Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Hollow God

There is a movement in America right now, that is steadily growing .A gathering of of conspirators if you will, that would bring down President Obama, the would be Tyrant King, by means of impeachment .An interesting concept, but a simplistic one that fails to see the root of the affliction that has now befallen our Nation. To put it simply, impeachment would accomplish nothing,...nothing. The procedure is a two step process.First, Congress must  put forth a vote on whether to impeach or not. If the vote is yes, then it goes to trial in the Senate , which is currently controlled by the Obama supporting Democrat Party. To be blunt, the Republican Congress may impeach, but the Democrat Senate will not vote to remove him from office, and with Obama impeached and yet still in office, nothing has been accomplished other than a dog and pony show designed by the Republican Party to placate their conservative constituents. And even if by some political miracle, the Democrat Senate sees the light and agrees that Obama should be impeached and removed from his high office, it still would be an exercise in futility. For, with Obama deposed and sent into the wilderness of political exile,the office of the Presidency would then fall upon the shoulders of Vice President Joe Biden, whose long political career in the Democrat  Senate has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is as radical left as the President is. In short, Biden would be as much of a disaster, and as much of a threat to our country , as President Obama is. In essence, Biden is Obama , just as Pelosi, Reid, and Holder are. They are all part of the same movement , the same agenda ,the same mind, the same body, and back the President 100% on all that he has done to our country.
Impeachment will not work,..ever. For you see,the problem isn't Obama. It's the Democrat Party. All the destruction that has befallen our Nation is the direct result of the Democrat Party being the majority power in Washington since 2007, when they took control of the House and Senate. The 2008 Obama victory sealed the deal, as did the appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General and Democrat control of the DOJ , as well .
Democrat control of our Nation on a Federal level, for more than eight years, has all but destroyed it and has certainly left it but a hollow shell of its former self. That is the problem, not Obama. Those calling for impeachment need to get this through their heads .Obama didn't create this leftist agenda,..the leftist agenda created him.The liberal left has always hated America , and all that has been implemented by Obama has been plotted and planned by the left since the early 1930's,and that includes Obamacare .Obama is merely the tool , the perfect , charismatic front man , that the left put in the Presidency to finally sell their plan to the easily duped, greedy, jealous,brain dead, self-absorbed, uninformed , socialist leaning,.Democrat voter.
The Democrat plan for America, which has been in the works since the days of Woodrow Wilson, now could finally reach fruition , because now the Party had the perfect pitchman , the perfect carnival barker,the perfect con artist , to bring down arrogant , imperious , America. The result is what we now see,...a world ablaze, while the Nero like Obama ,plays his metaphysical fiddle at Democrat fundraisers  and on the golf course. Obama has deliberately weakened our military , abandoned our allies , like Israel, and used the Democrat controlled IRS,NSA,and DOJ,to attack his conservative enemies who recognized what he and his Party were , from day one.
What the President has done is intolerable.What he has done is inexcusable. What he has done, treasonous. But, impeachment is not the answer. Clinton was impeached, yet remained in office with his legacy as a liberal icon intact, thanks to the booming economy that Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had given him. .
So, what is the answer? What is the solution that will end this madness? Answer;..Republican Control. Republican control, of the House, of the Senate, of the DOJ, of the NSA, of the IRS,of the Supreme Court,of theVeterans Administration, ..and of every federal and state office in our country,..and in 2016,..the Presidency as well.
That is the solution .The only solution . The only solution that will work .Sure,more conservatives in office would be great. We can always use more Republicans like Ted Cruz, or Michelle Bachmann. But, that is not always possible.Besides there are no perfect conservatives , just as there are no perfect Republicans. All are lacking in one way or another, Illegal Amnesty being one area in which all are indeed, lacking. No, electing perfect conservative Republicans is not the answer. Electing more Republicans is always the answer. There is strength in numbers , and history has shown that when Republicans are in the majority on a State or Federal level, prosperity is always the result. Texas and Wisconsin are primary examples.
To save America, "We the People", this November,  must turn the keys to the Kingdom over to a Republican majority , and then,...make sure they stay the majority , all future elections. Always remember, the Republican Party is the only Party that freed the slaves, the only Party that cuts taxes and regulations, the only Party that supports the Second Amendment ,..the only Party that supports our military ,..and make no mistake about it,...the Republican Party is the only Party that supports Israel's right to defend itself, ..against the Hamas controlled terror state called Gaza .
Forget Impeachment.There's a better way.The choice is simple.Victory,....or an everlasting defeat that will erase America , permanently.
If you, as an American,..choose victory,..then you must show up at the polls this November,and at every election in between,...and vote for every Republican running for office, now,..and forevermore.
Nero stands unaffected by the carnage surrounding him, moving briskly from fundraiser to fundraiser, from golf course to golf course,..while the world burns. Stay home for another election , my fellow Republicans ,or vote Democrat again, out of spite,.....and our world will no longer be ablaze, will instead be a smoking ruin.
No impeachment. Obama must be left in office , to finish his service as Commander in Chief,..but with a Republican controlled Congress ,Senate,..and Nation,.. to rule over.   Obama will be reduced to a powerless, Hollow God, who can only dream of what might have been ,..if America had continued to obey his will, ..and stand in awe of the thunderbolts he throws

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