Saturday, November 8, 2014

Requiem for Narcissus?

The war is over.
The battle won.
The enemy vanquished.
And, in the aftermath of this nuclear holocaust Midterm victory by the Republican Party,one question has been clearly answered;..."How do you destroy the Democrat Party?"You destroy them by allowing them to  govern our nation for eight years now, unobstructed,unopposed , and simply let them destroy themselves. That's the basic reality of this overwhelming Republican victory .It didn't matter what kind of campaign strategy the Republicans adopted,although they were smart to make the midterm elections about Obama and his policies. But what really mattered was what had been wrought during these past eight years of Democrat rule;...The destruction of our economy,
The weakening of our military, the appeasement of our enemies,and the rejection of our Allies.This is what happens when the Democrat Party is left in charge of America for far too long .Total , complete disaster .When you have a socialist agenda that siphons money from the freemarket in order to grow government , and weakens our military in order to grow entitlements, the results are inevitable.Which of course is why the Republican Tsunami victory was also inevitable A 9 seat pickup in the Senate, once Alaska and Louisiana are finally totalled, and a 19 seat pickup in the Congress as well.Plus,overwhelming victories for Republican Governor's across the nation. Not bad. If fact, it's the largest Republican Congress and Senate since the days of Herbert Hoover, in  the 1920's. But again , this was inevitable . The one sure way for Republicans to win big is to let the Democrats stay in power far too long. The Democrats have controlled the House and Senate from 2006, to 2010, and even after that they still held the Presidency , Senate ,DOJ, IRS, CIA, and the Supreme court. A dangerously long run , and one that has done extensive damage to our Nation. The Republican Party now has quite a task ahead, since they were not elected by the people simply to govern. No, their election was a mandate to stop the Obama Agenda , at all costs, and replace that agenda with what works, what always works;...a solid , constitutionally based conservative Republican Agenda. The Republican Congress has already passed over 300 bills that , if made law, would restore our nation to it's former glory. Now they have the Senate as well. Now those bills can be passed through the Senate, and then moved to the President's desk, for final approval.The Republicans must force the President to expose his obstructionist agenda by making him use his veto to block these bills that would restore our freemarket Republic. The Republican Party now has the opportunity to to force the President to accept their agenda , or show the American people that he is what they always suspected he was;..namely, a socialist idealogue that will stick to his destructive agenda , even if he must act alone, by executive fiat. And make no mistake, this the President will do , no matter what Obama said in the aftermath of the election sweep. He will not work with House Speaker Boehner. He will not work with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Now is the time when the President will unleash the final part of his plan to create a permanent Democrat controlled Nation.Now is the time for his final chess move ;....executive action to grant Amnesty for 11 million illegals now dwelling in the shadows of America. This has been the plan since 2008. He certainly will not abandon that plan now, just because the Republican majority seeks to thwart his will. Obama saw the handwriting on the wall anyway. He saw how his own Party had turned on him , as the Midterms approached . The Democrats knew that in order to stand any chance of being re-elected to their seats, they must all, en masse, disavow the President and his policies completely. A ridiculously transparent strategy , of course, and one doomed to failure. But then , there is no honor among thieves,and all those Democrats who had helped Obama steal the American people's hard earned wealth over the past six years , now saw their leader as a threat to their power .And so, they abandoned him for the greater good of retaining the Democrat Party's power over our Nation.
The President , for his part, would have none of it, and feeling betrayed, he struck back by assuring the American people , in speeches and radio interviews,..that while he may not be running again, his policies were most certainly on the ballot , and , in fact, all of the Democrats running had always supported his agenda 100%.
The Democrat Party is Obama, and the President made sure the American voters were well aware of that. Revenge for betrayal?You bet . The President is a vain narcissistic man who has grown used to unwaivering loyalty , and would not tolerate any dissent. If the Democrat Party no longer obeyed his supreme will, he would destroy it. So let it be written,...So let it be done.
The President , ultimately would not need his Party . He needs no one to help him complete his plan . All he needs now is his power of Executive Action to complete his mission to bring America to task for its past crimes , and to subjugate it to the Democrat Party's will permanently. And, this he will now do with but one stroke of his pen . The President has already warned Boehner and McConnell that , if they do not act upon Amnesty, he will , by executive action. The President will cast himself in the role of Moses.He will part the Red State sea of the Republican Congress and Senate, and unleash an army of illegal voters that will secure his power base permanently, just in time for the 2016 Presidential election .
President Barack Hussein Obama is a radical, Saul Alinsky schooled , Idealogue whose mission to punish Imperialist America will be fulfilled ,even as his Party goes down in defeat , under the wave of destruction caused by their need to destroy America , in order to grow government power and control.
The President must fulfill the final part of his plan .Open Borders, unrestricted flights from Ebola stricken nations , and an endless sea of illegals that have poured into our nation for years now , is just the first part of his plan. Now the President must finish what he has carefully orchestrated , by pushing through Amnesty by Executive Fiat.
Now is the time for the Party of "no" to really live up to that reputation , and stop this man before he completes his desperate bid for total Democrat power. The President has his agenda , and he will fulfill the "Dreams of his Father" of a diminished America, and he will not waiver from it even if he must complete it alone . The Republican agenda is clear; they have a mandate to stop this man ,.and to stop his mission.  They have the power of the purse, and can cut off all funding to the President's whims, and now , they have the Senate as well.They can stop him.Cold. They must force the President to use his his veto that will expose him once and for all.
The borders must be sealed with a fence ,illegal invaders deported, and Ebola flights restricted,...Now.
Obamacare must be repealed, or the States granted waivers ,Now.
Permanent Tax and Regulation cuts for all Americans, must be put into effect across the board, on a corporate and wage level ,...Now.
Our military must be restored, by increasing funding, ending layoffs , and allowing our Generals, and Military Advisors to agressively  fight this war against ISIS and AlQueda, and implement a winning war strategy that will allow us to destroy ISIS once and for all,..Now.
Gitmo Bay must remain open for business and the foolish prisoner releases from that facility must end,..Now. The Keystone pipeline must be approved, as well as new domestic oil well drilling,...Now.
The I.R.S., a Union controlled extension of the Democrat Party,  that has existed for the sole purpose of targeting conservatives , and using hard working American's money to fund the Democrat Agenda must be eliminated , once and for all and replaced with a Flat Tax,...Now.
Excessive Gun laws and Regulations that punish  law abiding gun owners while allowing criminals and lunatics to target unarmed Americans , must be eliminated, and our 2nd Amendment Rights ,..defended. ,...Now.
The I.R.S. Fast and Furious, NSA, and Benghazi scandals must be agressively prosecuted, and those responsible brought to justice,
The 300 bills that have been passed by the Republican congress, would stop the Obama Agenda cold, if they become law. Now that the Republicans hold the Senate, they must pass the bills and force the President to use his veto power , over and over again.The Congress has the power of the purse. Obama's reckless executive attempts to end American sovreignity once and for all, by Illegal Amnesty  ,..must be stopped by cutting off all funds to any and all Obama agendas , and,..if necessary,..impeachment proceedings must be considered.
President Obama, for 6 years now, has steadfastly refused to work with the Republicans on anything . He has met with Mitch McConnell twice, six years.Twice. As he told Senator John McCain back in 2009,"We won John, lost." Now , We,..the Republican Party,..are the winners. The Democrat Party and Obama,..,..are the losers. We won,..and they lost. And now is the time for the Republican Party to , "settle all family business" ,...once and for all.
President Obama will not stop ,..unless we stop him.,...and stop him we will.
And now, the President ,..enraged and petulant , can only ponder his fate and wonder why his world has begun to crumble .Desperate times call for desperate measures , and the President will indeed act on his Amnesty threat , not just to complete his agenda,of punishing America and securing the left's power,..but also out of sheer vanity and ego .He must prove that he is still the Anointed One,standing between the Greek Columns in 2008,...seemingly the Master of the World,...Narcissus personified.
But now, if the world and his Party have betrayed him and allowed the Republicans to regain control ,..then the world and the Democrat Party must be brought down ,..for no other reason than to soothe his bruised ego.
Obama and the Democrats hath  been destroyed by their own excesses and flawed socialist strategy .They were doomed to failure the minute they presumed to gain power by weakening America.
And now, stands the former child of the gods,..Obama ,..stripped of his former glory, his former power, to make the seas recede,.and  left to stare,..still  transfixed , at his own reflection ,..a Narcissus in exile ,...while the Democrat Party can only contemplate their defeat and weep, like the goddess Echo , for their unrequited love of  Barack Hussein Obama, who in the end, cared nothing for his Party , but only for himself, and his reflected glory .
The Republicans have indeed triumphed. Mission Accomplished. But Obama, like Caesar,..will continue to exceed the limits of his power and will now rule by tyrannical whim . He can only be stopped , and must be stopped, the newly sharpened  daggers of the Republican Senate.

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