Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's Christmas warning to President Obama may prove to be prophetic, if America does not act now.The rise of the Third Reich and the Holocaust could have been stopped in 1936 .The evidence of what the Nazis were was there .America should have acted and ended Hitler's reign.We didn't and World War Two was the result. America must act now to end this madness before the warning from Congresswoman Bachmann becomes an accurate prophecy, and a ghastly reality.
Michele Bachmann waited in line at the White House Christmas Party, to give her final farewell Holiday Wishes to the President. Her time in office had come to an end .This would be her last chance to confront the President on an issue that could no longer be treated as just routine foreign policy matters .The Middle East is on fire with the growth of Radical Islam .ISIS has now taken most of Syria with little or no resistance except for limited bombing from U.S. and UAE planes on specific, insignificant targets.In fact, the UAE has not joined the battle since before Christmas .The Kurds ground forces fight valiantly, but are barely able to contain ISIS steady march across Iraq and Syria. Bachmann's warning was specifically about the threat of Iranian nuclear enrichment and their building of new centrifuges, but it had a larger meaning as well. All Middle Eastern terrorism in the name of Islam must be stopped,now. Michele Bachmann told the President in no uncertain terms that bombing Iran should be something that the U.S.must consider as a possible strategy to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. She knows Iran's goal is the same goal that Al Queda , The Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood , Boko Haram, and Hamas have, namely, the destruction of Israel and the destruction of America as well. In fact, all infidel non believers must die, for no other reason than the fact that they do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, and Islam. Bachmann's suggestion was not extreme. Congresswoman Bachmann was on the intelligence committee, and therefore could clearly see the growing threat to the world that was unfolding in the Middle East, and she knows it must be stopped now,..before it's too late.
She knows there's only one way to stop this madness , and that's the way all evil has been stopped down through History.It must be destroyed completely , and from its ashes , hopefully freedom can grow .But , regardless, destroy them we must ,
But, what of our President and his Administration? They continue to deny the magnitude of the growing threat , even to the point of refusing to admit that these mass killings , crucifixions , beheadings, burnings, of men, women, and children, across Iraq,.. into Syria , ...and across the globe are being committed by followers of Radical Islam ,...and no one else. This is Islam. This is what the Koran tells these savages to do. This is the will of the Prophet Muhammed being fully implemented by his followers,and we have a President who will not admit that this enemy even exists. In fact, at the National Prayer Breakfast, he even equated the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition to these acts of terrorism. There is, however, a major difference. The Crusades and the Inquisition happened nearly 900 years ago, and while the Inquisition was indeed barbaric and cruel, the Crusades were , in fact, a just, defensive war whose main purpose was to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule and control. History, apparently,.. does in fact,..repeat itself. Today we are fighting the same enemy, in the same part of the world, for the same reasons.Islamic terror ripped apart the Middle East 900 years ago, ..and it continues to do so today. So the Crusades were indeed a just war, committed in the name of Christ, perhaps,..but not by the will of Christ, and therein lies the difference between Christianity and Islam. There is no time in the New Testament that Christ compels his followers to kill in his name, or in his Father's name. And, except for driving the money changers from the Temple, Christ commits no acts of violence whatsoever.His message is one of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man. The Prophet Muhammed is , however,..another story. He not only instructs his followers to kill infidel non-believers in his name, but he does so himself as well, slaughtering jews by the thousands. Muhammed is a man of violence and depravity, who even marries underage girls. Christ, however,is a man of peace, whose only commandments to his followers were to love God, and to love their neighbor, as they loved themselves.
There is the difference. Christianity is not a religion of violence , because there is nothing in the words of Jesus,or in the actual scripture that teaches, or promotes violence. Islam, however,is a religion of violence because it does indeed promote the killing of all infidels in the name of a false god called Allah.
There is no moral equivalence between these two faiths,..despite what the President may think. The Judeo-Christian faith is the root of our greatness and goodness as a nation Our Constitution is based on it. Our Nation is the last, best hope for humanity , because of it.
And we , as a Nation, have always defeated evil in the past , because ultimately, we confronted it and did what was necessary to destroy it, before it destroyed us. ISIS has only 40,000 followers right now. They are nothing compared to the might of the Shining City called America. Our Military , fully unleashed, could decimate all their forces in less than a week, guaranteed. All that is lacking now is the will to do it. All that is lacking , is a President that has the will, to do it. House Speaker John Boehner knows that all four branches of government have equal power under our Constitution.No President is a Dictator, that can rule by executive whims. That's why Speaker Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before Congress on the growing threat of Radical Islam. That is why the Republican Congress is now rejecting all things Obama , including his new budget ,and Obamacare . That is why Speaker Boehner is now poised to impose his will and the will of the newly elected Republican House and Senate , on any future war strategems against Radical Islam .
If the President will not act as he should, to stop this evil now, before it spreads further,then the Congress will do so without him.
It takes an act of Congress, to declare war.
We , as a Nation, are indeed at war with Radical Islam , whether the President likes it or not.
Now is the time for for Congress to declare a new war on Islam , by increasing our efforts to destroy this enemy, once and for all.
Jordan is now executing its terror prisoners in response to a horrific execution of one of their pilots by ISIS. The man was in a metal cage. He was set on fire, and burned alive. Then, a bulldozer covered the burning man and cage, in concrete rubble. All of this was filmed by ISIS.The world is outraged. But why? Why did it take this specific barbaric act to provoke outrage?
What of the crucifixions and beheadings , of children, the thousands?
What of the execution of Yazidis , Christians, and Kurds, as ISIS seized control of Iraq? Where was the outrage then? Where was the sense of urgency? The Jordanians are awake now , and no doubt retaliation will be extreme , and the execution of ISIS prisoners will continue, en masse.
Jordan's King Abdullah has asked America for more money to fight ISIS.He should get it.
But, what then? Jordan is now unleashing heavy airstrikes on ISIS in retaliation, for the moment. But , will it continue? Are they prepared to do what is necessary to end this, once and for all? What are the Jordanians and America,for that matter,..prepared to do?
This outrage should have happened many months ago.
President Obama pulled all troops out of a liberated, Democratic Iraq, and declared the war,..over. And by so doing, created the evil known as ISIS, and the Islamic State.
That was the real outrage.
And the result? A man burning to death inside a cage.
Enough outrage. Enough verbal platitudes. Enough empty vows to "degrade"ISIS.
The time has come for the Republican Congress to usurp this weak President's power and act to save humanity from this evil which seeks to engulf us.
The President's reaction to Congresswoman Bachmann's suggestion that he consider bombing Iran was one of bemused, annoyed , exasperation.
"Well Michele, it's just not that easy".
Really? Is it easier Mr. President, to watch a man burn to death in a metal cage, then to destroy evil?
The time has come to act .
The Nazi Holocaust was ignored , because no one had to actually look at it, until after the war. Then, American soldiers forced the German citizens to walk through the concentration camps , and see what their indifference had wrought.
But, America had turned its face away too , and its indifference had enabled Hitler and the Axis powers to grow stronger , and become a worldwide threat to humanity.
We can no longer afford to turn our faces away out of indifference,or the apathy that socialism breeds.
The image of the Jordanian Pilot , burning to death inside an infernal cage, must be shown on every news station , just as Fox News has already done.
And, every American must watch it , repeatedly, until it sinks in , until we realize, finally ,..that it is indeed,..time to act.
Bomb Iran, Congresswoman Bachmann?A strong possibility.
Bomb ISIS into Obliteration? An absolute, immediate necessity.
There can no longer be any doubt.
If the President will not act, then Congress must.
ISIS must be destroyed, .....and America must be the hand that destroys it.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
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