Friday, July 18, 2014

The Gatekeepers of Hell

Israel has now begun its ground invasion into Gaza.The war that began with the Hamas killing of three Israeli children has now been escalated. Make no mistake. Israel , under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not fight a war of "occupation" or limited engagement. No. As their continuous missile bombardment into Gaza City has shown, Israel does not treat war as a game .When Israel goes to war , it intends to win, quickly and decisively , in the only way a war can be won , destroying the enemy completely and forcing their surrender. Israel , unlike the U.S.under President Obama's appeasement style leadership ,understands that their can be no negotiations with Hamas controlled, Iran backed, Gaza. Israel understands that the only way to stop a terror state is to destroy it. Peace negotiations can only begin after Hamas is completely defeated, and not before. Terrorists respect only strength, only force, and the willingness to use that force. To think otherwise is to play right into the hands of Hamas ,who will exploit any sign of weakness , and use it to their advantage in their mission to destroy Israel. That weakness, however, will never be shown by Israel. Bebe Netanyahu knows better . Israel is an island of freedom and liberty , surrounded on all sides by a sea of evil . Israel knows that it can never relent , never relax, never for a second fail to respond aggressively to all terror attacks. For they know, that to show even a moment's weakness , could be fatal, and  threaten their very existence.They know that the ultimate goal of Hamas , Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban,and ISIS, to erase Israel, and the U.S. ,from existence permanently, all in the name of Allah. Nothing will sway them from this task. Nothing will stop them from following the will of the Prophet Muhammed , and destroying all 'Infidels" who dare to follow another faith , other than Islam. Nothing , that is ,except force.Pure, naked ,military power. Will Palestinian civilians be killed? Of course. Israel's rocket fire has already done so, as Hamas has encouraged its citizens to put themselves right in the path of the incoming missiles. Hamas, you see, wants civilian casualties that can be blamed on murderous Israel. This is part of the propaganda war that all terror states engage in , and it's used to inspire their mind numbed followers to even greater acts of terror against the infidels. And, Israel, for its part will make no effort to avoid civilian casualties . Victory is their goal, and they will achieve it regardless of the collateral damage that may result. Israel did, however, warn the Palestinian citizens to evacuate , and did agree to an Egypt facilitated, U.N. backed , 5 hour cease fire , which Hamas agreed to, and then disregarded , as they continued their missile bombardment into Israel.So much for a cease fire. So much for the highly touted U.N. intervention that Obama and the left seem to think is so vital in foreign policy decisions.
No, regardless of empty gestures by the U.N. and Egypt, both sides will now fight to the death . Israel and Gaza , will not relent , until one or the other is destroyed , or until one or the other , has surrendered unconditionally to the other. Israel , of course will never surrender , nor does it need to. Israel possesses superior firepower and a superior military force , and will no doubt crush Hamas. And even if they were out gunned , they still would be wise enough to know that surrender would mean death to Israel, and all its citizens. Hamas, and the Palestinians, for their part,will also probably never surrender. Their law is their evil religion , which instructs them to die in battle with the infidel , if necessary, in accordance with the will of their evil god, that decrees death to all non-believers.
Both sides locked in an eternal, middle east battle,for supremacy. Both sides will do what they must to achieve victory , regardless of the loss of life , regardless of the war atrocities that will be committed by both sides. Good vs. Evil. The eternal struggle. But, what then, is the difference between the two? To Obama and the left, there is little difference, which is why Obama still sends billions in tax dollars to Hamas controlled Gaza every year. Both sides use the same war methods , and achieve the same destructive results. Civilians will die by the thousands on both sides , blood, carnage and human misery will be the ultimate result, as it is with all wars.
What then, is the difference between good and evil? What is the difference between Israel and Gaza? The difference is simple. Yes, both will use the same brutal methods to achieve victory . That is the nature of war. But the difference between good and evil is not in their war methods , not in the results, ..but in the reason they are fighting. Israel is fighting a defensive war. It's mission,..survival ,...the survival of its state and its people . The total destruction of the terror states that surround it on all sides , is the only way it can ultimately survive and prosper.
Israel fights for the lives of its people and the freedom that symbolizes their State. And Hamas? What does Hamas seek from victory over Israel? Hamas cares nothing about its people , or their safety. Indeed, it encourages the citizens to stand in the paths of the incoming Israeli missiles. Human shield martyrs , you see, are the lifeblood of the terrorist propaganda machine. Hamas , the puppet of Iran, wants nothing more than death to Israel. Nothing more, nothing less. That is their only goal, and that is the true difference between these two states.
In the end, good always goes to war for the ultimate goal of peace, and freedom. Good knows this goal can only be achieved, if evil is destroyed.Evil fights for power , control, and the subjugation of our fellow man, under its iron boot. The proof of this theory is history itself. Nations that have been conquered , crushed, and decimated , by the 'Great Satan", the United States, in major wars now live in peace and freedom. Nations that have been conquered by Nazis , Al-Queda, Hamas, Taliban, or ISIS, now live in disease ridden  poverty, misery and despair, always on the verge of starvation.
There it is in a nutshell. The U.S.and  Israel, fight wars and yes, destroy other lands ,..not to conquer ,..but to liberate. Thus it has always been, since the birth of freedom, the birth of America, and the creation of the State of Israel . And, thus it will always be.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu probably said it best when describing the difference between Israel and Hamas, .."Israel uses its missiles to protect its people. Hamas uses its people to protect its missiles. "That's why Hamas controlled Gaza must be destroyed,..and nothing destroys quite as effectively as the forces of good. In the end,Israel and freedom will be victorious. And all the while , the U.S.President , Barack Hussein Obama , like a modern day Emperor Nero, seems oblivious to all the middle east carnage,..seemingly absorbed with his new mission ,the decimation of the United States of America, through the erasing of its borders. That, and the urgent need to attend another Democrat Campaign fundraiser, of course. And, in the meantime, a Malaysian passenger plane carrying 298 passengers has been shot down over the Ukraine , by Russian supporting separatists.Our President devoted forty seconds to the incident. Apparently, this new Nero was pressed for time. He was , after all , due at that fundraiser . Like all the liberal left, in the end, all that matters to him is winning elections, and getting his hands on the American tax payer money, that makes those victories possible .
And, while this new Nero ,Obama, plays his fiddle, America burns, the world is in war torn chaos, and our enemies Hamas, Al Queda , the Taliban, and yes, especially Vladimir Putin,are no doubt smiling at the realization that Obama's plan is working. America is almost no more. Israel apparently, must stand alone now, against evil .Israel is the vanguard , standing at the gates , keeping all the denizens of hell at bay.It must be victorious.
For,...if Israel falls, can America, under the rule of this new Nero,..possibly survive?  

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