Friday, October 31, 2014

Masque of the Plague Zombies

There is a plague among us.America has been invaded by a viral contagion that has been slowly but surely destroying us from within .The Obama Administration and the Democrat Party have ruled this Nation for the last eight years now , including the two last years of the Bush Presidency, and during that time period, an insidious plot has been hatched and put into effect,..a plot that would insure the Democrat Party  would succeed in its long term plan to diminish America and force it to bend to their will,..the will of the ruling leftist elite.
The plot was diabolically simple , yet effective.Our borders would remain open , and all those living in our nation illegally, or crossing our borders everyday by the thousands , would be given amnesty , and be allowed to dwell in our land permanently, regardless of criminal record or lack of job skills. They would not need to learn English.They would not need to get a job.They would not need to have any marketable skills or make any effort to contribute to our society at all. No, all they would have to do , all that would be required of them, would be to show up at the election polls and pull a lever for the Democrat Party.In truth, it's the perfect plan. The borders remain unsecured, flights from Ebola stricken West Africa remain unrestricted, and eventually our nation becomes in effect, a third world nation, with the overwhelming majority of its citizens illegal, disease ridden criminals and potential terrorists, that will enthusiastically live off the government dole , and equally enthusiastically , show up at the election polls and vote for the Party that will insure their free ride on  the backs of the American taxpayer will go on for eternity . The plan is fool proof. And the plan has indeed been the main goal, the main agenda , of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party in general , since the days of Woodrow Wilson.
What could go wrong? No matter how loudly the Republicans may scream about securing the border before any amnesty is granted, it simply cannot happen if the Democrats continue to win elections that secure their power base. And , apparently, they will continue to win as long as illegals continue to flood our shores on a daily basis. After all, who would an illegal who can't speak English , who has no job skills , who has a criminal record , who is potentially infected with a deadly disease ,going to vote for? Sarah Palin? Mitt Romney? Nope. It's a sure bet that all illegals will vote Democrat all the time. This is why the issue of voter I.D. is called racist . This is why Attorney General Eric Holder and the Democrat Party has fought so long and hard to insure that our election polls do not require any  identification , photo I.D. or otherwise.
Strict photo I..D. laws imposed by the Republicans would prevent the Democrat Party from cheating ,..from committing voter fraud. It's as simple as that. For the Democrats know that, if they can't cheat , they can't win any election, ever. They never could . That is the reason Public Unions exist .Their job is to get out the vote for the Democrat Party , hook or by crook. Their job is to intimidate voters . Their job is to act as a money laundering system for the Democrat Party , and to use the taxpayer's hard earned cash to fund Democrat election campaigns. But, with Public Union membership dwindling in the face of an economy weakened by a leftist agenda, the Democrat Party , years ago, realized that another strategy must be hatched, if their Party was to survive long enough to implement their plans to destroy America, and remake it in their own socialist, utopian image.
To that purpose, open borders was  born. To that purpose, , Amnesty for illegals was born. To that purpose, flights from Ebola stricken West Africa remain unrestricted , and ,according to leaked White House documents, the Obama Administration is now preparing to implement a new plan that would allow all West Africans stricken with the Ebola virus to be brought to America for treatment. This would insure another unending source of potential Democrat voters easy access to our nation under the guise of a health related , humanitarian emergency.
This is a no brainer. Ebola is a deadly disease that liquifies your organs , makes blood shoot from your eyes , and has a 70% chance of killing you, if you contract it. Its a potential plague, that has infected thousands of Liberians. To stop it you quarantine the sick and those exposed to the sick, and you restrict all travel to and from West Africa. That is what you do to stop any deadly disease from spreading .It's not up for debate .This is the proper scientific,  medical  procedure you follow, in dealing with Ebola. Yet, the CDC  has recommended no quarantine and no flight restrictions . The reason? They are part of the Obama political machine , as are the doctors and nurses , such as Dr. Craig Spencer , and Nurse Kaci Hickox, that have been exposed to this disease , yet have arrogantly refused to obey the 21 day quarantine that  would insure the safety of the American public.
CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said the quarantine was unnecessary,despite medical evidence to the contrary.Frieden is a puppet of the Obama regime and has been instructed to push this scenario , since it would promote the unrestricted flights that would  allow more West African based Democrat voters in our nation permanently.
Nurse Kaci Hickox is another example of the left's intention to use Ebola as a Democrat weapon that will unleash an unbeatable army of Democrat voting  plague zombies.That's why this arrogant, leftist  Obama supporter has refused to obey any 21 day quarantine .That's  why Obama gives a photo -op at the White House hugging a formerly infected nurse.That's why NBC's Medical expert ignored her own quarantine to get Chinese takeout.That's why Dr. Craig Spencer, stricken with Ebola , ignored his own symptoms and went bowling , and then to a restaurant.
All of these people are arrogant leftists that are following the Democrat Agenda that will assure the general public that Ebola is not a threat . That way the President's plan to bring West Africans here will not alarm anyone, all the while virtually assuring that the Democrats remain the ruling Party, for eternity.
All of it points to one thing;...the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party , after eight disasterous years of their rule over America,smell defeat now at the hands of the Republican Party.Therefore ,the invasion strategem must be accelerated .All illegal criminals must be released from our prisons, as they have been.Gitmo Bay war prisoners must be released , as they have been. Deported illegal criminals must be allowed back in our country,as they have been.And, a call must go out, to El Salvador , and other third world nations, that the U.S. is now accepting all, I repeat, all, who wish to come here , and will allow them to stay here permanently , they have been.
All this has been done to fulfill the plan, the goal,...of a permanent Democrat ruling Party that cannot be beaten , because the nation is now controlled by an invasion of third world plague zombies that will do the bidding of the Party that sustains them ,...the Democrat Party.
And, into this mix comes the new revelations from Maine ,Illinois, Maryland, and North Carolina, that early voting fraud is now going on with alarming regularity in these States. Illegals are voting by the hundreds already , and have also done so in the past, and votes cast for Republican candidates are mysteriously being changed to Democrat votes , by rigged voting machines. This comes as no surprise, since the Democrats have always cheated.The nuts and bolts reality is,..they cannot win, ever,unless they do cheat,..always. That is the reason for all that is transpiring now. .The open borders ,the release of illegal criminals, the release of Gitmo Bay prisoners , the refusal to restrict flights from Ebola stricken nations , the refusal by leftists to obey quarantines,the refusal to require I.D. at the voting polls.
And, probably most egregious of all, the suppression of the military vote by a systematically downsizing them, cutting their budget, and sending them  to do battle with a deadly disease in a foreign land, instead of sending them to do battle with the enemies of freedom.The reason for the Democrat Party's attack on the military is clear;..the military votes Republican,therefore, it must be destroyed. And what destroys more effectively, than Ebola?The Quarantine is, strangely enough , being enforced on our soldiers by the Obama Administration , while at the same time, it puts pressure on local  Maine officials , to lift the Quarantine on Nurse and Obama operative,..Kaci Hickox. The reason for this contradiction in policy is obvious;....soldiers that vote consistently Republican, must be kept out of the country, and under quarantine,until after the Midterm elections.
Far fetched?Sure. About as far fetched as the idea that our President and his Administration would leave our Embassy in Benghazi unsecured during the anniversary of 911,just to push a political agenda. The Democrat Party's entire future depends on winning the Midterms and retaining control of the Senate .They will do what they must to ensure that victory.They will lie, cheat, steal, and yes,..even import thousands of illegals while banishing thousands of our soldiers  to a plague ridden nation to do battle with a contagion .
The invasion of the plague zombies , eight year plan,,.,is finally near completion, just in time for Halloween and the Midterm elections. Voter fraud is already , in many states,..the order of the day. This Zombie virus is spreading rapidly , and seeks to engulf us on election day. Can it be stopped? Yes. Because We the People have the vaccine .We the People have the cure. Republican Party victory in the Midterms is the vaccine,....and conservatism is the cure. We the People must, once and for all,... unite under the war banner of the Republican Party , and vote for every Republican running , though our lives depended on it. We are the Party that ended slavery, and created the vaccine for racism called the civil rights act.
Only we cut taxes and regulations
Only we cut entitlements.
Only we strengthen our military .
Only we support the 2nd Amendment.
Only we support our allies, and put fear in our enemies.
Only we, the Republican Party, can restore our nation and end this plague of Obama zombies masquerading this Halloween as American voters.
We the People , this midterm election,..must rip the Halloween mask from the Democrat Party , once and for all,..and expose the ugly monster that seeks nothing more than to destroy America , in order to secure its power.

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