In the realms of mythology,there exists a creature known as the doppleganger, a seeming duplicate of an individual, except with a soulless, sinister difference.The doppleganger is, in effect, the evil opposite of the person it duplicates.It's ultimate goal is to replace that person, completely, and assume the mantle of his persona , in order to further its evil agenda.
It's no surprise that , to the liberal left, Senator Ted Cruz ,Presidential Candidate for 2016, is that evil doppleganger .After all, in many ways Senator Cruz is President Obama. Both men have crazy quilt backgrounds of mixed ethnicity, with Obama's father being Kenyan and his mother a white American, and Ted Cruz's father is a Cuban immigrant while his mother is half Irish,half Italian. Both Obama and Cruz are idealogues , inflexible and uncompromising in their social and political beliefs,and both Obama and Cruz are heavily influenced by their father's political beliefs and by their college professor's ideaology.
Both Obama and Cruz were fledgling Senators that chose to run for President early in their careers .Both Obama and Cruz are naturally charismatic,with great speaking skills. And, most surprising, both Obama and Cruz have questionable citizenship status, due to their parents early globetrotting proclivities.
Both men do indeed have much in common.But, Cruz has in effect stolen Obama's very soul, and perverted it into a right wing extremist presence designed to destroy the original he duplicated, and all that he stands for as well. That defines Ted Cruz.perfectly.To the liberal left, that is.
An evil reflection of Obama.
His malevolent twin.
His doppleganger.
In effect,...the Anti-Obama.
But, what of the conservative right?What does Ted Cruz symbolize to them?
He symbolizes Freedom.
He symbolizes Liberty.
He symbolizes Conservative Truth;.the truth that defines us as a Nation , and as the Leader of the Free World.
He symbolizes a rebirth in America , a return to our Constitutional roots, and a return to the free market, self governed Republic principles that we were founded on.
Senator Ted Cruz announced his run for the Presidency at Virginia's Liberty University , a conservative Christian based hall of learning that greeted him with thunderous applause only rivaled by the greeting Bebe Netanyahu received in the Halls of Congress.
His speech was one for the ages, pure,..almost existentialist conservatism on display for all the world to see, with no teleprompter needed.After all, Cruz speaks the truth of Constitutional conservatism, a truth that he lives, and breathes, every day of his life. Why would he need notes to speak a truth that is part of his very being?And, Cruz backs up his words with action. He was the man who forced the government shutdown in 2012, when that government refused to obey the will of the people.And Cruz does not just condemn Obamacare,..he actually signed up for it, and refused all government subsidies that Federal Employees are entitled to .Unlike other politicians, Cruz will not pontificate on something that does not effect his own life.He will not take Federal employee subsidies , and he will sign up for Obamacare , because it's the law, and more importantly,it's what We the People have to do , and Cruz always recognizes that he serves only by their will, and their will alone.
If elected, Cruz will most certainly destroy Obamacare and the I.R.S., but until then,as a citizen, he will conform to the law as written. After all, what better way to destroy tyranny, than from within?Cruz will experience the farce of Obamacare firsthand, rather than offer nuanced speculation .He will live the nightmare called Obamacare.After all, you cannot destroy an enemy , unless you can first define it.
"Imagine", was the theme that ran through Ted Cruz's speech.He asked Americans to imagine an America, to imagine a world,..that is essentially the exact opposite of that which Obama hath wrought..He asked Americans to imagine America as it was always meant to be. He asked them to imagine America as our Founders envisioned it , and as the Constitution demands it to be. He asked them to imagine limited government ,tax and regulation cuts , a strong military , a strong National defense , a sealed border, 2nd Amendment rights that are defended , not attacked, a return to Judeo -Christian values , and an end to both the I.R.S., Obamacare,and an illegal Amnesty that leaves our border open and unprotected against our enemies.
He asked them to imagine all this, and more, ..and then he asked for their support in his run for President. For, he believes that he is the man to turn that imagined America into reality , by sheer will, and determination alone.
Ted Cruz can do it . He is the first of many conservative contenders to officially enter the race for the Presidency , and with this speech before Liberty University , he has now set the standard , the template, that all other contenders must follow ,if they can.
Walker, Rubio, Paul, Jindahl, Carson, all of these men are hard core conservatives , and would make formidable contenders ,and excellent Presidents. But, there is only one among them , that appears to be not only a hard core conservative, but a pure conservative as well. All of them have their quirks and single issues that may repel some self destructive conservative voters that would rather stay home than elect another establishment Republican. All except one, that is. Cruz appears to have none of these weaknesses.None.He is the Anti-Obama , and opposes all that the President stands for, unwaiveringly.
His marathon filibuster proved that .
His government shutdown over the budget proved that.
Every piece of Republican Legislation that he has rammed through the Senate, proves this.
He opposes Obamacare.
He opposes high taxes and regulations.
He opposes Democrat weakening of our military , and our non-existent terror strategy.
He opposes Common Core, completely.
And, he not only opposes Amnesty, but insists that sealing our borders completely ,is the only immigration policy that should ever be considered.
Senator Ted Cruz is the perfect Reagan style , conservative candidate .The one conservative voters have been waiting for. In a run for the Presidency, he is unstoppable.
He is unbeatable, against all opponents,..except one,..and it's not Hillary, or any Democrat candidate,..or any force from the left , for that matter.
The left will most certainly unleash hell upon Cruz , as they have already begun to do, calling him, 'evil" , and criticizing his sign up for Obamacare as hypocracy, despite the fact that he refuses to take the Federal employee subsidy that all other members of the House and Senate, accept. But that's just the beginning.As with Reagan, Bush, Palin, or any Republican that dares to expouse strong conservative values , they will attack relentlessly , and ruthlessly , often on a personal level. Cruz, like other conservative candidates, will have to endure the political equivalent of Dante's seven levels of hell, before he can secure victory.
But even for all this, the left is not the enemy that Cruz needs to fear, the enemy that poses the greatest threat to his Presidency. After all, the left has always been a small minority in America .Fox News ratings compared to those of MSNBC, CNN,CBS,and NBC,combined, confirm this. Fox News rules the ratings , because their conservative message and honest reporting appeals to most Americans who are , in fact conservative .The right has always outnumbered the left .Therefore they pose no credible threat to Cruz,or the Republican Party. Who then, is the threat to Cruz's Presidency?The Hard Core Tea Party Conservative voter of course.Despite their values , despite their outspoken opposition to all things Obama,despite their eternal fealty to the constitution ,..they are, in large part , self destructive .They are indeed strong in numbers and voice ,..but strength without wisdom, often breaks its own back.
The simple truth is ,hard core conservatives are the reason we had McCain and Romney as candidates against Obama , instead of a more conservative candidate .Conservatives have unfortunately steadfastly refused to rally behind one, solid, conservative candidate , and support him unwaiveringly in order to accomplish the greater goal of defeating the Democrat Party. Instead, they practice self destructive politics , virtually assuring Democrat Victory by default. In 2008, they nitpicked apart every hard core conservative candidate on single issues, and thereby divided themselves ,..leaving the moderates , independents and crossover Democrats to decide the Primary candidate winner, John McCain.Conservatives then committed political suicide by staying home, or voting third party, and let the Democrats win. In 2012, the same destruction pattern emerged.A well rounded cast of hard core conservative were vying in the Primaries for the Presidential nomination , any one of which would have destroyed Obama in the debates , and made an excellent Republican President .But, the suicidal conservative base , once again, picked their own candidates apart, and allowed the liberal media to manipulate them into thinking none of them could win. The result? Once again, a divided conservative base that's all mouth and no common sense. They refused to support one candidate , instead looking for any single issue that would exclude them.It was as if they were picking a prom date instead of a President. Very childish, and very destructive for our nation's future.The result? The moderates, establishment Republicans and liberal media picked Romney, and the conservative voter stayed home , or voted third party ,..virtually assuring Democrat victory. Once again, the conservative majority, committed political suicide. Once again, they looked for a way to keep the Democrats in power and they found it. Once again, they proved themselves too stupid for freedom. And, all the while, the Democrats laughed and rallied their base , knowing they had hoodwinked the "stupid party" once again , into attacking their own team, out of an ignorant smug sense of conservative superiority ."If my candidate isn't nominated. the whole country can go to hell", seems to be the mantra of these self absorbed, self hating, twitter obsessed, pea brains.
No more.Not this time .You see, this time you got what you wanted , smug conservatives, Ted Cruz. You finally have that perfect conservative , in the Reagan mold, as charismatic as he is right wing.He is perfect , in all the ways you demand. So, stand behind him, America, because candidates as perfect as Cruz come along as often as Haley's Comet emblazons the sky .
You got what you wanted , baby,so stop the nitpicking , self destructive Democrat appeasing nonsense , and let's get this man elected by a landslide , and keep the Republican Party in power permanently.
Or, there's the alternative.You can back down again, nitpick Cruz out of contention, let Jeb Bush win the nomination ,and then sit home or vote 3rd party, for yet another election.
But, if you do it this time,to this candidate named Cruz, us all a favor,..and just don't vote anymore.Stay home permanently,..for you have proven , beyond a shadow of a doubt ,..that you have no stomach for battle against an enemy that is determined to destroy our country.
Stay home,..and leave the battle to conservatives who know how to fight,..and win.
Friday, March 27, 2015
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