If a tree falls in the forest,...and no one is there to hear it,..does it make a sound? If Obamacare's mandate and fines , no longer exist,.. does it make a sound? In fact, does it even exist at all?
Remember, the only reality that there was to Obamacare ,was the tax aspect of it. Obamacare was obviously not going to provide Healthcare , Healthcare Insurance, or anything else. In fact, it has taken away people's existing health insurance , as it was designed to do , in order to ultimately force the single payer system that would give the Federal Government total control of all things related to Healthcare.The website still doesn't work .People are losing their doctors , and their coverage , and for those that do somehow manage to register for this debacle ,they are discovering skyrocketing costs , premiums , deductables , and extremely limited access to doctors and hospitals .In other words , all that Obama has said Obamacare was,..has turned out to be untrue. All that Obama has said was reality has instead proven to be fantasy. Yet, Obamacare goes on.Obama , Reid , and Pelosi continue to tout it as a complete success . How can this be? Well, because there are only two aspects of Obamacare that Obama , Reid, Pelosi, and the Democrat Party care about, and that's the taxes and penalties . The taxes have already kicked in , and have , in fact been in effect since Obamacare became law. This was the main purpose of Obamacare ;..to enact a far reaching ,all encompassing tax that will bring our greedy capitalist free market system under total government control.So far, so good. For it has indeed begun to do just that , as taxes in every aspect of the free market have been steadily increasing since the law's inception. But, that alone, does not prove Obamacare's existence ,.Obamacare's reality,...no,..that only proves that the idea of Obamacare was used to enact more Democrat entitlement taxes. What then, is the reality of of Obamacare? What makes it more than a mere existential idea, or concept used to push another Democrat tax scam? The Mandate, that's what. The Mandate,..the deadline for the Mandate ,..and the fine for not signing up,...is what gives this law any substance or reality, other than just being an all encompassing tax on the free market.
But now, once again, the goalpost has been moved . Not only has the deadline for signing up been pushed back once again, but the concept of the Mandate as well. Senator Harry Reid, in a fit of pique,.declared that those who are having difficulty signing up for the Affordable Health Care Act coverage,..are simply not intelligent enough to navigate their way around the internet. Therefore, Reid has proposed a solution;..If you can prove "hardship ", in trying to sign up , then you will be put on the so-called,"honor system",..and be considered exempt from the Mandate. In other words, according to Reid, if you admit you're simply too stupid to figure out how to sign up ,..you don't have to sign up ,...for the present time , anyway. And , if the American people are now exempt from the Mandate ,..then they are exempt from the fine as well. In essence,the Mandate is the Fine. If the Fine no longer exists , then the Mandate does not exist as well.And the longer the Mandate is pushed back, the less likely it will ever be enforced at all. In fact,...it won't be. The Fine doesn't exist, therefore the Mandate doesn't exist.And, therefore,...Obamacare doesn't exist.
Hospitals have rejected it . Doctors have refused to accept patients signed up for it. And those that have signed up for it, have , for the most part , not paid, ..and therefore are not really covered at all. And now, the Mandate has been eliminated as well. The Fine, or the threat of a Fine is gone as well . Total immolation. Total collapse . Total non-existence.
Yet, Obama, Reid and Pelosi still tout this non-law as a complete success. Why? Because it has done its job. It has accomplished all that it needed to do. More taxes were needed, to create more revenue flow to the Democrat Party. The facade of Obamacare provided this. A database that would register illegals with the Democrat Party was needed. The facade of Obamacare provided this. Another bailout and stimulus bill was needed . But, how to get it passed by the Republican Congress? The facade of Obamacare provided a way.And ,of course,...total government control of the free market ;...The facade of Obamacare has this goal well on its way to fruition. Finally, ..the Holy Grail of the Liberal Left ,..the one thing that would become the foundation of the socialist system of government they have always dreamed of. ;..the government controlled , Single Payer System of Healthcare. The Single Payer ,...to the left,..would solve all their problems . It would eliminate all private Health Insurance companies and force all Americans to be covered with the government plans,...period. No other way would exist . And this would enable the Democrat Party to control every aspect of the American people's lives , and the free market they operate in. Total Socialist takeover. Total elimination of capitalism as we know it. The facade of Obamacare provides this as well.
It sounds like the perfect plan , the perfect foolproof "con" , on the American public.Why then, have there been 38 changes to this law? Why then, the endless delays on the Mandate? Why has the fine been ,..for all practical purposes ,..eliminated? For political reasons , that's why. For , you see, even the Democrats understand that all that they have dreamed of , and all that the Obamacare facade can provide,...will be for naught ,..if the Democrats do not win the November Midterm Elections. There it is, in pure political terms. The simple reality is;..if the Democrats do not, at least , hold on control of the Senate,..everything they have accomplished,..is over. All of it will be reversed by the Republicans , once they control both the House and Senate ,..again. This is the reason for the endless delays in the Mandate . For , even out of touch with reality Democrats like Obama , Pelosi , or Reid,..must accept the fact that if they enforce the deadline for signup,..and then impose fines on the American people for failing to sign up,..they will lose the Midterm Elections,...spectacularly. That's a fact. You can lie about Obamacare , and all that it entails. You can destroy the economy with high taxes and regulations, and still blame it on Bush. Hell, you can blame all that has transpired , since 2008, on the Republicans , and get away with it with the low information voters,..but,..the one thing you cannot get away with ,..is taking money out of the pockets of taxpayers ,..during tax season ,..in the form of Obamacare fines. That would be political suicide ,..and the Democrats know it.
Therefore, make no mistake about it,..nothing that the Democrats claimed Obamacare was, or will be,..will ever come to pass.The delay in the Mandate,...is permanent. The delay on the Fine,...is permanent. And, the non-existence of Obamacare is therefore,..permanent. What is not permanent however,is the Democrat hold on the Senate . That will indeed end this November. For the most basic ,most existential of reasons ;...the Fine,..is not real. Therefore , the Mandate is not real. Therefore, Obamacare is not real . Therefore ,..the Democrat Party itself,...is not real. It never was;.. because al that they are , and all that they will be , and all that they have claimed to be , and believed themselves to be ,...was based on lies . Nothing the Democrat Party dreamed of, since its creation , has ever come true. A better , more prosperous, far superior , America through ever increasing taxes , regulations, and entitlements ;..a better America ,by weakening our military ;and enacting an appeasement style foreign policy ;..a better America, by creating more anti Second Amendment gun laws ,..has not come true. That dream,..has failed. But, not through lack of effort.All that they have done has failed. Whether it was under the Carter Administration , or the Obama Administration ,..any time the Democrats have had control of the government and control of the Nation ,..the Nation has failed . The Nation has faltered . The Nation,..has been diminished. And , the Democrat Party claims that all of it,..will still work All that they still want to accomplish , including Obamacare , will indeed work. All it requires is more of your money. More of your hard earned cash. Nonsense. Nothing they are, nothing they dream of being,..will ever really,..be. They are , cast out. They are,..discarded. They are,..now,..non-existent. President Obama, and the Democrat Party, are now like, Anti- Matter,..to the Republicans,...Matter .And all that remains that will ever show that they were here at all ,..are the destructive taxes , regulations ,..and weakened military that have endangered our Nation's security , and endangered the very existence of the Republic as well. The Fine, the Mandate, , the Law, and the Democrat Party may indeed now be non-existent anti- matter ,...but the destruction wreaked by all of it,...is certainly real.
Yes, all that the Democrats are may indeed have no substance in reality, but,...if the Mandate delays should work, and the Democrats should somehow manage to win in November,..the Nation itself would become non -existent, as well.
There is a scientific theory that says when matter and anti-matter meet,..total destruction, everywhere ,...is the ultimate result. So too, would this be our Nation's fate,should the Republicans ever meet, ..and join,..in policy,...with the Democrats.
That is a fate that, We the People, ..should never let befall this Shining City.The Republican Party must be victorious in November, and thwart the destructive vision of this existential President,..the Anti-Matter Man,.....Barack Hussein Obama.
Friday, March 28, 2014
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