Monday, November 26, 2018

"A Battle Won,..A War Begun!!"

The 2018 Midterms are now part of history,..and,.as predicted, the Republican Red Wave, became a Red Death indeed, that moved upon the Democrat Machine, and reduced its dreams of a Blue Wave,..of Supreme Democrat Power restored, dust. The Republicans not only held the Senate, but gained three,..perhaps four seats as well, and cemented the conservative element there that had been lacking in the past, due to RINO Senators such as Flake,..Collins,..McCain,..and Murkowski,..
Only three other times in American Midterm History, and not for a hundred years,..has the Party in power gained seats in the Senate, let alone picking up governorships, and State level legislstive seats as well,..all across the country.  But, true to form, te Congress has been lost to the opposing Party, at a time when Republican control at all levels, is critical to maintaining and advancing the President's MAGA vision for the future.
True, the Democrats have gained control of the House by the slimmest of margins, and the retirement of 45 Republican Congressman had much to do with the narrow Democrat Victory,..but, nevertheless,..Democrats ,starting in January, now  control the People's House, and with it, the purse strings of government spending as well. This does not bode well for an American people  who are already prospering under the President's massive tax and regulation cuts, and it certainly does not bode well for aspects of the President's Republican Agenda that still as yet, remain unfulfilled.
But, the  Republicans do still control the Senate , and this time with a solid, conservative base that stands 1000 per cent behind the President's agenda, and will, no doubt, check and countercheck every Democrat attempt to reverse and destroy all the Republicans hath wrought,..lo these many months. In fact, that will emerge as the main Republican  goal for the next two years,..while, at the same time,..always looking for the opportunity, appoint at least two more conservative  Judges, to the Supreme Court. Aye,..protect what the President has accomplished,..and prevent the Democrats  from advancing any of their planned destruction.
The Mueller Probe will go on now  indefinitely, increasing in intensity despite any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. No matter. They will search for anything they can use, to bring down this President, and end the Republican grip on  power in Washington. There will be no bipartisan legisation, ..none whatsoever. Obstruction and Impeachment are the Democrat agenda, nothing more,..and to believe otherwise is to live in an  alternate universe,..not based on reality.
And, an even more sinister Democrat strategem has emerged in the Midterm struggle as well, seen before,  elections past, but  one that will be used as the main Democrat weapon from this moment forward. A weapon , that must now be used by the Democrats as a nuclear option , save themselves , from political oblivion.
The Democrats now know, despite barely  gaining control of the House, that their Party no  longer has the voting base to win elections consistently, either on a State or Federal level. Too much of their true nature has been exposed now, by this savage, relentless, demon of a President.
So, to win,..the Democrats now know they must cheat.
They must reject the concept of a free and fair democratic election, and simply find a way to seize power , by hook , or by crook. Not surprising, really. All National Socialist based political parties eventually realize that free born humans will not willingly elect the iron boot of subjugation , the Democrats must now  accelerate the deceptions they have perpetrated in the past,..and find a way to win that exposes fully, their contempt for the  American voter, a  contempt seen at other times,..down through History,..a contempt that all would be tyrants display toward their fellow humans, that they deem inferior,..mere sheep to be fleeced, ..endlessly,..all in the name of power and control,..the twin gods that all socialists ,..all communists,..worship,..including the Democrat Party.
The Broward County Florida attempts to steal the Presidency from George W. Bush in 2001,..and more recently,..a Senate seat from Rick Scott,..and a Governirship from Ron DeSantis,..are just the beginning,..
With the President on the ballot again in 2020,..the Democrats know that truck loads of fraudulent Democrat ballots, that mysteriously appear in Broward County during an election count,..will not be enough in 2020 to stop this President and his fiercely loyal Republican Legions . The Red Death will come again ,.. and this time will finish the Democrats completely,..
Unless the unexpected intervenes, the form of massive, voter fraud, that affects every voting poll,..everywhere,..illegal invader votes,..phantom votes, matter. All must be found,..manufactured,..and counted, 2020, if the Democrats are to win.
This, however, will not happen.
The President will win reelection ,..handily.
The House will be regained by the Republicans, and both Houses will be held by Republucan Super Majorities,..
For one, simple reason,..
The President and his Party now know the secret to beating the Democrats ,..easily,..and consistently.
Fight Back, hard, ..relentlessly,....savagely,..against any and all Democrat attacks, all levels of government.
Fight Back,..and vote straight Republican ticket, every single election,..
Fight Back,..and  protect the tax and regulation cuts,..
Protect the 2nd Amendment right, to keep and bear arms,..
Protect our strengthened Military,..
Protect, and Seak our borders , from any and all  illegal invaders who will,  if left unchecked , become the future voting base, of the Democrat Party.
Fight for the MAGA Agenda, and for a President who has shown the Republicans the way to win,..and its simple,..
Destroy the Democrat Party,..
Before it destroys you,..
For,..the Midterm battle may be won,..
But the war,..has just begun,..

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