Why does former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton want to be President?She obviously hates campaigning, hates talking to the press,and hates talking to the American people themselves , as evidenced in her "Scooby Do" van stop at the restaurant Chipotle, where she didn't tip,and spoke to no one, except for pre-arraigned Democrat operative plants.Even her book tour a year ago was a complete disaster .Hillary barely sold over 1 million copies, and again she seemed massively uncomfortable talking to those who did come out to have their book signed by her.Strange behavior, for a potential Presidential candidate.
A Presidential candidate must be able to live under a microscope of constant scrutiny by the press, the public,and by their political opponents .They must be willing to shake a million hands , give a million speeches,and answer a million questions , often of a personal nature.The political game is, no doubt, a full contact sport that takes no prisoners.To run for President you must be a gregarious engaging personality that can interact with people comfortably, and endure a scrutiny of your past, both personal and professional ,and you must be able to defend that past, skeletons and all, in a convincing way.In other words , you must be able to sell yourself, and your personal and political record in a way that wins you the most votes.
Secrets are a no-no.Anyone thinking of running for President that has a history of secretive , deceptive, and evasive behavior will find a run for the office of Commander in Chief ,a grueling task indeed.
This is what makes the Hillary Clinton Presidential run all the more baffling.Not only has she already executed an unsuccessful run for the office against Barack Obama in 2008, but since then,her personal and professional resume of lies ,deception ,and malfeasance,has expanded with such items as the failure to protect the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi during the Anniversary of 911, her subsequent lie about a video being the cause of the attack, her refusal to answer congressional hearing questions regarding the incident,and her refusal to turn over all her email correspondence related to government business.In fact,not only did she fail to turn over her emails, but then refused to turn over the private server that she illegally used to conduct government business on ,..even going so far as to brazenly wipe the entire contents of the server clean.
Add to this the Clinton Foundation , which has for many years taken donations from terror supporting nations such as Saudi Arabia , and Brunei,and you have a resume that no sane person would think made them Presidential material.Secrets?Skeletons?Hillary's got em, in spades.Who knows, maybe that's why she decided to nickname her tour vehicle the "Scooby Van".After all, the van from that 60's cartoon was called the "Mystery Machine".In Hillary's case , that name fits quite well. But Hillary Clinton is a Liberal Democrat, a hard core member of the left, and for them, deception , lies, and malfeasance are not only a way of life, but the standard way of politics.Simply put, Hillary and the Democrat Party do not have a problem with her sketchy record of no accomplishments , a failed healthcare program, and endless scandals. Their Party is their religion , and Democrat Party victory, at all levels, is the key to achieving their ultimate goal of transforming America into the Marxist, Socialist utopia they always envisioned it to be. Hillary, or any other Democrat candidate that wins the Primary will receive the Party's full support and the liberal press's full protection .After all ,to the left the ultimate goal is to bring permanent defeat to the Republican Party, and all it stands for.
Democrat Victory, by any means , and at all costs,..is always the goal, no matter who the candidate may be , for they know that all Democrats share the same vision , and do not waiver from the pursuit of that vision.
Therefore , Hillary is the choice , not because of any accomplishments , but simply because she shares their vision,and has name recognition, since her husband is a leftist icon.The simple truth is, the Democrats want Hillary because they know with Hillary, they get Bill Clinton as well, and that is about as close to a Clinton third term as they are likely to get. William Jefferson Clinton , is arguably the Democrat Party's most successful President, the one who actually did achieve a successful economy during his reign , will be able to return to the Oval Office , under the guise of a Hillary Presidency.
This is the left's dream,and it's the only reason Hillary is their number one candidate.
But, the choice is based on faulty logic. Bill Clinton did not create the booming economy that existed during his Presidency.The Republican Party did. In Clinton's first two years, he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.The result was a nation sinking almost as fast as it has under Obama's rule. Then, the Republicans seized control of the House and Senate, for the first time in nearly fifty years, and appointed Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House. The result was tax and regulation reform across the board,a cut in spending that eliminated the deficit and actually balanced the budget , and the Welfare Reform Act, that President Clinton reluctantly signed into law .That is a recipie for economic success.A Republican recipie, no matter what revisionist history the Democrats now try to sell.
And the truth is , the Democrats know it .They know it was Gingrich and the Republicans that turned things around .Deep down, in the pit of their dark souls,..they know it,..and they don't care. A freemarket, economic boom , you see,..is not what they really want.
They just want to win,..for power and control,..that's all.
It's the Government and the Ruling Elite that must prosper ,..not the American economy.
The American , freemarket economy , is just a toll that the left uses as a money source to fund their agendas.And our military? To the left, it's just a Republican based unnecessary expense.
Power and Control, of the capitalist free market.
Of the military.
Of the American People.
That is the goal .
And the first step now, to achieve this goal, is to win the Presidency in 2016.
And that is why former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton , a disciple of America hating leftist Saul Alinsky,..wants to be President.
Power and Control must be concentrated in the hands of the ruling class , the ruling elite of the Democrat Party.And that is why the Democrat Party wants Hillary Clinton to win the Presidency in 2016.
But, unfortunately, an elitist lust for power and control is not a valid reason to run for President.
For, you see, power and control , according to our constitution, belong in the hands of the American people ,..and no one else.
That is the message the American people sent to Washington in 2014, as the Republican Party won it's Midterm elections with the largest majority since the 1930's.
And, the Republican House and Senate, has slowly but surely begun to assert its dominance upon Barack Obama and the Democrat minority.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before the House, on the threat of a nuclear Iran.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and sent a letter to Iranian President Rouhani letting him know that any nuclear deal made with their nation, is not valid in the eyes of the Republicans who now run this country.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and refused to entertain any new tax increases , and voted to repeal the unconstitutional Estate Death Tax.
They ignored the President and the Democrats and passed a bill in the Senate that enables them to overrule any veto the President may use to prevent them from rejecting the Iran deal. They didn't even need to do this.They already have the power to simply say no to any foreign policy deal that threatens the safety and security of our nation, whether it's a nuclear treaty , or not.
They have the power.
They have the control.
And they represent the will of the true rulers of our nation ,..the America people .
And that's why Hillary Clinton's run for the Presidency ,..is a waste of time.
The power she seeks.
The control she seeks.
Are already taken, by We the People.
The office she runs for is simply Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, that's all.
In 2012, on the Anniversary of 911, the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi, was attacked by terrorists, for eight hours.Benghazi Ambassador Stevens begged the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to send military aid to defend this American outpost that was left completely defenseless more many months, deliberately.
The Ambassador's pleas were ignored during the attack, just as his pleas, months earlier , for more security, were also ignored,...by Secretary of State,..Hillary Clinton.
The result? the unprotected unarmed, defenseless Embassy, was burned to the ground ,..and four American operatives of the Embassy were killed, including Ambassador Stevens , who, no doubt, until his last conscious moment, wondered why his President , his Secretary of State,..and his country , had forsaken him , and left him to die at the hands of those who dared attack America on her own soil, on September 11th,..in 2001.
During an eight hour attack on an outpost that is considered American soil, our military was told , by someone in the White House,..to "stand down", and abort any plans of a Benghazi rescue mission.
One question still remains;..and still hangs in the air,like a guillotine ,..."Who gave the Stand Down Order?"
In truth,it could have only been one of two people.One,..the President of the United States, whose whereabouts the evening of the attack are still unknown. And two,....the Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton,whose whereabouts that evening , were indeed known.She was working, at the State Department , well into the night, and was on the phone with the President at approximately ten o clock .The Benghazi Embassy's safety was the responsibility of the State Department,..and the Secretary of State. Hillary gave the stand down order ,and then blamed the attack on a You Tube video to protect the President's reelection anti terror narrative .No doubt about it. That's why she refused to answer questions on the matter before a Congressional hearing.That's why she refused to turn over her emails .That's why she refused to turn over her server.That's why she erased all her emails ,..and then wiped her server clean.
And,that is why Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,..can never ,..ever,..under any circumstances,.....
be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces ,of the United States.
Monday, April 20, 2015
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