Friday, April 11, 2014


IRS, NSA, Benghazi ,Fast and Furious. Will any of these scandals perpetrated by the Obama Administration ever be resolved? Will anyone be fired? Will anyone go to jail? Well, there now appears to be light at the end of the tunnel , for even without the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, a Congressional Committee, investigating the IRS scandal, led by Representatives Darryl Issa and Trey Gowdy, have voted to find IRS Director Lois Learner guilty of contempt, for invoking her 5th Amendent privilege, after declaring her complete innocence in her opening statement. You can't have it both ways, you see. You can't claim to be completely innocent of all charges , and then refuse to answer questions that would prove your innocence. Yes, Learner has been found to be in contempt, by a Special Congressional Committee. But, the question now is, will the Full House concur with the Committee , and vote the same way? And, if they do, will their vote translate into jail time for Learner? Highly unlikely.  The problem is that eventually the decision on Learner will be turned over to the Department of Justice, which, at this time,is controlled by Attorney General Eric Holder , and the liberal left, that do the bidding of the Obama Administration . Learner is clearly guilty . An endless trail of emails to, and from her , proves this.She led the operation that targeted Conservative groups that might have threatened Obama's re-election. That's a fact. But we also know that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are guilty as well, on Benghazi.Attorney General  Eric Holder , is clearly guilty , on Fast and Furious,  NSA Director James Clapper is clearly guilty on the spying scandal,and of course , recently retired Health and Human Services Director Kathleen Sebelius is incredibly guilty of complete incompetence in the implementation of Obamacare.
The evidence , on all these scandals , is there. The guilt is clear, but the Democrat Party is still in control right now , of these organizations and operations, so,who will be punished? No one, that's who. You see, all these so-called "scandals", are in reality not scandals at all. They are strategies utilized by the liberal left , to bring about the Socialist utopia they are always striving to achieve , by weakening America. IRS, NSA, Benghazi,Fast and Furious , , are in reality all part of the same plan. They are not separate actions,..they are one.They are part of the same purpose, the same agenda.These are not the actions of rogue employees. They are the actions of loyal Obama supporters , that are carrying out their President's orders either directly, or indirectly. They did nothing wrong, in the eyes of the Administration, except get caught , that is . Why then , would we expect any of the offenders in these scandals to be punished by the same Administration that ordered them to carry out these actions? Learner will not be punished . Her leave of absence from the IRS is nothing more than a paid vacation ,for a job well done. And, Democrat Congressman Elijah  Cummings , during her hearing,..actually revealed the main  strategy the Democrats will use to counteract the Republican attacks and hearings. they will accuse the Republican Congress of either racism, as Eric Holder did in a House Judicial Committee hearing confrontation with Congressman Louis Gohmert, or they will accuse them of McCarthyism , despite the fact that most of the Democrats , in the House and Senate don't even understand what McCarthyism really is. To the left, McCarthyism is a witch hunt, for that evil, mythical beast , the Communist. For you see, to the left, the so-called communist is an extinct species, a hold over from the days of the United States' Cold War with the former Soviet Union. But now, it's a defunct term .  There are no communists , according to the left. No, there are only progressives and liberals ,..names that the left have used , since the Fifties , to conceal their true nature , and the true purpose behind all they do. You see, the fall of the Soviet Union allowed the left to shift the focus of the communist movement to America . That became the new Nation , to conquer , to overthrow, destroy from within. America , and the Republican Party in particular, needs to wake up to the fact that there are no Liberals,Progressives Socialists, or even Marxists , for that matter. All of these are just names that the left have adapted to conceal what they truly are;...Communists. This is not an  extreme accusation , as Representative Elijah  Cummings would have us believe. The proof is there , in all the Obama Administration has done in nearly six years in office.And Cummings himself ,is apparently linked to the I.R.S scandal himself, which makes his accusations and McCarthyism and racism even more laughable.
Who but a communist would condemn free market capitalism and demand ever increasing taxes that bankrupt our economy , and keep Americans dependent on ever expanding government?
Who but a communist would weaken the U.S. Military , while appeasing our enemies and alienating our allies?
Who but a communist would condemn and oppress the freedom based Judeo -Christian faiths that shaped the foundation of our Nation's Constitution , while praising and protecting the intolerant violent, oppression based faiths like Islam, that seek nothing more than the subjugation of their fellow man ,and the destruction of America in general?
Who but a communist would create an abomination like Obamacare , a system that is designed to impose government control on our Nation's  free market and it's people, through never ending taxes and regulations?
And, most obviously, who but a communist would coerce the freedom seeking Ukrainian people to give up their weapon systems , while supporting the Russian Nation that seeks to create a new Iron Curtain?
These are the actions of communists . You need only look at other nations that operate under communist rule and then look at the so-called liberals and progressives in our Nation, and ask yourself; there a difference in what they seek? Of course not. Their goals are the same . The plan is the same. The only difference is that , in our country, they are opposed , the Republican Party , that still seeks to uphold the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian  principles it represents .
The Republican Party created the Civil Rights Act, and freed the slaves.
The Democrats created the Klan , and supported slavery.
The Republican Party is the Party of Judeo Christian values , low taxes, regulations ,the Second Amendment, and a strong military.
The Democrat Party is the Party that attacks Christianity ,increases taxes, bans guns,and weakens our military, while supporting the bigoted , intolerant,Islamic faiths  , that regard America as a Nation of Infidels, the "Great Satan" , that must be destroyed.
It's clear who the Republicans are, and even more clear, who the Democrats are.
We must recognize, and accept, the enemy for what they really are , and be prepared to adopt the strategy that President Lincoln employed during the Civil War ;... occupy the enemies territory , cut off their attacks , with attacks of our own,  , surround them, and meet them on their own battlefield , if we are to be victorious over them. We can no longer sit back , and wait for the left to implode. We must channel what Lincoln called his "Anaconda strategy, " , and crush the enemy from within , by keeping the pressure on , from all sides , right up till the November Midterms. We can no longer sit back, and fight them, on our own battlefield. Now we must fight them, on theirs.
We are at War, for the soul of the Nation . We are at war , with nothing less,..than  the forces of communism. Benghazi, IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious,   all of these , will be resolved, and those responsible held accountable, only when the Republican Party , once again , controls the destiny of our Nation.

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