Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Man Who Was Death

On the Fourth of July, America celebrated the birth of freedom. But, in other lands, the Fourth meant a stranger, more sinister celebration, one that does not bode well for the Shining City on a Hill. Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi , Leader of the Al-Queda based terror group known only as ISIS, celebrated the Fourth by giving a speech before his loyal terror followers , announcing the birth of the first terror state , in lands that were once part of Iraq. ISIS has not yet taken all of Iraq, Baghdad still stands, but it has seized enough of it , including its oil fields, WMD stockpiles , armored tanks, and weapons grade uranium, for its leader to feel comfortable announcing a renewed, more united terror effort, to destroy the Great Satan , America , in the name of Islam. Al Baghdadi has good reason to be this confident , this assured. Right now,terror offshoots from around the globe are converging on this freshly conquered land, that was abandoned unceremoniously, by our Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
Indeed, there shall be in the coming weeks a gathering of evil in this new terror state , a gathering of Islamic extremists dedicated to one goal, the destruction of the freedom, the liberty,that is embodied by Israel , who is now in a full blown war with Hamas controlled  Palestine , and its partner in freedom, America. Now Al-Queda has not only the will, but also the physical  means to carry out this mission .Weapons grade uranium, Armored Tanks , the oil fields of Iraq, and the chemical weapons of Saddam Hussein make the terror threat a credible one indeed, now that all are in the hands of ISIS.And , ISIS also has another reason to feel confident that their mission will succeed They have inside help , in the form of President Obama and the Democrat Party that has weakened our military and shown nothing but the face of appeasement to our enemies , to such a degree, that the enemy who seeks our destruction no longer has any respect for our force , or our willingness to use that force.President Obama has effectively withdrawn from the world , and his retreat in Iraq and Afghanistan is regarded by our enemies as a demonstration of weakness , not diplomacy.
Evil respects only one thing , force,and the willingness to use that force , in the name of freedom.Evil regards negotiations , debates , and diplomacy as a sign of fear on the part of the American President . Nothing more,nothing less. And now, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, leader of the first terror state , will take full advantage of that fear, and will use it to motivate his followers to even greater , more frequent acts of terrorism , upon the Great Satan, and its allies. And, ISIS's new ally ,President Obama after 5 1/2 years of endless scandals, tax increases ,and destructive EPA backed Green Agendas, now, in his last two years , has begun to unleash his Mona Lisa , his Masterpiece of Destruction , in the form of his open border agenda that has inflicted an endless wave of foreign humanity upon our shores , a wave that will not stop , ever. A wave that will , indeed , effectively destroy America, not only economically, but will also eliminate the concept of America as a sovreign state . After all, a nation that does not secure its borders will very rapidly cease to be a nation at all.
President Obama care fully orchestrated and planned influx of El Salvador, and Honduras illegals, serves several purposes , none of them good.First, it gives the President the excuse to ask Congress for 3 billion dollars, to deal with this sea of political pawns . Money that , once appropriated, will be used by the Democrat Party for one purpose , fund Democrat political campaigns and entitlement agendas. Second, it creates , just in time for the November Midterms, an endless supply of potential Democrat voters , dedicated to electing the Party that keeps them on the tax payer dole for eternity. And third, this illegal invasion serves Obama's greatest purpose , his most sinister agenda ,the agenda that his Father and Grandfather were dedicated to, the agenda that the American  left has been dedicated to, since the 1930's.Nmely, the total destruction of the Nation that they regard with nothing but loathing, contempt ,and yes,pure hatred. The destruction of Imperialist , arrogant, criminal America, that has robbed and oppressed other nations in order to achieve its 1# superpower status. After all, an endless sea of unidentifiable , often disease ridden , possibly criminal humanity , that is allowed to come across our borders , almost at will, anytime and anywhere , by the millions every year , will effectively destroy us economically ,and permanently damage our Nation's security, leaving us vulnerable to terror attacks on an unpresedented level , and blurring  the very concept of a nation with  borders. And, of course, a nation without borders, is not a nation at all, but a Penal Colony, a gathering place for criminals theives and terrorists , that will very quickly rape , pillage , and plunder this once great nation called America into non-existence, leaving only President Obama and the Democrat Party the surviving , supreme rulers of a now barren , desert wasteland of a kingdom.
It's foolproof. It is indeed Obama's masterpiece , guaranteed to accomplish his goal of total destruction of our Nation ,and an endless supply of Democrat voters , just in time for the November Midterms , and the 2016 Presidential election as well.
America will be no more , and in it's place will be a U.N. controlled land with Obama and the left , as part of its elitist ruling class. The President , however, has had a strange reaction to his latest creation His recent visit to Dallas , Texas was punctuated by his complete refusal to visit the border and witness the carnage he has created. He was , however, willing to shoot pool and drink beer in Colorado and meet and greet with Texas Governor Rick Perry , who put forth his own ideas on sealing the border, ideas that the President will never implement. For Obama had gone to Texas , not to view the destruction and look for solutions, but for the most predictable of reasons ;..Obama was in Texas to attend Democrat campaign fundraisers ,..that is all. Nothing more, nothing less. That is always the ultimate goal of every member of the liberal left, and the Democrat Party;...everything they do is geared toward re-election and obtaining the money to achieve that re-election. That was the purpose of Obamacare. That was the purpose of the EPA's Green Agenda.And, that is the ultimate purpose of the border scandal, which has worked so well, that President Obama, like Dr. Frankenstein, simply cannot bear to look upon the horror of of his own creation.
"I have become death,... the destroyer of worlds".Nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer made that statement, after seeing the destruction his atomic device had wrought upon humanity . Now, President Obama , after almost six years of endless scandals,taxes,entitlement spending, and the weakening of our military ,can  make the same claim, after unleashing his ultimate weapon of doom,...the elimination of our borders,...upon our Nation.
Obama, like Oppenheimer,...has become Death,...the Destroyer of Worlds,...our world,...America.

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