Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Lion of War

"To defeat ISIS,and yet allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon is like winning the battle and losing the war".The words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his historic address before Congress.Words that were a chilling reminder of the three addresses British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave before Congress on the threat of Hitler and the Nazis.Like Iran now, the Nazi threat was downplayed by a Democrat President and his administration.Like Iran now, it took a foreign leader with the ability to see evil for what it is, and to sound the warning alarm on the threat Nazism posed to the safety and security of the free world.
Life often meanders in circles.History does indeed repeat itself, if we do not learn from it,that is. In the days leading up to World War II, President Roosevelt , like British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, ignored the growing threat of the Nazis and the growing threat of the Japanese empire as well.The result was a Blitzkrieg on London by the Nazis and an attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Both attacks were preventable,if the warnings of Prime minister Winston Churchill were heeded.
This is where the brilliance of the Bush Doctrine shows its worth.You do not wait for a potential threat to grow and become a substantial threat. You initiate a pre-emptive strike on the threat before the threat can strike at you.That is the Bush Doctrine, and it is indeed the reason the threat of Saddam Hussein no longer exists, and why the threat of Islamic Extremism was almost non existent during the eight years after 911, the eight years of the George W. Bush Presidency.
But, in the 1930's, there was no Bush Doctrine,nor is there one today, and the common denominator in both historical time periods , is the fact that both times, Democrats controlled the White House.The Democrat Party has always been an appeaser of evil,and if the truth is to be told ,it is the Democrat Party that has got America into every one of its wars , while it has always been the Republican Party that has finally ended those wars, with overwhelming, merciless force,the only thing that evil respects.
No deals that Hitler made with with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain stopped Nazi aggression, and no deals that President Obama is now making with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will stop Iranian aggression , or stop them from obtaining nuclear warheads for their already existing missiles earmarked for Israel and the United States.Adolf Hitler wanted world domination, and the extermination of the Jewish race for the glory of the Third Reich. Rouhani also wants world domination , and the extermination of the Jewish race , for the glory of Islam and the Prophet Muhammed.
The differences in Nazi and Islamic ideology matter little , since the goals are always the same.Evil, in all forms, seeks to conquer and destroy, simply because it is it's nature to do so.And, when good refuses to oppose it, when good retreats,evil advances. When good shrinks ,evil grows.When good grows weaker, evil grows stronger.
History does indeed repeat itself , if we, who journey through it, do not learn from the mistakes of the past.
Germany and Japan needed to be stopped, by American aggression and power at the first sign of a threat to U.S.or world security.So too with the threat of Militant Islam.It needed to be stopped , and stopped cold, the minute, the very second , that it announced to the world, more than a thousand years ago, that all Christians and Jews are infidels and must be slaughtered according to the will of Allah and the Prophet.
Force,is all evil respects and responds to , not negotiations or acts of appeasement.You either hit them with overwhelming force that wipes them out, or makes them surrender,or you sanction them into non-existence, by cutting off all sources of money to their regimes. After all, the one thing that all despotic regimes have in common, is a complete and utter dependence on the United States, and free market capitalism,..for their economic survival .
You take away their money, or you take away their lives. Those are the only two ways to defeat these evil regimes , whether Nazi, or Islamic.
But, History has indeed repeated itself, and like Germany and Japan before them, the evil of ISIS and Militant Islam is slowly but surely spreading its cancer across the middle east , leaving millions of crucified , beheaded, and burned Christians , Jews and Kurds , in their wake.
Mass Genocide has returned, and all it took to revive it , and increase its threat was for America to withdraw from Iraq, and from most of its designated Embassies across the middle east, and the world in general. America retreated, and evil grew in strength , so much so that it has conquered most of the middle east, including Iraq Libya , Belgium,and Syria.And, all the while, America and her UAE Allies are doing virtually nothing to stop them. The uncomfortable truth is, Obama has little interest in spending tax dollars in another war , and our allies will not fight, if America cannot be trusted to lead that fight. Therefore, ISIS continues to conquer and destroy all in it's path , while creating the first Islamic Terror state in history.A world under Muslim rule, a world under Sharia Law, is the ultimate goal , and they will not stop until the ISIS flag is being flown from the steps of the White House.
And, all the while, Iran stands in the shadows , plotting and planning nuclear strategems against Israel and the West, while funding and supporting ISIS, and all Islamic forces of terror in the process.
That is the grim reality that the Lion of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu,warned America about in his speech before Congress. Iran, the nation that President Obama seeks to broker a nuclear deal with, has openly called for the destruction of the U.S. and Israel , while funding world wide terror in the process. Iran's goal is the same goal of all Islamic States, ..the destruction of the infidel , and a world under Sharia Law. Why then, would we ever entertain the idea of a nuclear deal with them? Netanyahu stated during his speech that a bad deal is no deal at all. .My question is, why should we be seeking any deal with Iran regarding nuclear power? There is no such thing as a "good deal" with Iran . There should be no deal. America, and the free world's offer to Iran should always be,..nothing.Iran is a terror sponsor and has called for the destruction of Israel and America as well. Iran can never be permitted , under any circumstances, to have nuclear power,...period.
The Russians and North Korea are godless, and want only their earthly power intact. They know we can destroy them, and will not risk a nuclear attack on us.Iran ,and the Islamic world, on the other hand,care nothing for earthly power, and have no fear of death.They embrace it. Their law is their religion, and the extermination of all infidels is the goal , regardless of the fact that our destruction will mean their destruction as well. They are madmen, who follow a mad god that demands they sacrifice themselves for the greater glory of Allah, and to insure the final defeat of the Great Satan, America.
They are fearless.
They are unstoppable.
Unless,..the unexpected intervenes.
America is the unexpected.
Israel is the unexpected.
The Bush Doctrine,is the unexpected.
Only by assuring the destruction of Iraq by military might or strict economic sanction , can this threat be halted before it's too late. No negotiations are possible in the wake of Netanyahu's  historic speech, before Boehner's congress.Iran has already rejected the proposed deal as, "unacceptable".
Indeed, it is, for Secretary of State John Kerry's deal would permit Iran full nuclear capacity after only ten years.That , is sheer madness , and yet Iran refused this deal .They know that if they are dealing with Obama and the Democrats , they can get a better deal. They can have nuclear power ,, and they can arm those missiles immediately, if not sooner , because they know President Obama lacks the will to stop them.
But, they also know , that President Obama is no longer the designated leader of the free world. His power has been usurped , by the  Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Republican Congress who have bypassed the American President , and staged a gathering that was equivilent to the drumbeats of war.  The Republican Congress sees the threat and knows what must be done. But, Netanyahu has always seen the threat , and is fully prepared , in his own words, to"stand alone, if necessary, but Israel will stand".Israel is ready for war against a nation dedicated to it's destruction , and Israel, can no doubt, triumph.But then, there is no need for Israel to stand alone .For now, America has awakened , and the Republican controlled House and Senate , for all its weaknesses and flaws,..has awakened as well, and stands ready to fully support Israel , as America must always do.
The Obama Administration and the 56 traitorous Democrats who refused to answer history's call to glory, by shamefully refusing to attend Netanyahu's speech , will now be forced , by an increasingly brazen Republican Majority , to not only give up their mad dreams of executive action treason, but to also stand with our ally and partner in freedom, Israel, in the final battle for the soul of civilization.
For the Republicans , as well as many Democrats know, that if Israel, the vanguard of freedom beyond our shores, falls,.. America cannot endure.

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