered Rose Garden Press,..
They were assembled , cover the President and First Lady , greeting young Trick or Treaters,..garbed in full hobgoblin masquerade,..
Aye,..greeting them,..
And using them as well, props in a new, ritualistic shadowplay,..a conjuror's counterspell,..cast to break , once and for all,..the soul,..the very spirit,..and essence,..of all things Democrat,..and return them to the dark abyss,..of political purgatory,..
The President,..spotting one little girl in witches garb,..quickly asked to borrow the strange staff she carried with her. Without missing a beat,.the President gripped her plastic prop,..and, with arms extended, turned toward the puzzled press corps,..stared intently ,..and with the strange septre aimed directly at them,..
The President mouthed something unintelligible,..under his breath,..perhaps a conjuror's curse,..
Perhaps nothing at all,..
But when asked by Fox News host, Laura Ingraham about the incident,..and the witches staff he borrowed,..
The President merely smiled, ..enigmatically,..and said,.. "It was a Cobra",...and then said,..
Nothing more,...
No surprise,..for a sorcerers spell is not for the ears of mere mortals,..and this Cobra wielding conjuror may have ,..with this All Hallows Eve gesture,..
Cast the final spell,..
The Cobra's Curse,..
Upon the Doomed Democrat Party,..
Sunday, October 28, 2018
"A Weapon Called,..West!!"
As vast and varied as the President's accomplishments may be, there does remain one flaw, one potential impediment that might , in the near future, derail his MAGA agenda, and render his achievements thus far, as all for naught. Lack of Republican unity , lack of an iron clad bond between Commander in Chief, and his Republican Legions whose sole task should always be to make Trumpian Mission,..and Trumpian accomplishment, and the same entity.
Certainly, the vast majority of Republican Congressman and Senators do indeed promote and enact the Presidents agenda. In truth, if they did not, much of the Presidents accomplishments thus far, would still remain unfulfilled promise ,..just another example of vain, political boasting by an arrogant , upstart outsider to the Washington machine.
But this grim scenario did not come to pass, for one simple reason;...The Republicans control the House and Senate , by just enough numbers, to pass whatever legislation this sorceror of a President might conjure up in his witches cauldron of Trumpian Truth. Just barely enough, to take anything Republican Forces could envision, and make it legislative reality.
Is not enough.
Not enough to secure past Trumpuan accomplishments,..
Not enough to insure a Trumpian future,..
Not enough to stop the endless Democrat blocking and filibustering of any Republican based legislation ,..
Not enough numbers to render the unreliable
Votes of Republican Senate double agents Flake, Corker, Murkowski, or Collins,..inconsequential, and obsolete.
The ultimate solution to this lingering problem is, of course, a landslide Republican Victory in the November Midterms, which would not only let Republicans keep control of both Houses,..but also give them the Super Majorities,..that would render the Demo nocrat Party powerless, and make Republican will supreme.
To achieve this, however, there must be that spark, that moment in time,..that one event , that would awaken the sleeping giant of Republican Majority, and have them turn out at the polls in overwhelming numbers,..and simply vote the Democrat Party out of existence.
But, what could be that spark?
What could awaken the wrath , the rage,..the passion needed, ..for the Republican Army to crush the Democrat pestilence once and for all?
Nothing less than the vast and varied array of weapons that Trump has at his disposal ,..his Master's Assortment of Sorceror Spells that would indeed secure and insure the Red Wave ,long weeks before it's coming.
First, there is the Trumpian Double Bladed Weapon of Tweet and Rally,..which the President has indeed , in recent weeks, doubled down on, with an endless barrage of primal scream tweets, attacking all things Democrat, ..and praising all things Republican. Indeed, the Presidents recurring theme now, is quite simple, and repeated by Trump, over and over on both Twitter feed and at his capacity crowd rallies, as well,..
The message?
If the MAGA Agenda and MAGA accomplishments are to endure, the Republican voter must turn out this November en masse,..and vote for every single Republican running for any office,..Create the Red Wave ,..and make it the Red Death,..that shall move amongst the Democrat revelers , and reduce them , to the political dust from whence they came.
The endless rallies and tweets are indeed working, the Republican Legions are assembling,..and are now ready for battle in November,..a battle that must be won by Repubican forces, if America is to endure.
Then came the next weapon, the form of Brett Kavanaugh , .a Judge hand picked by the President, to become the second Trump appointed Conservative Supreme Court Justice,..and he was eventually, Neil Gorsuch,..confirmed...despite a myriad of Democrat deceptions and false accusations leveled against him. Kavanugh was accused of an attempted rape, that supposedly took place 35 years ago,..when he was a mere high school student. The Democrats ruthless attacks on this man, accusations without a shread of evidence , attempt to destroy a man,..simply because he threatened the power base of the Democrat Machine .
The Republican outrage at this despicable farce, ..was unanimous ,..and unifying as well. Senator Lindsay Graham pounded his fist, and threatened the Democrats,..Senator Susan Collins gave an awe inspiring speech in support of Kavanaugh,..Senate Majority Leader . Mitch McConnell refused to budge ,..Kavanaugh refused to quit or withdraw,...George W. Bush and Mitt Romney came forward in defense of Kavanaugh,...
Even the weak Jeff Flake and Democrat Senator Joe Manchin,..would finally relent, under relentless Trumpian Republican pressure,..and vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
The end result? Brett Kavanaugh is now the second Conservative Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump,..and confirmed by his Republican Senate,..and the Republican Party is now United in Rage,..against the Democrat Machine,..and it's evil aboninations,..and the Republican voter, fully awakened , and ready to vote the Democrats into oblivion this November 6th.
The Red Wave was always inevitable,..thanks to Trumpian accomplishments,..regarding the economy and military, but now,..with all Republicans United against the Democrats, at all levels of government,....well,...
There would soon be little else a rising Republican Party could ask for,....
Save, thing,..
The one thing that has mysteriously eluded the Republicans, despite the fact that they are the Party that ended slavery, and created the Civil Rights Act.
That one thing, the African American vote.
For decades, the Democrat Party ,..the Party of the Klan,..the Party that went to war against its own country, keep slavery,..the Party that refused to sign the Declaration of Independence unless Thomas Jefferson first removed the abolishment of slavery from its text,..this Party has had the bulk of the African American vote.
Truly a riddle , wrapped inside a riddle,..wrapped inside an enigma,..wrapped inside a paradox.
No matter.
The temptation of Democrat handouts has always been at the root of this ,..and free money can tempt the most virtuous of free born men. But man cannot survive that way. He must struggle, sweat,..and strive,..on his own merit,..and make his own way, a creature created to live free,..or not at all.
Take this away,..and make a man a sedentary puppet of a political party,..and he cannot survive,..mentally, or physically.
The proof of this?
Democrat controlled States that have, for decades , created a welfare way of life,..funded by hard-working Americans, have an but collapsed economically,..and become earthbound, hellish pits of doom ,..disease,..and despair.
Yet, the African American voters continued to vote Democrat, despite the irrefutable evidence in Democrat controlled state after Democrat controlled state,..all across the country.
Until the coming of Trump, that is.
For Trump supplied that one missing ingredient that other past Republicans lacked,...the ability to articulate the Conservative Republican Agenda, the American voter, a down to earth,..brutal, savage way,.. that resonated and stuck in the consciousness of those who previously would not listen.
Aye,..the Trump message , repeated over and over at endless rallies , endless tweets,.is the weaponry that has worked.
That,..and the hardcore evidence of success as well,..
The American economy is at an all time high,..and African American unemployment is at an all time low.
So Be It.
Truth, is a hard thing to deny, especially when it's a Trumpian Truth,..that bludgeons your consciousness , ..repeatedly,..endlessly,...
Like a War-Gods Hammer Strike.
Aye, ..the November Midterms seem a fait accompli for Republicans indeed,..
Except for that one final weapon,..
Aye,...One final weapon, be added to the Presidents already formidable arsenal. One more weapon, that would not only insure Republican Victory,..but would also strip the Democrats of the last remnant of hope ,..strip them of their assured voting base,..strip them of their last hold on sanity itself,..and leave them helpless,..defenseless,..before the coming November Red Death,..
Aye, final weapon , that finally struck, a ninja blade, the heart of the Oval Office itself,..
A Weapon that was like a primal scream of Conservative Truth,..
A scream,..a rant,..a stream of consciousness attack,..that was balanced perfectly,..and precariously,..between madness,..and MAGA Truth.
A Warcry,..that went on for well over an hour,..before the laser focused President,..and a stunned Liberal Press,..and
A Warcry,... of Trumpian Truth,...that would finally supply the last missing ingredient to the coming November Red Death,...
A Weapon , whose savage stream of consciousness , conservative musings , and unwavering allegiance to our Commander in Chief,..shocked and stunned both friend and for alike,..
A Weapon,..that now, a surgeons strike, a flashing blade,..has taken away the one thing the Democrats must have,..
Simply to survive as a Party.
The African American vote now belongs to Trump and his Republican Legions,..thanks to this singular weapon ,..and longtime ally and friend,..
A Weapon that recognized one undeniable truth, long ago, the future President decended the escalator,..of Trump Tower,..and
And found ,..his destiny.
That Truth?
Winning,.. is the Game that Trump plays best,..
And, he's got a new weapon,..
A Weapon,..Called West!!
Certainly, the vast majority of Republican Congressman and Senators do indeed promote and enact the Presidents agenda. In truth, if they did not, much of the Presidents accomplishments thus far, would still remain unfulfilled promise ,..just another example of vain, political boasting by an arrogant , upstart outsider to the Washington machine.
But this grim scenario did not come to pass, for one simple reason;...The Republicans control the House and Senate , by just enough numbers, to pass whatever legislation this sorceror of a President might conjure up in his witches cauldron of Trumpian Truth. Just barely enough, to take anything Republican Forces could envision, and make it legislative reality.
Is not enough.
Not enough to secure past Trumpuan accomplishments,..
Not enough to insure a Trumpian future,..
Not enough to stop the endless Democrat blocking and filibustering of any Republican based legislation ,..
Not enough numbers to render the unreliable
Votes of Republican Senate double agents Flake, Corker, Murkowski, or Collins,..inconsequential, and obsolete.
The ultimate solution to this lingering problem is, of course, a landslide Republican Victory in the November Midterms, which would not only let Republicans keep control of both Houses,..but also give them the Super Majorities,..that would render the Demo nocrat Party powerless, and make Republican will supreme.
To achieve this, however, there must be that spark, that moment in time,..that one event , that would awaken the sleeping giant of Republican Majority, and have them turn out at the polls in overwhelming numbers,..and simply vote the Democrat Party out of existence.
But, what could be that spark?
What could awaken the wrath , the rage,..the passion needed, ..for the Republican Army to crush the Democrat pestilence once and for all?
Nothing less than the vast and varied array of weapons that Trump has at his disposal ,..his Master's Assortment of Sorceror Spells that would indeed secure and insure the Red Wave ,long weeks before it's coming.
First, there is the Trumpian Double Bladed Weapon of Tweet and Rally,..which the President has indeed , in recent weeks, doubled down on, with an endless barrage of primal scream tweets, attacking all things Democrat, ..and praising all things Republican. Indeed, the Presidents recurring theme now, is quite simple, and repeated by Trump, over and over on both Twitter feed and at his capacity crowd rallies, as well,..
The message?
If the MAGA Agenda and MAGA accomplishments are to endure, the Republican voter must turn out this November en masse,..and vote for every single Republican running for any office,..Create the Red Wave ,..and make it the Red Death,..that shall move amongst the Democrat revelers , and reduce them , to the political dust from whence they came.
The endless rallies and tweets are indeed working, the Republican Legions are assembling,..and are now ready for battle in November,..a battle that must be won by Repubican forces, if America is to endure.
Then came the next weapon, the form of Brett Kavanaugh , .a Judge hand picked by the President, to become the second Trump appointed Conservative Supreme Court Justice,..and he was eventually, Neil Gorsuch,..confirmed...despite a myriad of Democrat deceptions and false accusations leveled against him. Kavanugh was accused of an attempted rape, that supposedly took place 35 years ago,..when he was a mere high school student. The Democrats ruthless attacks on this man, accusations without a shread of evidence , attempt to destroy a man,..simply because he threatened the power base of the Democrat Machine .
The Republican outrage at this despicable farce, ..was unanimous ,..and unifying as well. Senator Lindsay Graham pounded his fist, and threatened the Democrats,..Senator Susan Collins gave an awe inspiring speech in support of Kavanaugh,..Senate Majority Leader . Mitch McConnell refused to budge ,..Kavanaugh refused to quit or withdraw,...George W. Bush and Mitt Romney came forward in defense of Kavanaugh,...
Even the weak Jeff Flake and Democrat Senator Joe Manchin,..would finally relent, under relentless Trumpian Republican pressure,..and vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
The end result? Brett Kavanaugh is now the second Conservative Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump,..and confirmed by his Republican Senate,..and the Republican Party is now United in Rage,..against the Democrat Machine,..and it's evil aboninations,..and the Republican voter, fully awakened , and ready to vote the Democrats into oblivion this November 6th.
The Red Wave was always inevitable,..thanks to Trumpian accomplishments,..regarding the economy and military, but now,..with all Republicans United against the Democrats, at all levels of government,....well,...
There would soon be little else a rising Republican Party could ask for,....
Save, thing,..
The one thing that has mysteriously eluded the Republicans, despite the fact that they are the Party that ended slavery, and created the Civil Rights Act.
That one thing, the African American vote.
For decades, the Democrat Party ,..the Party of the Klan,..the Party that went to war against its own country, keep slavery,..the Party that refused to sign the Declaration of Independence unless Thomas Jefferson first removed the abolishment of slavery from its text,..this Party has had the bulk of the African American vote.
Truly a riddle , wrapped inside a riddle,..wrapped inside an enigma,..wrapped inside a paradox.
No matter.
The temptation of Democrat handouts has always been at the root of this ,..and free money can tempt the most virtuous of free born men. But man cannot survive that way. He must struggle, sweat,..and strive,..on his own merit,..and make his own way, a creature created to live free,..or not at all.
Take this away,..and make a man a sedentary puppet of a political party,..and he cannot survive,..mentally, or physically.
The proof of this?
Democrat controlled States that have, for decades , created a welfare way of life,..funded by hard-working Americans, have an but collapsed economically,..and become earthbound, hellish pits of doom ,..disease,..and despair.
Yet, the African American voters continued to vote Democrat, despite the irrefutable evidence in Democrat controlled state after Democrat controlled state,..all across the country.
Until the coming of Trump, that is.
For Trump supplied that one missing ingredient that other past Republicans lacked,...the ability to articulate the Conservative Republican Agenda, the American voter, a down to earth,..brutal, savage way,.. that resonated and stuck in the consciousness of those who previously would not listen.
Aye,..the Trump message , repeated over and over at endless rallies , endless tweets,.is the weaponry that has worked.
That,..and the hardcore evidence of success as well,..
The American economy is at an all time high,..and African American unemployment is at an all time low.
So Be It.
Truth, is a hard thing to deny, especially when it's a Trumpian Truth,..that bludgeons your consciousness , ..repeatedly,..endlessly,...
Like a War-Gods Hammer Strike.
Aye, ..the November Midterms seem a fait accompli for Republicans indeed,..
Except for that one final weapon,..
Aye,...One final weapon, be added to the Presidents already formidable arsenal. One more weapon, that would not only insure Republican Victory,..but would also strip the Democrats of the last remnant of hope ,..strip them of their assured voting base,..strip them of their last hold on sanity itself,..and leave them helpless,..defenseless,..before the coming November Red Death,..
Aye, final weapon , that finally struck, a ninja blade, the heart of the Oval Office itself,..
A Weapon that was like a primal scream of Conservative Truth,..
A scream,..a rant,..a stream of consciousness attack,..that was balanced perfectly,..and precariously,..between madness,..and MAGA Truth.
A Warcry,..that went on for well over an hour,..before the laser focused President,..and a stunned Liberal Press,..and
A Warcry,... of Trumpian Truth,...that would finally supply the last missing ingredient to the coming November Red Death,...
A Weapon , whose savage stream of consciousness , conservative musings , and unwavering allegiance to our Commander in Chief,..shocked and stunned both friend and for alike,..
A Weapon,..that now, a surgeons strike, a flashing blade,..has taken away the one thing the Democrats must have,..
Simply to survive as a Party.
The African American vote now belongs to Trump and his Republican Legions,..thanks to this singular weapon ,..and longtime ally and friend,..
A Weapon that recognized one undeniable truth, long ago, the future President decended the escalator,..of Trump Tower,..and
And found ,..his destiny.
That Truth?
Winning,.. is the Game that Trump plays best,..
And, he's got a new weapon,..
A Weapon,..Called West!!
Sunday, October 7, 2018
"Wrath Of The Sea God?"
There is something about this President, . .something about the way he moves, the song goes,..something about the way he fights,..and counters,..and maneuvers,..something about the way he wins,..every time, battle after battle,..against the Democrat Machine. And that something appears to be contagious too,..for now Trump and his Republican Legions are more United than ever,..the false allegations brought against Brett Kavanaugh , no doubt,..awakening a renewed fighting spirit,..even in Republican double agents such as Senators Collins ,Corker,.Flake,..and even Democrat Senator Manchin,..all now supporting Brett Kavanaugh,...with even Collins giving a rousing speech before the vote,defending Kavanaugh,....a speech rivaling Senator Lindsey Graham 's for passion and intensity. And as for Democrat Senator Joe Manchin? He may now be joining Republican Forces after the November Midterms,..since his vote supporting Kavanaugh has made him a political pariah, amongst his Democrat collegues. Aye,..all now seem to be uniting with the rest of Trump's formidable legions,..uniting under the war banner of a man for who winning isn't everything,'s the only thing,..And,..more importantly,..uniting with a man , and a Party,..who have made winning not only look easy, ..but made it look fun as well. Destroying Democrats by Trumpian methods not only moves this nation forward,..and secures Brett Kavanaugh's seat for the Supreme Court,..but it also has awakened a long, dormant warrior spirit in the Republican Machine,..and shown them, that all out, holds barred war, a noble task,..a worthy pursuit indeed,..when it is waged under the War Banner of Truth,..and Logic.
Indeed,..there are two basic realities that make up the very fabric of the universe . One of them is truth,..the other is logic. Both of these are the veritable glue, that ho klds our sense of reality together,..and makes it possible for us, as sentient beings, to function on a day to day basis, and more importantly, survive.
To reject either of these realities, would indeed put in jeopardy the ability of any individual , to survive and prosper. Indeed, to reject truth and logic, is a veritable death sentence to any who would dare to go down this destructive path. For in the end, truth , simply truth. It is neither good nor evil,.It simply is,..and will always remain the constant presence, in any universe, and in the end,..truth, matter how much it is rejected , or denied,.. will always inevitably , the end, the day. Truth, ultimately, is always victorious , because it cannot be altered , or destroyed. Truth is the one constant in an ever changing universe,..
So too, with logic ,..the basic reasoning system that revolves around the existing laws of nature.
We reason, we apply logical thought , based on established physical laws that we know are real ,..that science has confirmed,..that we know are, fact,..truth.
Deny truth,..
Deny logic,..
Reject both of these undeniable realities,..and you have condemned yourself to the depths of madness ,.mayhem,..and ultimate self destruction.
And that, is indeed the chosen fate of the Democrat Party,..mere weeks before the November Midterm Elections.
The Democrats, as a Party, have rejected truth on the whole, and have chosen illogical strategems as its mainstay battleplan.
Having chosen to live in a concept utopia of its own making,..a socialist fantasy world that, in reality,..could never truly function.
Truth,..Logic,..and centuries worth of evidence, confirms this,..
Yet, they continue to embrace it,..nontheless,..
And that is why the Democrat Party is virtually finished as a political power,..forever.
The seeming final nail in the political coffin of the Democrat Machine, seems to be the twisted farce of the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Senate hearings, which the Democrats have used as an opportunity to put on full display, the true depths of their evil,..their madness,. their mayhem,..their compete rejection of Truth,..and Logic,.. In favor of panic, and desperation.
Aye,..and these Democrat feelings are well warranted indeed, for the Democrats , fully exposed by the Trumpian strategem of constant blistering counter attacks , realize they have no chance of regaining the House or Senate in November, and therefore have no chance of ending the reign of Trump and his Republican Legions. They likewise have lost most State legislatures,..and Governorships as well,.. Therefore, the Democrats have turned their attention to their last stronghold of power,..the Supreme Court,.the one seat of power that, if Democrat controlled, them ultimate control over this Free Republic,..and We the People,..who truly rule it.
The Supreme Court, with its lifetime appointments, indeed the ultimate power , and even this now seems to be slipping from their grasp, ..thanks to several factors.
One,..Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 's rejection of Merrick Garland as a Supreme Court pick, in Obama's final year as President .Two,..the Trump pick of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court replacement of Antonin Scalia,.an three,..the Trump pick of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as well,..
A pick,..that,..since now confirmed,..has virtually sealed the fate of the Democrat Machine for decades, dooming them to Conservative Republican control, at virtually every level of government,..effectively destroying the Democrat Party and it's agenda permanently,.with the President still having at least two more picks for Supreme Court as well,..
This is why the Democrats have sunk to new depths of madness . To save themselves , Brett Kavanaugh had to be destroyed , question. His confirmation had to be blocked,..quickly,...or at least delayed, until after the MidtermsMidterms, which the Democrats still believe will belong to them.
But, once again,..Truth and Logic,...say otherwise,...
The Democrats had produced , at the zero hour,..a long standing Democrat Operative by the name of Christine Blasey Ford,..a leftist , Clinton Foundation funding College Professor,..who had come forth with an attempted rape allegation against Kavanaugh, that could not be confirmed by witnesses , or any other evudence, for that matter. Ford's testimony before the Senate hearing was considered by many "compelling" and "credible",..but the simple fact is that she does not know when the incident took place,..she does not know where it took place,..and all those witnesses she claims were there as well,..say it never happened,..and that they have never even met Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh, in the other hand,...had an endless list of friends and colleagues confirming his sterling character,..confirming that he is simply not capable of such an action as attempted rape , any age,..drunk or sober.
Still, is one allegation,..against one defense,..concerning an incident that supposedly took place more than 35 years ago.
Who can we believe?
Truth and Logic,...once again,..give us the answer.
Ford has zero evidence backing her story,..but there is one truth regarding her,..that we do have. She claims she could not come to Washinton to testify,..because she fears flying. Yet,..Ford has a long history of flying back and forth to Washington constantly,..and flying to various vacation spots as well,..
Ford lied about her fear of flying.
That, the undeniable Truth.
Ford also has a long history of leftist activism,..and even attended the Pink Hat protest in Washington,..the day the President was inaugurated.
This also, undeniable truth,..about Christine Blasey Ford.
And Kavanaugh?
His whole life is testament to his character. A life of public service , with an endless list of friends and colleagues who vouch for his sterling character,..and who vehemently deny the existence of any party or any event where this attempted rape took place,..and yes,..even deny ever knowing,..or meeting Christine Ford ,..ever,...anywhere,....
And, the end,..Truth and Logic, always,..are all Kavanaugh and the Republicans needed to pave the way to victory., make Brett Kavanaugh , the next Supreme Court Justice.and
Simply put,..a man is innocent until proven guilty,..period.
There is no evidence, none whatsoever,..that can prove Kavanaugh guilty of anything Ford has alleged.
Therefore,..Kavanaugh is now,..a Supreme Court Justice.and
That is reality, a universe still grounded by ,..Truth and Logic.
A Trumpian Universe.
And,..there are more truths to folow, the coming months as well,..
A record setting economy,..and
A border wall now becoming reality,..
Allies and Veterans supported , never before,.
2nd Amendment Rights,..carved in stone,..
Free trade,..finally truly made fair trade as well,..
A military rebuilt,..and ISIS all but vaporized,..
And a Red Wave,..this November,..that will ultimately finish the Democrat Party permanently.
A Party, so steeped in madness, that it even blamed Trump for the hurricane that devastated southern states in past weeks, ....
Aye,..the Democrats now have cast Trump in the role of the Greek God,..Poseidon,..turning his sea born wrath , on the helpless Democrats who have displeased him.
A truly malevolent,..Democrat madness indeed.
It is said that the one true God,..long ago,..was so offended by the outrages of humanity,..that he sent down flood waters to end the abomination that mankind had become,..and wash the earth clean of its pestilence.
So it was written,...
Then perhaps , is only fitting that Trump become in the minds of addled Democrats, ..the very essense of a wrath filled Sea God,..
Poseidon personified,...
Who, now so offended by the abominations of the Democrat Party,..
That he shall now send forth the Red Wave of Destruction,..
A November Red Death,..that will indeed wash the earth clean,..of this pestilence,..called ,.Democrat.
Indeed,..there are two basic realities that make up the very fabric of the universe . One of them is truth,..the other is logic. Both of these are the veritable glue, that ho klds our sense of reality together,..and makes it possible for us, as sentient beings, to function on a day to day basis, and more importantly, survive.
To reject either of these realities, would indeed put in jeopardy the ability of any individual , to survive and prosper. Indeed, to reject truth and logic, is a veritable death sentence to any who would dare to go down this destructive path. For in the end, truth , simply truth. It is neither good nor evil,.It simply is,..and will always remain the constant presence, in any universe, and in the end,..truth, matter how much it is rejected , or denied,.. will always inevitably , the end, the day. Truth, ultimately, is always victorious , because it cannot be altered , or destroyed. Truth is the one constant in an ever changing universe,..
So too, with logic ,..the basic reasoning system that revolves around the existing laws of nature.
We reason, we apply logical thought , based on established physical laws that we know are real ,..that science has confirmed,..that we know are, fact,..truth.
Deny truth,..
Deny logic,..
Reject both of these undeniable realities,..and you have condemned yourself to the depths of madness ,.mayhem,..and ultimate self destruction.
And that, is indeed the chosen fate of the Democrat Party,..mere weeks before the November Midterm Elections.
The Democrats, as a Party, have rejected truth on the whole, and have chosen illogical strategems as its mainstay battleplan.
Having chosen to live in a concept utopia of its own making,..a socialist fantasy world that, in reality,..could never truly function.
Truth,..Logic,..and centuries worth of evidence, confirms this,..
Yet, they continue to embrace it,..nontheless,..
And that is why the Democrat Party is virtually finished as a political power,..forever.
The seeming final nail in the political coffin of the Democrat Machine, seems to be the twisted farce of the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Senate hearings, which the Democrats have used as an opportunity to put on full display, the true depths of their evil,..their madness,. their mayhem,..their compete rejection of Truth,..and Logic,.. In favor of panic, and desperation.
Aye,..and these Democrat feelings are well warranted indeed, for the Democrats , fully exposed by the Trumpian strategem of constant blistering counter attacks , realize they have no chance of regaining the House or Senate in November, and therefore have no chance of ending the reign of Trump and his Republican Legions. They likewise have lost most State legislatures,..and Governorships as well,.. Therefore, the Democrats have turned their attention to their last stronghold of power,..the Supreme Court,.the one seat of power that, if Democrat controlled, them ultimate control over this Free Republic,..and We the People,..who truly rule it.
The Supreme Court, with its lifetime appointments, indeed the ultimate power , and even this now seems to be slipping from their grasp, ..thanks to several factors.
One,..Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 's rejection of Merrick Garland as a Supreme Court pick, in Obama's final year as President .Two,..the Trump pick of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court replacement of Antonin Scalia,.an three,..the Trump pick of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as well,..
A pick,..that,..since now confirmed,..has virtually sealed the fate of the Democrat Machine for decades, dooming them to Conservative Republican control, at virtually every level of government,..effectively destroying the Democrat Party and it's agenda permanently,.with the President still having at least two more picks for Supreme Court as well,..
This is why the Democrats have sunk to new depths of madness . To save themselves , Brett Kavanaugh had to be destroyed , question. His confirmation had to be blocked,..quickly,...or at least delayed, until after the MidtermsMidterms, which the Democrats still believe will belong to them.
But, once again,..Truth and Logic,...say otherwise,...
The Democrats had produced , at the zero hour,..a long standing Democrat Operative by the name of Christine Blasey Ford,..a leftist , Clinton Foundation funding College Professor,..who had come forth with an attempted rape allegation against Kavanaugh, that could not be confirmed by witnesses , or any other evudence, for that matter. Ford's testimony before the Senate hearing was considered by many "compelling" and "credible",..but the simple fact is that she does not know when the incident took place,..she does not know where it took place,..and all those witnesses she claims were there as well,..say it never happened,..and that they have never even met Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh, in the other hand,...had an endless list of friends and colleagues confirming his sterling character,..confirming that he is simply not capable of such an action as attempted rape , any age,..drunk or sober.
Still, is one allegation,..against one defense,..concerning an incident that supposedly took place more than 35 years ago.
Who can we believe?
Truth and Logic,...once again,..give us the answer.
Ford has zero evidence backing her story,..but there is one truth regarding her,..that we do have. She claims she could not come to Washinton to testify,..because she fears flying. Yet,..Ford has a long history of flying back and forth to Washington constantly,..and flying to various vacation spots as well,..
Ford lied about her fear of flying.
That, the undeniable Truth.
Ford also has a long history of leftist activism,..and even attended the Pink Hat protest in Washington,..the day the President was inaugurated.
This also, undeniable truth,..about Christine Blasey Ford.
And Kavanaugh?
His whole life is testament to his character. A life of public service , with an endless list of friends and colleagues who vouch for his sterling character,..and who vehemently deny the existence of any party or any event where this attempted rape took place,..and yes,..even deny ever knowing,..or meeting Christine Ford ,..ever,...anywhere,....
And, the end,..Truth and Logic, always,..are all Kavanaugh and the Republicans needed to pave the way to victory., make Brett Kavanaugh , the next Supreme Court Justice.and
Simply put,..a man is innocent until proven guilty,..period.
There is no evidence, none whatsoever,..that can prove Kavanaugh guilty of anything Ford has alleged.
Therefore,..Kavanaugh is now,..a Supreme Court Justice.and
That is reality, a universe still grounded by ,..Truth and Logic.
A Trumpian Universe.
And,..there are more truths to folow, the coming months as well,..
A record setting economy,..and
A border wall now becoming reality,..
Allies and Veterans supported , never before,.
2nd Amendment Rights,..carved in stone,..
Free trade,..finally truly made fair trade as well,..
A military rebuilt,..and ISIS all but vaporized,..
And a Red Wave,..this November,..that will ultimately finish the Democrat Party permanently.
A Party, so steeped in madness, that it even blamed Trump for the hurricane that devastated southern states in past weeks, ....
Aye,..the Democrats now have cast Trump in the role of the Greek God,..Poseidon,..turning his sea born wrath , on the helpless Democrats who have displeased him.
A truly malevolent,..Democrat madness indeed.
It is said that the one true God,..long ago,..was so offended by the outrages of humanity,..that he sent down flood waters to end the abomination that mankind had become,..and wash the earth clean of its pestilence.
So it was written,...
Then perhaps , is only fitting that Trump become in the minds of addled Democrats, ..the very essense of a wrath filled Sea God,..
Poseidon personified,...
Who, now so offended by the abominations of the Democrat Party,..
That he shall now send forth the Red Wave of Destruction,..
A November Red Death,..that will indeed wash the earth clean,..of this pestilence,..called ,.Democrat.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
"Five To One,..MAGA,..One In Five!!"
Will Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination be derailed by sexual misconduct accusations from 35 years ago? Not at all, for the accusations have no basis in reality. His accuser is a Democrat operative, a leftist college professor,.a Hillary Clinton supporter,.. Clinton foundation donor,..and one of those who marched in protest,.with pink hat proudly worn,...the day Trump was sworn in as President. Leftist activist Christine Blasey Ford's accusation against Brett Kavanaugh,.. is nothing more than a stall,..designed to stop Republicans from seizing control of the Supreme Court,..and that is all. There are no facts, dates, no witnesses, police report,..nothing at all, back up her story,..and nor will she agree to actually testify before the Senate,..for she is well aware, that she has nothing to tell, except a yarn that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a fairytale. And, despite all Democrat efforts,..there is one reality,..that cannot be altered,..
Brett Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court Justice,..very soon indeed,..while the politically motivated accusations of a Democrat agent of destruction,..Will evaporate, a sea born mist, before the coming light of dawn.
Aye, the Red Death of Republican Victory,..doth move ever closer,....and the stench of Democrat Doom hangs heavy in the air,..
With the Democrats alone,..refusing to breathe,..
Aye,..and with the critical November Midterms rapidly approaching,..the President is already basking in the glow of inevitable Republican Victory,..with all five of the first Republican candidates that he has personally backed and promoted in rally criss crossing the nation,..winning their Primary bids handily,..
The lesson , clear, both Republican and Democrat foes alike,..
The American people, who elected this President, and back his MAGA Agenda 1000%,..also back the Republican Legions that the President hand picks, implement his agenda. There can no longer be any doubt, any question, to whether the Republican Party stands with this President and his mission,..
They do. Unequivocally,..1000%,..despite what the feckless liberal media might spin.
In truth, if they did not,..much of the Presidents Agenda would still stand as an unfulfilled campaign promises.
The evidence is clear,..except for a handful of Republican Double Agents such as Jeff Flake, Susan Collins,..Bob Corker,..Ben Sasse,..Lisa Murkowski,..and if couse,..the late John McCain,...this President,..the Republican Party,..and We the People, who elected all of them,..are all one and the same entity,..all dedicated to the same noble task,..the same grim purpose;..
Make America Great Again, destroying the Democrat Party permanently, in the November Midterms.
In truth, the Democrat Party is already finished as of now, virtually destroyed by their own hand. The Mueller Russian Probe has exposed nothing more than the sinister machinations of the Democrat Machine , while simultaneously absolving Trump and all those associated with his campaign,..and administration. The Republican Stars,..are now aligned. Now is the time to finish the Democrats ,..once and for all,..and to this end,..the November Midterms are well suited indeed.
The Blue Wave Democrats have predicted will, in reality, ..never happen, for the Democrats can no longer run on the lies they are used to hiding behind. Nay,..for the Trump Double Bladed Weapon of Tweet and Rally,..combined with the never ending emails and texts that expose the Clintons,..Democrats,..FBI,..CIA,..DOJ,...NSA,..IRS,...plot to destroy this President and his Party, have fully unmasked the Democrats permanently, .and shown their true,..ugly face. The face of socialism,..the face of Marxism,...the face of contemptuous, America hating ,..Communism,...
There are not more socialists in the Democrat Party now. They have always been socialists, always bordering on communists in nature,..since the very creation ,if their insipid Party.
The only difference now,.is a Republican President who attacks and exposes them relentlessly,..and a Republican controlled House and Senate,..that fully supports the President's slashing,..savage,..attacking style,..and has demonstrated this, by passing his agenda, and following the President's lead by increasing the pressure on the now exposed Democrat rogues , 1000lbs, per square inch, after day,..
Aye,..there will be no Blue Wave,..because this is not a nation that supports National Socialism,..or Nazism, the Germans called it. We are a Free Republic, where We the People,..rule ourselves. Where taxes and regulations,..are limited,..and minimal,..where our military is kept strong ,our Allies in freedom, and veterans, supported,..and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, undisputed,..and sacrosanct.
The Coming of the Red Death, as inevitable , the rising sun,..and all the Democrat Machine can do to survive, to accept their defeat, crawl back into the shadows of the political abyss,.. ..and wait ,..for, perhaps,..some future moment of weakness in this Republican stronghold,..which they can strike against.
This, however,..Will not happen anytime soon,..
The Republicans will win handily in November, and the Democrat controlled media, will, once again, sit stunned and bewildered, at one, singular,.. savage man's ability to defeat them at every turn, and in many cases,..even force them , to defeat themselves,..
They will have no answers, no explanation, for the coming, final defeat, of the Diabolical Democrat Party.
And while their confusion reigns , and continues to mount under the wave of Red Death that will soon engulf them,..
The President,..will not be idle,..
As he has already done with former CIA Director and Communist Party supporter John Brennan,..the security clearances of all those involved in the Fusion GPS , Russian Dossier facade,..
All,...will be revoked , by one,..Comey,..McCabe,..Brennan,..Clapper,..Yates,..Bruce Ohr,..Nellie Ohr,..Rosenstein,...Peter Strzok,..and Lisa Page,..Susan Rice,..Eric Holder,..Hillary Clinton,..and yes,..even President Obama himself,...all,..will now fall beneath the gleaming Republican scythe,..of this conservative force of nature,..called Trump.
All security clearances of those who have, for decades now,..conspired to destroy the Republican Party ,and this Free Rep
ublic,..that they hate, ..with every fiber of their being,..
All members of this Democrat rogues gallery,..of spies,..saboteurs,..and urban terrorists,.. will now be stripped of a security clearance that they never should have had to begin with...
Just as their Party,..should have never existed,..
Was the Democrat Party hacked by the Russians?
Of course.
But, whether it was Russian , Chinese ,.or another rival, competing nation,..does not matter.
What matters is that the hacking exposed the true evil that has always been the essence of the Democrat Machine,..and one other truth as well,..
The Republicans were not hacked,..
No Republican Intel was exposed ,..
No Republican corruption was exposed,..for the Republican Machine protects its Intel ,..and the Democrats , not.
That is the difference between the two Parties,..and this should come as no surprise,..
After all,..why should the Democrats protect the Intel ,..the security,..of a Nation,..that it despises, and is trying to destroy?
And therein lies the fatal flaw,..
How can the Democrats destroy America,..and all she symbolizes,..
Without destroying themselves as well?
How can Satan,..cast out Satan?
How can you destroy America,..and remain unscathed,..while pretending to be part of America?
Well,.the Democrats need pretend no longer,..
For the coming Red Death a'borning,....will leave no doubt in the minds of gods, mortals, demons,.or even Democrats,....
Who is the Victor,..
And who is the Vanquished,..
Brett Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court Justice,..very soon indeed,..while the politically motivated accusations of a Democrat agent of destruction,..Will evaporate, a sea born mist, before the coming light of dawn.
Aye, the Red Death of Republican Victory,..doth move ever closer,....and the stench of Democrat Doom hangs heavy in the air,..
With the Democrats alone,..refusing to breathe,..
Aye,..and with the critical November Midterms rapidly approaching,..the President is already basking in the glow of inevitable Republican Victory,..with all five of the first Republican candidates that he has personally backed and promoted in rally criss crossing the nation,..winning their Primary bids handily,..
The lesson , clear, both Republican and Democrat foes alike,..
The American people, who elected this President, and back his MAGA Agenda 1000%,..also back the Republican Legions that the President hand picks, implement his agenda. There can no longer be any doubt, any question, to whether the Republican Party stands with this President and his mission,..
They do. Unequivocally,..1000%,..despite what the feckless liberal media might spin.
In truth, if they did not,..much of the Presidents Agenda would still stand as an unfulfilled campaign promises.
The evidence is clear,..except for a handful of Republican Double Agents such as Jeff Flake, Susan Collins,..Bob Corker,..Ben Sasse,..Lisa Murkowski,..and if couse,..the late John McCain,...this President,..the Republican Party,..and We the People, who elected all of them,..are all one and the same entity,..all dedicated to the same noble task,..the same grim purpose;..
Make America Great Again, destroying the Democrat Party permanently, in the November Midterms.
In truth, the Democrat Party is already finished as of now, virtually destroyed by their own hand. The Mueller Russian Probe has exposed nothing more than the sinister machinations of the Democrat Machine , while simultaneously absolving Trump and all those associated with his campaign,..and administration. The Republican Stars,..are now aligned. Now is the time to finish the Democrats ,..once and for all,..and to this end,..the November Midterms are well suited indeed.
The Blue Wave Democrats have predicted will, in reality, ..never happen, for the Democrats can no longer run on the lies they are used to hiding behind. Nay,..for the Trump Double Bladed Weapon of Tweet and Rally,..combined with the never ending emails and texts that expose the Clintons,..Democrats,..FBI,..CIA,..DOJ,...NSA,..IRS,...plot to destroy this President and his Party, have fully unmasked the Democrats permanently, .and shown their true,..ugly face. The face of socialism,..the face of Marxism,...the face of contemptuous, America hating ,..Communism,...
There are not more socialists in the Democrat Party now. They have always been socialists, always bordering on communists in nature,..since the very creation ,if their insipid Party.
The only difference now,.is a Republican President who attacks and exposes them relentlessly,..and a Republican controlled House and Senate,..that fully supports the President's slashing,..savage,..attacking style,..and has demonstrated this, by passing his agenda, and following the President's lead by increasing the pressure on the now exposed Democrat rogues , 1000lbs, per square inch, after day,..
Aye,..there will be no Blue Wave,..because this is not a nation that supports National Socialism,..or Nazism, the Germans called it. We are a Free Republic, where We the People,..rule ourselves. Where taxes and regulations,..are limited,..and minimal,..where our military is kept strong ,our Allies in freedom, and veterans, supported,..and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, undisputed,..and sacrosanct.
The Coming of the Red Death, as inevitable , the rising sun,..and all the Democrat Machine can do to survive, to accept their defeat, crawl back into the shadows of the political abyss,.. ..and wait ,..for, perhaps,..some future moment of weakness in this Republican stronghold,..which they can strike against.
This, however,..Will not happen anytime soon,..
The Republicans will win handily in November, and the Democrat controlled media, will, once again, sit stunned and bewildered, at one, singular,.. savage man's ability to defeat them at every turn, and in many cases,..even force them , to defeat themselves,..
They will have no answers, no explanation, for the coming, final defeat, of the Diabolical Democrat Party.
And while their confusion reigns , and continues to mount under the wave of Red Death that will soon engulf them,..
The President,..will not be idle,..
As he has already done with former CIA Director and Communist Party supporter John Brennan,..the security clearances of all those involved in the Fusion GPS , Russian Dossier facade,..
All,...will be revoked , by one,..Comey,..McCabe,..Brennan,..Clapper,..Yates,..Bruce Ohr,..Nellie Ohr,..Rosenstein,...Peter Strzok,..and Lisa Page,..Susan Rice,..Eric Holder,..Hillary Clinton,..and yes,..even President Obama himself,...all,..will now fall beneath the gleaming Republican scythe,..of this conservative force of nature,..called Trump.
All security clearances of those who have, for decades now,..conspired to destroy the Republican Party ,and this Free Rep
ublic,..that they hate, ..with every fiber of their being,..
All members of this Democrat rogues gallery,..of spies,..saboteurs,..and urban terrorists,.. will now be stripped of a security clearance that they never should have had to begin with...
Just as their Party,..should have never existed,..
Was the Democrat Party hacked by the Russians?
Of course.
But, whether it was Russian , Chinese ,.or another rival, competing nation,..does not matter.
What matters is that the hacking exposed the true evil that has always been the essence of the Democrat Machine,..and one other truth as well,..
The Republicans were not hacked,..
No Republican Intel was exposed ,..
No Republican corruption was exposed,..for the Republican Machine protects its Intel ,..and the Democrats , not.
That is the difference between the two Parties,..and this should come as no surprise,..
After all,..why should the Democrats protect the Intel ,..the security,..of a Nation,..that it despises, and is trying to destroy?
And therein lies the fatal flaw,..
How can the Democrats destroy America,..and all she symbolizes,..
Without destroying themselves as well?
How can Satan,..cast out Satan?
How can you destroy America,..and remain unscathed,..while pretending to be part of America?
Well,.the Democrats need pretend no longer,..
For the coming Red Death a'borning,....will leave no doubt in the minds of gods, mortals, demons,.or even Democrats,....
Who is the Victor,..
And who is the Vanquished,..
Sunday, August 12, 2018
"By My Hand,..This Mountain Moves!!"
What was the purpose behind the Trump-Putin Summit , in Helsinki Finland? Simple. The purpose was to further enrage the Democrats , who now in the face of irrefutable Trumpian success, have reached the point of complete implosion, complete meltdown, and irreversible madness. Of course, despite what the Mueller Probe might lead you to believe there is nothing unusual with the President of the United States meeting with leaders from every corner of the globe. That is a necessary thing, that moves our nation away from the brink of World War,..and closer to a permanent, peace, and prosperity.
And, a meeting with Putin, the President meeting with the Leaders of China, North Korea,.or Saudi Arabia,..was inevitable. It had to happen, sooner or later. That is part of a sound foreign policy strategem.
That is part of being the Leader of the Free World,..which America is,..which Trump is,.personified.
But the timing for the Putin meeting made it much more than an attempt to avert nuclear war ,share intelligence,.. or fight the common threat of Islamic Terror,..
No, the Putin meeting was timed, deliberately, to kick the Democrats when they are down, and sweating their way through the Peter Strzok -Lisa Page congressional testimonies.
Subpeoned, court ordered , testimonies, that now fully confirm two things,...
One,..the FISA warrant and subsequent Mueller Probe, were put into motion by Clinton-Democrat controlled FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, forces,.. for the sole and singular purpose of destroying Donald Trump and the Republican Party , while also assuring a Hilary Clinton , Democrat Party Presidential victory, period.
And, failing that, the shadowy probe's alternative mission was to destroy the Trump Presidency, .. insure his impeachment ,..and secure Democrat victory, in the 2018 November Midterm Elections.
Regaining total power and control of government, is, was, and always will be the Democrat Party's only goal, and the Fusion GPS Dossier, and Mueller Probe, are the means to this end, ..nothing more,..and nothing less.
And the President's strategem to allow the Mueller Probe to go on ad infinitum,.. has proven to be a sound one, for it has exposed the true Russian conspirators, the true election tampering terrorists,..and it is, and always has been,...
The Democrat Party,..pure and simple.
Thousands of now unredacted emails and texts prove it, and the conflicting testimonies of Strzok-Page , not only confirm the FBI connection,..but also prove the old adage , that there is no honor among thieves, or Democrat rogues, for that matter. Strzok and Page have now , predictably, turned on each other, with Strzok still arrogantly denying any official bias towards Trump and Republican forces, while Page has bluntly confirmed it ,..fully.
Aye,..the Clinton,Democrat, FBI emails and texts speak the truth,...that all accused were indeed actively seeking to destroy Trump, destroy Republicans, and insure the thousand year reich, .. of Democrat rule over the remnants of the once great, Free Republic,...called America.
That was indeed the goal, according to FBI Lawyer, and Democrat rogue conspirator, Lisa Page.
Checkmate, Trump.
And the President , basking in the glory of a victory over a Probe designed to destroy him,..exhulting in the reality that the probe has now virtually destroyed the Democrat Party, and confirmed that they are the Russian link,...the Russian colluders,the Russian conspirators, ...
Now was the time for the President to unleash yet another devastating counterstrike on the shell-shocked Democrats.
The Putin Summit was that counterstrike, with both men giving a mocking, smirking press conference before the so called, "fake news media,...seeming ,at times , like two college frat boys, revealing the prank they pulled on their stunned victims,...with Trump backing the Putin statement that Russia has nothing to do with the hacking of Democrat servers,...while, the same time,...agreeing with Putin that the hacking , .like Wikileaks before it,...had done America,.and the world,..a great service,...inadvertantly. For they had exposed the Deep State,..Democrat corruption that had infested all branches of American government. Aye, thanks to Russian hacking and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's dedication to exposing the truth, at all costs,...
America now knows that the Clinton Foundation ,..FBI,..CIA,..NSA,...DOJ,..all,..have been for decades now,..nothing more than tools of the Democrat Party,..and serve one sinister purpose,..
Assure Democrat power and control over We the People,.who are the rightful rulers of this troubled Free Republic,..called America.
Trump and Putin were mocking the Democrat outrage over the so called election interference, and rightly so.
For, the end,..what had been interfered with?
a corrupt Democrat Party had been stopped,..and exposed.
And that,.Will now virtually assure Trumpian level Republican Victory, the critical 2018 November Midterms.
What has been lost then,...except corrupt Democrat hold on power,...
Power,..that was never theirs, to begin with,...
And what has been gained?
A record setting, economic boom, with 4.1% GDP growth .in the 2nd quarter,..the fastest pace of four years,...
The Military rebuilt,..and ISIS,..all but destroyed.
North Korea moving toward de-nuclearization, and returning the remains, of our Korean War Heroes,..
The Border secured,..ICE fully unleashed,...and the Wall being built,..
The 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans,..secured.
Our Allies in Freedom supported, never before,...
Domestic Oil production at an all time high,...
Unemployment at an all time low,...
And overall Trumpian-Republican success,..virtually off the charts.
Aye,..Trump has done all that he said he would do,..and more,...
For he has also revealed America's deadliest enemy to be, not a foreign power,..
But ,..instead,..the Democrat Party,.itself.
For, espionage will always exist between rival nations, that compete for power and position,..on a world stage,..Russia, and America, ...being no exceptions,...
But it is the Democrat Party alone, that seeks the destruction of its own nation,'s own people,...
It is the Democrat Party alone,..that seeks to destroy all that America is,..and all that it could be,...
Aye, has always been the Democrat Party, that is America's greatest enemy.
And, it is the one enemy that the President and his Republican Legions must dedicate themselves, ..
To destroying, ...permanently,..
If America is to endure.
Special investigator Robert Mueller should take Putin up on his mocking offer to allow him to "interview" the Russian agents accused of spying on the a Democrat Party,..
For Mueller has a much better chance of bringing down Trump on Russian soil,..than he will ever have in his own country.
For, ..the President has done, what he said he would do,..
He has achieved,.the impossible,...
Barely into his first year,..
He has made America Great Again,..
And returned the Democrat Party,..
To the dust from whence it came,...
Christ once said that faith, greater than a grain of mustard seed,.can move mountains,..
Aye,..Faith,...and one man, singular force of conservative nature,..who has indeed stretched forth his hand,..and, said to the mountain,..move.
And,..By All The Gods,...
The Mountain,..Has Moved,..
And the Democrats,..hath trembled in its wake,..
And, a meeting with Putin, the President meeting with the Leaders of China, North Korea,.or Saudi Arabia,..was inevitable. It had to happen, sooner or later. That is part of a sound foreign policy strategem.
That is part of being the Leader of the Free World,..which America is,..which Trump is,.personified.
But the timing for the Putin meeting made it much more than an attempt to avert nuclear war ,share intelligence,.. or fight the common threat of Islamic Terror,..
No, the Putin meeting was timed, deliberately, to kick the Democrats when they are down, and sweating their way through the Peter Strzok -Lisa Page congressional testimonies.
Subpeoned, court ordered , testimonies, that now fully confirm two things,...
One,..the FISA warrant and subsequent Mueller Probe, were put into motion by Clinton-Democrat controlled FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, forces,.. for the sole and singular purpose of destroying Donald Trump and the Republican Party , while also assuring a Hilary Clinton , Democrat Party Presidential victory, period.
And, failing that, the shadowy probe's alternative mission was to destroy the Trump Presidency, .. insure his impeachment ,..and secure Democrat victory, in the 2018 November Midterm Elections.
Regaining total power and control of government, is, was, and always will be the Democrat Party's only goal, and the Fusion GPS Dossier, and Mueller Probe, are the means to this end, ..nothing more,..and nothing less.
And the President's strategem to allow the Mueller Probe to go on ad infinitum,.. has proven to be a sound one, for it has exposed the true Russian conspirators, the true election tampering terrorists,..and it is, and always has been,...
The Democrat Party,..pure and simple.
Thousands of now unredacted emails and texts prove it, and the conflicting testimonies of Strzok-Page , not only confirm the FBI connection,..but also prove the old adage , that there is no honor among thieves, or Democrat rogues, for that matter. Strzok and Page have now , predictably, turned on each other, with Strzok still arrogantly denying any official bias towards Trump and Republican forces, while Page has bluntly confirmed it ,..fully.
Aye,..the Clinton,Democrat, FBI emails and texts speak the truth,...that all accused were indeed actively seeking to destroy Trump, destroy Republicans, and insure the thousand year reich, .. of Democrat rule over the remnants of the once great, Free Republic,...called America.
That was indeed the goal, according to FBI Lawyer, and Democrat rogue conspirator, Lisa Page.
Checkmate, Trump.
And the President , basking in the glory of a victory over a Probe designed to destroy him,..exhulting in the reality that the probe has now virtually destroyed the Democrat Party, and confirmed that they are the Russian link,...the Russian colluders,the Russian conspirators, ...
Now was the time for the President to unleash yet another devastating counterstrike on the shell-shocked Democrats.
The Putin Summit was that counterstrike, with both men giving a mocking, smirking press conference before the so called, "fake news media,...seeming ,at times , like two college frat boys, revealing the prank they pulled on their stunned victims,...with Trump backing the Putin statement that Russia has nothing to do with the hacking of Democrat servers,...while, the same time,...agreeing with Putin that the hacking , .like Wikileaks before it,...had done America,.and the world,..a great service,...inadvertantly. For they had exposed the Deep State,..Democrat corruption that had infested all branches of American government. Aye, thanks to Russian hacking and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's dedication to exposing the truth, at all costs,...
America now knows that the Clinton Foundation ,..FBI,..CIA,..NSA,...DOJ,..all,..have been for decades now,..nothing more than tools of the Democrat Party,..and serve one sinister purpose,..
Assure Democrat power and control over We the People,.who are the rightful rulers of this troubled Free Republic,..called America.
Trump and Putin were mocking the Democrat outrage over the so called election interference, and rightly so.
For, the end,..what had been interfered with?
a corrupt Democrat Party had been stopped,..and exposed.
And that,.Will now virtually assure Trumpian level Republican Victory, the critical 2018 November Midterms.
What has been lost then,...except corrupt Democrat hold on power,...
Power,..that was never theirs, to begin with,...
And what has been gained?
A record setting, economic boom, with 4.1% GDP growth .in the 2nd quarter,..the fastest pace of four years,...
The Military rebuilt,..and ISIS,..all but destroyed.
North Korea moving toward de-nuclearization, and returning the remains, of our Korean War Heroes,..
The Border secured,..ICE fully unleashed,...and the Wall being built,..
The 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans,..secured.
Our Allies in Freedom supported, never before,...
Domestic Oil production at an all time high,...
Unemployment at an all time low,...
And overall Trumpian-Republican success,..virtually off the charts.
Aye,..Trump has done all that he said he would do,..and more,...
For he has also revealed America's deadliest enemy to be, not a foreign power,..
But ,..instead,..the Democrat Party,.itself.
For, espionage will always exist between rival nations, that compete for power and position,..on a world stage,..Russia, and America, ...being no exceptions,...
But it is the Democrat Party alone, that seeks the destruction of its own nation,'s own people,...
It is the Democrat Party alone,..that seeks to destroy all that America is,..and all that it could be,...
Aye, has always been the Democrat Party, that is America's greatest enemy.
And, it is the one enemy that the President and his Republican Legions must dedicate themselves, ..
To destroying, ...permanently,..
If America is to endure.
Special investigator Robert Mueller should take Putin up on his mocking offer to allow him to "interview" the Russian agents accused of spying on the a Democrat Party,..
For Mueller has a much better chance of bringing down Trump on Russian soil,..than he will ever have in his own country.
For, ..the President has done, what he said he would do,..
He has achieved,.the impossible,...
Barely into his first year,..
He has made America Great Again,..
And returned the Democrat Party,..
To the dust from whence it came,...
Christ once said that faith, greater than a grain of mustard seed,.can move mountains,..
Aye,..Faith,...and one man, singular force of conservative nature,..who has indeed stretched forth his hand,..and, said to the mountain,..move.
And,..By All The Gods,...
The Mountain,..Has Moved,..
And the Democrats,..hath trembled in its wake,..
Sunday, July 22, 2018
"Operation : Accelerate!!"
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has become the latest target for Democrat urban terrorists, who still cannot accept the fact that they have been mercilessly beaten, by Trumpian Republican forces. They cannot accept the fact that, since the rise of the Tea Party movement in 2010, Republicans have been slowly, but surely regaining lost ground, and with it,..lost power as well. First, they took back the House in 2010, then most State Legislatures and Governorships, then the Senate in 2014, then, ultimately, the Presidency as well, in 2016.
The Democrats now know, they have nothing to recommend themselves on, nothing to win elections on, nothing people born into freedom , born into a self governed , Free Republic would ever want,..or need. Higher taxes and regulations? A weaker military? Persecution of the Judeo Christian values that are the Foundation of our Constitution? An end to our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms,...the one right that makes all other rights possible?
Is this what the Democrats are planning to run on this November? Even if they are smarter than that, at this point , it matters little. For the Democrats now know that , faced with the undeniable reality of Trumpian success at all levels,.. they are now forced to drop the Masque they have worn for so many years, and admit, finally, who they really are, and hope, at this point, that they have amassed enough illegal invader forces in our nation, to overwhelm Republicans at the polls by the sheer volume of illegally registered votes. This is a flawed stratagem , at best , however, since Trump and the Republicans have made it clear, ..
There will be a relentless crackdown on the massive voter fraud that has infested Democrat strongholds such as New York, New Jersey, Chicago, and California.
So there it is .
There will be no "Blue Wave", Midterm comeback by the Democrats,..not this time.
And, the Democrat Machine now knows it, yet they still cannot accept it. Nor will they,.. ever. Even after the final tally of votes in November,..even after Final Republican Triumph has been declared by every network,...even after the Witching Hour,.of Midnight,..
Even then, the Democrats will never accept the brutal reality,..that the Trumpian Age of Miracles, is indeed here to stay.
Therefore, an alternative strategem has been chosen. One borne out of desperation , no doubt, but one that has , in reality always been there , really,.always part of the Democrat Identity anyway. Only now, it's all they have. From now until November, the Democrats will attack every Republican Leader, and MAGA Hat wearer, both psychologically,..and even physically as well. Characters will be smeared, punches will be thrown, bullets will be fired, Properties damaged,..and all those MAGA supporting Republican Representatives who dwell in Washington or any other State,... will be driven out of all public places, driven into the wilderness,, vulnerable ,..and surrounded by savage Democrat street terrorists who have made one thing crystal clear;...
If their hold on America ,..their Vision for America, now lost to Republican Forces,..
If they cannot have America , as they want it,..
Then no one else will, either.
Violence, is all that is now left to them.
Violence, brought on by their hatred of one man, and his Party.
Violence, brought on by the knowledge that they have been beaten ,..permanently.
So yes, Republicans will be targeted now, at their homes, in restaurants, in stores, at gas stations, ...
This is the New Face,..of the Democrat Party.and
Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters has made this agenda quite clear,..with her repeated calls for street violence against any,..and all, who dare carry the Republican War Banner.
And yes, as we have already seen with the Congressman Steve Scalise softball incident last year, ..Democrat bullets will be fired,..and blood will be spilled.
Republican blood.
The latest targets for Democrat violence?
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Family,..driven from a Democrat Operative run , Washington restaurant , called the Red Hen.
Homeland Security Secretary Kristin Nielson , attacked by Democrat thugs, in a movie theater,..
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi,..also driven from a restaurant, by Democrat terror forces,..
And yes, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,..attacked twice in the last two weeks, ..verbal assaults for now, ..but that will change, ..if the Republicans are not careful. McConnell is a prime target, for obvious reasons,..for McConnell , above all other Republican representatives, understands the game, it is played,..and how it is won. "This is a game of numbers",..McConnell once declared,..and knowing this,..refused to allow Obama , in his last year as President, have a final pick of Supreme Court nominee,..refusing to even interview leftist Obama pick Merrick Gatland,..or allow an up or down vote for him, .in the House or Senate.
McConnell knew full well, that in a Presidential election year,..the pick must come from the New President,..hopefully,..a Republican one. MConnell knew that last year pick, ..must belong to the Republicans, ..
McConnell knew the truth, as to where the true power and control of a nation lies.
McConnell knew, the Party that controls the Supreme Court, controls the fate of the Free Republic itself,..for many decades to come.
Because of McConnell's refusal to allow Obama to have his Supreme Court pick, that critical time in political history,..
America is now saved ,for future generations.
Thanks to McConnell,..America as founded,..shall endure.
For, after Obama, came the Republican wave , led by Trumpian Forces beyond all Democrat comprehension,...
And now, the Supreme Court is controlled by Republican Legions,..with the President poised to replace the now retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy , with another savage , textbook constitutionalist,... former President George W. Bush staffer,.. and Scalia disciple,..Brett Kavanaugh. And the President,..May have another pick, even before the end of his first term,..and still another,..before the end of his Presidency as well,...
Incredible, its implication,..
Three Supreme Court picks by President Trump, ....Will virtually assure Republican Victory for all time,..and reduce all Democrat Forces, rubble,...
All thanks to Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell ,...a hard core, nonsense,..Republican,..who may lack conventional conservative instincts,..nevertheless well understands the cold, hard science behind ,..
It is indeed,.. "A game of numbers".
And now, thanks to Mitch McConnell,..Paul Ryan,...and all the Repubican Legions now rallying around our President and the MAGA Agenda ,..
the Republicans now have the numbers indeed.
Numbers, that will save the nation ,..the world,..the known universe itself,...
If,...the Republicans follow the Trumpian strategem of savage counter-attacks, as the President does, with his double bladed weapon,....of tweet and rally,..
As Paul Ryan does, promoting the tax and regulation cuts,..coast to coast,...
As Sarah Sanders does,....savaging all Democrat Press Agents,....mercilessly ,...
As Nikki Haley does,..exposing terror supporting nations, who dare to hide behind the U.N. Flag,....
As Kirsten Nielson does,..defending the Agents of ICE,..and the Border Wall Agenda,...
And, Mitch McConnell does now,..backing this President's agenda ,..1000%,..
Backing his pick for Supreme Court, 1000%,..
A pick that would not be possible,..without McConnell's stance against Obama, the last year,...of his Presidency,..beginning the cycle of Democrat meltdown,..and madness.
And, in the wake of FBI Operatives Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's damning testimony, before a Congressional Committee,..virtually confirming the FBI -Democrat plot, destroy a Republican President,..
And,..the President's Democrat taunting Summit,..with Vladimir Putin,...
the Democrat madness,.and violence,..will no doubt,...grow ever stronger,..and more menacing , all Republicans,...
Yet, in the face of all Democrat attacks, both psychological, and physical,...
The Trumpian-Republican Strategem,..must remain Crystal clear,...
Accelerate,..and then,....Annihilate.
Accelerate all Republican counterattacks, ..against all Democrat attacks,.and answer all Democrat assaults on Republican Legions,.with a savage counterstrike, at all levels,..
One thousand pounds per square inch of Trumpian pressure , exerted , all levels,...
Increase all counter-attacks ,..and even employ the Bush Doctrine,..of Pre Emptive strike as well,...constantly,..mercilessly,...
At all state, and federal levels,...
Savage them, the Press, the streets, Washington,..
Expose them, the remaining masque of civilization away, and lay bare the ugly face of socialism, of Marxism,,..of Communusm,.
For all the world to see.
Accelerate,..and then, in November,..
Annihilate, at the Polls, with the most massive Republican turnout ever seen in political history.
Annihilate,...with the greatest landslide Republican Victory,..since the days of House Speaker Gingrich,...
Annihilate,..with a Republican Victory that the Gods of Olympus will sing songs about,...for decades to come.
A Victory, that will, despite all Democrat attacks against Republican Forces,..will leave no shadow of a doubt, this Shining City borne of chaos and conflict,..and steel willed individuals , for whom constant battle is a source of strength,...
In the hearts and minds , of friend,..and foe,...
Who is the Victor,..
And who is the Vanquished,...
The Democrats now know, they have nothing to recommend themselves on, nothing to win elections on, nothing people born into freedom , born into a self governed , Free Republic would ever want,..or need. Higher taxes and regulations? A weaker military? Persecution of the Judeo Christian values that are the Foundation of our Constitution? An end to our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms,...the one right that makes all other rights possible?
Is this what the Democrats are planning to run on this November? Even if they are smarter than that, at this point , it matters little. For the Democrats now know that , faced with the undeniable reality of Trumpian success at all levels,.. they are now forced to drop the Masque they have worn for so many years, and admit, finally, who they really are, and hope, at this point, that they have amassed enough illegal invader forces in our nation, to overwhelm Republicans at the polls by the sheer volume of illegally registered votes. This is a flawed stratagem , at best , however, since Trump and the Republicans have made it clear, ..
There will be a relentless crackdown on the massive voter fraud that has infested Democrat strongholds such as New York, New Jersey, Chicago, and California.
So there it is .
There will be no "Blue Wave", Midterm comeback by the Democrats,..not this time.
And, the Democrat Machine now knows it, yet they still cannot accept it. Nor will they,.. ever. Even after the final tally of votes in November,..even after Final Republican Triumph has been declared by every network,...even after the Witching Hour,.of Midnight,..
Even then, the Democrats will never accept the brutal reality,..that the Trumpian Age of Miracles, is indeed here to stay.
Therefore, an alternative strategem has been chosen. One borne out of desperation , no doubt, but one that has , in reality always been there , really,.always part of the Democrat Identity anyway. Only now, it's all they have. From now until November, the Democrats will attack every Republican Leader, and MAGA Hat wearer, both psychologically,..and even physically as well. Characters will be smeared, punches will be thrown, bullets will be fired, Properties damaged,..and all those MAGA supporting Republican Representatives who dwell in Washington or any other State,... will be driven out of all public places, driven into the wilderness,, vulnerable ,..and surrounded by savage Democrat street terrorists who have made one thing crystal clear;...
If their hold on America ,..their Vision for America, now lost to Republican Forces,..
If they cannot have America , as they want it,..
Then no one else will, either.
Violence, is all that is now left to them.
Violence, brought on by their hatred of one man, and his Party.
Violence, brought on by the knowledge that they have been beaten ,..permanently.
So yes, Republicans will be targeted now, at their homes, in restaurants, in stores, at gas stations, ...
This is the New Face,..of the Democrat Party.and
Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters has made this agenda quite clear,..with her repeated calls for street violence against any,..and all, who dare carry the Republican War Banner.
And yes, as we have already seen with the Congressman Steve Scalise softball incident last year, ..Democrat bullets will be fired,..and blood will be spilled.
Republican blood.
The latest targets for Democrat violence?
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Family,..driven from a Democrat Operative run , Washington restaurant , called the Red Hen.
Homeland Security Secretary Kristin Nielson , attacked by Democrat thugs, in a movie theater,..
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi,..also driven from a restaurant, by Democrat terror forces,..
And yes, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,..attacked twice in the last two weeks, ..verbal assaults for now, ..but that will change, ..if the Republicans are not careful. McConnell is a prime target, for obvious reasons,..for McConnell , above all other Republican representatives, understands the game, it is played,..and how it is won. "This is a game of numbers",..McConnell once declared,..and knowing this,..refused to allow Obama , in his last year as President, have a final pick of Supreme Court nominee,..refusing to even interview leftist Obama pick Merrick Gatland,..or allow an up or down vote for him, .in the House or Senate.
McConnell knew full well, that in a Presidential election year,..the pick must come from the New President,..hopefully,..a Republican one. MConnell knew that last year pick, ..must belong to the Republicans, ..
McConnell knew the truth, as to where the true power and control of a nation lies.
McConnell knew, the Party that controls the Supreme Court, controls the fate of the Free Republic itself,..for many decades to come.
Because of McConnell's refusal to allow Obama to have his Supreme Court pick, that critical time in political history,..
America is now saved ,for future generations.
Thanks to McConnell,..America as founded,..shall endure.
For, after Obama, came the Republican wave , led by Trumpian Forces beyond all Democrat comprehension,...
And now, the Supreme Court is controlled by Republican Legions,..with the President poised to replace the now retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy , with another savage , textbook constitutionalist,... former President George W. Bush staffer,.. and Scalia disciple,..Brett Kavanaugh. And the President,..May have another pick, even before the end of his first term,..and still another,..before the end of his Presidency as well,...
Incredible, its implication,..
Three Supreme Court picks by President Trump, ....Will virtually assure Republican Victory for all time,..and reduce all Democrat Forces, rubble,...
All thanks to Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell ,...a hard core, nonsense,..Republican,..who may lack conventional conservative instincts,..nevertheless well understands the cold, hard science behind ,..
It is indeed,.. "A game of numbers".
And now, thanks to Mitch McConnell,..Paul Ryan,...and all the Repubican Legions now rallying around our President and the MAGA Agenda ,..
the Republicans now have the numbers indeed.
Numbers, that will save the nation ,..the world,..the known universe itself,...
If,...the Republicans follow the Trumpian strategem of savage counter-attacks, as the President does, with his double bladed weapon,....of tweet and rally,..
As Paul Ryan does, promoting the tax and regulation cuts,..coast to coast,...
As Sarah Sanders does,....savaging all Democrat Press Agents,....mercilessly ,...
As Nikki Haley does,..exposing terror supporting nations, who dare to hide behind the U.N. Flag,....
As Kirsten Nielson does,..defending the Agents of ICE,..and the Border Wall Agenda,...
And, Mitch McConnell does now,..backing this President's agenda ,..1000%,..
Backing his pick for Supreme Court, 1000%,..
A pick that would not be possible,..without McConnell's stance against Obama, the last year,...of his Presidency,..beginning the cycle of Democrat meltdown,..and madness.
And, in the wake of FBI Operatives Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's damning testimony, before a Congressional Committee,..virtually confirming the FBI -Democrat plot, destroy a Republican President,..
And,..the President's Democrat taunting Summit,..with Vladimir Putin,...
the Democrat madness,.and violence,..will no doubt,...grow ever stronger,..and more menacing , all Republicans,...
Yet, in the face of all Democrat attacks, both psychological, and physical,...
The Trumpian-Republican Strategem,..must remain Crystal clear,...
Accelerate,..and then,....Annihilate.
Accelerate all Republican counterattacks, ..against all Democrat attacks,.and answer all Democrat assaults on Republican Legions,.with a savage counterstrike, at all levels,..
One thousand pounds per square inch of Trumpian pressure , exerted , all levels,...
Increase all counter-attacks ,..and even employ the Bush Doctrine,..of Pre Emptive strike as well,...constantly,..mercilessly,...
At all state, and federal levels,...
Savage them, the Press, the streets, Washington,..
Expose them, the remaining masque of civilization away, and lay bare the ugly face of socialism, of Marxism,,..of Communusm,.
For all the world to see.
Accelerate,..and then, in November,..
Annihilate, at the Polls, with the most massive Republican turnout ever seen in political history.
Annihilate,...with the greatest landslide Republican Victory,..since the days of House Speaker Gingrich,...
Annihilate,..with a Republican Victory that the Gods of Olympus will sing songs about,...for decades to come.
A Victory, that will, despite all Democrat attacks against Republican Forces,..will leave no shadow of a doubt, this Shining City borne of chaos and conflict,..and steel willed individuals , for whom constant battle is a source of strength,...
In the hearts and minds , of friend,..and foe,...
Who is the Victor,..
And who is the Vanquished,...
Sunday, July 1, 2018
"Fall Of The Witch-Finders!!"
It was the Ancient Greeks who believed that whom the gods would destroy, they would first make mad. But, with the ever passing sands of time, comes new philosophies, and with them, new perspective as well. Whom the Gods would destroy, they woudst now first make Democrat, and then leave the details of final annihilation, to Trump and his Republican Legions.
And, there appears to be much wisdom in this strategem, for overwhelming Republican Victory, and permanent Democrat Defeat, does seem now , to be as inevitable, as the coming dawn.
For lo these many months, the Trumpian plan for dealing with the Democrat mission to destroy him and the MAGA Agenda has been revealed as brutally effective, and as deadly as a cobra strike. It has been an unlikely combination of pre-emptive strike, lightning fast counterpunch, and Ghandi-like patience. A strategem, that is now bearing Republican Victory fruit indeed.
Constant Trumpian pressure, exerted through a seamless blend of relentless tweet and mass rally, and a steadfast refusal to fire, or halt any involved in the Mueller Probe, other than Comey and McCabe, has now forced the Democrat Machine to destroy themselves with their own probe,..slowly but surely revealing the true colluders, the true plotters, the true conspirators, the true enemies of this Free Republic who have , for almost two years now, used Democrat - Clinton Foundation controlled FBI, DOJ, NSA, and CIA, as politically motivated weapons designed to destroy all things Republican, and secure permanent Democrat Power.
It had to be this way. For, it has always been the Democrat Machine that allied itself with Russian interests, and used the Federal Government's power, as a bludgeoning weapon, against We the People. But, thanks to Congressman Devin Nunes Republican Investigative Committee's relentless , Trumpian pressure, against the Mueller conspirators, that weapon has now been effectively blunted. This, plus the recent IG Report, and the never ending list of now unredacted FBI, DOJ, and CIA texts and emails, continue to leave no doubt as to what the Russian Dossier was really all about, and why it existed to begin with.
Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Yates, Ohr, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and many, many others yet to be named, in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA. All these Federal Government controlled organizations have now been exposed as nothing more than arms of the Democrat Machine, and served one, grim purpose, above all others, ..
Keep the Democrat Party in power, and assure a permanent Republican minority Party, on a State and Federal level, by any means necessary.
Their motive? They hate America as founded, and seek to transform it into the elitist controlled, socialist utopia, they have always envisioned.
And, as History has shown, the Witch -Hunt has always been an effective way to destroy political enemies, and assure a permanent despotic Democrat power base, by controlling the populace through threats and intimidation, methods as old as time itself.
And, during Salem Witch Trials, and their European counterpart, it was a man called Matthew Hopkins , who assumed the Mueller position as the self-proclaimed , "Witch-Finder General." Hopkins , like Mueller now, was a man who knew there were no real witches , but a man who also knew the Witch-hunt itself, was his means to an end. A means to gain what men like him always want, ..Power, and Wealth, ..the only things that evil truly values.
Power, and Wealth.
What Witch-Finder General Matthew Hopkins valued then, and what Witch-Finders Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Brennan, James Clapper,Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and a myriad of other Democrat Operatives , value now,...
Wealth, and permanent Democrat Power,.through heavy taxation and regulation of the Free Market, and We the People,.all for the taking,....
Once the Witch-Finders destroy Trump and his Republican Legions, that is.
That, will not happen now.
Republican Victory seems virtually assured, now, and in the November Midterms as well.
The Witch-Finders defeated, and exposed by texts and emails, for what they truly are. What they have always been , really.
Not a Party that the Republicans can "work with", but a Party that must be destroyed, utterly, in every election, and reduced to political nothingness, and ultimately complete non-existence.
For, Trump and his Republican Legions have shown what Repubican Majorities can do, especially with the right man at the helm.
A booming economy , due to massive tax and regulation cuts, a revitalized military that has all but destroyed the sinister forces of ISIS based terror, at home, and abroad. Unemployment at all time lows, our Veterans and Allies supported as never before, the North Korean threat of a nuclear powered madman ,turned into a chance for word peace ,..and perhaps a truly deserved Nobel Peace Prize for Trumpian achievement ,..evil invaders deported at warp speed, and a long dreamed Border Wall, now becoming solid, working reality.
The Democrats now know, they have been beaten, soundly.
And, as a result, they have indeed gone quite mad.
personal attacks by the Democrat Machine against all Trumpian-Republican Legions are increasing rapidly.
Threats of violence against the First Family, ...
Threats against the Trumpian Staff,..with both White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, and Homeland Secretary Kirsten Neilson driven from restaurants, by the terroristic forces of Antifa, Occupy WallStreet,..Black Lives Matter,..Democrat Party-George Soros funded anarchists all,...
Democrat Operatives all,...who have failed to hold on to their power to take money from the pockets of We the People, who earned it,..and give it to themselves, and those Anti American parasites who would vote for them.
They are now beaten, and powerless, and like all defeated terror forces, they would now use the craven, cowardly, last ditch strategem, of using children as human shields.
The fantasy of illegal invader children being separated from their illegal invader parents, by the Trumpian Forces of ICE,..
The fantasy image of Trump as a sinister, malevolent child snatcher, ...
An image with no substance, nothing except accepted, established , Democrat created, Obama enforced border policy.
An image of Trump as child predator,.an image of the First Lady, an uncaring, unwitting pawn in the President's mission to destroy children and their families,..
A false image,..created by a false Political Party, exposed fully, for what they truly are, ..
What they have always been.
Now fully defeated, and more importantly, fully convinced that they have been defeated, this conservative force of nature that they cannot hope to comprehend,..
Called Trump.
So Be It.
The Witch-Finders have now truly fallen to Republican Forces, and from the ashes of their defeat, comes a New Republican Dawn, the form of Midterm Elections, this November,.
And, a triumphant President who has, like Winston Churchill, found a way to win, all levels,..not by witch-hunt, but by allying himself to true dark forces , and using them to defeat other, greater evil. Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin destroyed 're Nazi forces at Stalingrad, thanks to the Churchill created alliance ,..and it was Satanist Alestair Crowley, who became an MI5 Agent for England,during the Blitzkrieg, and gave Prime Minister Churchill his trademark "V" Symbol of Victory,..that would cast an occultist counter-spell over Nazi forces, an alliance with evil,..that would give the Allies the edge needed,, Churchill stated,.. "Win, all costs.I
Now Trump will use the Tyrant, Dictator, Despot,..Kim Jong Un, to finish off an already critically depleted Democrat Party, by turning Kim away from the darkness of China sponsored Communism, ..and show him a new world, free of nuclear imposed threat, free of tyrannical subjugation,..a world of peace,..shared prosperity,.and global unity of purpose. A world where all men may indeed finally find a way, to truly live free, as God intended,
A world, where the Nobel Peace Prize hangs justly, in the American President's Oval Office , next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson,...
A World, that Russian, Chinese, North Korean, and even Middle Eastern Dictators ,..May now,..thanks to Trumpian efforts,.. comprehend, and embrace , one day soon,..
But a world, that the now powerless, and defeated Democrat Party,..
Never Will,...
And, there appears to be much wisdom in this strategem, for overwhelming Republican Victory, and permanent Democrat Defeat, does seem now , to be as inevitable, as the coming dawn.
For lo these many months, the Trumpian plan for dealing with the Democrat mission to destroy him and the MAGA Agenda has been revealed as brutally effective, and as deadly as a cobra strike. It has been an unlikely combination of pre-emptive strike, lightning fast counterpunch, and Ghandi-like patience. A strategem, that is now bearing Republican Victory fruit indeed.
Constant Trumpian pressure, exerted through a seamless blend of relentless tweet and mass rally, and a steadfast refusal to fire, or halt any involved in the Mueller Probe, other than Comey and McCabe, has now forced the Democrat Machine to destroy themselves with their own probe,..slowly but surely revealing the true colluders, the true plotters, the true conspirators, the true enemies of this Free Republic who have , for almost two years now, used Democrat - Clinton Foundation controlled FBI, DOJ, NSA, and CIA, as politically motivated weapons designed to destroy all things Republican, and secure permanent Democrat Power.
It had to be this way. For, it has always been the Democrat Machine that allied itself with Russian interests, and used the Federal Government's power, as a bludgeoning weapon, against We the People. But, thanks to Congressman Devin Nunes Republican Investigative Committee's relentless , Trumpian pressure, against the Mueller conspirators, that weapon has now been effectively blunted. This, plus the recent IG Report, and the never ending list of now unredacted FBI, DOJ, and CIA texts and emails, continue to leave no doubt as to what the Russian Dossier was really all about, and why it existed to begin with.
Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Yates, Ohr, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and many, many others yet to be named, in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA. All these Federal Government controlled organizations have now been exposed as nothing more than arms of the Democrat Machine, and served one, grim purpose, above all others, ..
Keep the Democrat Party in power, and assure a permanent Republican minority Party, on a State and Federal level, by any means necessary.
Their motive? They hate America as founded, and seek to transform it into the elitist controlled, socialist utopia, they have always envisioned.
And, as History has shown, the Witch -Hunt has always been an effective way to destroy political enemies, and assure a permanent despotic Democrat power base, by controlling the populace through threats and intimidation, methods as old as time itself.
And, during Salem Witch Trials, and their European counterpart, it was a man called Matthew Hopkins , who assumed the Mueller position as the self-proclaimed , "Witch-Finder General." Hopkins , like Mueller now, was a man who knew there were no real witches , but a man who also knew the Witch-hunt itself, was his means to an end. A means to gain what men like him always want, ..Power, and Wealth, ..the only things that evil truly values.
Power, and Wealth.
What Witch-Finder General Matthew Hopkins valued then, and what Witch-Finders Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Brennan, James Clapper,Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and a myriad of other Democrat Operatives , value now,...
Wealth, and permanent Democrat Power,.through heavy taxation and regulation of the Free Market, and We the People,.all for the taking,....
Once the Witch-Finders destroy Trump and his Republican Legions, that is.
That, will not happen now.
Republican Victory seems virtually assured, now, and in the November Midterms as well.
The Witch-Finders defeated, and exposed by texts and emails, for what they truly are. What they have always been , really.
Not a Party that the Republicans can "work with", but a Party that must be destroyed, utterly, in every election, and reduced to political nothingness, and ultimately complete non-existence.
For, Trump and his Republican Legions have shown what Repubican Majorities can do, especially with the right man at the helm.
A booming economy , due to massive tax and regulation cuts, a revitalized military that has all but destroyed the sinister forces of ISIS based terror, at home, and abroad. Unemployment at all time lows, our Veterans and Allies supported as never before, the North Korean threat of a nuclear powered madman ,turned into a chance for word peace ,..and perhaps a truly deserved Nobel Peace Prize for Trumpian achievement ,..evil invaders deported at warp speed, and a long dreamed Border Wall, now becoming solid, working reality.
The Democrats now know, they have been beaten, soundly.
And, as a result, they have indeed gone quite mad.
personal attacks by the Democrat Machine against all Trumpian-Republican Legions are increasing rapidly.
Threats of violence against the First Family, ...
Threats against the Trumpian Staff,..with both White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, and Homeland Secretary Kirsten Neilson driven from restaurants, by the terroristic forces of Antifa, Occupy WallStreet,..Black Lives Matter,..Democrat Party-George Soros funded anarchists all,...
Democrat Operatives all,...who have failed to hold on to their power to take money from the pockets of We the People, who earned it,..and give it to themselves, and those Anti American parasites who would vote for them.
They are now beaten, and powerless, and like all defeated terror forces, they would now use the craven, cowardly, last ditch strategem, of using children as human shields.
The fantasy of illegal invader children being separated from their illegal invader parents, by the Trumpian Forces of ICE,..
The fantasy image of Trump as a sinister, malevolent child snatcher, ...
An image with no substance, nothing except accepted, established , Democrat created, Obama enforced border policy.
An image of Trump as child predator,.an image of the First Lady, an uncaring, unwitting pawn in the President's mission to destroy children and their families,..
A false image,..created by a false Political Party, exposed fully, for what they truly are, ..
What they have always been.
Now fully defeated, and more importantly, fully convinced that they have been defeated, this conservative force of nature that they cannot hope to comprehend,..
Called Trump.
So Be It.
The Witch-Finders have now truly fallen to Republican Forces, and from the ashes of their defeat, comes a New Republican Dawn, the form of Midterm Elections, this November,.
And, a triumphant President who has, like Winston Churchill, found a way to win, all levels,..not by witch-hunt, but by allying himself to true dark forces , and using them to defeat other, greater evil. Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin destroyed 're Nazi forces at Stalingrad, thanks to the Churchill created alliance ,..and it was Satanist Alestair Crowley, who became an MI5 Agent for England,during the Blitzkrieg, and gave Prime Minister Churchill his trademark "V" Symbol of Victory,..that would cast an occultist counter-spell over Nazi forces, an alliance with evil,..that would give the Allies the edge needed,, Churchill stated,.. "Win, all costs.I
Now Trump will use the Tyrant, Dictator, Despot,..Kim Jong Un, to finish off an already critically depleted Democrat Party, by turning Kim away from the darkness of China sponsored Communism, ..and show him a new world, free of nuclear imposed threat, free of tyrannical subjugation,..a world of peace,..shared prosperity,.and global unity of purpose. A world where all men may indeed finally find a way, to truly live free, as God intended,
A world, where the Nobel Peace Prize hangs justly, in the American President's Oval Office , next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson,...
A World, that Russian, Chinese, North Korean, and even Middle Eastern Dictators ,..May now,..thanks to Trumpian efforts,.. comprehend, and embrace , one day soon,..
But a world, that the now powerless, and defeated Democrat Party,..
Never Will,...
Sunday, June 17, 2018
"Red Death,.A' Borning?"
It was the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar , who once boasted , " I am as constant, as the Northern Star",..
Yet, his boast proved false, as the conspiratorial daggers of a treacherous Senate, finally revealed him to be, in the end,..all too finite,..all too mortal. Indeed, it would seem that all things in the known Universe, no matter how great, must eventually succumb to the corroding effects of time. All, seemingly, save the Russian Conspiracy Investigation, headed by Attorney General Rosenstein appointed, Clinton Democrat Agent Robert Mueller, that is. That, seemingly, indeed , as Caesar proclaimed,... "As constant, as the Northern Star,.."
But why? After well over a year of Democrat attempts to bring down this President, by linking him to a fictional Russian strategem, to destroy Hillary Clinton,..there has been no evidence produced ,..hard or otherwise, prove the President,..or his Administration,..guilty of anything.
And yet, the investigation goes on. Why? The President has the executive power to end all of this, with the speed of a flashing guillotine blade,..yet,..he does not. Nor has Attorney General Jeff Sessions done anything to bring this farce of a witch hunt to a close. Why? Well,..there is good reason , indeed.
Yes, the President could have fired Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, and his wife,..Sally Yates,, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page. All of these unelected Democrat covert agents could have been dismissed by the President quite easily . Indeed, many a Republican Strategist and Conservative Pundit have urged him to do so,..Yet, the spectral investigation goes on, and on,..long after the gods themselves have faded away, ..the investigation will still be there, truly as constant, as the Northern Star,...
And with good reason. This has all been part of Trumpian Strategem. The President is, once again, six chess moves ahead of his political allies, and foes alike,..
Indeed, the President plays three dimensional chess, against those who can barely comprehend checkers.
Jeff Sessions has not acted to stop the Mueller Probe , because the President instructed him not to. Apart from Comey and McCabe,..none of the Trump conspirators will be brought down yet, ..for the longer it goes on,..the more is uncovered of the true crimes perpetrated by the Democrat Machine,..against a man who was running to be the next Republican President of the United States. Coney and McCabe were taken down , in order to prevent any further stonewalling of Congressman Devin Nunes and his Intel Committee. To kill the snake, you need only take the head,..then step back , and watch it wither and die, of its own accord.
And so, it has. Thanks to constant , relentless Trumpian pressure, by the President and his Republican Legions in the Congress and Senate, endless supply of Democrat emails and texts, ..detailing the entire scheme to stop this man Trump, at all costs,..have been revealed,..They obtained a FISA warrant , based on a fictional , Russian-British , Spy spawned Dossier. And, two Trump campaign operatives , George Papodopoulis, and Carter Paige,..we're targeted by them, as willing dupes, ..unwitting pawns, a game whose rules they could barely comprehend,..even unto this day. Blatent, easily traceable crimes, well documented as well,...but the FBI, CIA, NSA Democrat Party operatives participating in this so called "Spy Gate" always assumed that Hillary Clinton would easily win the Presidency,... thereby that Democrat malfeasance and treason, would never see the light of day.
They were wrong, Trump won the election handily, bringing his no nonsense , savage conservative message , directly to We the People, who had, for too long,...forgotten one basic truth,...
For Conservative Principles to work,...
They must first win elections.
Republicans must win elections,..repeatedly,..consistently,..they must crush the Democrats on a State and Federal level,..and secure not only state governorships and state legislative seats,..but also Super Majorities in the Federal House and Senate as well.
Once done,..once this is accomplished,..all things are possible in a Free Republic, ..with the right man at the helm, that is.
We are close to this moment, now. The Presidency, House, Senate,..Supreme Court,..and most State governments,..are indeed under Republican control ,..right now. And,..because of this reality, ..the economy booms,as never before, our military soars, our gun rights are sacrosanct,...Judeo Christian values are secured,..and our Allies in Freedom,..and Veterans,..are supported unwaiveringly.
And, more thing,..
With Mueller left unchecked,..he had no choice , under a growing Republican wave,..other than to expose the Democrat Party 's crimes. Thanks to the Presidents Rope a Dope strategem, Mueller had no choice, but to self implode, ..revealing a true Russian Conspiracy indeed,..between Democrats and Russian Operatives, all bought and paid for, the Clinton Foundation and the Democrat Party as well.
Indictments and potential jail sentences for the Democrat participants are, no doubt,..looming ever nearer, as more documents are released by the IG report, ..and Republican Machine,..unredacted,..and damning indeed, in their content. All this has come to pass,..because the President simply let the investigation designed to destroy him,..simply go on forever.
And so it shall continue, ..leaving Democrats , once again, baffled by a President who once again,..defeated them, forcing them to defeat themselves.
This is the game that Trump plays best, ..yet the Democrats still fail to comprehend this, or even acknowledge his hallowed victories,..
Even the proposed North Korean Summit, that became reality in Singapore,..was the result of Superhuman Trumpian Strategems ,..even to the point of gaining the release of three American prisoners ,once thought lost in North Korean prisons forever,..and getting Kim Jong Un to sign agreements,..that pace the way, for the complete denuclearization of North Korea.
The Democrats have ignored these victories, and bristled at the notion of a possible Nobel Peace Prize, for Trump as well. Indeed,..they even gleefully celebrated the Presidents initial withdraw from the proposed summit,..due to Kims unwillingness, to submit to specified terms,..
This, however, mattered little, the shocked and desperate Kim quickly moved to comply,..and reshedule, with the President,..much to the Democrats complete surprise.
Yes, even now,..after predicting that the Presidents aggressive stance against the North Korean despot,..would lead to nuclear war,..even now, the face of another Trumpian foreign policy triumph,..they still fail to understand,..that to deal with a dictator, must become a dictator,..
You must become ruthless evil , personified, least in the eyes of your enemies. Just as it worked for Reagan with Gorbachev, too, would "walking away" from negotiations work for Trump, as well. For evil knows when it is confronted by a force willing to destroy it, order to win.
A force such as Reagan,..and now,..Trump as well.
Kim Jong Un blinked,..and the result?
The Singapore Summit,..a chance for lasting world peace,..once undreamed of, a part of Trumpian History.
And, the Democrats, shocked,..stunned,...once again,..unable to comprehend how they continue to be defeated by this bestial boor of a man, calling himself Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States.
Defeated, and exposed once more, with each passing day,, newly released IG reports,..unredeacted,, their own arrogance,..and hatred ,..for this man,..this President,,...for what they really are,..
The enemies,..of this Free Republic.
And as for Trump? He has barely the time to notice the Democrat implosion . The Mueller investigation has proven to be the President and his Republican Legion's greatest weapon,.in the war to destroy the Democrat Machine. Yet,.there is no time too celebrate, rest on those well earned Trumpian laurels, time at all. For, there are other battles,..other celebrations,.to prepare for,..other ceremonies,.. just past,.to reflect on,..
The Memorial Day celebration for one,...honoring those who gave all, that all men could one day, free. And the coming Fourth of July,...honoring the birth of true freedom itself,..personified in the singular force of nature,..called America.
And another celebration as well,..coming in November,..
A celebration of victory,.overwhelming,crushing,...permanent Republican Victory ,..over a now nearly powerless Democrat Party,..a Party brought down, the President's skillful manipulation of their own weapon,..
The Russian Conspiracy Strategem.
A weapon,...that has exposed the Democrats for what they truly are,..
The Enemies of Freedom,..
The Enemies of Liberty,...
The Enemies,.of this Free Republic,..
The Enemies,....of America.
And, in November,..the Midterm results shall make one thing,..Crystal clear,...
There will be no "Blue Wave",..
Nay,..crushed by their many crimes against humanity, and America,..itself,..self crucified,...on a cross of lies,..deception,..and treason,...
They will soon find themselves engulfed ,..overwhelmed,...not by the "Red Wave" that many conservative pundits ,..including Rush Limbaugh,..have predicted,...
But by a "Red Death", ..that will, Poe's creation,.. move with ready stealth,..amongst the Democrat Party revelers,'s blood spattered cloak,..sweeping behind it,...a blood dabbled wraith,...leaving behind,..nothing but Democrat corpses in its wake,...
Aye,...a Red Death,...that will , the stroke of Midnight in November ,..bring an end, bloodstained Democrat celebrations,..and reduce them to nothingness,...the endless abyss from whence they came,....
Ending the reign of a Party that, a Free Republic,..should never have existed to begin with,..
And,..with the Red Death a'borning, never will,...again,...
In requiem,...
" And now, was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night, ..and one by one dropped the revelers, in the blood bedewed halls of their revel,..and died each in the despairing posture of his fall,..and the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay.
And the flames of the tripods expired, ..and darkness and decay,...and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all,.. "
Edgar Allan Poe
"Masque Of The Red Death"
Yet, his boast proved false, as the conspiratorial daggers of a treacherous Senate, finally revealed him to be, in the end,..all too finite,..all too mortal. Indeed, it would seem that all things in the known Universe, no matter how great, must eventually succumb to the corroding effects of time. All, seemingly, save the Russian Conspiracy Investigation, headed by Attorney General Rosenstein appointed, Clinton Democrat Agent Robert Mueller, that is. That, seemingly, indeed , as Caesar proclaimed,... "As constant, as the Northern Star,.."
But why? After well over a year of Democrat attempts to bring down this President, by linking him to a fictional Russian strategem, to destroy Hillary Clinton,..there has been no evidence produced ,..hard or otherwise, prove the President,..or his Administration,..guilty of anything.
And yet, the investigation goes on. Why? The President has the executive power to end all of this, with the speed of a flashing guillotine blade,..yet,..he does not. Nor has Attorney General Jeff Sessions done anything to bring this farce of a witch hunt to a close. Why? Well,..there is good reason , indeed.
Yes, the President could have fired Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, and his wife,..Sally Yates,, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page. All of these unelected Democrat covert agents could have been dismissed by the President quite easily . Indeed, many a Republican Strategist and Conservative Pundit have urged him to do so,..Yet, the spectral investigation goes on, and on,..long after the gods themselves have faded away, ..the investigation will still be there, truly as constant, as the Northern Star,...
And with good reason. This has all been part of Trumpian Strategem. The President is, once again, six chess moves ahead of his political allies, and foes alike,..
Indeed, the President plays three dimensional chess, against those who can barely comprehend checkers.
Jeff Sessions has not acted to stop the Mueller Probe , because the President instructed him not to. Apart from Comey and McCabe,..none of the Trump conspirators will be brought down yet, ..for the longer it goes on,..the more is uncovered of the true crimes perpetrated by the Democrat Machine,..against a man who was running to be the next Republican President of the United States. Coney and McCabe were taken down , in order to prevent any further stonewalling of Congressman Devin Nunes and his Intel Committee. To kill the snake, you need only take the head,..then step back , and watch it wither and die, of its own accord.
And so, it has. Thanks to constant , relentless Trumpian pressure, by the President and his Republican Legions in the Congress and Senate, endless supply of Democrat emails and texts, ..detailing the entire scheme to stop this man Trump, at all costs,..have been revealed,..They obtained a FISA warrant , based on a fictional , Russian-British , Spy spawned Dossier. And, two Trump campaign operatives , George Papodopoulis, and Carter Paige,..we're targeted by them, as willing dupes, ..unwitting pawns, a game whose rules they could barely comprehend,..even unto this day. Blatent, easily traceable crimes, well documented as well,...but the FBI, CIA, NSA Democrat Party operatives participating in this so called "Spy Gate" always assumed that Hillary Clinton would easily win the Presidency,... thereby that Democrat malfeasance and treason, would never see the light of day.
They were wrong, Trump won the election handily, bringing his no nonsense , savage conservative message , directly to We the People, who had, for too long,...forgotten one basic truth,...
For Conservative Principles to work,...
They must first win elections.
Republicans must win elections,..repeatedly,..consistently,..they must crush the Democrats on a State and Federal level,..and secure not only state governorships and state legislative seats,..but also Super Majorities in the Federal House and Senate as well.
Once done,..once this is accomplished,..all things are possible in a Free Republic, ..with the right man at the helm, that is.
We are close to this moment, now. The Presidency, House, Senate,..Supreme Court,..and most State governments,..are indeed under Republican control ,..right now. And,..because of this reality, ..the economy booms,as never before, our military soars, our gun rights are sacrosanct,...Judeo Christian values are secured,..and our Allies in Freedom,..and Veterans,..are supported unwaiveringly.
And, more thing,..
With Mueller left unchecked,..he had no choice , under a growing Republican wave,..other than to expose the Democrat Party 's crimes. Thanks to the Presidents Rope a Dope strategem, Mueller had no choice, but to self implode, ..revealing a true Russian Conspiracy indeed,..between Democrats and Russian Operatives, all bought and paid for, the Clinton Foundation and the Democrat Party as well.
Indictments and potential jail sentences for the Democrat participants are, no doubt,..looming ever nearer, as more documents are released by the IG report, ..and Republican Machine,..unredacted,..and damning indeed, in their content. All this has come to pass,..because the President simply let the investigation designed to destroy him,..simply go on forever.
And so it shall continue, ..leaving Democrats , once again, baffled by a President who once again,..defeated them, forcing them to defeat themselves.
This is the game that Trump plays best, ..yet the Democrats still fail to comprehend this, or even acknowledge his hallowed victories,..
Even the proposed North Korean Summit, that became reality in Singapore,..was the result of Superhuman Trumpian Strategems ,..even to the point of gaining the release of three American prisoners ,once thought lost in North Korean prisons forever,..and getting Kim Jong Un to sign agreements,..that pace the way, for the complete denuclearization of North Korea.
The Democrats have ignored these victories, and bristled at the notion of a possible Nobel Peace Prize, for Trump as well. Indeed,..they even gleefully celebrated the Presidents initial withdraw from the proposed summit,..due to Kims unwillingness, to submit to specified terms,..
This, however, mattered little, the shocked and desperate Kim quickly moved to comply,..and reshedule, with the President,..much to the Democrats complete surprise.
Yes, even now,..after predicting that the Presidents aggressive stance against the North Korean despot,..would lead to nuclear war,..even now, the face of another Trumpian foreign policy triumph,..they still fail to understand,..that to deal with a dictator, must become a dictator,..
You must become ruthless evil , personified, least in the eyes of your enemies. Just as it worked for Reagan with Gorbachev, too, would "walking away" from negotiations work for Trump, as well. For evil knows when it is confronted by a force willing to destroy it, order to win.
A force such as Reagan,..and now,..Trump as well.
Kim Jong Un blinked,..and the result?
The Singapore Summit,..a chance for lasting world peace,..once undreamed of, a part of Trumpian History.
And, the Democrats, shocked,..stunned,...once again,..unable to comprehend how they continue to be defeated by this bestial boor of a man, calling himself Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States.
Defeated, and exposed once more, with each passing day,, newly released IG reports,..unredeacted,, their own arrogance,..and hatred ,..for this man,..this President,,...for what they really are,..
The enemies,..of this Free Republic.
And as for Trump? He has barely the time to notice the Democrat implosion . The Mueller investigation has proven to be the President and his Republican Legion's greatest weapon,.in the war to destroy the Democrat Machine. Yet,.there is no time too celebrate, rest on those well earned Trumpian laurels, time at all. For, there are other battles,..other celebrations,.to prepare for,..other ceremonies,.. just past,.to reflect on,..
The Memorial Day celebration for one,...honoring those who gave all, that all men could one day, free. And the coming Fourth of July,...honoring the birth of true freedom itself,..personified in the singular force of nature,..called America.
And another celebration as well,..coming in November,..
A celebration of victory,.overwhelming,crushing,...permanent Republican Victory ,..over a now nearly powerless Democrat Party,..a Party brought down, the President's skillful manipulation of their own weapon,..
The Russian Conspiracy Strategem.
A weapon,...that has exposed the Democrats for what they truly are,..
The Enemies of Freedom,..
The Enemies of Liberty,...
The Enemies,.of this Free Republic,..
The Enemies,....of America.
And, in November,..the Midterm results shall make one thing,..Crystal clear,...
There will be no "Blue Wave",..
Nay,..crushed by their many crimes against humanity, and America,..itself,..self crucified,...on a cross of lies,..deception,..and treason,...
They will soon find themselves engulfed ,..overwhelmed,...not by the "Red Wave" that many conservative pundits ,..including Rush Limbaugh,..have predicted,...
But by a "Red Death", ..that will, Poe's creation,.. move with ready stealth,..amongst the Democrat Party revelers,'s blood spattered cloak,..sweeping behind it,...a blood dabbled wraith,...leaving behind,..nothing but Democrat corpses in its wake,...
Aye,...a Red Death,...that will , the stroke of Midnight in November ,..bring an end, bloodstained Democrat celebrations,..and reduce them to nothingness,...the endless abyss from whence they came,....
Ending the reign of a Party that, a Free Republic,..should never have existed to begin with,..
And,..with the Red Death a'borning, never will,...again,...
In requiem,...
" And now, was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night, ..and one by one dropped the revelers, in the blood bedewed halls of their revel,..and died each in the despairing posture of his fall,..and the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay.
And the flames of the tripods expired, ..and darkness and decay,...and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all,.. "
Edgar Allan Poe
"Masque Of The Red Death"
Sunday, May 13, 2018
"If Time, Were Not A Moving Thing,.. !"
The President was, once again, conspicuous by his absence from the Annual Whitehouse Correspondence Dinner. Not surprising . Only a fool would enter a serpent's nest, to do battle with one of it's brethren. He chose instead, to test the befouled Democrat waters, by sending a decoy instead, in the form of noble Herald and Press Secretary Supreme, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Her mission? Give the frothing mad Democrat Press a well hated open target, to unleash upon fully, no holds barred, for over two hours , and thereby forcing them to expose the true face of the Democrat Machine, the true , mean spirited, foul mouthed monstrous beast, that calls itself , Democrat. They took the bait, and gave a shocking, offensive, profanity laced performance, mean spirited, malicious, humorless, and offensive, on a myriad of levels.
It had to be this way, for Trump's strategem here, was , once again,brilliant. For, besides himself, who is more hated by the Press, than Sarah Huckabee Sanders? She scolds them like disobedient children, cuts them off in mid sentence, and, like the President, calls them liars, directly and forcefully, and, even more recently, banned one of their more offending ilk, NBC correspondent Jim Acosta, from any future White House press gatherings, with one simple , cutting statement,.. "I'm done with you." Acosta was almost driven mad with rage, at his casual dismissal. As was the Democrat controlled press in general,..perfectly setting the stage for the White House Correspondents Dinner. Perfectly setting the Democrats up again, for the President's special version of the Muhammad Ali "Rope a Dope" technique. A strategem, that allows your opponent a deceptively open target, ..seemingly defenseless , and vulnerable , but a target that waits patiently, for his attacker's efforts to wane,..waits, a coiled spring,...waits,...for the moment to counter strike against an enemy that has now exhausted all offensive maneuvers, and now stands weakened, and defenseless, against the opponent's perfectly timed , savage counter salvo.
Aye,.. "Rope a Dope" is indeed an apt analogy ,..for the President's strategem. Not just regarding the White House Correspondent's Dinner, but for his overall battleplan, since taking the Presidency, over a year and a half ago. The Mueller fueled, Russian Conspiracy Stratagem was destroyed by this same technique, ..with the President and his Administration allowing the witch hunt probe to go on,...and on,....and on,...month after month,....producing no evidence whatsoever.
And the Democrats, all the while, taunting the President,trying to goad him into firing Mueller and Rosenstein,..the same way he fired Comey.
Trump refused to take the bait,..and continued to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in check, and allowed the Witch Hunt, grow, and even mutate in a sinister way,..with FBI Agents finally raiding the home of Trump Attorney Michael Cohen, in a desperate attempt to find something..anything,...that could potentially lead to Trumpian Impeachment.
All has failed, and, in fact, has now exposed Democrat Russian -FBI conspiracies , and illegal wiretapping of Cohen and Trump as well,..conspiracies that House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes , Attorney General Jeff Sessions,..and the President himself,.are poised to strike against, and investigate just as comprehensively, and thoroughy, the Democrats have investigated Trump, lo these many months.
Turnabout is fair play,..but make no mistake,..the coming Trump counter strike ,..against the now spent and defenseless Democrats will not be "fair"at all. Nay, will be as brutal and as merciless as the Democrats have been against him.
And, never one to rest on his well earned laurels,..while waiting for the moment to strike down the entire Fusion GPS Democrat Machine,..and reduce it to rubble,..the President planned, not a counterstrike,..but a counter celebration. Another Mass Rally,..this time in Michigan,..the very night of the White House Correspondents Dinner,., avalanche of ranting tweets against Comey's public admission to leaking classified government information,....and another added dimension to the MAGA Attack strategem, the form of a new weapon to compliment the President's ever growing,..Democrat destroying arsenal,...
First came the mass rally, ..including the latest in Michigan,.that connects him to his base of power,...We the People,...and enables him to lay down battle plans to cone. Then came the Tweet,.which enables him to instantly counter every single Democrat attack, within seconds of the strike,..with an equally devastating counter strike of his own,.. thereby keeping the Democrats ever on the defensive ,..unable to effectively formulate a cohesive battleplan of their own.
A dangerous position to be in, strategically, with the November Midterms looming ever nearer, ..a guillotine blade,..ready to bring gleaming blue steeled finality, to the Democrat Legacy of Destruction. A blade, ready to fall,..thanks to the three dimensional chess moves of a man called Trump.
The President's choice for VA Secretary may have been sabotaged by Democrat Operatives within the Senate that still rankle at the memory of this Doctor's report on the President's physical health.
The VA nominee in question, then the President's personal physician,..declared the Trumpian physique to be near perfection, despite a seemingly lethal combination of constant fast food intake, and a non-existent exercise regimen.
"How can the President be in perfect physical health, when he never exercises , and eats KFC constantly? " ,..asked the Democrat Press. The Doctor's answer? " Genetics". In other words, the President is not subject to the same physical laws that bind mere mortals. The President, more than man,...the President, special,... gifted by the gods who favor him, with potential immortality.
Or, that's how the Democrat controlled press interpreted his answer,..and his answer made him the Democrat Machine's next target. A target for lies, slander, pubic smears, that would virtually assure that he would never be the next VA Secretary.and
The President's Doctor could have fought back,..against all the allegations and potentially won the nomination anyway,..but he chose the better part of valor,..and stepped aside , lest he create another unnecessary distraction for the beleaguered Commander in Chief,.. already at war with the universe.
No matter, for the President knows to win a war, must become war, itself,..and the President would do battle for him, with his Twitter feed, with his Mass Rally,..and with his newest weapon as well,..
The Fox and Friends early morning, live, on phone interview. In truth, the President used this weapon before,..frequently, as candidate Trump, and even before that as well. Only natural then, that he would pick up its mantle again, especially now, when every weapon possible must be utilized , to assure Republican Victory in November .
The President rant on Fox and Friends was epic, .. A primal scream , with a strategic expose and destroy the Democrat counterattack,..before it could even begin to take effect,..while touting his own Trumpian accomplishments as well.
He railed against the Witch Hunt Russian Probe,..
He raved against the Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels faux spectacle .
He raged against the attacks of the Democrat Senate, against the New VA Secretary nominee,..and promised savage counter strikes against one specific Democrat Senator, who initiated them.
He praised his own accomplishments, as well,..a booming economy, a new alliance with France and England, United against the Syrian-Russian chemical attacks,..
The end, of the Iran Nuclear deal, ..the end of the NAFTA trade imbalance , ...a new alliance with China,...that spawned the President's greatest potential achievement to date, ...
A meeting between newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un, which led to the historic meeting between the North and South Korean Leaders, to discuss many things,..once thought impossible,..
A new world, undreamed of, for countless decades,.
Which then led to this singular moment in time, History,..once thought impossible,...
Peace talks, between the President of the United States, and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, ..ruthless Dictator, Tyrant, and Despot, ..a nuclear armed madman, now ready to talk peace , and unity,..and the complete de-nuclearzation, of North Korea .
A potential Trumpian miracle indeed,..and if fulfilled, one truly worthy of the elusive Nobel Peace Prize.
A prize, seemingly worthless, in many respects, since even Obama achieved it, for accomplishing virtually nothing more, than being elected President.
Yet, it is a prize that has meaning to the pretentious , self absorbed, liberal left, ..therefore, would be the ultimate coup,..for the President to snatch this Prize from the mantle of the feckless Obama, and place it in the Oval Office, right next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.
Mission Accomplished,..
For, although Republican Victory in the November Midterms is necessary, for Trump to truly claim victory,...what better way to convince the Democrats themselves that they have been defeated,..than for Trump to snatch the vaunted Nobel Prize, from the hand of the left's socialist icon, ..Obama?
And now,..add to Trumpian Miracles, the sudden release of three American prisoners, from North Korea as well,..and New Trumpian Glory seems inevitable, ..with the Democrats only possible strategem, stop time itself.
Aye,.. "If Time were not a moving thing,.." as the song goes,...
only then,..would the Democrats stand a chance to reverse their grim fate,....and halt, their date with destiny,..
So Be It.
And, when asked about the possibility of achieving the Nobel coup? The President simply replied,..
"Peace,.is the only Prize."
Her mission? Give the frothing mad Democrat Press a well hated open target, to unleash upon fully, no holds barred, for over two hours , and thereby forcing them to expose the true face of the Democrat Machine, the true , mean spirited, foul mouthed monstrous beast, that calls itself , Democrat. They took the bait, and gave a shocking, offensive, profanity laced performance, mean spirited, malicious, humorless, and offensive, on a myriad of levels.
It had to be this way, for Trump's strategem here, was , once again,brilliant. For, besides himself, who is more hated by the Press, than Sarah Huckabee Sanders? She scolds them like disobedient children, cuts them off in mid sentence, and, like the President, calls them liars, directly and forcefully, and, even more recently, banned one of their more offending ilk, NBC correspondent Jim Acosta, from any future White House press gatherings, with one simple , cutting statement,.. "I'm done with you." Acosta was almost driven mad with rage, at his casual dismissal. As was the Democrat controlled press in general,..perfectly setting the stage for the White House Correspondents Dinner. Perfectly setting the Democrats up again, for the President's special version of the Muhammad Ali "Rope a Dope" technique. A strategem, that allows your opponent a deceptively open target, ..seemingly defenseless , and vulnerable , but a target that waits patiently, for his attacker's efforts to wane,..waits, a coiled spring,...waits,...for the moment to counter strike against an enemy that has now exhausted all offensive maneuvers, and now stands weakened, and defenseless, against the opponent's perfectly timed , savage counter salvo.
Aye,.. "Rope a Dope" is indeed an apt analogy ,..for the President's strategem. Not just regarding the White House Correspondent's Dinner, but for his overall battleplan, since taking the Presidency, over a year and a half ago. The Mueller fueled, Russian Conspiracy Stratagem was destroyed by this same technique, ..with the President and his Administration allowing the witch hunt probe to go on,...and on,....and on,...month after month,....producing no evidence whatsoever.
And the Democrats, all the while, taunting the President,trying to goad him into firing Mueller and Rosenstein,..the same way he fired Comey.
Trump refused to take the bait,..and continued to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in check, and allowed the Witch Hunt, grow, and even mutate in a sinister way,..with FBI Agents finally raiding the home of Trump Attorney Michael Cohen, in a desperate attempt to find something..anything,...that could potentially lead to Trumpian Impeachment.
All has failed, and, in fact, has now exposed Democrat Russian -FBI conspiracies , and illegal wiretapping of Cohen and Trump as well,..conspiracies that House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes , Attorney General Jeff Sessions,..and the President himself,.are poised to strike against, and investigate just as comprehensively, and thoroughy, the Democrats have investigated Trump, lo these many months.
Turnabout is fair play,..but make no mistake,..the coming Trump counter strike ,..against the now spent and defenseless Democrats will not be "fair"at all. Nay, will be as brutal and as merciless as the Democrats have been against him.
And, never one to rest on his well earned laurels,..while waiting for the moment to strike down the entire Fusion GPS Democrat Machine,..and reduce it to rubble,..the President planned, not a counterstrike,..but a counter celebration. Another Mass Rally,..this time in Michigan,..the very night of the White House Correspondents Dinner,., avalanche of ranting tweets against Comey's public admission to leaking classified government information,....and another added dimension to the MAGA Attack strategem, the form of a new weapon to compliment the President's ever growing,..Democrat destroying arsenal,...
First came the mass rally, ..including the latest in Michigan,.that connects him to his base of power,...We the People,...and enables him to lay down battle plans to cone. Then came the Tweet,.which enables him to instantly counter every single Democrat attack, within seconds of the strike,..with an equally devastating counter strike of his own,.. thereby keeping the Democrats ever on the defensive ,..unable to effectively formulate a cohesive battleplan of their own.
A dangerous position to be in, strategically, with the November Midterms looming ever nearer, ..a guillotine blade,..ready to bring gleaming blue steeled finality, to the Democrat Legacy of Destruction. A blade, ready to fall,..thanks to the three dimensional chess moves of a man called Trump.
The President's choice for VA Secretary may have been sabotaged by Democrat Operatives within the Senate that still rankle at the memory of this Doctor's report on the President's physical health.
The VA nominee in question, then the President's personal physician,..declared the Trumpian physique to be near perfection, despite a seemingly lethal combination of constant fast food intake, and a non-existent exercise regimen.
"How can the President be in perfect physical health, when he never exercises , and eats KFC constantly? " ,..asked the Democrat Press. The Doctor's answer? " Genetics". In other words, the President is not subject to the same physical laws that bind mere mortals. The President, more than man,...the President, special,... gifted by the gods who favor him, with potential immortality.
Or, that's how the Democrat controlled press interpreted his answer,..and his answer made him the Democrat Machine's next target. A target for lies, slander, pubic smears, that would virtually assure that he would never be the next VA Secretary.and
The President's Doctor could have fought back,..against all the allegations and potentially won the nomination anyway,..but he chose the better part of valor,..and stepped aside , lest he create another unnecessary distraction for the beleaguered Commander in Chief,.. already at war with the universe.
No matter, for the President knows to win a war, must become war, itself,..and the President would do battle for him, with his Twitter feed, with his Mass Rally,..and with his newest weapon as well,..
The Fox and Friends early morning, live, on phone interview. In truth, the President used this weapon before,..frequently, as candidate Trump, and even before that as well. Only natural then, that he would pick up its mantle again, especially now, when every weapon possible must be utilized , to assure Republican Victory in November .
The President rant on Fox and Friends was epic, .. A primal scream , with a strategic expose and destroy the Democrat counterattack,..before it could even begin to take effect,..while touting his own Trumpian accomplishments as well.
He railed against the Witch Hunt Russian Probe,..
He raved against the Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels faux spectacle .
He raged against the attacks of the Democrat Senate, against the New VA Secretary nominee,..and promised savage counter strikes against one specific Democrat Senator, who initiated them.
He praised his own accomplishments, as well,..a booming economy, a new alliance with France and England, United against the Syrian-Russian chemical attacks,..
The end, of the Iran Nuclear deal, ..the end of the NAFTA trade imbalance , ...a new alliance with China,...that spawned the President's greatest potential achievement to date, ...
A meeting between newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un, which led to the historic meeting between the North and South Korean Leaders, to discuss many things,..once thought impossible,..
A new world, undreamed of, for countless decades,.
Which then led to this singular moment in time, History,..once thought impossible,...
Peace talks, between the President of the United States, and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, ..ruthless Dictator, Tyrant, and Despot, ..a nuclear armed madman, now ready to talk peace , and unity,..and the complete de-nuclearzation, of North Korea .
A potential Trumpian miracle indeed,..and if fulfilled, one truly worthy of the elusive Nobel Peace Prize.
A prize, seemingly worthless, in many respects, since even Obama achieved it, for accomplishing virtually nothing more, than being elected President.
Yet, it is a prize that has meaning to the pretentious , self absorbed, liberal left, ..therefore, would be the ultimate coup,..for the President to snatch this Prize from the mantle of the feckless Obama, and place it in the Oval Office, right next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.
Mission Accomplished,..
For, although Republican Victory in the November Midterms is necessary, for Trump to truly claim victory,...what better way to convince the Democrats themselves that they have been defeated,..than for Trump to snatch the vaunted Nobel Prize, from the hand of the left's socialist icon, ..Obama?
And now,..add to Trumpian Miracles, the sudden release of three American prisoners, from North Korea as well,..and New Trumpian Glory seems inevitable, ..with the Democrats only possible strategem, stop time itself.
Aye,.. "If Time were not a moving thing,.." as the song goes,...
only then,..would the Democrats stand a chance to reverse their grim fate,....and halt, their date with destiny,..
So Be It.
And, when asked about the possibility of achieving the Nobel coup? The President simply replied,..
"Peace,.is the only Prize."
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