Sunday, October 7, 2018

"Wrath Of The Sea God?"

There is something about this President, . .something about the way he moves, the song goes,..something about the way he fights,..and counters,..and maneuvers,..something about the way he wins,..every time, battle after battle,..against the Democrat Machine. And that something appears to be contagious too,..for now Trump and his Republican Legions are more United than ever,..the false allegations brought against Brett Kavanaugh , no doubt,..awakening a renewed fighting spirit,..even in Republican double agents such as Senators Collins ,Corker,.Flake,..and even Democrat Senator Manchin,..all now supporting Brett Kavanaugh,...with even Collins giving a rousing speech before the vote,defending Kavanaugh,....a speech rivaling Senator Lindsey Graham 's for passion and intensity. And as for Democrat Senator Joe Manchin? He may now be joining Republican Forces after the November Midterms,..since his vote supporting Kavanaugh has made him a political  pariah, amongst his Democrat collegues. Aye,..all now seem to be uniting with the rest of Trump's formidable legions,..uniting under the war banner of a man for who winning isn't  everything,'s the only thing,..And,..more importantly,..uniting with a man , and a Party,..who have made winning not only look easy, ..but made it look fun as well. Destroying Democrats by Trumpian methods not only moves this nation forward,..and secures Brett Kavanaugh's seat for the Supreme Court,..but it also has awakened a long, dormant warrior spirit in the Republican Machine,..and shown them, that all out, holds barred war, a noble task,..a worthy pursuit indeed,..when it is waged under the War Banner of Truth,..and Logic.
 Indeed,..there are two basic realities that make up the very fabric of the universe . One of them is truth,..the other is logic. Both of these are the veritable glue, that ho klds our sense of reality together,..and makes it possible for us, as sentient beings, to function on a day to day basis, and more importantly, survive.
To reject either of these realities, would  indeed put in jeopardy the ability of any individual , to survive and prosper. Indeed, to reject truth and logic, is a veritable death sentence to any who would dare to go down this destructive path. For in the end, truth , simply truth. It is neither good nor evil,.It simply is,..and will always remain the constant presence, in any universe, and in the end,..truth, matter how much it is rejected , or denied,.. will always inevitably , the end, the day. Truth, ultimately, is always victorious , because it cannot be altered , or destroyed. Truth is the one constant in an ever changing universe,..
So too, with logic ,..the basic reasoning system that revolves around the existing laws of nature.
We reason, we apply logical thought , based on established physical laws that we know are real ,..that science has confirmed,..that we know are, fact,..truth.
Deny truth,..
Deny logic,..
Reject both of these undeniable realities,..and you have condemned yourself to the depths of madness ,.mayhem,..and ultimate self destruction.
And that, is indeed the chosen fate of the Democrat Party,..mere weeks before the November  Midterm Elections.
The Democrats, as a Party, have rejected truth on the whole, and have chosen illogical strategems as its mainstay battleplan.
Having chosen to live in a concept utopia of its own making,..a socialist fantasy world that, in reality,..could never truly function.
Truth,..Logic,..and centuries worth of evidence, confirms this,..
Yet, they continue to embrace it,..nontheless,..
And that is why the Democrat Party is virtually finished as a  political power,..forever.
The seeming final nail in the political coffin of the Democrat Machine, seems to be the twisted farce of the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Senate hearings, which the Democrats have used as an opportunity to put on full display, the true depths of their evil,..their madness,. their mayhem,..their compete rejection of Truth,..and  Logic,.. In favor of panic, and desperation.
Aye,..and these Democrat feelings are well warranted indeed, for the Democrats , fully exposed by the Trumpian  strategem of constant blistering  counter attacks , realize they have no chance of regaining the House or Senate in November, and therefore have no chance of ending the reign of Trump and his Republican Legions. They likewise have lost most State legislatures,..and Governorships as well,.. Therefore, the Democrats have turned their attention to their last stronghold of power,..the Supreme Court,.the one seat of power that, if Democrat controlled, them ultimate control over this Free Republic,..and We the People,..who truly rule it.
The Supreme Court, with its lifetime appointments, indeed the ultimate power , and even this now seems to be slipping from their grasp, ..thanks to several factors.
One,..Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 's rejection of  Merrick Garland as a Supreme Court  pick, in Obama's final year as President .Two,..the Trump pick of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court replacement of Antonin Scalia,.an three,..the Trump pick of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as well,..
A pick,..that,..since now confirmed,..has virtually  sealed the fate of the Democrat Machine for decades, dooming them to Conservative Republican control, at  virtually every level of government,..effectively destroying  the Democrat Party and it's agenda permanently,.with the President still having at least two more picks for Supreme Court as well,..
This is why the Democrats have sunk to new depths of madness . To save themselves ,  Brett Kavanaugh had to be destroyed , question. His confirmation had to be blocked,..quickly,...or at least delayed, until after the MidtermsMidterms, which the Democrats still believe will belong to them.
But, once again,..Truth and  Logic,...say otherwise,...
The Democrats had produced , at the zero hour,..a long standing Democrat Operative by the name of  Christine Blasey Ford,..a leftist , Clinton Foundation funding  College Professor,..who had come forth with an attempted rape allegation against Kavanaugh, that could not be confirmed by witnesses , or any other evudence, for that matter. Ford's testimony before the Senate hearing was considered by many "compelling" and "credible",..but the simple fact is that she does not know when the incident took place,..she does not know where it took place,..and all those witnesses she claims were there as well,..say it never happened,..and that they have never even met Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh, in the other hand,...had an endless list of friends and colleagues confirming his sterling character,..confirming that he is simply not capable of such an action as attempted rape , any age,..drunk or sober.
Still, is one allegation,..against one defense,..concerning an incident that supposedly took place more than 35 years ago.
Who can we believe?
Truth and Logic,...once again,..give us the answer.
Ford has zero evidence backing her story,..but there is one truth regarding her,..that we do have. She claims she could not come to Washinton to testify,..because she fears flying. Yet,..Ford has a long  history of flying back and forth to Washington constantly,..and flying to various vacation spots as well,..
Ford lied about her fear of flying.
That, the undeniable Truth.
Ford also has a long history of leftist activism,..and even attended the  Pink Hat protest in Washington,..the day the President was inaugurated.
This also, undeniable truth,..about Christine Blasey Ford.
And Kavanaugh?
His whole life is testament to his character. A life of  public service , with an endless list of friends and colleagues who vouch for his sterling character,..and who vehemently deny the existence of any party or any event where this attempted rape took place,..and yes,..even deny ever knowing,..or meeting Christine  Ford ,..ever,...anywhere,....
And, the end,..Truth and Logic, always,..are all Kavanaugh and the Republicans needed to pave the way to victory., make Brett  Kavanaugh , the next Supreme Court Justice.and
Simply put,..a man is innocent until proven guilty,..period.
There is no evidence, none whatsoever,..that can prove Kavanaugh guilty of anything Ford has alleged.
Therefore,..Kavanaugh is now,..a Supreme Court  Justice.and
That is reality, a universe still grounded by ,..Truth and Logic.
A  Trumpian Universe.
And,..there are more truths to folow, the coming months as well,..
A record setting economy,..and
A border wall now becoming reality,..
Allies and Veterans supported , never before,.
2nd Amendment Rights,..carved in stone,..
Free trade,..finally truly made fair trade as well,..
A military rebuilt,..and ISIS all but vaporized,..
And a Red Wave,..this November,..that will ultimately finish the Democrat Party permanently.
A Party, so steeped in madness, that it even blamed Trump for the hurricane that devastated southern states in past weeks, ....
Aye,..the Democrats now have cast Trump in the role of the Greek God,..Poseidon,..turning his sea born wrath , on the helpless Democrats who have displeased him.
A truly malevolent,..Democrat madness indeed.
It is said that the one true God,..long ago,..was so offended by the outrages of humanity,..that he sent down flood waters to end the abomination that mankind had become,..and wash the earth  clean of its pestilence.
So it was written,...
Then perhaps , is only fitting that Trump become in the minds of addled Democrats, ..the very essense of a wrath filled Sea God,..
Poseidon personified,...
Who, now so offended by the abominations of the Democrat Party,..
That he shall now send forth the Red Wave of Destruction,..
A November Red Death,..that will indeed wash the earth clean,..of this pestilence,..called ,.Democrat.

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