Friday, February 13, 2015

"A Gathering of Conspirators"

Death to America!
Death to Israel!
Victory to Islam!
This was the chant that was heard in Yemen, the President's so-called "success story", as another American Embassy was evacuated , and our Marines forced to hand over their rifles to the invading forces of Al Queda, who now control this region of the middle east as well. Benghazi, Libya, Somali ,Iraq, Syria, and now, Yemen....slowly, but surely, the Obama Administration has been systematically withdrawing America from the world stage, and a world in the grip of a growing terror threat is the result.When America withdraws, evil advances.That is a simple fact that history has proven, time and time again , down through the ages . If America does not lead,..if America is not the leader of the free world, and the last, best hope for humanity , then no one is , and no one will be,...ever. That is what's happening now.President Obama is simply refusing , not only to fight the war on terror, but also to even admit that it exists.
But now, in the wake of world outrage over the beheading of four Americans by ISIS, a Jordanian Pilot that was burned alive by ISIS on camera, and the ISIS murder of 26 year old humanitarian and social worker Kayla Meuller, ..the President has been forced to re-think his minimalist , run out the clock war strategy.He knows now, that these latest atrocities committed by ISIS have finally sparked outrage , not only in America , but in the Middle East as well.Jordan has vowed revenge and has proceeded to execute its terror prisoners in  response to their pilot's grisly murder .They have also unleashed heavy bombing attacks on ISIS as well, and Jordan's King Abdullah has asked the United States for more money to support their renewed war efforts.He should get it, despite the fact that , in the end, little will be done by Jordan to stop ISIS .Nor will the Kurds, brave and determined as they are,..stop them. Nor will any member of the UAE ,..stop them.
In the end,nothing will be done to stop ISIS from continuing its death march across the Middle East.No nation can,..or will,..challenge the growing threat of Radical Islam .That, is the unfortunate reality.
Only America can defeat ISIS.
Only America can destroy ISIS.
Only America can end the mass slaughter that ISIS has wreaked upon humanity.
But now, with Democrats, Republicans , and Arab Allies as well, calling calling for action, the question still remains ;...
Will America finally act?
As if to answer that question, President Obama is now petitioning Congress to authorize all out war against ISIS. Has the President finally awakened to the reality of this threat? Will he now unleash the full power of the United States Military upon the evil of Radical Islam?
No,..he will not. Nothing will be done.Our President is not seeking permission from the Republican Congress to escalate the war on terror.No, in reality, all he is doing is trying to shift the blame for his ineffective war strategy onto the shoulders of the Republican Congress and Senate.
President Obama knows the War on Terror is being lost, to the forces of Radical Islam. He knows this. He planned it this way. Bin Laden was killed and Drone strikes were executed to secure the President's re-election, that's all. But beyond that, he has no interest in spending his last two years in office fighting another  Middle Eastern ground war with terrorists.
The President will continue to do the bare minimum,... virtually nothing, stop the forces of ISIS. War, after all, is expensive ,and our tax dollars must be put to better use , by funding the President's ever expanding entitlement agenda, that will secure future Democrat elections .That must be the focus in Obama's last two years , not fighting a war that Obama  believes, is America's fault, for its imperialist interference in other nation's affairs.
America is the problem, so, America's presence around the globe must be diminished drastically , along with its partner in imperialism, .. Israel.
This, the President reasons, will solve the ISIS-Al Queda problem far more effectively than any expensive war that would drain our tax resources away from the Democrat Party's ever expanding expense account.
The President never goes to Congress for anything.Yet now, he goes to Congress for permission to go to war? Nonsense.
The President has conceded victory to Radical Islam , in payment for Imperialist America's sins .
That is the obvious Obama agenda. But,..there is another.
President Obama and this Administration seek far more than merely a diminished America. It seeks an America under Islamic control. An extreme view? Not at all. The President still refuses to even use the term Radical Islam , while denouncing the Christian Crusades as an evil on par with ISIS. Also, his Chief White House Advisor is a woman named Valerie Jarrett, who has long espoused the belief that America needs to be remade, into a Muslim dominated culture. Since Jarrett's school days, growing up a Iran,.. that has always been her main goal, her chief mission in life. There lies the connection that bonds this woman with the President. Both of them are leftists that spent portions of their childhood, in Muslim controlled lands. It's no surprise then, that she is Obama's Chief Advisor and co-administrator in all things .
Obama will spend his remaining two years in office pursuing this goal. , and using American tax dollars to do it. He will continue with pinpoint, minimalist bombing against the forces of Al Queda and ISIS, and will continue to refuse to put any American forces on the ground.
The President will run out the clock on this war, while at the same time continuing to devote his last two years to fighting the real war;...the war against America,..the terror creator personified.America must be destroyed, so that the true Islam,..the Islam that means,"Peace",...the Islam that the President believes in,..will finally be revealed.
America's defeat is the key to the President's goal,and the Republican Congress and Senate must be the ones held responsible for that defeat.
The President's vision  will never come to fruition. ,..for one ,..basic reason that has eluded Obama, Jarrett,,.. the Obama Administration,..and the Democrat Party as well.
Radical Islam wants their destruction as well.
Whether they like it or not,the Obama Administration and the left, are infidels as well, and equally deserving of the death sentence that Allah demands for all non believers in Islam.
President Obama and the Democrat Party are part of the "Great Satan",..America,.. that must be destroyed. They are part of infidel America ,..and part of Israel, as well. And for this sin, they are indeed targeted for destruction by ISIS,AlQueda, Hamas,Boko Haram, the Taliban, and the Muslim Brotherhood ,...whether they like it or not.
Obama's strategic withdraw from the world has not created a more peaceful Islam. The word "Islam" does not mean" peace", as the President believes.
Islam means,..."Submission".
ISIS does not see a peaceful America under Obama.
ISIS sees a weaker America , afraid to fight ,..and ready to be destroyed for the greater glory of Allah, ..and Islam.
But, fortunately,..there are those who do not share the President's vision for America.
The Republican Congress and Senate, led by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, stand poised to usurp Obama's perceived power , and the Prime Minister of Israel, now stands with them as well, and is scheduled to speak before the Republican controlled Congress and Senate on the threat of Radical Islam, in March.
The conspirators have gathered , to act against an Emperor gone mad, their daggers poised ,..and ready to strike.
Beware the Ides of March,..President Obama.

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