Friday, April 25, 2014

The Last Beachhead

Clivden Bundy , Nevada Cattle Rancher and , most recently, admitted racist, now stands alone, poised and ready to do battle with the Federal Government over his  land rights.Or, does he? Actually, what's happening in Nevada right now regarding the land grab by the Federal Government , is in reality happening all across the country . Indeed, it's been happening for quite some time now, and is in fact , one of the prime weapons of the left in their fight against free market capitalism . You see , there is only one reason why the Federal Government would even want to own land , and that's taxes. Government owned land is nothing more than a vehicle to be used to bilk more taxes out of the pockets of the American people . After all, the Federal Government is not a business . It does not produce a product or service. It does not grow crops. It does not raise cattle, sheep or horses. It does not run a lumber yard. There is no legitimate business reason for the Federal Government to want to control public land .But, there are many illegitimate reasons , all of them connected to the Government controlled EPA, and their Green Energy Agenda. Federal Land is the perfect breeding ground for fictional tax scam businesses such as Wind Mill Farms and Solar Energy Plants . The fact that these alternative energy sources do not work doesn't matter . What does matter , are the tax increases that are forced upon the American public , in order to pay for these fantasy energy programs . More than a land grab, the EPA really represents a money grab, a legal excuse , to bilk the tax payer in order to save the planet.  That's what the Green Movement , which dates back to the sixties , really all about. The left knows you can't really "save" the planet by cutting back on carbon emissions. Tress breathe carbon dioxide , don't they?The bottom line is this;...there is no scientific evidence that proves mankind is the cause of global warming. Not only that, there is no evidence that global warming even exists at all. Is there global warming? Of course there is. There's also global cooling,global floods , global hurricanes , and global tornadoes. It's called the weather folks, and there is nothing that man does or doesn't do that can affect it , one tiny bit. The Earth is fine , and will no doubt eventually shake mankind off like a dog shakes off its fleas. But, there are taxes to be collected , taxes that can be used to grow government power and bring the free market under government control. Businesses whose carbon emissions are harmful to the environment must be punished for their destructive ways , with taxes and regulations that do nothing to alter the carbon offending company, but do force that company to operate under government control. That is the ultimate  goal of the left.The land grabs, the Global Warming fantasy , the Green Energy fraud, the attacks on big oil and corporate America in general, all of it is designed to attack one thing;...capitalism, and the corporations that are its engine. Corporations are the evil polluters who are destroying our planet , and making a profit in the process. The solution is government control of these corporations , and the EPA is the left's weapon best suited to make this happen. It's ironic then, that the evil corporations most cited by the left , as the biggest offenders are in fact controlled by the government, since they regularly take tax dollar  subsidies in order to stay afloat. Goldman Sachs, Wall Street , AIG, ...all the targets that the Occupy Wall Street Movement zeroed in on as the prime examples of corrupt greedy businesses that bilk the American public, are , in fact, nothing more than Federal puppets staying afloat as businesses only by the never ending flow of the American Taxpayers dollars. The bottom line is this;...the only free market capitalist corporations that are evil , greedy , and corrupt, are the ones being controlled by the Federal Government. And, the left's ultimate goal is to control all of them. Why do you think the Big Oil is such a target of the left? Because it resists government control . Oil companies that are privately owned on private land, and are thriving, must be demonized , until the EPA eventually forces them to bow to total government control through taxes and regulations.There is a good reason why America is still largely dependent on foreign enemy lands for our energy supplies. The Federal Government has refused , for decades now, to allow any new oil drilling on Federally owned American soil. Not since the Seventies has there been any new wells drilled or new oil sources created This is why the XL Pipeline project will never be given the green light by Obama. Why should the left approve an oil pipeline that will boost the economy and the free market, if it doesn't grow government power and control as well? Nope, better for the government to hold that land for Green  projects that will be more profitable for them. Projects like Solyndra , for example, or the proposed Wind Mill Farm that is the real reason why Senator Harry Reid sent armed Federal Agents to threaten  an American Rancher  in Nevada while also destroying and confiscating his cattle. Reid wants that land, for no other reason than he stands to make a profit off of another tax funded Green Energy program that is almost certainly guaranteed to go belly up ,..but will leave Reid, his son, and the Democrat Party much wealthier.
This is why Clivden Bundy and all others who operate on Federal Land must be ousted. The Democrat Party is now under siege. Obamacare has decimated their ranks , and looms as the main threat to their victory in the November Midterms and in  the 2016 Presidential run as well.
Money is the answer. Money is the one thing that can save their upcoming election campaigns , and lead them to victory.Therefore, it's fundraising season again . The President, of course, is on a permanent campaign agenda , and is now criss crossing the country in an effort to secure the donations that will secure Democrat victory. Federal Land is a big part of that fundraising. And now,all those private sector capitalists who may be dwelling upon this land must be removed , by any means necessary. The land grab will continue and is even now moving into Texas , along the Red River Region.
Nevada Rancher Clivden Bundy may, in fact be in the wrong , and does indeed owe money to the Federal Government for using  its land to graze his cattle, and Bundy has certainly garnered no sympathy for his cause with his inexcusable racist remarks on slavery and entitlements. Plus, Nevada is , after all, mostly government controlled land, and has been from the beginning of its statehood. Bundy has chosen to ignore this fact, and pay only his State fees and taxes. He is asserting the rule of State Sovreignity, which is a legitimate arguement . State law , in America, should always take precedence over Federal Law.That is the foundation of our union. But, we now exist under a Federal Government that sends armed troops to threaten unarmed , tax dodging Ranchers. If Bundy does owe the Federal Government money ,they should put a lien on his property , or take him to court. You don't send snipers to threaten him and kill his cattle. This is the Government that we , as a Nation, deserve,because we have done nothing to stop the Obama agenda , and have willingly stayed home from a 2012 election that could have done much to stop the left , and in truth, to stop this land grab fiasco that is now engulfing the Nation. If we continue to elect and re-elect people like Senator Harry Reid, who calls  his fellow Americans "domestic terrorists"and ignores Al-Queda and Occupy Wallstreet domestic terrorism, then We the People are getting what we deserve. We the People, in our ignorance and apathy, have now , over the past five and a half years, formulated our Nations defeat. And now we're surprised that the leftists that we allowed to rule us by reason of our apathy,are taking our land ? Give me a break. Time to wake up America. The Federal Sniper guns that were turned on Clivden Bundy's supporters can easily be turned on us as well, perhaps for no other reason than a failure to pay our taxes. Far fetched? Hardly. For if I had told you back in 2008, that Obama and his administration , was out to weaken America, grow government control of the freemarket , and impose socialism by a leftist vehicle called Obamacare, would you have believed me? Well, you should have, because I did, and so did every other Republican Congressman and Senator in Washington. All of them, conservative or moderate,..all, told you what would happen and yet, refused to listen. You refused to believe . You refused to understand. And , now begins the final indignity, as the very land that our forefathers fought and died for,  being taken away from us by those we send to Washington to represent us. Even the Republicans , whose victory in the November Midterms , are the only hope for the Nation , are guilty too, for working with the Democrats on programs and bills that were , in the end ,nothing but destructive to the economy and security , of our Nation .After all , the EPA, ..the main cause of the nationwide land grab, was signed into existence by a Republican President, Richard Nixon , an effort to appease the Democrats.
We did this. Is it too late to stop it? No.All it takes is an awakening to the threat that conservatives saw coming back in 2008. Awaken to it, and understand that our land is the final stand , our last Beachead,..upon which we must stand, and do battle against the forces of Obama and the left , for the survival of our Nation.

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