Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"Curse Of The Cobra!!"

President Trump truly is, a conservative force of nature beyond compare, without equal, ..and his first two years of solid, record breaking accomplishments , at home and abroad, confirm this beyond a shadow of a doubt. However, even this President is me rely mortal, and as such, subject to the basic laws of political reality, just like all his predecessors. Yes, winning is indeed second nature to him, and from the moment he took the oath of office , the MAGA agenda was moving forward at almost warp speed. But again,..he is still subject to the basic laws of political science, and for this President, or any Republican President to suceed,..he must have , at the very least, a Congressional House and Senate, that are controlled by Republican majorities, if not Super-Majorities.
It is crucial, for any Republican President to have this, if he wishes to pursue the basic conservative agenda that is the goal of every Republican Representative. Tax and regulation cuts, a strong military and defense, and 2nd Amendment rights,..are the bare essentials , the fundamental basics, that all Republicans live and die by, for this political trilogy is the Republican framework, that must be there, in legislation and finally, law,..if the nation is to continue to move forward. Only Republicans cut taxes and r egulations,..period.Only Republicans support our military,..period. Only Republicans protect and defend our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..the one right, ..that makes all others possible, a Free Republic.
Therefore, Republicans must  maintain their hold on government power on a Federal and  State level, ..or the MAGA Agenda and basic Republican agenda as well,..are all for naught. And the President,..great though he may be,..knows this all too well.
To this end, with the November Midterms, upon us,..the President has made his priority clear, he has , once again, increased the level of Trumpian pressure to an almost infinite level,...criscrossing the country with rally after rally,..sometimes two or three in a single day,..and transforming his merely frequent tweets,..into a constant stream of consciousness flow of Savage Republican attack, unleashed upon the now nearly defenseless Democrats. Aye defenseless,..and now even more  vulnerable than ever,..with two Kavanaugh accusers now admitting their rape accusstions were mere phantoms, ..shadow with no substance,..Democrat manufactured mirages,..that have now vanished, in the coming dawn of cold, hard reality,..and truth.
Aye,..the  Democrats are on the ropes, their prediction of a Blue Wave , pure wishful fantasy, designed to discourage Republican turnout at the Midterm Polls,....
But,..that will not happen,.. and the Republicans will hold both the House and Senate,..with Super Majorities gained in both as well,..thanks to Trump's relentless rally blitzkrieg that continued,..right up to the zero hour,..of election day.
The Democrats are now fully exposed for what they truly are,..what they have always been,..
And their rage ,..violence,..and madness?
The natural response to one, simple thing,..
They now know,..that their loss at the zero hour,..will be a massive one again,..
And they know one more thing as well,..
They  now know,..they cannot win again, any election,..
For they now face a Republican Demon who has no fear,..and  plunges into the fray of political battle ,..just for the sheer joy of it,..and,..for one more  reason as well,..
He wants to win,..all the time.
He insists on winning,..every,..single,..battle,..and does indeed.
Trump  and his Republican Legions now know , this Zero Hour of Midterm battle,..
There can be no turning back,..
To save the Republic,..
The Democrat Party must be destroyed,..permanently.
For if not,.. the  Democrat Machine  will not stop,..will not relent,..until they gain their revenge on Trump,.. the Republican Legions ,..and America itself,..
By destroying all.
In the last days of World War II,..President Truman , after much deliberation,..came to a final, grim conclusion,..
The Evil Empire of Japan,..would not surrender ,..ever. Even with their Axis power allies now crushed by Allied Forces,..Japan would fight to the last man, and would never relent,..never surrender,..never admit defeat. Therefore,..Japan must be utterly convinced that the American President is the Hand of God on Earth,..with the power to reach into the heart of the atom itself,..and unleash a  thunderous holocaust of fire, lightning,..and scorched earth armageddon, the twin cities of Hiroshima,..and Nagasaki,..
The result?
The complete and unconditional surrender of Emperor Hirohito, the Allied Forces ,..
The Second World War was over,..and thousands of American and Allied lives,..were saved from a prolonged battle with the Kamakazi motivated Japanese Forces.
And the greater,  longterm result?
The once evil empire of Japan , determined to destroy America, now one of our strongest allies in the fight against terror,..and a growing,..prospering, free market Republic as well,..
All it took was their complete destruction,..To save them,..from themselves,..
So too,..for the Democrats now,..
And Trump and his Republican Legions are now poised to unleash the Red Death, a scant few hours,..and bring forth the same cleansing doom,..that may one day,..bring forth rebirth,..a Democrat Party ,..perhaps, longer standing in the shadow of evil.
Republucan Victory in the Midterms seems almost assured indeed,..with the President's ever massive rally turnout, across the nation,..the cold, hard evidence of the brutal rout ,..the merciless beating,..that the Democrat Party is about to experience,..
Yet again.
And,.in the minds of Democrats, there seems to be little hope now,..despite rigged Democrat polls skewed to discourage and demoralize Republicans who ,..smelling Democrat blood,..are now poised to move in for the final kill,..
The final,..Democrat,..kill,..
Aye,..little hope indeed,..
And Trump the Sorcerer  Supreme,.on Halloween Eve,..with malevolent demons and spirits seemingly at his beck and call,..provided the final psychological killing stroke, the form of a hastily conjured spell of sorts,..aimed at the gathered Rose Garden Press,..
 They were assembled , cover the President and First Lady , greeting young Trick or Treaters,..garbed in full hobgoblin masquerade,..
Aye,..greeting them,..
And using them as well, props in a new, ritualistic shadowplay,..a conjuror's counterspell,..cast to break , once and for all,..the soul,..the  very spirit,..and essence,..of all things Democrat,..and return them to the dark abyss,..of political  purgatory,..
The President,..spotting one little girl in witches garb,..quickly asked to borrow the  strange staff she carried with her. Without missing a beat,.the President gripped her plastic prop,..and, with arms extended, turned toward the puzzled press corps,..stared intently ,..and with the strange septre aimed directly at them,..
The President mouthed something unintelligible,..under his breath,..perhaps a conjuror's curse,..
Perhaps nothing at all,..
But when asked by Fox News host, Laura Ingraham about the incident,..and the witches staff he borrowed,..
The President merely smiled, ..enigmatically,..and said,.. "It was a Cobra",...and then said,..
Nothing more,...
No surprise,..for a sorcerers spell is not for the ears of mere mortals,..and this Cobra  wielding conjuror may have ,..with this All Hallows Eve gesture,..
Cast the final spell,..
The Cobra's Curse,..
Upon the Doomed Democrat Party,..

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