Friday, May 30, 2014

Lair of the Wargods

West Point Academy. A training ground for the Nation's future soldiers , military leaders, and yes,perhaps the leaders of our Nation as well. Yes these cadets within the Hallowed Halls of this Academy are groomed to lead our military, which keeps our Nation secure from our enemies at home and abroad. These cadets are true believers in America. They believe in the exceptionalism of America. They believe in President Reagan's vision of America , as the Shining City on a Hill. They believe that America is the last, best hope for the world. These cadets not only believe, but they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if America falls,then so too,will the world fall into a dark pit of despair, destruction  and desolation. Indeed, the cadets know that without America , the world will return to what it once was, an international collection of despots tyrants and dictators that rule over the masses with an iron fist.
This is what the West Point Cadets believe. And, this is why they devote their lives to defending this Nation from the enemies of freedom that seek to destroy it.So, before these cadets , stood the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama , resplendent in his glory, and poised to speak the words that would reassure this , the West Point graduating class of 2014, that their mission and its purpose was indeed a noble and necessary one.
Instead, their Commander in Chief ;...the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States ,...gave a speech that was neither reassuring of the importance of their mission , or it's purpose.No, instead , the President's speech before this West Point graduating class, amounted to nothing more than another campaign speech designed to promote his agenda and his legacy. True , he did speak of America as the Leader of the Free World,and yes, he did say that he believes in American Exceptionalism,"With every fiber of his being",...  yet, in the same  breath, he reminded this gathering of young wargods ,that "what makes us exceptional, is not the flouting of international law".In other words, America cannot go it alone. It must turn to other nations for support of our military actions ." We are the world leaders",the President seemed to say, "but we must first seek permission from the U.N., for that right to lead. The President also stated that our military is the strongest in the world, yet he also bragged that he had pulled troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan,leaving Al-Queda and the Taliban undefeated and ready to , once again, take control of these nations."Our military is number one", the President says,but his cuts in military funding and our retreat from enemies around the globe , say something else. Add to this the bizarre need to address the issue of Global Warming denial by the Republican Party during this graduation speech, and you have a speech,..not of soaring , inspiring , patriotic rhetoric, but a Republican bashing Midterm promoting, campaign speech, given by a community organizer, who still cannot grasp the concept of America, or the idea of "American Exceptionalism" .Yes, deep down, even after 5 years of leading this Nation as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , this man,Barack Hussein Obama, still cannot believe and will not accept, the idea of American Exceptionalism, or even the concept of Americas as the Leader of the Free World.
This indeed is the basic , systemic flaw in the psychological makeup of this man ,Obama.No matter what inspiring patriotic mantra his teleprompter may spew forth, this man still believes  , with all his heart, body,and soul ,that America is not only not exceptional, ,..not number #1, but is, in reality , the cause , the catalyst,..for all the world's problems. In the mind of this man, our Commander in Chief, is the idea that all the world's problems will be solved if America is diminished ,..its military decimated ,and  its economy ,..destroyed.   Make no mistake , this is the root of the left's obsession with America's destruction.Obama, and the left, firmly believe that Socialism, Communism,Marxism , Despotic Tyranny,all of it will work, if the self governed, self ruled, free market, imperial capitalist Nation called America ,...were no more. The world would not be a pit of despair, as the West Point Cadets believe,..but instead it would be a paradise, a socialist utopia ,..with the ruling elite living in the  luxury that the toiling,"equal", masses would provide. Paradise. And, it can be achieved, simply diminishing America,..and then, eventually,..eliminating it,  forcing it to assimilate into a U.N. controlled , one world , third world run government , with America as simply one of many nations , under the leftist elite's despotic rule.
This is the dream.The , "Dream of my Father', that the President wrote about in his biography. And, this is why the President ,speaking before a graduating class of trained soldiers , sworn to obey his orders as Commander in Chief, still could not bring himself to feel pride in the superiority of America, or to feel pride in the fact that the American Military has never been an aggressor,..but a liberator , that has freed nations from the grip of tyranny , and given their people a chance to live free.
We are the liberators. Obama , however, still sees us as imperialist aggressors that provoke other nations into becoming our enemies, with our militaristic arrogance. America is responsible for all the world's woes That was the underlying theme of the President's West Point speech,..and every speech he has given , before and after, he was President."Withdraw from the theater of war and instead concentrate on promoting the dangers of Republican caused Global Warming ", seems to be the main message of the President's West Point speech . America is guilty , and now must make retribution , standing down , militarily , around the world.
Fortunately, the young soldiers who listened to this speech , know better . They know that in war, ..good and evil are clearly defined , and America at war has always been the greatest force for good the world has ever known. Good and Evil ,clearly defined, facing each other , across battle lines. Winner take all. This is what these young cadets have been trained for. This is what they have sacrificed for. This is what they have waited for . They do not fear war. They do not need this President to protect them from war, by withdrawing our forces around the world. They do not fear war. Because,..they are war. They know that their war,is a war they will win ;..and their war, is a war against evil. And that is a war that they know the United States of America has always been victorious in, despite what their Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama believes.
Yes,in the Lair of the Wargods, they know that America is indeed , the last best hope for the world, in the eternal struggle of good versus evil.  

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