Friday, February 27, 2015

Cauldron of Death

Does Barack Hussein Obama love America? This question can only be answered with another question;.."Who Cares?"Who cares if the President loves America or not? If he does, will that change the fact that his policies are destroying America? Love, after all, has the potential to be a destructive force .Quite often, we either destroy that which we love,or it destroys us. Therefore it is meaningless whether Obama loves America. All that matters is what he is doing to America. Governor Scott Walker understands this, and gave perhaps the best answer to this question when he simply said, "I don't know".Walker showed the conservative smarts that have enabled him to win three elections in 4 years and to crush the Democrat controlled Wisconsin Unions in the process. Walker refused to play the Democrat media "gotcha" game. He rejected their premise and instead, substituted one of his own, by only focusing on Obama's destructive agenda that has damaged our country. Walker understands that there is only one man who knows if the President loves America, and it's not Mayor Giuliani.The only one who knows the answer to that question is the President himself. But, what Walker and the American people do know is what the President has done to our Nation.He has increased taxes and regulations on businesses and individuals drastically in order to pay for the stimulus con, Obama tax, Green Energy frauds, Global Warming scams,entitlement packages for illegal immigrants, and the funding of enemy nations that sponsor terror. President Obama has also weakened our military with budget cuts, cuts in pay, and layoffs , while refusing to fight the war on terror, or even recognize our Islamic enemies for what they are. He has closed American Embassies, and removed America's presence from the Middle East , and the world in general, and by so doing has allowed ISIS and the Islamic State to grow in strength and numbers, unchecked, which has resulted in the mass slaughter of Jews, Christians, and Kurds, by crucifixion , beheading, and burning.
President Obama wanted higher taxes and regulations on working Americans .He got it. President Obama wanted government controlled healthcare that would bankrupt businesses, tax and fine American workers , and destroy the American health care system .He got it.
President Obama wanted a stimulus that would be used to impose heavy government taxes and regulations on private sector businesses , while creating a government surplus that would be to fund our enemies overseas , and to fund Democrat election campaigns.He got it.
President Obama wanted the target conservative organizations so they would be less of a threat near election day .He got it. President Obama wanted a weaker military that would have less of a presence in world affairs, which he believed would make the world a safer, more peaceful place , and our enemies less of a threat. He got it,..and the world is a more dangerous cauldron of death and mass slaughter because of it.
President Obama wanted an open border , which would allow unrestricted numbers of illegal immigrants into our nation, who would then be granted Amnesty and the right to endless entitlement programs as long as they vote Democrat for the rest of their natural lives. He will get it,.,.if the Republicans don't hold fast and use their power in both Houses to stop him.
President Obama wanted more gun control and gun free zones .He got it, and mass slaughter of elementary  school children and college students is the result.
Ultimately, this man who 'Loves America" has weakened America , and strengthened our enemies , who have always sought our destruction , for being Christian, ...for being Jewish,....for being Infidel ,..for being the "Great Satan" that dared to insult the Prophet Muhammed , and Allah, by founding a nation that believes in freedom of speech, freedom of will, freedom of thought , freedom to keep and bear arms,freedom of religion,..and the freedom to be a self governed , self ruled Republic , of the people, by the people,..and for the people.
President Obama wanted an America weaker in power and world influence , with an ever increasing poor class, which would strengthen Democrat government power by voting for them eternally.He got it.
President Obama wanted a free market controlled by the government .He wanted illegals to vote Democrat. He wanted a diminished America and a diminished American Military that would no longer impose its imperialist presence on other nations that it has robbed and plundered. He got it.
President Barack Hussein Obama has gotten everything he has wanted from this nation , since the day he took office , despite the loss of the congress in 2010, and the loss of the Senate in 2014. He still got everything he wanted ,..and is now poised to block the Keystone Pipeline bill, , through endless vetos , and to ram through his Amnesty bill, despite a Texas Judge rejecting it on the grounds of being unconstitutional,..and therefore,..completely illegal.
President Obama is now also trying to take control of the free internet,which means the FCC will now impose more taxes and regulations on the American internet user, which results in less freedom for all Americans.
President Obama got what he wanted,..all of it,..and the Republicans in power let him do it.
President Obama , in the space of six years, has gotten everything he wanted from this nation.
Does President Obama love America? Who cares?
Who cares what this man thinks,...or wants.
We the People run this damn nation , and there is nothing that Obama wants,.. that we want. And, what we think, and what we want, all that really matters,since we run this country,..not Obama.
He is our employee , our servant , is the Congress and the Senate.They all obey our will, or they must be dismissed. It's time for this nation to stop blaming Obama and the Democrats for all that has transpired,..and start looking in the mirror at the real cause of this nightmare .
We the People rule this land...and We the People allowed this man and his communist based Party to destroy America.
This is our fault.Obama has no power except that which we allow him to have. He can be stopped.He always could be, us,..if we had the will to do it. But we didn't.
Now, we need to wake up and stop asking stupid, pointless questions about Obama's love for America.
Like Governor Scott Walker,...we shouldn't care if he does or not.We shouldn't give a damn.
He is destroying our nation and allowing terrorists to commit mass slaughter.
Enough is enough.
This isn't about what Obama wants.
It's about what we want.
We want tax and regulation cuts for all citizens , so the free market can grow and prosper.
We want a strong military that kills our enemies and supports our allies,..especially Israel.
We want our 2nd Amendment rights protected and defended , so that our children will never again be slaughtered in our schools because of the mindless ignorance of liberals.
We want an energy independent nation that uses its oil and natural gas resources ,..and rejects dependence on foreign oil sources .
We want our borders sealed , and all illegal criminals out.
We want a President who recognizes the threat of Islamic Extremists and eliminates these threats the only way they can ever be eliminated, killing them,..until there are no more to kill ,...or until they surrender to American forces, and our Christian God,..unconditionally.
This is what We the People want.
And what we want, all that matters.
And what the President wants ,..matters not at all,..nor will it ever matter if he loves America or not.
We rule this land , until we willingly abdicate that rule. Now is the time .We know what we want.
All we need is the guts to take it.
We control the House,the  Senate , and most of the state governments as well.
There is no reason why we cannot reverse this madness now. , unless we lack the will to stop one man whose power has been stripped by the American people in the 2014 Midterm elections.
In President Bush's last two years in office,..the Democrats took control of both Houses, and proceeded to destroy our economy with their tax and spend socialist agenda.They got what they wanted. Why can't we?
You want this country back , America,..then take it, ..or back down and be damned forever by your children who will never know the miracle that was America.
You either destroy the thing you love ,..or it destroys you.
We are America,and if President Obama loves us,..we must make sure that we destroy him,..before he destroys us.

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