The outrage over Indiana Governor Mike Pence's Religious Freedom Law is not about gay rights.It has absolutely nothing to do with it.The gay community already have rights.They live in America, and nowhere else in the world are homosexuals more accepted..And yes, they do have the right to get married in every state, despite what the left claims.They have exactly the same rights as any other citizen of the United States .So what is the outrage over a religious freedom law that protects businesses really about?
It's about a war.A war that is directly related to the war on terror.A war that the liberal left had declared on Christianity ,many years ago.
Christianity has always been the number one target of the left,and for good reason. Christianity is, after all, the religion that promotes individual freedom, and self rule. Christianity is the religion that says our rights come, not from government, but from God. Christianity says that freedom and free will are the gifts that God has given us , and no individual, or tyrannical government ,can take away this gift.Christianity is what America is founded on .The Judeo-Christian principles set down in the scriptures are the template that the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights,..were founded on.
Christianity teaches peace , love, and the brotherhood of man.Christianity teaches self sufficiency and independence.Christianity says that man was created to rule himself, with no King, Queen, Dictator, or Tyrant imposing their will upon him.
America is the last, best hope for the world, because it remains , even to this day, the only nation on earth that is self governed , self ruled, in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles. For all these reasons there is nothing on earth that the liberal left hates more than Christianity ,and America.
The left has always known one thing;.if they can destroy Christianity,then America will surely fall. The left knows that without the freedom based principles of Christianity, America, and it's people,will belong to them, and will be forced to obey the will of a government that will be the final arbiter of what rights they have. To achieve this goal, the left needs weapons .One of these weapons is the issue of racism. By accusing the conservative majority of racism, they seek to marginalize it. Free Market Principles are racist.Corporations are racist.2nd Amemdment Rights are racist.Tax cuts and limited government, are racist.And yes, a strong belief in Christianity is racist.The race card is the number one weapon in the left's arsenal, which is used to destroy the foundations of our free market Republic.Women's rights is the second weapon they use in exactly the same way.So too, with their third weapon, the gay rights movement, which is now poised to bring down the Republican controlled State of Indiana , and it's Governor Mike Pence , over a Religious Freedom bill which he signed into law.
Shutting down Christian based businesses operating in Indiana is the goal, and the left is now pursuing that goal, full bore.
A Christian bakery was the first target.
Next, a Mom and Pop Pizza Parlor that dared to proudly advertise its Christian faith.
Both of these businesses had to be destroyed,..but how?Which weapon of the left could be used to destroy these free market, private sector businesses who dared to advertise their Christian faith?
The Race Card? No.Not in this case. Racism is a fiction in America now anyway, and no business would refuse to serve someone on the basis of their color.No way.
The War on Women strategem then?No. Again, another completely made up issue designed to win Democrat elections only,and certainly no business would refuse to serve someone based on their sex.Not a chance.
This leaves their third weapon, the so-called Anti-Gay Movement.This also does not really exist,not in America,.and no Christian business would ever refuse to serve someone simply because they are gay.That's not how Christians roll, and it just doesn't happen in the American free market,anyway.
But,..there is the issue of ,..marriage.The Catholic Church does not permit gay marriage .Marriage is considered a sacred union, between a man and a woman only,..for the purpose of creating a family. Christians , therefore,oppose gay marriage.
There is the weakness that the left can exploit.
There is the way the left can bring down all Christian based businesses, in the State of Indiana,..and the rest of America as well.
There is the weapon that the left will use to demonize the right, in time to insure Democrat Victory in 2016.Republican Governor Mike Pence, can be brought down with this weapon.Christianity can be brought down with this weapon.And the right, in general, can be brought down with this weapon just in time to insure a Democrat President in 2016. That is the ultimate goal, and the Lesbian and Gay Task Force is the weapon of choice for this Democrat election campaign.
The Race Card won't work.After all, it's the Republican Party that fought a war to free the slaves, created the civil rights act, and made sure that the freed black man could own a gun to protect his freedom,despite objections from the Democrats.
Womens Rights won't work either .After all, it's the Republican Party that elected the first women to Congress and the Senate,and pushed for their right to vote, while the Democrats support and defend Muslim nations that suppress women's rights .
The weapon then,this time, has to be gay rights. After all, the Republican right is made up of mostly Evangelical and Catholic Christians,both of whom oppose gay marriage , at least within the confines of their churches , that is.
That is the weapon that must be used then.
That is the weapon that will restore the Democrat Party to power , starting with Hillary's Presidential Victory in 2016.
That is the weapon that will now be used , by leftist operatives , in every Republican controlled State in our Union,to shut down the right and make their 2014 Midterm Victory a hollow one.
This is the only goal, the only reason for these attacks on private businesses in Indiana , and across the country.
The left's power base must be restored, and this is the way to accomplish it.
The left will say, or do anything , win.Why else would Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, a lie which he admitted to recently?
Why would President Obama seek a faux nuclear deal with terror supporting Iran, that virtually guarantees they get a nuclear weapon?
They will do what is necessary to achieve Democrat Victory, and to secure their leftist voting base support.
They will fail , however, for one basic reason. The left is a minority.Always has been, and always will be .This feigned outrage over gay rights violations in Indiana is, in reality, being carried out by a mere handful of hard core leftists .
We the People,..however, have the numbers., and are now rallying around these businesses , giving them financial and moral support .Thanks to the efforts of conservative pundits Dana Loesch, and Glenn Beck ,well over 300,000 dollars have been raised to help Memories Pizza stay open.Well done. Christianity is finally defending itself from leftist bullies that only target them, because they assume Christians , by their nature, will not fight back.
However, if this was truly a fight against religious oppression of homosexuals in general,then why hasn't the Lesbian and Gay Task Force targeted Muslim bakeries and Pizza parlors?After all, according to the basic tenants of the Islamic faith, homosexuals are deserving of death by stoning .A muslim bakery would most certainly refuse to bake a gay themed wedding cake.
A muslim Pizza parlor would most certainly refuse to cater a gay wedding , as well. They would, however, be more than willing to stone them to death,..just for the crime of being gay.
Yet, the left will not use the gay oppression weapon against muslims , the true violators of women and gay rights.
The reason is clear, the left has always allied itself with Radical Islam because they both have the same goals, power, control, and repression of individual freedom.
They both hate Israel.
They both hate America.
The left fought a war to insure slaves, remain slaves.
The left repressed women's rights to equal pay and the right to vote.
And the left has always supported muslim rights in America , despite their oppression of women and gay rights.
The left and Islam are the oppressors of minorities, gays, and women.
And they always have been.
And both have always been dedicated to destroying America and Christianity.
Fortunately they are a minority, and they are opposed now by a Christian nation that is experiencing their own resurrection this Easter season, for they finally realize that their faith is based on the teachings and deeds of Jesus Christ, a man who never failed to protect the innocent,.. from the forces of evil.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
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