The President has decided to hold a press conference,not to address the Putin -Ukraine situation, but to simply continue his endless campaign for the upcoming Midterm elections and to promote Obamacare's success in the face of its disasterous reality. "The debate is over on the Affordable Care Act",according to the President. But like all the scandals the President has tried to close the book on, the debate has , in reality, just begun. While Vladimir Putin prepares to finish his takeover of the Ukraine, the President insists that this is a non-issue, and that the American people would much rather focus on the economy and jobs. Strange words from a man whose policies were designed to destroy the economy and eliminate jobs . The simple truth is,the President is disinterested in Foreign Affairs , and views them as an annoying distraction from his true agenda , which is government control of the free market economy, through government controlled healthcare. This is the only issue the President and the Democrats are really interested in. They know that if the Republicans win in November , Obamacare will either be repealed or State waivers granted. If this happens, all that the Democrat Party has dreamed of ,. since the days of FDR and the "New Deal" ,would be lost , forever. That's why the President must focus like a laser on saving Obamacare , any way possible. That's why he is now urging his fellow Democrats to embrace the law, and be publicly proud of it , because in the President's mind, it's working quite well. Unfortunately , reality says otherwise , and the Democrats who are up for re-election in November are quite aware of this fact . They know that every single one of them voted for this abomination , that has left millions uninsured and stranded in a Health Insurance Limbo. They also know that every single Republican, in the House and Senate, voted against this law, and that these irrefutable facts are more than enough to bring down the Democrat Party this November ,permanently. The Republicans should win easily , not just because of Obamacare , but because of everything this administration has done for the last six years now. IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Fast and Furious ,all are now beginning to merge together into one clear leftist plan ; weaken America in order to strengthen her enemies.
The IRS scandal , in particular, is now beginning to be revealed , fully. IRS Director Lois Learner has now been exposed as a full blown leftist activist, that was passing emails to Attorney General Eric Holder, the DOJ, and Congressman Elijah Cummings , the theme of which was to find a way to prosecute Tea Party Groups on tax related issues. This is incredible. There is now a clear link to not only a Democrat Congressman, but to the Attorney General himself, the Chief Cop in the United States.We are now finding out that all these scandals are linked. All are part of of the same plan . All are part of the same agenda , which follows the will of Obama. This is the reason Learner took the Fifth. This is the reason Holder refuses to release records or answer any questions . This is the reason that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked the Question, "What difference does it make?"This is the reason that all, in this Administration , must , in the end, be defeated. It will take no large effort on our part , to bring about this defeat. Conservative America has always outnumbered the left, overwhelmingly. All it takes is for Republicans to show up at the polls and vote for their team ,on every election , without fail. The only reason these people who are destroying America remain in power is because of the fact that those of us who know better, have chosen not to engage the enemy, and have simply stayed home on every election night , or voted Third Party write- ins.We have given the left their victories , and handed America over to them on a silver platter. We have, in past elections , foolishly allowed the Liberal Media to define our candidates as either too rich, too extreme, or too weak on key issues, such as immigration, gay marriage, or abortion. What nonsense. All Republicans support tax and regulation cuts . All believe in a strong military , and Second Amendment Rights, and all believe in the Judeo-Christian values that our Constitution is founded on. Why then would anyone who claims to be a so-called, "Patriot", and"Conservative", stay home , or vote third party , and let the the left win , time and time again? Now immigration's the big issue? Give me a break. Republicans won't vote for a candidate whose weak on immigration? Since when? I got news for all so-called conservatives ;...every single Republican , including Reagan , has been weak on immigration .So, get over it. We need to seal the border . End of Story. Then , the issue will be solved, as the illegals in question will self deport , like rats trying to escape a sinking ship. They don't want to be citizens. They are here for our entitlement freebies, only. They have nothing but contempt for America and its people , and simply view us as chumps to be played for our tax dollars , which they live off of. Sealing the border will solve it, because then , they will be unable to go back and forth at will anymore. But, that issue is for later. Right now, we have a mission , and that mission is to win, period.
The Democrats are the force destroying the country. The Democrats created Obamacare . The Democrats weakened our military . The Democrats have emboldened our enemies , including Putin, and promoted terrorism on our own soil.The Democrats have allowed criminal immigrants to stay in our country. The Democrats are the enemy that must be destroyed. . So, lets stop the nonsense about immigration , and lets unite in stopping the enemy that is destroying America.
We can all see what's happened in the past six years. Nothing like this ever happened with Republicans in charge. So, vote Republican , or face the permanent destruction of our Nation. We can't ask for more help than we are getting from the Democrats themselves. If they do what the President has asked them to do, namely, defend Obamacare, they will go down even faster than predicted. But, it still requires our involvement . That is the key to our Nation's success. Self Government is the greatest system on earth , but ...self-government requires self-participation. We must be engaged in the process and hold our representatives accountable. , or a repeat of the last five and a half years will be the result.
And, in the meantime, Obama and his agenda will continue . It will not vary . It will not waiver. The left never does.The President will continue to deny scandals, deny corruption, and refuse to answer questions on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, or anything else, and he will instruct all those who serve in his regime, to do likewise. Their arrogance will remain undiminished. . Their agenda will remain as focused as ever, and no amount of political blogs , conservative talk shows, or twitter engaged Tea Party Patriots will do anything to stop it. No, only one thing will stop Obama , the Democrats , and the left in general. Only one thing ;...votes. We, the Republican Party , must put our votes where our mouths are , and show up in November , en masse, and vote the Democrats out of office. First, in November, the Republicans must take the Senate. Then, in 2016,they must take the Presidency as well, no matter who the nominee is. If even Jeb Bush gets the nod, we must support him unwaiveringly. No more write in votes. No more third party votes. No more staying home on election night. No more flushing your vote and your freedom down the toilet , as three million Republicans did with the Romney election. We must show up and pull all levers for all Republican nominees every time, period. Or, America, as we know it, is gone forever. We don't need the perfect conservative. We don't need the perfect immigration plan . We don't need the perfect Tea Party candidate. We need to win,period. For none of the Tea Party rallies , marches on Washington, blogs , town halls or tweets mean anything if we don't achieve victory , if we lack the will to win.
I don't want to be the perfect conservative. I want to be the perfect Republican warrior that crushes the Democrats in November , and in 2016, in overwhelming victory.
And, as you Tea Party conservatives contemplate this, remember one thing, Nevada , right now, Senator Harry Reid has set armed Federal Troops upon his fellow Americans ;.. cattle ranchers who have committed the ultimate sin of failing to pay grazing fees on Federal land, while supposedly endangering a desert tortoise in the process. Federal snipers were sent , and cattle destroyed or confiscated , over money , and a tortoise . The Ranchers reached a stalemate only because they stood united against the Federal Government , and exercised their sovreign state rights as Americans.Disaster was averted . Senator Harry Reid says the rancher Clivden Bundy, owes grazing fees . Senator Harry Reid says the issue is not over. Senator Harry Reid and the EPA, want that land for tax grabbing Green Energy scams. And, Senator Harry Reid was apparently willing to shoot ranchers and destroy their property , to get what he wants. Federal Snipers targeting Americans over a land ownership dispute. Bundy may, in fact, be in the wrong , and the land may indeed be government owned. After all, most of Nevada land is government owned. But, does that justify armed Federal Agents turning their guns on American Ranchers?And, does this justify Senator Harry Reid calling Clivden Bundy supporters "Domestic Terrorists?"
Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans , when you go to the polls this November. Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans while you debate whether your candidate is "conservative enough " to get your support. Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans , while you debate whether or not to stay home for another election , vote a write in, or vote third party. And ultimately, contemplate this, my fellow Republicans, that while Russian President Vladimir Putin is flying his jets over a U.S.Naval Destroyer in the Black Sea, in an effort to mock our President who he perceives as weak, remember that he is also sending a message to our Nation as well,...a message of disdain.For now, Putin knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, that America, under the leadership of President Obama, is but a shadow of its former self, and has , in essence, forfeited its right to lead the world as the number one superpower. A pity, since our military , under another leader, has the power to crush any enemy , like a bug, without even getting a scratch.
Crucifixion was the preferred method of execution for 1st Century Rome, for it inflicted a slow , lingering , painful death , upon its enemies. Many centuries later, so too , has President Obama, and the left, punished their enemy, America, with an equally slow, painful, lingering death through ever increasing taxes , regulations and a weakened military.America's fate, for the moment, seems to be sealed.
But, there was one crucifixion , long ago, that did not end in death, but in the ultimate triumph and glory, of resurrection . And, now with the season of Easter upon us,....... can America dare to hope for another?
Sunday, April 20, 2014
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