It was the Ancient Greeks who believed that whom the gods would destroy, they would first make mad. But, with the ever passing sands of time, comes new philosophies, and with them, new perspective as well. Whom the Gods would destroy, they woudst now first make Democrat, and then leave the details of final annihilation, to Trump and his Republican Legions.
And, there appears to be much wisdom in this strategem, for overwhelming Republican Victory, and permanent Democrat Defeat, does seem now , to be as inevitable, as the coming dawn.
For lo these many months, the Trumpian plan for dealing with the Democrat mission to destroy him and the MAGA Agenda has been revealed as brutally effective, and as deadly as a cobra strike. It has been an unlikely combination of pre-emptive strike, lightning fast counterpunch, and Ghandi-like patience. A strategem, that is now bearing Republican Victory fruit indeed.
Constant Trumpian pressure, exerted through a seamless blend of relentless tweet and mass rally, and a steadfast refusal to fire, or halt any involved in the Mueller Probe, other than Comey and McCabe, has now forced the Democrat Machine to destroy themselves with their own probe,..slowly but surely revealing the true colluders, the true plotters, the true conspirators, the true enemies of this Free Republic who have , for almost two years now, used Democrat - Clinton Foundation controlled FBI, DOJ, NSA, and CIA, as politically motivated weapons designed to destroy all things Republican, and secure permanent Democrat Power.
It had to be this way. For, it has always been the Democrat Machine that allied itself with Russian interests, and used the Federal Government's power, as a bludgeoning weapon, against We the People. But, thanks to Congressman Devin Nunes Republican Investigative Committee's relentless , Trumpian pressure, against the Mueller conspirators, that weapon has now been effectively blunted. This, plus the recent IG Report, and the never ending list of now unredacted FBI, DOJ, and CIA texts and emails, continue to leave no doubt as to what the Russian Dossier was really all about, and why it existed to begin with.
Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Yates, Ohr, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and many, many others yet to be named, in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA. All these Federal Government controlled organizations have now been exposed as nothing more than arms of the Democrat Machine, and served one, grim purpose, above all others, ..
Keep the Democrat Party in power, and assure a permanent Republican minority Party, on a State and Federal level, by any means necessary.
Their motive? They hate America as founded, and seek to transform it into the elitist controlled, socialist utopia, they have always envisioned.
And, as History has shown, the Witch -Hunt has always been an effective way to destroy political enemies, and assure a permanent despotic Democrat power base, by controlling the populace through threats and intimidation, methods as old as time itself.
And, during Salem Witch Trials, and their European counterpart, it was a man called Matthew Hopkins , who assumed the Mueller position as the self-proclaimed , "Witch-Finder General." Hopkins , like Mueller now, was a man who knew there were no real witches , but a man who also knew the Witch-hunt itself, was his means to an end. A means to gain what men like him always want, ..Power, and Wealth, ..the only things that evil truly values.
Power, and Wealth.
What Witch-Finder General Matthew Hopkins valued then, and what Witch-Finders Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Brennan, James Clapper,Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and a myriad of other Democrat Operatives , value now,...
Wealth, and permanent Democrat Power,.through heavy taxation and regulation of the Free Market, and We the People,.all for the taking,....
Once the Witch-Finders destroy Trump and his Republican Legions, that is.
That, will not happen now.
Republican Victory seems virtually assured, now, and in the November Midterms as well.
The Witch-Finders defeated, and exposed by texts and emails, for what they truly are. What they have always been , really.
Not a Party that the Republicans can "work with", but a Party that must be destroyed, utterly, in every election, and reduced to political nothingness, and ultimately complete non-existence.
For, Trump and his Republican Legions have shown what Repubican Majorities can do, especially with the right man at the helm.
A booming economy , due to massive tax and regulation cuts, a revitalized military that has all but destroyed the sinister forces of ISIS based terror, at home, and abroad. Unemployment at all time lows, our Veterans and Allies supported as never before, the North Korean threat of a nuclear powered madman ,turned into a chance for word peace ,..and perhaps a truly deserved Nobel Peace Prize for Trumpian achievement ,..evil invaders deported at warp speed, and a long dreamed Border Wall, now becoming solid, working reality.
The Democrats now know, they have been beaten, soundly.
And, as a result, they have indeed gone quite mad.
personal attacks by the Democrat Machine against all Trumpian-Republican Legions are increasing rapidly.
Threats of violence against the First Family, ...
Threats against the Trumpian Staff,..with both White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, and Homeland Secretary Kirsten Neilson driven from restaurants, by the terroristic forces of Antifa, Occupy WallStreet,..Black Lives Matter,..Democrat Party-George Soros funded anarchists all,...
Democrat Operatives all,...who have failed to hold on to their power to take money from the pockets of We the People, who earned it,..and give it to themselves, and those Anti American parasites who would vote for them.
They are now beaten, and powerless, and like all defeated terror forces, they would now use the craven, cowardly, last ditch strategem, of using children as human shields.
The fantasy of illegal invader children being separated from their illegal invader parents, by the Trumpian Forces of ICE,..
The fantasy image of Trump as a sinister, malevolent child snatcher, ...
An image with no substance, nothing except accepted, established , Democrat created, Obama enforced border policy.
An image of Trump as child predator,.an image of the First Lady, an uncaring, unwitting pawn in the President's mission to destroy children and their families,..
A false image,..created by a false Political Party, exposed fully, for what they truly are, ..
What they have always been.
Now fully defeated, and more importantly, fully convinced that they have been defeated, this conservative force of nature that they cannot hope to comprehend,..
Called Trump.
So Be It.
The Witch-Finders have now truly fallen to Republican Forces, and from the ashes of their defeat, comes a New Republican Dawn, the form of Midterm Elections, this November,.
And, a triumphant President who has, like Winston Churchill, found a way to win, all levels,..not by witch-hunt, but by allying himself to true dark forces , and using them to defeat other, greater evil. Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin destroyed 're Nazi forces at Stalingrad, thanks to the Churchill created alliance ,..and it was Satanist Alestair Crowley, who became an MI5 Agent for England,during the Blitzkrieg, and gave Prime Minister Churchill his trademark "V" Symbol of Victory,..that would cast an occultist counter-spell over Nazi forces, an alliance with evil,..that would give the Allies the edge needed,, Churchill stated,.. "Win, all costs.I
Now Trump will use the Tyrant, Dictator, Despot,..Kim Jong Un, to finish off an already critically depleted Democrat Party, by turning Kim away from the darkness of China sponsored Communism, ..and show him a new world, free of nuclear imposed threat, free of tyrannical subjugation,..a world of peace,..shared prosperity,.and global unity of purpose. A world where all men may indeed finally find a way, to truly live free, as God intended,
A world, where the Nobel Peace Prize hangs justly, in the American President's Oval Office , next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson,...
A World, that Russian, Chinese, North Korean, and even Middle Eastern Dictators ,..May now,..thanks to Trumpian efforts,.. comprehend, and embrace , one day soon,..
But a world, that the now powerless, and defeated Democrat Party,..
Never Will,...
Sunday, July 1, 2018
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