Friday, May 2, 2014

The Survival Mechanism

Recent comments by Nevada Rancher Clivden Bundy and Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling have once again forced Americans to ask the Question;"Is America a  Racist Nation?"The answer , of course , is a resounding no. America is not now, nor has it ever been , a racist nation. Our Founding Fathers made sure that both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution , would allow no tolerance for it. We are still the only nation on earth that fought a war against its own people to end slavery . That war cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens , including President Lincoln. We are still the only nation on earth that has laws against slavery on its books . Our nation was founded on the Judeo-Christian ideal that,"All Men Are Created Equal", and the American people , to their credit, live by those words. If this was truly a racist nation, would millions of people , of all races creeds and colors, from around the globe, risk life and limb to live here , or demand Amnesty and Citizenship? If this was truly a racist nation, would Richard Nixon and Dr. Martin Luther King,. both Republicans, have worked together to create a law that would become known as the Civil Rights Act? We are not a Democracy. We are now, and have always been, a Free Republic. Indeed. The Republican Party was born , on the day the fight to end slavery began . It's leader, President Abraham Lincoln, understood that no matter what the cost to our Nation , in blood and treasure , we must be willing to pay it, if our Nation was to survive. Our Nation did survive, and now stands united , both Republican and Democrat , in condemning the words of two ignorant men , who also stand united, in hate.
Yes, both Republicans and Democrats oppose racism ,..but not for the same reason. You see, in the minds of the left, racism mostly exists as a political strategem , that the Democrat Party will use quite frequently against their Republican opponents , as the November Midterms and 2016 Presidential Election, loom ever nearer. In truth, the race card,is  the only weapon the left has at this point. All their policies have failed abysmally. And now, thanks to the newly released White House Memos that prove the Obama Administration was indeed behind the Benghazi coverup , their only weapon may prove quite useless against a Republican onslaught , led by John Boehner's soon to be appointed Special Committee , that will demand to know the reason the Obama Administration left our Embassies defenseless on the Anniversary 911, and left four men to die in a terror attack, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to send help, and  blamed a video that no one had ever seen.They lied, to insure the Obama re-election. Obama could not be perceived as anything other than a Master Terror Destroyer, that had killed Bin Laden and decimated Al-Queda. There were no spontaneous protests , either in Cairo or in Benghazi, or at any other American Embassy. No one had seen the YouTube Video. These were orchestrated terror attacks, planned for the anniversary of 911. That was the motive. Nothing else.
The video story was a concoction of Hillary,designed  to hide her own incompetence , and her failure to protect her fellow Americans from terror. And, try as they may, no amount of racism charges can erase the image of four dead Americans , who were sacrificed for the greater cause , of the Obama Presidency, and the Democrat Party.
Does Racism Exist? Indeed it does, but it exists mostly as a political weapon , a survival mechanism of the left, to use any time their backs are against the wall ,when they stand helpless and exposed,..before the truth. Obamacare , Benghazi , IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious, ...all these ,..continue to expose this administration for what it truly is. With no other weapon left to them, it shall become imperative that the Obama Administration, and the Democrat Party , use their emergency survival mechanism,... the race weapon , convince the American voting public, that the evil of racism , dwells not only in the hearts and minds of Clivden Bundy and Donald Sterling , but in the hearts and minds of the Republican Party as well. In truth , that strategem is the Democrat Party's only hope,...not for victory,......but for survival in a Nation that does indeed stand united , not only against the hatred of racism , but also against the hatred and deception of the Democrat Party as well.

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