Question;...why is the Democrat Party, led by Senator Dianne Feinstein, choosing this moment in time to attack the CIA over the Bush-Cheney issue of torture? Answer;...because this is their last chance to hurt the Republican Party , the Bush Administration , our Military, and the CIA , before the Republican takeover of the Senate in January.That's really all this comes down to .There's no mystery to anything that the Democrats do. All of it, no matter how nonsensical and destructive it may seem at face value, actually does have a constructive and sensible purpose behind it, and that one purpose is to destroy the Republican Party politically, and assure a permanent Democrat ruling base in the future. In truth, there can be no other reason to once again revive that old chestnut of the CIA torturing terror prisoners under the guidelines of the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror program. No one was tortured and the Democrats are well aware of it. Enhanced interrogation of terrorists is not torture and it must be used if we are to win the War on Terror. Khalid Sheik Muhammad, architect of the 911 attack, would never have voluntarily given us any information .No enemy combatant in any war would. He had to be , shall we say,..persuaded,..with waterboarding ,with sleep deprivation ,with diet restriction .This had to be done, if we were to get the information that would save American lives,and prevent further domestic terror attacks,.. by giving us the terrorists who perpetrated 911,and the name of the courier, who would, ultimately lead us to Osama Bin Laden.None of that would have happened without the CIA's enhanced interrogation program, a la Bush-Cheney. Even WWII would not have been won without the covert intelligence operations of the OSS that enabled us to out flank and defeat the Axis powers. And, the kicker is,..deep down,,..the Democrats know this. They also know that while Senator Feinstein is releasing this report on torture,the Obama Drone program is killing terrorists outright, all across the globe , and in the process, incurring massive civilian casualties that are indeed part of any war conflict. No capture, no trial, no waterboarding, no sleep deprivation. Obama's drones kill from a distance silently and covertly, ..terrorist and civilian both, the hundreds ,...without any congressional approval ,..and yet the Democrats think pouring water over a murderous terrorist head is inhumane? Senator Feinstein knows how absurd this is. President Obama knows how absurd it is, and, although he did end the enhanced interrogation program,..he has opted to keep the Bush-Cheney terror program , and even increase the use of Drones , under that program. Yet,..waterboarding is beyond the pale?
The Democrats,all of them,..know that there is nothing wrong with waterboarding or sleep deprivation.It isn't torture , and they know it. They even gave their approval for the program, right after the 911 attack.What has changed since then? We are still at war, aren't we? The Democrats know that the real torture began on September 11, 2001,after two planes hit the twin towers , because that 's when innocent hardworking American citizens had to choose between jumping to their deaths, or burning to death. That is a decision no American should ever have to make. That is the real definition of torture,...and the Democrats damn well know it. Deep down, in their twisted guts,..they know it. They know that we are the good guys , and always have been.Not only that,..we are the only good guys who are willing to stand up to the forces of Islamic terror , and the only good guys who are able to bring them crushing defeat. Here's a newsflash,...we don't have to prove we are the good guys, anyone,..let alone the terrorists. The History of America proves that. Our nation's history of deposing tyrants and bringing freedom and liberty to the sick , the hungry, and to the oppressed ,..around the globe ,...proves that. The billions America gives to disease ridden and poverty stricken nations in every corner of the earth. ,..proves that.
We are the Good Guys.
We are the only Good Guys who consistently stand up to evil ,..and defeat it every time.
We are the last ,best hope for the world.
We are indeed that Shining City on the Hill,...and we don't have to prove it , by being nice to terrorists,...or Democrats for that matter.
President Obama in particular ,..knows this .He kept the Drone program, and has used it to kill,quickly and effectively .He kept the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror program in place,..because he knows, works.
But torture? Yes Obama and the Democrats know that torture works too,..after all ,even the Democrat Party , including Senator Feinstein, approved of the methods,and gave the CIA the green light to use them,..right after 911.They knew then,..that we must do whatever was necessary, prevent this from ever happening again.
But now,..there is the problem of the Republicans taking over control of both House and Senate in January, the problem of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's congressional grilling ,.and the problem of new hearings on the Benghazi scandal, now well underway again.
This had to be the time.If there was ever to be a future victory for the Democrat Party in 2016, and beyond,now was the time to attack the Republicans on the Bush-Cheney torture program again.After all,wasn't this strategy what gave the Democrats the House and Senate in 2006? It's the only solution. The Democrats must demonize Jose Rodriguez,,and all the CIA operatives and contractors,..and portray them as evil , Republican controlled sadists ,who would commit inhuman atrocities on behalf of the evil Bush-Cheney regime.
The Democrats know that if they can now distract from Benghazi, from Jonathan Gruber,,..from Amnesty,..and once again cast Bush-Cheney as the evil torturing liars that went to war for oil,..then tortured the very terrorists that they provoked into attacking America,....they can regain their power and control in 2016.
That is the plan.
That is what the Democrats are now doing.
They hope this strategy,..will work. They hope.
They can hope all they want,..but the simple reality is that CIA Director John Brennan , Obama appointee,..has contradicted Senator Feinstein's testimony on the effectiveness of CIA enhanced interrogation techniques,..aka,,,waterboarding. Brennan says the techniques worked , saved lives, and gave us Bin Laden. Well, much for Democrat hopes,..
They apparently can't stand up to the cold hard light of Republican Reality.
Or, for that matter ,..the reality of Obama's army of mechanoids ,poised to destroy at his slightest whim,...Drones that have killed on his command ,..without let or hindrance ,..or Congressional approval .Drones that target terrorists quite effectively,....and have little time or patience for torture. But, unfortunately,..they have also killed thousands of innocent civilians in the process,..a mechanoid's concept of systematic collateral damage.
The Drones are Obama's Praetorian Guard .They obey his every whim , without question , and destroy terrorists with a frightening mechanical efficiency.The Drones make Obama the ultimate ,savage, right wing terror killer that the Democrats have always thought Bush was.In effect, Obama has become a cyborg assassin , who has no need to torture ,..when a problem can simply be terminated. Obama is the Drone,..and the Drone, Obama.And, it is this reality, that makes any charges of torture absurd. After all, how can the Democrats accuse Bush, Cheney, and the CIA of war crimes , when Barack Hussein Obama has become the unilateral Cyborg Assassin Supreme?
The bottom line on the issue of torture ,..or Drone assassinations for that matter, simply this,...if Senator Feinstein's , or any other Democrat politician's child life was at stake ,..they would indeed torture,..or use Drones to assassinate indiscriminately,..if it meant that doing so,....could save that child's life.
Are not the Lives of our Fellow Americans ,.....of Equal Value?
Friday, December 12, 2014
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