Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Imperius Glory

"The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee , thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high,..that saith in his heart,...who shall bring me down to the ground?"  Obadiah Verse 3

Years ago, in 2004, after the landslide re-election victory by President Bush , the left accused the 2nd Term President of pride and arrogance ;...what the Greeks called , "Hubris" , for daring to declare his victory a virtual mandate to accomplish his political goals. This is ironic , however, since pride, arrogance , hubris, are traits that his successor, Barack Obama ,has made a way of life.
President Barack Hussein Obama strode into the Rose Garden , resplendent in the trappings of his high office , and proceeded to take a victory lap , while basking in the reflected glory of the newly ordained 7 million plus Obamacare enrollees .Time for the Commander in Chief to rest on his well earned laurel leaves . Time for him to unleash a well deserved ,"I told you so", scolding upon his enemies who dared to doubt the wisdom of his crowning achievement , The Affordable Care Act. Time for his critics, those damnable Republicans ,to swallow their pride and admit that he was right all along and they were wrong.
Or,...perhaps not. The President's so-called victory lap may be a little premature , and a lot out of touch with reality. The 7 million is a fictional number, and , even if it weren't all that would mean is that the 7 million who lost their existing health insurance , due to Obamacare , simply registered with Obamacare out of desperation , because the program's mandates had left them completely uninsured. In other words they had no choice.  Obamacare had bullied them out of their policies that they were perfectly happy with.
The Obama administration , for months now, has been unable , or unwilling, to give any firm numbers regarding registration for this law. But now, on the eve of the deadline,suddenly a miracle has come to pass,and the Obama Administration has snatched victory from the looming jaws of defeat, and come up with the exact number of registrees needed. This stretches credibility to the breaking point . After all, so far , there has been nothing really credible or believable about the law whatsoever. We were told we could keep our Doctor,and our Insurance plan, and the only difference would be better , more comprehensive coverage that would be far less expensive than our current plan. None of this has proven to be true. In addition , those who have managed to register and be counted are hardly covered for anything, really. Doctors and Hospitals , in droves, are running from Obamacare. It costs them money. And, after all, if they can't make money, why would they even want to be a Doctor? Insurance companies also, are refusing to play along and have been dropping their customers for the same, basic, economic reason . They can no longer afford to cover them . This has left Obamacare customers stranded in an uncovered limbo, with no evidence of Obamacare's presence, except for the taxes that have already been eroding our free market economy.
There is also no evidence that anyone who has managed to register has paid for their coverage. And, if they haven't paid, then what is the point of a victory lap over a fictional number of 7 million? Well, the 7 million lie was necessary to give credibility to a law , and to a President ,....who  were sorely lacking in this area. After all, if the deadline registration number was not reached, how then could the Democrat's petition the Republican controlled House for the necessary tax increases to pay for Obamacare? Of course they hit the 7 million mark . There was never any doubt. The Obama administration was not about to let the reality of this failed law interfere with its true purpose , which is to force ever increasing taxes and regulations upon the American people. And , the reality of this failed law was also not about to stop the President from taking his victory lap in the Rose Garden either. Like all the other crises, scandals , and deceptions that have occurred during the Obama Administration's reign, all the President needed to do, is wave his arm and say ,.".it does not exist  ", and so , therefore , it does not. And , if the President wishes something  to be, he again , need only wave that arm and say,.."it is so".Imperius is the arrogant and prideful rule of Barack Hussein Obama. Reality be damned. As he has proven , for six years now, the President rejects your reality, and substitutes his own , anytime it pleases him. As Joseph Goebbels , the Nazi Minister of Propaganda once said, "A lie, repeated often enough , will gradually gain acceptance. Except that now, those words are no longer holding true. The American people are waking up,..and the reason is their wallets. Obamacare is costing people not only their Health Insurance, their Doctors,  their Hospitals , and their peace of mind,but its also costing them a whole truck load of their hard earned loot. That is the ultimate wake up call for even the disinterested and uninformed  voter. Nothing will open your eyes to the fact that, you've been conned faster than an empty wallet.
But, the President is oblivious to this reality , and the reality of other looming scandals , including Benghazi , which , like Obamacare , is now  effectively destroying his Administration's credibility. Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell has now been thrown under the Obama Midterm Election Campaign Bus, and has been nominated to take a bullet for his team , by testifying that is was he,...and he alone, that altered the CIA Benghazi field  reports to eliminate any connection to terrorism , or Al-Queda, and instead substituted a fictional organized protest , inspired by a YouTube video that no one , at that time, had even seen , or heard about. Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann led the grilling of Morrell ,determined to get him to admit that what he did,..was by special orders from the Obama Administration , or the State Department. In other words ,according to Bachmann ,either  Obama or Hillary authorized this. Morrell, a rabid Obama supporter , denied any influence by the administration , claiming that he did what he did, the name of "fairness" , and that his report was based strictly on the intel that he had received , ..not from agents on the ground in Libya,that told him it was indeed a terror attack by Al Queda forces,..but from CIA Headquarters in Virginia. He did it on his own. No one influenced him ..And incredibly, he claims he didn't do it for any "political reasons ".Yet, he did it with the help of other CIA officials He's taking the fall, yet, he's not willing , apparently, to go down alone. He's clearly protecting the administration. He's clearly the chosen fall guy for the Obama Administration,Hillary Clinton,  and the Democrat Party. And, Morrell's a necessary fall guy, as Benghazi , in addition to Obamacare, looms as a credible threat to the Democrat Party's bid to win the November Midterms. What's his reward? Well, if he avoids jail, a plush position working for Hillary on her Presidential Campaign Team.
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann put forth a herculean effort to get the truth from this man, but that truth may have to wait until after the Democrats are defeated and dethroned in November. Morrell's refusal to answer specific questions , much like Lois Learner in the IRS hearings ,..speaks volumes. Avoiding direct questions, and pleading the fifth, do nothing except make you look like a guilty liar. Morrell was ordered , by Hillary , or Obama, or both, cover up the terror attack in Benghazi, because the President had said that he had defeated Al-Queda. His re-election campaign was centered around his success at routing this terror organization. Therefore the terror attack could not, would not,...exist ,...and Morrell could make that happen. All it took was the altering of a few CIA memos and a clever YouTube video ploy that former  Obama puppet Ambassador Susan Rice was more than willing to promote on every Sunday News Program.
The bottom line is this,....all that was done in the Benghazi scandal , was done to protect the Obama Presidential Campaign , and to protect Hillary Clinton's Presidential ambitions. Political ambition. Political power.In the end, that is all that motivates the Democrat mind. And, they will stop at nothing to acheive that power , no matter what the lie , matter what the deception. And now, as the President basks in the glory of his fictional Obamacare Victory, and continues to tout the seven million facade as a reason for celebration,...there was another who was planning a stranger,..more malevolent celebration. A soldier ,by the name of Sergeant Ivan Lopez, stationed at the American Army base in Fort Hood, Texas ,..opened fire on his fellow soldiers , killing three and wounding sixteen. This is the same base that , five years ago, Major Nidal Hassan, a Muslim Extremist ,unleashed a similar massacre upon his fellow soldiers . Both Hassan and Gomez were under scrutiny for mental health reasons, at the time of their shooting sprees. But, the blame for this tragedy , like other recent shooting incidents , does not fall on evil guns, deranged men or the lack of proper mental health care .The fault lies with the Democrat Party, and their Anti-Gun Agenda. For, you see, Fort Hood, an Army base in the heart of Texas, is an advertised  Gun Free Zone. No guns are allowed on the base. None. Yes, much like our schools , that teach our children, our movie theaters that entertain us,...our malls that we shop in, ..this military base , that houses our soldiers,...has a strict no gun policy. Incredible. I guess no one learned their lesson from the Hassan Massacre. Apparently, soldiers that are permitted to carry weapons into combat to defend our freedom , are not allowed to carry these same weapons to protect themselves on American soil. Outrageous. These killings will continue if this Administration , and this military,..that serves under it,..does not wake up to reality. You are soldiers .You should be carrying a gun at all times. Police Officers do .So why not those that we entrust the safety of our Nation to? We are at war. Both from within, and without. We, as a Nation, must accept this. The Obama Administration must accept this. The Democrat Party, must accept this. No soldier , during a time of war, or otherwise, should be unarmed either in the field, or at home. Nor should our schools , malls , or theaters , that we entrust the safety of our children to , unarmed and "gun free" either . End of Story. Why has the basic concept of self defense , become so alien, so extreme , the minds of free born Americans?
And, as President Obama continues his hollow victory lap, crowing that the debate over repealing  healthcare is over,he should be careful not to rest too easy on those fictional laurels , that his admirers gather in his honor. The debate is far from over , and it will , inevitably ,be repealed. For, like our Doctors , Hospitals , Insurance companies , Corporations , Small Businesses , Schools ,Malls, Movie Theaters , Army Bases, and yes, the American citizens themselves,....the President has been disarmed. , by his own Anti-America machinations and agenda. He is unarmed and helpless , before the onslaught of political reality that is about to overwhelm him and his Party , in the Midterm Elections, as the Republican Party seizes control of this diminished Republic that has been stripped bare of the one thing that keeps us free , the ability to defend that freedom and to defend ourselves. This victory lap by Obama, will be a short one,..and his last.

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