Friday, May 23, 2014

The Madness of the Microcosm

Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader and designated Tea Party enemy, has won his Primary election handily, accruing 63% of the vote over his inexperienced Tea Party opponent, Matt Bevin.  . Surprising? Not at all. This was an amateur against a seasoned pro , who in addition to having more money to spend, also has the good sense , unlike his opponent, weigh his words carefully before he speaks .Bevin's election costing gaffe occurred at a cockfight, of all things,..and Bevin not only spoke in favor of the sport, but of dogfighting as well,..claiming that our Founding Fathers participated in both activities frequently. This no doubt, sealed Bevin's doom. But it matters little, for McConnell, is hardly the enemy that Tea Party conservatives seem to think he is. Sure he's weak on some key issues, such as Amnesty, but he is also strong on other  key conservative  issues, just like a Tea Party candidate. He believes in tax cuts , regulation cuts , 2nd Amendment rights , and a strong military. He also voted to repeal Obamacare over 60 times, and like the rest of the Republican Party, he voted no on the passing of the law as well.
The other Republican primaries were also, for the most part,sweeps for the Republican incumbents over their more conservative Tea Party opponents. So what? Sure, the Republican Party must always strive to refresh its ranks with more conservative members . That should always be the goal. Hard Core Conservative Republican Representatives are always needed to lead the battle against the liberal left's agenda, and we have a good, existing crop of them right now. Rubio, Paul, Bachmann, Lee, Toomey,Gowdy,Noem, and many others too. They are not perfect , to be sure. All have their weaknesses that make them fall short of that elusive ideal; the pure conservative. But, all believe in , and fight for the basic constitutional principles that make the United States the last, best hope for the free world.
Our Nation is now under assault , by the Obama agenda .The more hard core fighting conservatives we have representing us in Washington, the better. In a perfect world, that is the ideal. However, this is not a perfect world. For example, one of the main principles of conservatism is limiting the size of government. However, most Republicans , even the most conservative, operate in an ever expanding Washington based Government system, that simply shows no sign of shrinking anytime soon. Republicans spend heavily, , just like their Democrat  counterparts .Both push for entitlement bills . Both pass bills heavily laden with "pork" , designed to placate their hometown constituents . But,there is a key difference ,..and that difference is the reason given the choice,every American should always vote Republican. Republicans are the only Party that will cut taxes and regulations that strangle the free market,..and keep them cut. Only Republicans support our military that keeps us safe. Only Republicans support our 2nd Amendment rights, despite the halfhearted attempts by Democrat candidates to "fake it" during campaign season. And, most importantly, only Republicans believe in the free market , despite their spending outrages. They are the Party that recognizes America's greatness flows from the free market , and only a free market that is unhampered by government restrictions can flourish. Republicans let you keep more of the money you earn , which is the key to our freedom, and to our self-governed principles. All Republicans believe in this. Therefore, all Republicans must be supported , if they win their Primaries. This is the zero hour. The Obama Agenda is poised to destroy our Nation . The weakening of our military, the endless scandals,..including the most offensive one of all,..the VA scandal,..are mere symptoms of a larger disease, ..liberalism. This disease must be vaccinated in November if our Nation is to survive , and if we are to reverse the damage already done, by Obama and the Democrats. However,to reverse this ,..we, a Party,..must avoid the errors of our past. There are already grumblings from Tea Party members that establishment Republicans like McConnell , that win Primaries, over their more conservative opponents , will receive no support from the Tea Party in the upcoming Midterms. This is inexcusable and foolish, and it plays right into the hands of the Democrats who now realize that their only path to victory in November , and beyond,..lies not with the race card,the war on women,amnesty, or same sex marriage,...but with the Tea Party. If the Tea Party can be provoked into slamming establishment Republicans, then all the Democrats need do is is sit back, relax,and watch conservative Republican voters stay home again, for another key election , just because their "perfect guy" didn't win. In-Party fighting may be the only weapon the Democrats need to win again.The simple truth is ,if the Republican Party does not unite in our Nation's time of great need , then the battle is over before it has even begun. Victory;...the Democrat Party. We , as the Party of America's founding principles, cannot let this happen again. We need to wake up and actually look at the records of the Republicans we try to demonize . McConnell,Graham, Boehner, Cornyn. McCain, Cantor, Paul,..have their weaknesses and they are indeed glaring ones. They can , at times seem almost unwilling to stand up and strongly oppose Obama and his agenda. But , they have also been strong too, especially in their stance against tax increases , Obamacare , and the Obama scandals , especially Benghazi.
The bottom line;...if your Tea Party, conservative guy,doesn't win his Primary against an establishment incumbent, must stand up,..and support his opponent unwaiveringly. .If you don't ,..the result will not be the Tea Party sending a "message" to the Republican establishment . No. The cold, hard, nuts and bolts result will be another Republican loss in a major election, with the Democrats retaining control of the Senate and possibly taking the House back as well. That is too big a price , for the country, pay, just because the Tea Party wants to send a "message" to Republicans. The only message that will, in reality, sent, that the Republican Party is a Party,...that has lost its will to win. The message will be read by the Democrat Party loud and clear;...the Democrat Party can no longer be defeated. That is a frightening concept , considering what has already transpired . Endless taxes , endless scandals,endless spending , endless arrogance , and contempt for our military veterans , who are now literally dying all across the country,while they wait for the government run healthcare their service to our country,entitles them to . Now, the President, in a hastily assembled press conference the other day, has , once again gone through the motions of pretending outrage over the Phoenix , and other VA hospitals secret lists, that have left hundreds of Veterans untreated for months , and essentially  condemned to death .Obama knew about this in 2008. Yet,he did nothing to rectify it, and is now resorting to that old chestnut of blaming Bush for the problem, despite the fact that the Bush Administration had cut wait times in half, and had no secret wait lists, that sentenced sick, injured heroes to death. Make no mistake,this is a Democrat scandal. Make no mistake ;..this is an Obama Administration scandal. And this, above all others , must be the scandal that unites us , as a Party , for the sole purpose of defeating the Democrats once and for all. If not us,..who? If not now,..when? The stakes certainly cannot be higher . The mission cannot be more noble. The Democrats must be beaten, if we are to save the country. President Obama's press conference demonstrated his deep concern for the VA problem . He's"madder than hell'. He's "outraged,"and promises there will be an "investigation" to find out ,"exactly what happened" , and all those involved will be held,"accountable".
In other words , the same rhetoric , word for word , that the President uttered after each and every scandal his corrupt administration has produced. And, this one will have the same results . No one will be fired . No one will be held accountable. And, all inquiries by Republicans into details of this scandal will be withheld , stalled, and delayed by the Democrat Party . Nothing will be done to rectify this, because in the minds of Obama and the Democrats there is nothing wrong. Vets are dying , according to Obama , because of all the wars that Bush and the Republicans got us into ,...wars that created all these sick , dying soldiers . There it is;..pure and simple . The Obama solution;..Blame Bush, Blame Republicans. After 5 long years,'s still blame Bush. This is why Obama must be beaten , by a united Republican Party. President Bush was no conservative. He spent too much, believed in Amnesty,and worked with Democrats to create "No Child Left Behind", debacle, the Housing scandal, the dangerous Port Dubai deal, and the AIG bailout that started the whole TARP ball rolling But,...Bush was a great President , a great Republican, and a great American, despit his failure to achieve conservative perfection.Bush always reminded me of  Muhammad Ali. Ali, as great as a fighter he was, committed cardinal blunders in boxing style,and  technique, that would have been disasterous for a lesser fighter , that did not have his  mastery ,..of the basic fundamentals. That's what made Ali Great,.. he executed the basics perfectly. So too, with Bush. So too, with the Republican Party in general. Despite the flaws, despite  the need for Party reform , and a return to more conservative values.
Bush and the Republican Party , despite their flaws , execute  the basics perfectly. Tax cuts, Regulation cuts,entitlement cuts, limited government , Second Amendment support, and strong support for our military.These are the basic conservative principles that gave President Bush and the Republican Party , from 2001 to 2006,...the greatest period of economic growth in the history of our Nation .
The Republican Party; we do the basic , fundamentals of Constitutional Conservatism,...perfectly.
So, why the hell don't we unite, Tea Party, and Establishment toward our common goal, and achieve the perfect victory in November and beyond. For,. if we don't win, the results will be horrendous indeed. We now have an example of just how bad it could get . VA Healthcare is total government run healthcare. It's pure Obamacare , but more importantly, its true single payer system, in action. Obamacare, fully implemented , will be the same horror that the VA has become . There will be, difference. Indeed , the VA is but a microcosm of a larger madness to come. If there are some, who still search for a reason to fight; ....there it is. We, as a Nation of free Americans , must have a perfect Republican Victory in November  to prevent the Va horror from becoming the only reality,...for all of us .

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