As vast and varied as the President's accomplishments may be, there does remain one flaw, one potential impediment that might , in the near future, derail his MAGA agenda, and render his achievements thus far, as all for naught. Lack of Republican unity , lack of an iron clad bond between Commander in Chief, and his Republican Legions whose sole task should always be to make Trumpian Mission,..and Trumpian accomplishment, and the same entity.
Certainly, the vast majority of Republican Congressman and Senators do indeed promote and enact the Presidents agenda. In truth, if they did not, much of the Presidents accomplishments thus far, would still remain unfulfilled promise ,..just another example of vain, political boasting by an arrogant , upstart outsider to the Washington machine.
But this grim scenario did not come to pass, for one simple reason;...The Republicans control the House and Senate , by just enough numbers, to pass whatever legislation this sorceror of a President might conjure up in his witches cauldron of Trumpian Truth. Just barely enough, to take anything Republican Forces could envision, and make it legislative reality.
Is not enough.
Not enough to secure past Trumpuan accomplishments,..
Not enough to insure a Trumpian future,..
Not enough to stop the endless Democrat blocking and filibustering of any Republican based legislation ,..
Not enough numbers to render the unreliable
Votes of Republican Senate double agents Flake, Corker, Murkowski, or Collins,..inconsequential, and obsolete.
The ultimate solution to this lingering problem is, of course, a landslide Republican Victory in the November Midterms, which would not only let Republicans keep control of both Houses,..but also give them the Super Majorities,..that would render the Demo nocrat Party powerless, and make Republican will supreme.
To achieve this, however, there must be that spark, that moment in time,..that one event , that would awaken the sleeping giant of Republican Majority, and have them turn out at the polls in overwhelming numbers,..and simply vote the Democrat Party out of existence.
But, what could be that spark?
What could awaken the wrath , the rage,..the passion needed, ..for the Republican Army to crush the Democrat pestilence once and for all?
Nothing less than the vast and varied array of weapons that Trump has at his disposal ,..his Master's Assortment of Sorceror Spells that would indeed secure and insure the Red Wave ,long weeks before it's coming.
First, there is the Trumpian Double Bladed Weapon of Tweet and Rally,..which the President has indeed , in recent weeks, doubled down on, with an endless barrage of primal scream tweets, attacking all things Democrat, ..and praising all things Republican. Indeed, the Presidents recurring theme now, is quite simple, and repeated by Trump, over and over on both Twitter feed and at his capacity crowd rallies, as well,..
The message?
If the MAGA Agenda and MAGA accomplishments are to endure, the Republican voter must turn out this November en masse,..and vote for every single Republican running for any office,..Create the Red Wave ,..and make it the Red Death,..that shall move amongst the Democrat revelers , and reduce them , to the political dust from whence they came.
The endless rallies and tweets are indeed working, the Republican Legions are assembling,..and are now ready for battle in November,..a battle that must be won by Repubican forces, if America is to endure.
Then came the next weapon, the form of Brett Kavanaugh , .a Judge hand picked by the President, to become the second Trump appointed Conservative Supreme Court Justice,..and he was eventually, Neil Gorsuch,..confirmed...despite a myriad of Democrat deceptions and false accusations leveled against him. Kavanugh was accused of an attempted rape, that supposedly took place 35 years ago,..when he was a mere high school student. The Democrats ruthless attacks on this man, accusations without a shread of evidence , attempt to destroy a man,..simply because he threatened the power base of the Democrat Machine .
The Republican outrage at this despicable farce, ..was unanimous ,..and unifying as well. Senator Lindsay Graham pounded his fist, and threatened the Democrats,..Senator Susan Collins gave an awe inspiring speech in support of Kavanaugh,..Senate Majority Leader . Mitch McConnell refused to budge ,..Kavanaugh refused to quit or withdraw,...George W. Bush and Mitt Romney came forward in defense of Kavanaugh,...
Even the weak Jeff Flake and Democrat Senator Joe Manchin,..would finally relent, under relentless Trumpian Republican pressure,..and vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
The end result? Brett Kavanaugh is now the second Conservative Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump,..and confirmed by his Republican Senate,..and the Republican Party is now United in Rage,..against the Democrat Machine,..and it's evil aboninations,..and the Republican voter, fully awakened , and ready to vote the Democrats into oblivion this November 6th.
The Red Wave was always inevitable,..thanks to Trumpian accomplishments,..regarding the economy and military, but now,..with all Republicans United against the Democrats, at all levels of government,....well,...
There would soon be little else a rising Republican Party could ask for,....
Save, thing,..
The one thing that has mysteriously eluded the Republicans, despite the fact that they are the Party that ended slavery, and created the Civil Rights Act.
That one thing, the African American vote.
For decades, the Democrat Party ,..the Party of the Klan,..the Party that went to war against its own country, keep slavery,..the Party that refused to sign the Declaration of Independence unless Thomas Jefferson first removed the abolishment of slavery from its text,..this Party has had the bulk of the African American vote.
Truly a riddle , wrapped inside a riddle,..wrapped inside an enigma,..wrapped inside a paradox.
No matter.
The temptation of Democrat handouts has always been at the root of this ,..and free money can tempt the most virtuous of free born men. But man cannot survive that way. He must struggle, sweat,..and strive,..on his own merit,..and make his own way, a creature created to live free,..or not at all.
Take this away,..and make a man a sedentary puppet of a political party,..and he cannot survive,..mentally, or physically.
The proof of this?
Democrat controlled States that have, for decades , created a welfare way of life,..funded by hard-working Americans, have an but collapsed economically,..and become earthbound, hellish pits of doom ,..disease,..and despair.
Yet, the African American voters continued to vote Democrat, despite the irrefutable evidence in Democrat controlled state after Democrat controlled state,..all across the country.
Until the coming of Trump, that is.
For Trump supplied that one missing ingredient that other past Republicans lacked,...the ability to articulate the Conservative Republican Agenda, the American voter, a down to earth,..brutal, savage way,.. that resonated and stuck in the consciousness of those who previously would not listen.
Aye,..the Trump message , repeated over and over at endless rallies , endless tweets,.is the weaponry that has worked.
That,..and the hardcore evidence of success as well,..
The American economy is at an all time high,..and African American unemployment is at an all time low.
So Be It.
Truth, is a hard thing to deny, especially when it's a Trumpian Truth,..that bludgeons your consciousness , ..repeatedly,..endlessly,...
Like a War-Gods Hammer Strike.
Aye, ..the November Midterms seem a fait accompli for Republicans indeed,..
Except for that one final weapon,..
Aye,...One final weapon, be added to the Presidents already formidable arsenal. One more weapon, that would not only insure Republican Victory,..but would also strip the Democrats of the last remnant of hope ,..strip them of their assured voting base,..strip them of their last hold on sanity itself,..and leave them helpless,..defenseless,..before the coming November Red Death,..
Aye, final weapon , that finally struck, a ninja blade, the heart of the Oval Office itself,..
A Weapon that was like a primal scream of Conservative Truth,..
A scream,..a rant,..a stream of consciousness attack,..that was balanced perfectly,..and precariously,..between madness,..and MAGA Truth.
A Warcry,..that went on for well over an hour,..before the laser focused President,..and a stunned Liberal Press,..and
A Warcry,... of Trumpian Truth,...that would finally supply the last missing ingredient to the coming November Red Death,...
A Weapon , whose savage stream of consciousness , conservative musings , and unwavering allegiance to our Commander in Chief,..shocked and stunned both friend and for alike,..
A Weapon,..that now, a surgeons strike, a flashing blade,..has taken away the one thing the Democrats must have,..
Simply to survive as a Party.
The African American vote now belongs to Trump and his Republican Legions,..thanks to this singular weapon ,..and longtime ally and friend,..
A Weapon that recognized one undeniable truth, long ago, the future President decended the escalator,..of Trump Tower,..and
And found ,..his destiny.
That Truth?
Winning,.. is the Game that Trump plays best,..
And, he's got a new weapon,..
A Weapon,..Called West!!
Sunday, October 28, 2018
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