The Iranian Arms control deal is no deal at all.Obama and Kerry have not negotiated a deal that would prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Quite the contrary.What Obama and Kerry have done is give Iran full U.S. support ,and permission to have nuclear weapons.This farce of a deal does not require Iran to give up anything, or concede on any points at all.
Iran is still allowed to build centrifuges, unrestricted.
Iran is still allowed to enrich uranium, unrestricted.
And Iran is still allowed to grow its nuclear program in general, and in ten years time,..anything goes.
Iran is clearly being given permission to develop a nuclear weapon by the President of the United States, as long as they do it after he's out of office, that is. To the President, it's the prestige and legacy of the deal that matters,..not whether the deal really exists.
Meanwhile, adding insult to injury, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has announced a new demand that must be met, immediately, or the deal is off. All sanctions must be lifted , the very second the deal is signed,..or there is no deal.
Not surprising. Rouhani , you see,understands Obama. He knows he will not walk away from negotiations Rouhani knows Obama wants this deal,..not to insure world peace,..but to insure the Obama foreign policy legacy. Obama just wants history to say that he, and he alone,..was the first and only President to a nuclear deal with Iran.That's all he wants ,..legacy,..and the safety of the world be damned. Rouhani knows what really motivates Obama. It's ego , pride, and a self centered ideology that comes first above all else.Rouhani knows this,..because he is of the same ilk. Rouhani also wants this deal for personal legacy, and for one other thing as well. Rouhani wants it,because it will be considered a victory over the U.S., while virtually assuring the destruction of Israel as well.
Sanctions lifted, and nuclear weapons assured ,..all with the United States blessings. Rouhani knows weakness when he sees it, and like every other terror sponsoring state in the middle east, he intends to take full advantage of it, in order to fulfill Islam's ultimate mission ;..the total destruction of the Great Satan,.America ,...and it's partner in freedom, Israel. Obama and Kerry simply will not walk away from the negotiating table ,no matter how outrageous Iran's demands ,..and Iran knows it.
That's why this deal is a farce.You cannot negotiate anything with an enemy unless you are willing to walk away.And, more importantly,unless you are negotiating from strength,..not weakness. That's why President Obama's deal must fail.
He has shown weakness in the war on terror,by pulling all troops out of Iraq and refusing to protect our Libyan Embassy on the Anniversary of 911.He has shown weakness by refusing to engage ISIS forcefully.
He has shown weakness by failing to aid our allies ,the Kurds and Yazidis,in their fight against ISIS genocide.
He has shown weakness by abandoning America's strongest ally in the fight against middle east terror,..Israel.
Obama has shown weakness ,..and America's enemies are well aware of it.
Reagan negotiated deals with Russia and China.
So did Nixon before him.
But,they did it from a position of strength, and were always willing to walk away , when they didn't get what they wanted.
America's enemies respect only one thing,..force,..and the willingness to use that force.
Reagan brought Russia to its knees with a massive buildup of our military,..which bankrupted Russia .
So too, with Nixon's negotiations with China .President Nixon increased funding to our military, ended the Viet Nam war with massive bombing strikes in Hanoi,and then ,approached China to talk deal.It worked.China knew Nixon had the power , and would not hesitate to use it .That's how you negotiate with evil.
President Obama , and the left,..will never understand this, because they do not see our enemies as evil.
He sees America, evil.
He sees American presence as the cause of middle east unrest and world wide terrorism.
America is the problem , and the Obama solution is to diminish America , eliminate it's imperialist threat to the world , by bankrupting it, and downsizing its military,..and then strike peace deals with a host of enemies, now made peaceful, by America's self destruction.
Sorry, doesn't work that way, and the result of this liberal leftist Democrat misconception and perception of foreign policy negotiations can only be, in the end,..nuclear armaggedon.
Iran you see , thanks to the weakness of Obama and the Democrats already has all it needs to make a nuclear weapon.In fact, it most likely already has that weapon.All that remains is for President Rouhani to continue to bide his time, and allow his nuclear program to grow unfettered , until it is no longer possible to stop them without all out nuclear war.
No sanctions, no restrictions whatsoever , to stop them.This is the deal, our President has made with Iran.
This virtually assures the completion of their ultimate mission ;..the total annihilation of Israel and the United States.
For you see, unlike Russia, Iran does not care about superpower retaliation. There is no fear of the power America could unleash on them. Their law is their religion ;..and the elimination of all infidels who do not follow the Prophet Muhammed for the glory of Islam is all that matters.
That is their nature, and that is precisely why no deal can ever be made with Iran , or any other Islam based nation that includes nuclear power, let alone nuclear weapons.
This must be stopped,right now, by any means necessary,and, it is therefore, the duty and responsibility of the Republican House and Senate , and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , unite in this mission,and end this madness ,..before it's too late.
For the simple reality is this ;.all those who kill in the name of the Prophet Muhammed,...should never be permitted to have the power of the atom. Ever.
For, once one Islamic nation does, then begins a nuclear arms race in the middle east that will accurately fulfill the Biblical prophecy of Armaggedon. The final days will finally become reality, with all nations meeting on that final battlefield of meggido , and the only victor in the end will be the rider who bestrides a pale horse;..
the Rider called Death.
Friday, April 10, 2015
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