Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Crucifixion Strategem

President Obama's decision to lift trade embargos on Cuba proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that appeasing our enemies and alienating our allies is indeed an integral part of his leftist agenda. Cuba is an island nation ruled by a dictator that enslaves  and tortures his own people,receives financial and military aid from Russia, and sponsors terrorist nations such as Iran and North Korea.Why then, should we allow one more enemy of America to have access to American dollars? The President is doing this for only one reason;..he wants the Gitmo Bay prison camp closed,..and he wants the Castro Brothers to help him to accomplish this. There can be no other logical reason to do this .Opening trade with Cuba will accomplish only one thing; will make Fidel and Raoul Castro just a little bit richer, and more disdainful of a weakened America.That is all. President Obama and the liberal left need to wake up and realize that you cannot use American dollars to turn an evil regime into a peaceful one .All we are doing is making dictators and tyrants richer,and their military stronger,while the people who live under their iron boot, ,..remain in poverty. There is only one way to help Cuba , and that way is to attack it militarily and depose the Castro brothers .That's the only way to liberate nations. The evil rule of communist tyrants must be destroyed, not fed American taxpayer dollars.
The new Republican Congress and Senate must force President Obama to back down and accept the fact that there is no perfect society, no perfect healthcare system, no perfect government,no peace in Cuba and no peace on earth unless it is won by the American sword that destroys tyrants and allows the citizens to rule themselves.And now, on American soil, the appeasement policies of Obama and the left have produced disasterous results. Two New York City Police Officers , Rafael Ramos, and Wenjian Liu, have been executed in broad daylight while sitting in their patrol cars, by Ismaaiyl Abdulash Brinsley, a lunatic radical leftist who was inspired not only by the out of control riots in Ferguson and New York, but also by President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder ,Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, Race baiting activist Al Sharpton, and New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio who have relentlessly promoted a racist cop agenda that has handcuffed the police in their attempts to stop the rioting, looting,arson, violence and vandalism that has shut down Ferguson and the streets of New York as well. Make no mistake , these officers, Ramos and Liu,  are dead now because a nut from Baltimore, Maryland with a long criminal  history of violence, saw an opportunity in New York, to act. He saw that opportunity because he knew the Mayor of New York was pushing an anti cop agenda that was permitting rioters , looters ,vandals, arsonists, and communist anarchists ,to take control of the streets of New York .Mayor Bill DeBlasio is a hard core leftist with a long history of anti cop rhetoric .Mayor DeBlasio , like all leftist politicians has turned his back on our allies in order to appease our enemies.He has blood on his hands, as does Obama, Holder,Sharpton, and Nixon. .All that has happened now, in the wake of the Ferguson and New York deaths of two criminals who were resisting arrest , has been orchestrated by leftist politicians on a Federal,and State level , for no other reason than it is in their basic nature to do so, in order to weaken the much hated America. 
That is the nature of the left.Appease our enemies and alienate our allies.Whether it's done on an international level, by Obama's placating of Terror states,while demonizing allies such as Israel and England, and weakening our military, or on a State Level,by Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri ,  Mayor Bill Deblasio of New York, or race hustler Al Sharpton, the results are always the same ;...Evil grows stronger when America grows weaker. 
The left doesn't see it that way though. In their minds, it's America that's evil and it's America that must be diminished , weakened, and ultimately defeated, if the world is ever to know peace. They are wrong.All of them. What the left has never understood , and never will, is that when America retreats, evil advances. 
When America weakens,Evil grows stronger. When America is passive , Evil becomes aggressive.When America grows timid, Evil becomes bold.And,..when America is no more,...Evil will rule the world. 
Obama,Holder Sharpton, Nixon, and DeBlasio , have all orchestrated the violence and destruction that has filled America's streets lo these many months now. There are no racist cops, and they damn well know it. No, there is only a false agenda that exists for no other reason than to generate Democrat votes for upcoming elections. Our Police Officers who guard our streets and protect Liberty, are the best,the finest,..that America has to offer, and they are being demonized for nothing more than leftist political gain.The left has sold America's soul for a handful of votes, and crucified  those who have dedicated their lives to battling evil .
When contemplating this madness, there is one thing we should remember ,..the motto that our Police Officers live by is ,"To Protect and Serve".
There is only one other man in history , also condemned by the masses , who lived by that same motto,..and that is the man whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas morning.   

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