Friday, February 20, 2015

The Last Arena

In 1436,Vlad Dracula, son of Vlad Dracul,became supreme ruler of Wallachia , now known as Romania, and began a reign of terror that would become legendary. Although his Kingdom was surrounded by enemies and his army outnumbered hundreds to one, he kept invaders at bay,by inspiring terror in their hearts. Vlad did this by making sure the lands surrounding Wallachia  were covered with a forest of wooden stakes upon which the impaled bodies of enemy soldiers hung, stretching out over the landscape for miles in every direction. .The enemies of Vlad Dracula nicknamed him ,"Vlad the Impaler", or "Vlad Tepes".It was a nickname that he earned , in blood. Impalement became his signature method of dispatching his Kingdom's enemies , and it was overwhelmingly  effective on a psychological level, inspiring fear in the hearts of invading armies , who would often retreat rather than face a man capable of such evil.He impaled his enemies , leaving their bodies to rot in the sun, , by the thousands. He was even reported to have drank their blood .The legend of Vlad the Impaler grew , and eventually became the inspiration for Bram Stoker's novel, "Dracula", with the author using the Prince of Wallachia as the model for his world famous vampire.
Vlad Dracula was evil personified,..or was he? His Kingdom was surrounded , outnumbered,..and yet for more than six years, Dracula managed to defeat his much stronger enemies , that sought to crush his Kingdom and plunder his land. Vlad the Impaler was a monster, according to the history books.But, to his people, he was a hero, who was not only defending their kingdom, but also, defending the Catholic Church from Islamic invaders from the Ottoman Empire that sought nothing more than the complete destruction of all Christian Infidels. In fact, Vlad Dracula had the support of Pope Pius II,  who called for a new crusade against Islamic Militants. The turks of the Ottoman Empire were these militants, that sought to crush Christian Wallachia , and most of Europe as well, and claim it all for Islam. Those who did not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed must be destroyed , and their land placed under Sharia Law.These were the enemies that Dracula faced and defeated during his short 6 year reign before finally being killed in battle with the Turks.  Dracula , however, was not the only one who dared to confront the evil of Islam.The Crusades, extending from the 9th Century to the 15th, were a bloody barbaric war to simply defeat the evil of Islam that had seized control of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and sought to conquer the whole of Europe.Both Dracula and the English Crusaders used extreme , violent , barbaric , bloody war methods  and strategems to defeat their relentless enemy. They matched them evil for evil. They knew, in order to win a war , you must become war. And, ultimately, they knew the only way to defeat the Muslim Terrorists that threatened all Christians and Jews ,..was to kill them,..and keep on killing them , until they were no more , or until they surrender unconditionally. That is how you defeat terrorism.That is how you win a war. You kill the enemy ,until there are no more enemies to kill.
Vlad Dracula, Prince of Wallachia, cruel, savage, barbaric, a legend steeped in evil, was actually just a patriot , defending his land and the Catholic Church from the Ottoman Empire, and the unholy evil of Islam. The Crusades, a bloody, endless war launched by England and Spain against the whole of the Middle East, was , in reality just a defensive war fought to end the reign of terror that Radical Islam had inflicted upon Christians and Jews , to free the Holy City from Muslim control , and to restore it to its rightful Judeo-Christian rulers. As History has shown, Radical Islam has terrorized humanity for well over a thousand years , and the Crusades against them have been equally endless.
President Barack Hussein Obama, speaking at the annual Catholic Prayer Breakfast, downplayed the threat of Islam, insisting that the terrorists were no different than the Christian Crusaders who waged war against them, in the name of their God. The President is wrong, as usual. The difference is the Crusades were a defensive war , fought to wipe out the threat of Radical Islam, as was the one man , bloody war that Vlad Dracula fought, in the name of the Holy Church. All of this was evil ,..carried out to destroy evil . For evil cannot be defeated , unless good is willing to inflict the same evil upon its enemies, by killing them as brutally , as quickly, and as efficiently as possible. In the 1500's, even Pope Julius II of Rome, like Dracula, had to strap on the sword and do battle with the invading French armies, that had allied themselves with the Turks, in order to crush Rome and the infidel Catholic Church along with it.Leading his Catholic League troops into battle,  Pope Julius killed his enemies before they could kill him , in defense of his country, his people, and his Church.
President Obama will never understand this. The President actually believes that the terrorists that are burning and beheading Christian and Muslim , men, women, and children,..have legitimate "grievances".Ridiculous. They have none that would justify anything they have done .None. We are at war with Islam. A thousand years of history proves this. Yet, the President still refuses to admit it , despite the fact that virtually every terror act that has been committed , or will be committed , on earth,....has been committed by the followers of Islam.
At the recent White House Terror Summit, President Obama stated that we cannot legitimize terrorists by connecting them with Islam. He also stated that terrorism is not committed by a religion , but by terrorists. It's committed by individual people, not religious groups.The President couldn't be more wrong .For a thousand plus years, muslims have committed acts of terror in the name of the Prophet Muhammed, and Islam. They are not distorting their faith. They are following their faith. They are following the Koran to the letter .They are following the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammed, who personally killed Jewish infidels by the thousands.These are not lone individuals , Mister President. They are religious groups following the dictates of their violent, intolerant, religion. They are not Radical Islam. They are Orthodox Islam, and none of their acts, whether it's beheading 21 Coptic Christians who sought work in Libya, or burning to death 45 Kurds in Iraq, are random acts of violence by individuals.None of them.
We are at war Mister President, with an enemy that declared war on us , over a thousand years ago. We are not fighting a new crusade.We are fighting the same crusade against an enemy that still,..a thousand years later,..wants to destroy us , ..for being Christian.
For being Jewish .
For being , Infidel.
This is evil personified, and the President refuses to see it. The devil's greatest weapon , has always been mankind's refusal , admit he even exists.
But,..America must admit it,..and accept this one simple fact;...
War , never Over.
War is a constant, unending thing
America has been in a continuous war ,..since its creation.
That's how it has to be,..when you are a symbol of freedom and liberty in a world steeped in evil.
War is the only answer.
War is the only way, peace.
And,America must win this war if that peace is ever to be achieved.
But, it cannot be won with limited bombing strikes, and non existent UAE  alliances .
To win a war,,,,you must become war.
To defeat evil,, must become evil,..knowing that,..when smoke clears and the battle is done,..
We have fought for Freedom,..and Liberty,..
And they have fought for Hate and Oppression.
However, President Obama and his Administration, see it differently.
White House Spokeswoman  Marie Harf, demonstrated this thick headed difference by pushing the Administration's talking points , stating that lack of "job opportunities" create terror recruits,..and, "war cannot be won, killing people."
Sorry, Miss Harf, but, you see,..the terrorists already have a job.Their job is to kill all infidels , ..and take their land for Sharia.
Our job,..Miss Harf, to prevent them from doing their job, killing them.
You see, despite what White House Spokeswoman Marie Harf believes,....that is precisely how you win the war on terror ,..or any war ,..for that matter.
You kill the enemy,..until there are no more enemies left to kill,..or until they beg us to stop,.. by surrendering unconditionally.
We are at war.
The same war that Vlad Dracula, the Crusaders, Pope Pius II, and Pope Julius II ,..fought .
We are at war with an enemy that believes their god has instructed them to kill us.
Therefore,..we must kill them first.
It's that simple.
The Crusaders of the past have all fallen.
America is the last Gladiator ,in the last arena , of a thousand year old war.
A Gladiator knows there are only two ways to escape the arena,..victory,..or death.
America must emerge victorious from this last arena, if the world is to survive.

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