The United States Military is so technically advanced , so superior, so powerful, that it could decimate the the entire surface of the earth twice over , in less than a day.No other nation on earth can match us.No enemy , whether despot , dictator , communist, Marxist, or terrorist, can stand against our might. All, are militarily inferior to us. And yet,the enemies of freedom seem to be growing ever bolder, their tentacles seemingly spreading to every corner of the globe.Their main target?America, and all her allies in the war on terror.So now, we have an infant killed in Israel by a Palestinian terrorist.We have an attack in Ottawa Canada upon their Parliament by a recent convert to Islam .The terrorist killed two unarmed ceremonial guards before being brought down by Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers , who retrieved a loaded gun from his office, dispatched the terror intruder, and then calmly went back to his normal duties.The man's a Canadian John Wayne. Earlier , another Canadian soldier was run down in the Ottawa streets by a hit and run driver.Coincidence?Hardly.Apparently, Canada is now paying the price for becoming America's new ally in the coalition to defeat ISIS. The free world, led by the United States, is now on notice .All are now fair game for this newly formed Terror State, and its growing army of of lone wolf terrorists. And, what of the noble Kurds and their valiant fight to hold Kobani and keep Baghdad from falling to the forces of ISIS?They, and they alone, have stood steadfast in their fight against terror.Only they are our true Arab allies in the coalition. Only they can be counted on to stand by the side of America in this fight against evil.Only they are the future of the middle east. They must not fall.They must not fail, if the middle east is to ever know peace and freedom. And all they ask, our help .They have held Kobani, but they are slowly but surely losing ground .ISIS is winning , and seems poised to overwhelm these freedom fighters , these defenders of Baghdad .They need our aid. So, where is America and the coalition forces in the fight against ISIS?Nowhere. America , under the leadership of President Obama , continues with limited bombing strikes, whose purpose is to destroy and decimate, without really damaging anything.An impossible task , and certainly no way to win a war. So too, with America's partners in this fight.All seem to be executing air attacks that are simply doing nothing to stop ISIS, or even slow them down. And now, to add insult to injury , the President has decided to step things up a bit., by finally air dropping the weapons and food the Kurds have been pleading for.That's all well and good, except that the weapons and food are now in the hands of ISIS.Our President is not only allowing this terror state to continue its march into Baghdad unmolested, but now ,... he's arming and feeding them too. Smooth move Barry. Well done.
No matter.I'm sure America's Arab based coalition partners such as the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, and Belgium, will step up to the plate, and do what America is failing to do . Not very likely. This Arab coalition is one of political expediency alone. It's all style, and no substance..These nations depend on American dollars to survive economically and thus have chosen to execute a pantomime effort to battle ISIS. They are in effect merely following America's lead, and will put forth no more effort to save Baghdad than Obama is doing.These Arab nations will not go to war against other Arabs as a partner of the infidel America. It will not happen, especially when they see that America itself, the leader of the free world, unwilling to really fight.
This is why Turkey stands by and watches as the Kurds prepare for bitter defeat against the terrorists.
America is the enemy.
America is the infidel .
America must be destroyed.
America is the ultimate target,..not ISIS.
Turkey sees weakness in the Great Satan ,in the ultimate infidel ,..America,and they will not come to its aid,..even to stop the evil of ISIS.
For a califate has been declared , and ISIS has vowed that America and all her allies will be invaded and brought to submission before the will of Allah, and will become Islamic States , under Sharia Law.And, they vow,the ISIS Flag will fly from the White House itself.
That is their dream.
That is our nightmare.
And, to that end, we now have another White House invader, who, like his predecessor , made it over the the White House fence only to be brought down by the secret service on the front lawn .This second attempt is no mere coincidence.Both incidents are most assuredly dry runs for a full blown terror attack on the White House.
As I said before,the enemy smells weakness, and will now strike at America, even unto the White House itself. In addition , ISIS has declared a world wide califate against all soldiers and police, and have called for their lone wolf followers to strike them down everywhere, , as a hatchet welding terrorist has done in a New York subway, wounding two police officers, critically .
And America, even with all her power, the leader of the free world, the number one superpower in the world,..can do nothing.
There is a reason for this.And, it's quite simple. Our Nation is now currently being run by the Democrat Party , and has been for eight years now, ..two of them under Bush.
The simple truth is , that when in power, the Democrats are a destructive force , that seeks to weaken our nation from within. They destroy our security , and leave us vulnerable to our enemies , home and abroad. They destroy everything that is linked to our security.
They collapse our economy with massive tax and regulation increases,leaving us financially in debt to our enemies, and energy dependent on them as well.
They restrict and regulate our 2nd Amendment rights , leaving our citizens vulnerable from domestic terrorists and criminals.
They leave our borders unsecured, and our flights unrestricted, thereby leaving America vulnerable to illegal criminals, plague -like diseases,and potential domestic terror attacks ,..all to assure an overwhelming Democrat voting base that will ,eventually,..create a permanent Democrat ruling Party in America.
And,most offensive,..they weaken our military,...the very military that protects us from our enemies.
They cut military pay.
They downsize our forces.
They cut funding for weapon programs and equipment.
They deliberately, and with malice of forethought,...weaken the greatest force for freedom in the world.
The reason? The military votes Republican, and therefore they must be weakened, downsized, and brought under government control , like the rest of the nation ,...again,..all in the name of securing permanent Democrat Power.
Even if it costs America,....everything.
It can be stopped, by Republicans winning elections, and assuming control of the fate of our nation.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans cut entitlements.
Only Republicans defend our right to keep and bear arms.
Only Republicans support our military , and make sure that it is feared by our enemies and respected by our allies.
ISIS is now targeting all American allies , on their homefront.
Israel, Canada,Australia,England, the Kurdish forces in Kobani,....all will fall to the forces of ISIS.
Unless,...America does the unexpected.,...and unleashes all hell upon the Islamic State, and forces their submission,..and their unconditional surrender.It can be done.It must be done.
During World War II,America faced an enemy that would not surrender , would not relent,would not stop until America was crushed. That enemy, like Al Queda, ISIS,...dared to attack America on her own soil. This enemy, like ISIS,....used suicide bombers in an effort to create terror , break our will, and weaken our fighting spirit. This enemy, like ISIS,tortured and murdered captured Americans and Allied forces.
This enemy,...was the nation of Japan.
And, in the last days of World War II, America made a fateful decision;...Risk many more years of war with a ruthless, evil ,relentless enemy and lose thousands more American soldiers lives,...or unleash earthbound hell upon their island Nation,...and end it all.
America chose to end this war,..this endless conflict,....and by so doing , saved many American,..and Japanese lives.
America chose to use its true power, stop the enemy ,..and force their unconditional surrender.
Two Atomic Bombs did this ,...and the world would never be the same.
The Unbeatable Empire ,determined to destroy America,..surrendered unconditionally. And, in the wake of the destruction we had wrought upon their land,.........
We gained an Ally in the never ending fight for Freedom,..and Liberty,...that supports us now,..unconditionally, the war on terror.
Japan is now a freedom loving, Democratic Nation ,..a technological marvel.And, the city of Hiroshima ,once incinerated by the power of the Atom, is a breathtakingly beautiful, prosperous Metropolis,..a specimen of freemarket wonder. And all it took was for America to use the true power it has to stop evil , one scorched earth moment ,....and force its surrender.
It worked once.
It can be done again.
America can no longer allow the evil of ISIS to go unchecked , while it spreads it poison across the face of the earth. They will not surrender. They will not submit.They will not stop until the allies of freedom are destroyed.
Therefore , we must unleash armageddon upon them. There is no more time for political strategems and pantomime tactics.America must, once again, make that fateful decision , to unleash its full power on the enemy, and end this madness , Our Air Power alone, has the power to end this, swiftly and decisively.
From destruction, always comes ,..creation. And like with Japan, it is no doubt possible that from the ashes of the fallen ISIS State , shall come,..perhaps,.....the birth of a new ally in the fight for freedom and liberty. All it takes is the will,..the resolve,...of America.
Unfortunately, that will,..that resolve,..cannot be found in President Obama , or the ruling Democrat Party. But,that will , that resolve, can be restored.America can once again, be the leader of the free world, the number one superpower, the last best hope for the world.
That will, that resolve ,..can only come from the Republican Party.They are the Party that strengthens our military , fights the terrorist threat aggressively ,..and supports our Allies,.....unconditionally.
On November 4th, they must be victorious, in the Midterm elections,..and reduce the destructive Democrat Party to,.... nothingness .
Only then, can America , and her military,..the finest military the world has ever seen, what must be done.
Creation from Destruction.
Alpha and Omega.
It's America's Destiny.
And, with Republican victory in the Midterms, and beyond, can be done,..and must be done,..if the free world, as we know it, is to survive.