Michael Brown was a thug, a criminal, and a potential killer, who sewed the seeds of his own destruction by robbing a store , assaulting the owner, and then attacking a police officer who dared to stop and question him. And, as for the terrorists of Ferguson who have decided to destroy their own town in protest of the Grand Jury's failure to indict Officer Wilson for murder, there remains a question;,"What was the outcome that they wanted?" Wilson crucified for his perceived crimes , and the town of Ferguson left to its own devices , free of any police interference. This is what they want. A den of thieves, in many respects. A town where the criminal and killer is in command, and where the the police are on the outside , no longer able to control or restrict their behavior, with their racist harassments. A town ruled by man's evil impulses. A town where the street thug, the drug dealer , the thief, the vandal, and the terrorist make the rules, with the police granting the whole of Ferguson a twisted form of diplomatic immunity, where the laws of society and civility no longer apply, and the law of the jungle, kill or be killed rob or be robbed, destroy, or be destroyed,..is in full force,all in the name of a strange brand of reparations, for America's perceived sins of slavery and racism. To put it bluntly, the Ferguson Police have no right to stop and question any black man , because to do so is racist, and proof that the white man still longs for the days of Jim Crow and the Klan, when lynchings and cross burnings compensated for the loss of slavery , which was brought about by the misguided President Lincoln , and his newly created Republican Party. Ferguson must be left alone , unobstructed, undisciplined ,and lawless, because the stain of slavery has still not been wiped from the history of America.
America is an evil nation that became an economic and militaristic juggernaut by looting and pillaging other nations riches,and natural resources ,and then using their citizens as slave labor,to build its monuments to imperialism. This is what the left truly believes. This is what they really think of America.
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon is one of them. He is a hard core leftist ,that deliberately allowed the City of Ferguson to burn in the name of racial reparations. The National Guard was not brought in by his specific orders , and the orders of Attorney General Eric Holder , who visited Ferguson in an attempt to shape the outcome of the Grand Jury deliberation, and, in no uncertain terms, instructed Jay Nixon to leave Ferguson unprotected .
No National Guard.
No Police interference.
No protection for local businesses, struggling to make a living.
The thugs, vandals, arsonists and looters would rule the night, and would not be opposed , for no other reason than President Obama , Attorney General Holder, and Governor Nixon, did not get the indictment that they wanted of this man who must be used as a scapegoat and posterboy for the stain of racism that has blackened America's soul.
Officer Darrin Wilson must pay for the sins of racist America, it's as simple as that.
He must be lynched by this mob of domestic terrorists in order to punish Imperialist, criminal America., the nation that Obama , Holder , Nixon,and the left in general, ..hate with every fiber of their being.
The riots, you see, were not spontaneous. They were planned by the left ,..all across the nation , and would have occurred regardless of the outcome. Ferguson was just an excuse to push the time tested racism agenda that's all.Not one of these Democrat Politicians , or protestors really gives a damn about Michael Brown or Officer Darrin Wilson .What they do give a damn about , what really matters is the agenda,..the racism agenda,..that that enables the left to hold on to power .The agenda that inspires uninformed voters to show up at the polls, and pull that lever for the Democrat Party. The agenda that generates millions of dollars for the race hustlers and Democrat politicians that make a living promoting hatred.
Money and Power for the Left. That is the only reason Ferguson is happening right now. It certainly has nothing to do with the evidence , that's for sure. Officer Wilson was attacked by Brown for committing the sin of doing his job.Wilson was attacked by a man who knew he had just committed robbery and assault, and he was determined not to be taken down by this racist cop , who had no business interfering with him .
"Who", Brown thought , "Is this white cop to question anything I do?"Brown had decided that only one of them would leave that street alive. Speculation? Not at all. Brown and his partner in crime,Dorian Johnson, attacked the officer while he sat in his car, and then attempted to get his gun away from him .The intent was clear,..they would beat this cop into unconsciousness,, and then they would shoot him. In truth , there's no other reason for Brown to do what he did. Brown and Johnson simply decided that they would not go to prison, if this cop was not alive to testify against them. Kill, or be killed.Kill, if you want to stay free.Forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony back up this scenario .That's why there was no indictment .There couldn't be, no matter how much Holder and Nixon may want it. Wilson did his job, and brought down a criminal who was determined to kill him ,..and that is all.
And , in the end, all the protests , burnings, lootings, shootings, and vandalism that may occur in the days to come will accomplish nothing .
Darrin Wilson is innocent.
Michael Brown is guilty, and in reality ,..killed himself.
Despite what Family, Friends, and Faux Protestors think,...this was the only outcome there could have been. If Officer Wilson had been more restrained, and had not used his gun to defend himself against this 6'6", 300 lb. behemoth, ..then Wilson would now be dead, while Brown and Johnson would have been cop killers on the run, and would have either been killed in a shootout, or taken into custody,and put on death row,..for the killing of a police officer.
Wilson dies,...Brown lives.
Brown dies,...Wilson lives.
There is no difference.
The outcome remains the same.
Brown destroyed himself through robbery , assault , and attempted murder .
In the end, no one wins.
Except, of course , the race hustlers of the left who will continue to further their agenda , secure their political power , and fatten their wallets , by using a racist myth , to exploit a tragedy.
Brown loses, his Family loses, and Ferguson loses.
But, to Obama, Holder , Nixon and the left, there is a victory, a triumph, that they calculate will pay off at the election polls.
This is their dream.
Victory assured.
Their power secured, while Ferguson ,the Terror City, a seething cauldron of hatred , violence and death , continues to burn , for America's imagined sins.
The perfect recipe for leftist victory .
The perfect recipe ,..for America's defeat.
Or,..it would be , if men such as these were not opposed,..by those who , like our Founding Fathers, have a different vision for America,and will tolerate no other.
Friday, November 28, 2014
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