Sunday, May 18, 2014

"This Bloodstained Battlefield"

Karl Rove, Republican Strategist Supreme, the Chief Advisor and Architect of the 2001 and 2004 Bush Presidential Campaigns, has publicly questioned Hillary Clinton's fitness to run for President. Rove has specifically addressed the 2013 issue of Hillary's mysterious illness which culminated in a nasty fall that landed Secretary Clinton in the hospital , with a potential blood clot on her brain. The illness and hospitalization occurred at a time when the Secretary of State was scheduled to testify before a Congressional Committee investigating the Benghazi incident. How convenient. Secretary Clinton was out of action for one month. Now, her husband, former President Bill Clinton says her rehab was even longer , stretching over 6 months total . It seems that Secretary Clinton was far sicker than any Democrat  at the time dared admit.If, that is, she was sick at all , and not simply avoiding testifying about Benghazi.  This fact, plus the reality that Clinton will be 70 years old by the start of the 2016 Presidential Campaign , has the Architect Karl Rove very skeptical about her ability to run and then hold the office of the President . Rove is correct . Hillary is unfit for office. But, not for the reasons he stated.The reason that Hillary is unfit for the office has nothing to do with her illness or age , and everything to do with her being a liberal Democrat, dedicated to diminishing America as the leader of the free world. The Architect , Karl Rove, like many in the Republican Party, has taken his eye off the ball. The architect has  forgotten the mission that awaits us in the November Midterms , as well as 2016. That mission is simply this;Destroy the Democrat Party , by voting it out of existence , before it destroys the country. Of course Hillary is unfit; is every Democrat in office right now because all of them are members of the left and , as such, have dedicated themselves to the growth of government, the subjugation of the free market to that government, and the weakening  of our military.
All Democrats are unfit for office , because all Democrats have policies that are destructive to the very fabric of our Free Republic. And, no one embodies this unfitness more than Obama and Hillary , who were the "architects" of the Benghazi tragedy , which left four Americans serving their country in a hostile land during the Anniversary of 911;...dead. And the worst part of this was the fact that they did not die simply because of the incompetence of Obama and his Administration . No, they died for a more sinister purpose of concealing a terror attack on our Libyan Embassy , an attack that would refute Obama's claims that , "Al-Queda was on the run". This would never do, for this could cost him re-election . So, the deception began, with a YouTube Video , which would shift the blame for leaving our Embassies unprotected during the anniversary of 911, from Obama and Secretary of State Clinton , to an obscure film maker who dared mock the Prophet Muhammed.
All this will finally be exposed in the upcoming Benghazi hearings once and for all. Contempt. Sheer , unadulterated contempt for our military. , is the running theme of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party as well. A Democrat will never cut a tax or a regulation, or an entitlement . A Democrat will never cut spending . But, a Democrat will always look for a way to cut the pay and benefits of our military ;...the very military that keeps us free. Our military has been weakened under Democrat rule. And , in the process, our enemies have grown bolder and our Nation less secure. This is not just Obama and Hillary. This is the nature of the Democrat Party . And, this is why , brain damage , or no, Hillary and every other Democrat is unfit for office.
In the five years of Obama's reign, the scandals have been vast and varied, with  congressional hearings  and    select committees being created  to deal with them. Deceive , deflect, deny, and destroy, is the running theme through all these scandals , which are now beginning to be perceived as not separate at all,but all part of the same mission;..weaken the U.S. , in order to gain political power. But, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no greater reason to keep these people out of power , than their endless attacks on the rights of our military, including our Veterans. The latest attack has come in the form of the Veterans Administration Scandal, that has exposed a contemptible and deliberate negligence and coverup, in treating our retired Veterans ,..a negligence that has cost many of those vets their lives. Veterans who served our Nation, were made to wait months for medical treatment , with deadly consequences. Death Panels? You bet. The VA is  underfunded ,and understaffed, with Public Union workers who cannot be fired , no matter how incompetent they are. This is the evil  of Public Unions. This is the evil of a Government controlled health system. This is part , of the evil of Obamacare. This is the evil that says our Nation's soldiers must wait , while funding for entitlement bums and illegal aliens , is never in question. These parasites always get their "entitlements". Why? Because they are potential Democrat voters. Our men and women , who secure our Nation, are smarter than these entitlement zombies, and vote Republican.They understand, that the Republican Party supports the constitutional principles that secure our Nation. That's why their funding is cut.That's why they have to wait for treatment ,..until they die. That's why their overseas election ballots are suppressed , or lost, every damn election by this pathetic Administration. And, in the meantime, President Obama has released 35,000 illegal immigrant criminals from Federal prison , for the sole purpose of voting Democrat in November. Why else would they be released early, and not deported immediately? They are Democrat votes , guaranteed. After all, who is an illegal immigrant felon gonna vote for? Sarah Palin?
The head of the Veterans Administration, Secretary Eric Shinseki has refused to resign in disgrace, as he should. As a military man , he should understand that when soldiers die under your command, you must be held responsible, and face the consequences. Apparently, like the rest of the Obama Administration, taking responsibility for your actions is not part of Shinseki's job description. Shinseki, and the VA scandal, is indeed part of the whole;...the overall Obama Administration scandal. Shinseki is one of them,;..a leftist idealogue .That is the reason he was chosen to run the VA. After all,then General  Shinseki opposed President Bush , and the Iraq War , and thereby gave the Democrats the excuse to attack Bush for it, and then deny they had ever voted for it. Obama knew that Shinseki would follow his edicts and keep the VA running on a shoestring budget, so that the Democrats could use our taxpayer dollars to fund more important things ; Green Energy Scams , Global Warming Fantasies, Public Unions , and drug addicted , out of work, entitlement bums that are the very foundation of the Democrat voting base.
Obama and the Democrats certainly have their priorities ;.. the military and our Veterans,..are not among them. After all, why invest tax dollars in people that vote against you, and your Party,...right?
The Democrat Party has forgotten that our tax system was designed, primarily as a means of funding a military force that would secure our Nations freedom. That is what our taxes are for . Period. The fact that our taxes are now being used by the Democrats, for a million worthless entitlement scams , while the only real, "entitlement", is ignored , is the most heinous crime that has been committed by this Party of contemptible pigs. Not one soldier, who has risked all to secure our nation, should have to wait one second for treatment. Nor should they ever have to worry about anything after they come back wounded from the battlefield.That was the promise of our Founders. That is what our tax system was designed for. And, the complete disregard of this rule, by this Administration and the Democrat Party, is, the one reason, ...beyond all else, that this Administration and this Party, must be defeated, November and in 2016 , as well.
This is no longer a political argument about  tax cuts and spending cuts. The Democrat Party is killing people, in the name of political power. Our veterans , our embassy agents , and no doubt our citizens ,will all be its victims ,  as the Obama death panels reach fruition when Obamacare fully kicks in.The bottom line is this;..the Democrat Party will kill people in order to keep more of their tax dollars , to be used for their election campaigns. There it is, pure and simple. So, no more Rove talk about whether Hillary is fit to run for President. This is going to be, thanks to Karl Rove,..a Democrat talking point  that they will use to distract and deflect from the facts of Benghazi and other scandals that make Hillary , indeed,...unfit for office.
They are all unfit. And, this has been proven since 2006, when the Democrat Party took control of the House and Senate and started the tax and spending increases, and attacks on our military,...that has all but decimated our country. Shinseki will not resign,as he should, and not one other Obama VA operative will either, no matter what the scandal. Why should they? They're doing what they were instructed to do, namely,..keep the spending on vets at a minimum.Sure, VA Undersecretary Robert Petzel, one of the chief offenders in this scandal, did resign,..but that was just for show. He was scheduled to retire next year anyway. No, they will , as a rule not resign. To get rid of them,..they must be defeated at the polls, and then the VA needs to be staffed with members of the Republican Party ,..the Party that supports our troops.
We, the Republican Party no longer have time to debate on the purity of the Republican Party or to decide who is a weak conservative, and who is a strong conservative. We are all Republicans. And, as such, we all believe in the basic principles that made our Nation great . And, as such, all , I repeat,...all,... are fit for office.  All opposed Obamacare . All support tax cuts and regulation cuts. All support our Second Amendment rights. All tried to defund Obamacare , over 60 times. And,..all enthusiastically, our military. And all , the weaker, and the stronger, deserve our respect. All must be united in the coming battle to defeat;...not just Obama ,or Hillary,...but the entire Democrat Party. We are out of time. We can't waste any more of it trying to reform the Republican Party. We are at war. There's no more time for this nonsense.There is a cancer on this Nation. United,..we win. Divided,...we lose. That's the bottom line. Let this shameful VA Scandal be the last time the Democrats cost the lives of our fellow Americans. Let this be our last scandal.
There is the Blood of Heroes on the hands of the Democrat Party.
Let this, then, be our War Cry,...
"Victory in November,....or let no Republican come back alive!!"  

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