Saturday, June 28, 2014

The ISIS Alliance

The new I.R.S. Commissioner;.the sarcastic, snarky, Obama donor John Koskinen, faced a withering attack from Republican Congressional firebrands Darryl Issa, Paul Ryan, and Trey Gowdy, to name a few. In fact, the Republican Congress, in general, has now been noticeably more aggressive in its opposition to all things Obama , and with good reason. Now, there is evidence ,cold hard proof of malfeasance within the ranks of the I.R.S. ,with Lois Learner as the primary offender. Now the entire I.R.S. investigation has gone far beyond mere speculation and conspiracy theory, and moved into the Nixonian realm of an actual paper trail, to back up Republican assertions .Shortly after Lerner was informed in 2011of an investigation into possible I.R.S. targeting of conservatives, her hard drive crashed, and all email files were lost. Then, just to add conspiracy to the mix, 6 other I.R.S. officials , who were in direct communication with Lerner, also experienced Hard Drive crashes , and their emails files also disappeared into that black hole of Democrat deception. Mere coincidence? hardly All this occurred right after the Republican  congressional investigation was announced. The I.R.S.,now led by John Koskinen, claims that the files congress has been asking for, now simply do not exist. That's laughable, since nothing ever really goes away on the internet. There is a server , out there somewhere,that does indeed have the Lerner emails, and now that Republican Congressman Louis Gohmert has offered a 1 million dollar bounty for them, they will , no doubt, turn up, eventually. All the Republican Congress and Senate need do now is keep the pressure on in the hearings ,until the sever containing the emails, is found.Once this happens the hearings themselves will not matter, because the Lerner emails will prove , beyond a shadow of a doubt, not only a deliberate I.R.S. plan to target conservatives , but also will prove a direct link to the White House and the Department of Justice , who, no doubt , authorized this attack.All that happens in the I.R.S., DOJ, NSA,ATF,ICE,....all of it, is orchestrated by Obama , and is part of his overall plan to weaken this Nation from within.
The main thing now that Republicans must concentrate on , is staying united in the mission to get those emails off that unknown server  , Gohmert Bounty ,... or not.That is the Republican mission right now.Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, Darryl Issa, and the rest of the Republican congress, are in full attack mode and must stay that way.This is the big one that must not be allowed to simply, "fade away", into Obama scandal limbo.Direct targeting of individual citizens by the I.R.S. , for political purposes, and the subsequent coverup,are both major felonies. Like the Nixon break in on Democrat offices and the coverup afterwards,certain Washington officials should , no doubt , be going to jail over this one;...if I repeat,if,...those Lerner Emails are found. That is the key.Aways remember,the Watergate scandal of the Nixon Administration, would have faded from history, and been forgotten, if the Nixon tapes did not exist to provide hard evidence of the President's authorization of the break-ins, and the coverup afterwards.President Nixon's time-tested , fabled paranoia regarding political enemies proved to be his downfall. And so too, will the Democrat Party's paranoia over the Tea Party organizations , prove to be their downfall as well, if the emails are recovered , that is. For all the grilling of Kostkinen, Lerner, and other I.R.S. officials although quite entertaining, and necessary, if we are to uphold the constitution , will gain the Republicans nothing , without those files.Although the exposing of Democrat deceptions should benefit Republicans in the November primaries.However, the Democrats have proven, over the last 6 years worth of scandal after scandal, , that they will not cooperate , and will not reveal anything. They will not talk. They will not confess. They will not admit to anything , no matter how long the Republican grilling continues , and no matter how many special prosecutors are brought in.
The Democrat strategy is clear;..stonewall and delay all investigations into all scandals,..until after they have secured victory in the November Midterms. .The emails, fully recovered, would make this strategy worthless .For, they will show, in the Administration's own words, a deliberate intent to do harm to the Democrat Party's political enemies, and they will also prove that the plan , came directly from the DOJ,....and the White House. Nixon fell because his own words , his own voice,on the tapes, showed that he had given his stamp of approval to the break-in and coverup. Nixon may not have come up with the plan , directly, but he obviously authorized it. Lerner's emails will , likewise prove that Obama and his Administration , also authorized all that the I.R.S. has done, as well.
The Democrats are following Obama's orders , no doubt, whether directly or indirectly. , .and will not cooperate on any investigation into any scandal.Nor will they be fired, or arrested , or even have their pay suspended. Nothing will happen to any of them. Attorney General Eric Holder will bring no charges against Lerner, Koskinan, Hillary, or any other individual at the center of this Democrat scandal storm. Find the emails , by finding that server , outside the White House, that definitely houses them, and Republican victory will be the result, now,...and in November , and beyond. Reps just need to stay aggressive, stop playing the Democrats game, and start playing their own.  Much is being made now, of establishment Republican victories in the Primaries over Tea Party opponents. Mitch McConnell , Lindsay Graham, , and most recently,Mississippi Senate incumbent  Thad Cochrane, over his Tea Party supported oppent, Chris Mc Daniels. Cochrane, in particular, is being accused by his Tea Party opponent of unethical, racist tactics. Apparently, the Cochrane campaign had a Robo-Call going out to potential Republican and Democrat  voters , urging them to support Cochrane , in order to defeat the "racist " Tea Party candidate .Underhanded? Unethical? A betrayal of the Republican Party in general? Of course. We're all part of the same team and must support each other,not tear each other down, just to win.And, regardless of who wins in the Primaries, we Republican voters must show complete support for him , at the polls. To do otherwise, is to concede defeat ,once again,to the Democrats. This cannot happen. After all the scandals and destruction that has been inflicted , deliberately, upon this Nation by this Administration, we cannot simply roll over and let the Democrats win another election .  So, Cochrane put out an offensive Robo-call targeting the Tea Party. So what? This isn't about Cochrane. This is about the American people , taking back the country in November,by taking back the Senate for the Republican Party. Besides, Robo-Calls are not the real problem. The real problem, is the illegal Democrat voting in Republican Primaries . Democrats , for years now, dating back to McCain, have been picking our candidates in order to defeat the more conservative candidates. A simple ploy, that Republicans have allowed the Democrats to get away with, far too long. To stop it, all that needs to be done, is stop the asinine "Open Primaries", start checking I.D.'s at the polls, and refuse to let Democrats vote in Republican  Primaries  any more. But, ..this has not been done. So, what now? Once again, the Republican voters are the puppets on the Democrat string. We are allowing them to pick our candidates , and then, we are staying home on election night, rather than vote for the Republicans that the Democrats have picked for us. How stupid can we possibly be? Make no mistake about it, the Democrats are laughing at us, right now. Cochrane's opponent Chris McDaniels ,is now refusing to concede the Mississippi Senate result, due to this Democrat voter fraud. More power to him, I hope he's successful in overturning the result. But, if it isn't overturned, Cochrane's victory, and other Republicans before him in other Primaries, have once again inspired certain Tea Party thick heads , to get on their high horses, and, once again,threaten to stay home in November, or worse yet, to vote for the Democrat opponent. How can we be this stupid? Look, here's the bottom line, If we are inexplicably not going to stop the Democrats from voting in our Primaries, and picking our candidates, then,dammit,..we have to support that Republican Primary winner,without reservations, in the main election. We have no choice. To do otherwise, is a betrayal of this country, that is being destroyed by the Democrat Party. Another victory, in a major election by the Democrats , will guarantee the complete destruction of America as a free Republic and send a signal to our enemies overseas, ISIS included, that now is the time to strike down the infidels , who are apparently too weak to even stand up to a failed President and a failed Democrat Party. ISIS will, no doubt, be laughing in anticipation of our fall, as they see the Republican Party , the Party that created our system of self government, the Party that is the engine of our freedom,..once and for all, back down, and admit defeat to the Democrat Party , whose plans for America , are very similar to their own .

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