Friday, July 4, 2014

The King Who Never Was

In 1781,at York town, Virginia, the British General, Lord Cornwallis,..had finally submitted to the will of the American rebels. The swords of surrender had been passed by Cornwallis's second in command General Charles O'Hara , and accepted ceremoniously by the American General's second in command ,General Benjamin Lincoln. The long, eight year war for Independence was over. At last, the colonists had earned their freedom from Great Britian , and were now poised to start something new, something completely different, something that had never been attempted before, in the history of mankind. A Nation that would be ruled , not by one single individual, but by all individuals. Government of the people , by the people , and for the people. A system of self-government , self rule, where the citizens would answer to no King, Queen, or Dictator, but only to himself. A system where every man would rule his own life , be responsible for his own destiny , and would also be one of many, who would control the fate of the Nation as well. A Republic had actually been created.The Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates had only dreamed of such a utopian system. It took the British colonists , and their French Allies, to finally make the dream a reality, in this rich fertile land called America.
But, none of it could have been possible without the sacrifice of a ragtag militia of freedom fighters, who were under supplied, and badly outnumbered , by the British Army, but still determined that they would live free,..or not at all. Through eight long years and bitter winters , they endured , and although at times it seemed almost hopeless they would not surrender , and instead fought a strategic war of hit and run , to confuse and demoralize the rigid, inflexible British troops. It worked . And, at the Battle of Yorktown, victory had finally been secured. What kept them going? What inspired the colonists to persevere against hopeless odds , when centuries worth of tyranny and oppression around the globe, said that their cause was a hopeless one? The colonists Judeo -Christian values certainly played a part . After all , the root of Christain values is the idea,..the concept ,..that man was created in the image of God , and should live free, as God intended. . But other nations believed in Christianity too. The Romans themselves , under the rule of Emperor Constantine , was in fact singularly responsible for the organized Bible and Catholic Church that we know today.
The British , who oppressed the colonists with heavy taxation and religious restrictions was a Christian Nation , yet it operated as a Monarchy as did the Christain converted Roman Empire. What then, was the difference this time? What made this revolution for freedom ,..true freedom, finally successful?One man made the difference. One man who , despite all hardships ,. all setbacks ,..all bitter defeats , battle after battle,..would not surrender , and would not let the men who served under him,..surrender. It was his vision . It was his dream. It was his will.It was his genius that took a battle for Independence that was, indeed, balanced on the edge of impossibility ,and turned it into overwhelming and decisive victory , using his one weapon,..his unbreakable spirit. That man, who made Plato's dream of a Free Republic , finally a reality , was General George Washington. He, and he alone, was the factor that made the difference , and  erased centuries of mankind's oppression , and made freedom a reality. The simple truth is,..without General Washington's unbreakable will, there would be no America as we know it today. In every revolution,..there is one man with a vision ,..and the determination to make that vision a reality. So too, with America's revolution. The battle for a Free Republic was fought and won because of Washington . But, even then, it could have been a waste, an exercise in futility ,..for many nations had fought wars for freedom . Many rebels had fought and died for this cause ,..and sometimes won against the oppressor, but these battles always ended in futility,for once the battle was won,..the freedom fighters would repeat the mistake , and appoint a new King , Queen , or Tyrant, replace the deposed  one. This is the fatal flaw, of all earthly societies. This is the one defining reason why freedom ,..true Republic style freedom,..has been so elusive , ephemeral, unattainable,..down through the centuries. Since the dawn of time, man, as a species has repeated the same fatal mistake , over and over again , that has kept him a prisoner , living eternally under the boot of tyrant after tyrant. That mistake is clear;...a freedom fighting rebel army will always ,..when victorious,...choose a new tyrant , replace the old one. The King is dead. Long live the King.
Then,...came the man known as Washington. His army fought for the same reasons as all the others had. His army,..his militia ,..fought for that ever elusive freedom from the boot of tyranny. The battle was the same. The historical pattern ,the same. A tyrant who can no longer be tolerated,..will always be overthrown, another tyrant. The Roman Emperor Caligula , was the beloved son of the Roman General Germanicus, who the Roman people hoped would become the new Emperor of Rome,once the evil Tiberius fell. However, it was Germanicus who fell in battle, and so then did the Roman people turn their eyes to his son, young Gaius,,..nicknamed "little boots", or Caligula , if you will, to replace his father as the heir presumptive to the throne of the deathly ill Tiberius. Tiberius eventually did fall, not to rebel freedom fighters, but to the ravages of syphillus, and the people's hero,...young Gaius,....was indeed the new , kinder , gentler, wiser, Emperor of Rome. Except,...that he wasn't.The pattern of history once again repeated and Young Gaius ,...because of sudden illness and subsequent insanity,...did make his predecessor look tame in comparison to the atrocities that he would inflict upon Rome,..during his short reign as Emperor. Indeed, Rome would repeat this pattern, time and time again,.. until the one mighty empire , destroyed from within by the excess of tyrants,fell to an invading  barbarian horde, that could smell the weakness of corruption ,..and brought an end to an Empire that, at one time,..seemed eternal.
The  corruption of Tyrants , ..the temptation of total ,..absolute power,..did indeed , ..corrupt absolutely,..time and time again , and destroyed not only Rome, but many other once mighty Nations that came, before,..and after. Until, one fledgling nation fresh from their victory over the British Empire, ...colonists who sought freedom in a new land ,..would break the destructive pattern ,..because of one man ,..the man called Washington. When victory was assured ,..all battles won,..the surrender of Cornwallis accomplished,...the people of this new land called America did then proceed to commit the same mistake that kept the world in darkness forever, demanding that their conquering hero, their leader in the fight for freedom,..their General,...their Commander in Chief Supreme,......become their New King.
But Washington, displaying the same resolute decisiveness and will that had won a Nation,..said,..."No".Of all the rebel leaders , that had fought for their people's freedom, around the globe,..and won,...only the one known as Washington refused to accept the role of Supreme ruler to the newly won land. With Washington's simple refusal,the pattern of doom and destruction that had plagued mankind since time's beginning , ...was broken forever , least as far as the land called America was concerned. For, no matter the Founding Fathers . No matter the Declaration of Independence. No matter the Constitution. No matter the determination of the colonists to live free of taxation without representation ,..and religious oppression . None of it,...would matter at all,....if General George Washington , the Father of our Country,...had said "yes" , the King's Crown. Even the noble Alexander Hamilton , Founding Father, and creator of our Banking and commerce system,..eventually thought the United States should return to a Monarchy style system of government, did many other Founders. Without the resolute influence and leadership of the Commander in Chief,..the First,..and Greatest President , the Nation has ever had ,...America would indeed have eventually turned to tyranny , all nations had previously. Washington refused Kingship , and by so doing created this Shining City on a Hill called America . His refusal ,..his rejection of tyranny,..would make America the Leader of the Free World, and the greatest force for freedom and liberty , around the globe, that has ever existed. All that has followed Washington's rejection of absolute power would not have happened ,..without that rejection. And, since that day,..all others that have followed afterward and been elected to the office of Commander in Chief,..have also rejected the temptation of Imperial Power that the office of President exposes men to. Our Constitutional Laws , of course, set down by our Founding Fathers , are the checks and balances that prevent any President from exceeding his authority, and are partially responsible for their rejection of the role of usurper,..of course,..and the separation of powers within the three branches of government ,..the  Executive , Legislative,..and Judicial would seemingly make a Monarchy impossible .Yet,..a large part must also be the character of the men we elect to the office of the Presidency,..and their respect for our first Commander in Chief , ..and his landmark decision to refuse the King's Crown ,..and become instead a King in Exile,..who , after serving out his two terms as President,...returned  the land he had fought for to the hands of "We the People".Yes , all our Presidents , since Washington, whether great, or mediocre ,..have, Washington,.. resisted the allure of the King's Crown , served within the boundaries of our Constitution ,..till the end of their terms,..and then , like Washington, returned power to the ones who really own it,..."We the People". Until now,...that is.
Now,..that tradition has been broken,..shattered into fragments , one man, who now in the last two years of his time as Commander in Chief ,..has dared to proclaim himself King. The executive actions that President Barack Hussein Obama has always used to achieve his destruction of America agenda ,have now been accelerated, this man who would be King, now realizes he's running out of time. to achieve the diminishment of America and the growth of his Administration , and the Democrat Party's power and control,..over our Nation and its people. Executive Powers , now used by Obama to circumvent Congress on Immigration reform, Obamacare, Judicial and Cabinet Appointments,..endless scandals, deceptions and coverups, the Imperial Obama, have weakened our Nation and emboldened our enemies who now, the form of the Al Queda creation called ISSA, ..are poised to seize the U.S. abandoned Iraq, and use it to create their own terror state ,..dedicated to one cause ,...the destruction of the Great Satan,..America. Indeed, all the President's actions since the day he took office, have mocked the legacy of Washington who said no to Imperial Power.
The President will not stop .Ever. He is an idealogue, who firmly believes that our Nation ,..the greatest Nation on earth,..America, the reason why the rest of the world still lives in darkness and oppression. We are the problem. America , with its imperialist interference in other nations affairs,...and its stealing of their resources,..has created a world of  misery and despair. Therefore,..America must be diminished and then,...eventually destroyed, order for the rest of the world to prosper. And, like all would be Kings and Tyrants,..President Obama knows that by weakening the Nation he serves,..he will secure his own power at the same time. In other words, America weakens,..the President and the Democrat Party,..will become omnipresent,almost invincible,...or so the President thinks.
Tyrants however, history has shown,..always fall eventually to the will of the people .And this time,this would be tyrant Barack Hussein Obama will fall to the will of a people who were born into a hard won freedom,..and learned the lesson of the King who never was,...and will not allow any man to call himself their King. And,..with the fall of Obama and the Democrats in November,..the Washington Legacy will continue,..for one reason,..and one reason alone,....because "We the People" will it to be so, ,....and forevermore.

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