In the wake of endless scandals , a collapsing economy , and an ever growing terror threat, President Obama has decided to go on another vacation, this time to the continent of Africa . But, no need to worry about the President's prioroties, because, before leaving, he has given a speech addressing the gravest concern on his mind , namely, ....Global Warming. Yes folks, just to show the American people that he does care about the issues , and that he is engaged in finding solutions to them , the President has given a speech concerning the Nations number one problem;...Global Warming. The President's solution? He has asked the American people for even more of their hard earned tax dollars , dollars that the President assures us will be used to solve this climate threat , once and for all.Now that's what I call , brass cojones. In addition , the President gives another speech , once again reassuring the American people that he will handle the NSA leaker Edward Snowden 's defection to Russia ; doing nothing to get him back. "I won't be scrambling jets to get back a twenty nine year old hacker", the President stated.
No surprise here. This is actually standard operating procedure for Obama . In the midst of an administration crumbling under the weight of scandals and lies, increasing terror threats and attacks, and a chronically eroding economy, the President has resorted to his favorite strategems;...ignore, deflect, ask for more tax dollars, and , his favorite crises solution , go on another muti million dollar vacation ;..on the taxpayer's dime.
However , this time the President has made an error in his choice of location . Currently , Africa is the domain of another President. Before President Obama goes there, I would suggest that he ask permission first , of the man that is currently regarded as the ,"Lord of the Jungle ", in the Dark Continent, namely, ....President George W .Bush. The tireless work that he, and Laura Bush have done to improve living conditions of Africans through housing , education , medical , and famine relief programs have endeared the former Commander in Chief to the people of Africa , like like no other man in history.
Indeed, no President, and no man , has ever done more to improve the human condition on the Dark Continent , than George W. Bush. The people of Africa have shown their gratitude by holding tribal dinners in his honor , during his many visits there. These dinners seemed to be not just a tribute , but also a ceremony , to initiate the former President into their tribe . Yes , it does seem that the African people have not only thanked the President, but have adopted him as well, as an Honorary African . Truly, George W. Bush, through the humanitarian work of his Bush Presidential Center , has become a hero to the African people, the real life eqivalent of a moderen day Tarzan , Lord of the Jungle.
Even the Irish singer and humanitarian activist Bono , has declared the work President Bush has done in Africa, "Blessed by God". Indeed, and perhaps , judging by the ritualistic dance ceremonies held in the former President's honor ,a declaration of godhood might be on their minds as well .
This might be a tough act for President Obama to follow , or, for that matter , even comprehend. After all , President Bush has accomplished his work in Africa , a private citizen . True , Bush , as President , did send tax dollars to Africa . In fact , his relief efforts there were greater than any American President in history. But , it's the Bush Presidential Center's efforts , funded through private donations , not taxes , that has really made the difference to the African people. And, best of all, his accomplishments have proven , quite conclusively, the falsehood of Obama's big Government philosophy. After all , the work of the Bush Center is , in reality, the voluntary work of the American people, who have generously funded this worthy operation .
Perhaps Obama, the false god of Big Government and taxation , should follow the example of the newly crowned African god Bush, and put his faith in the goodness and generosity of the American people who, left to their own devices , have always done more to aid their fellow man than any other people on earth. President Bush has proven that you can aid your fellow man , without raising taxes , increasing regulations on businesses, or weakening our military and anti terror programs.
President Obama should contemplate this one thing , while in Africa. , the one thing that President Bush already knows ;...America , as a Nation , has done more to aid humanity, and has liberated more people , than any other Nation on earth . And, will continue to do so,..if the foot of Obama's socialistic agenda is removed from its neck . But, perhaps this may be too much for Obama to comprehend. After all, President Bush helps people ,...simply to help people. President Obama helps people , with our tax dollars , to gain votes and Democrat Party control of the free market. To Obama , people are to be helped , only with other people's tax dollars , and only if it benefits the Democrat agenda. Taxes , to Obama , are not to be used to benefit mankind, but to be used , benefit government.After all , Obama is not in Africa for humanitarian reasons , ..he is simply on vacation again .And , yes folks , once again , this multi million dollar getaway is funded , by the American taxpayer. But, there is one positive note to the Obama trip.Judging by the chilly reception the President has received so far, is doubtful the African people will be holding any ritualistic dance ceremonies , his honor.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
War of the Zombies
What is the purpose of our Government? We are a self governed , Free Republic , so then , what is the purpose of our Government in Washington? The purpose is security. Nothing more, nothing less. We the People send these Representatives to Washington to make sure that our Nation is secure from our enemies , both foreign and domestic . That's why we pay taxes. That's why we have a tax system . Our taxes are designed to pay for our security , whether it be military , local police, FBI,CIA, or ATF, which is in charge of border security. Yes folks, border security is a part, a large part of the effort to secure our Nation , for a Nation that cannot secure its borders , is certainly not secure , and is certainly more vulnerable to the terrorists who want to destroy it. We have an existing bill , signed into law, in 1986, by President Reagan , that was designed to do just one thing ; our border. Why then, are the so-called "gang of eight" , proposing a bill that will supposedly finally secure the border, and grant amnesty to all illegals living in our country. Why? Votes. Securing Democrat votes. Securing Democrat power. That is the only purpose of this new immigration bill . It is designed to legalize illegals , with the faint promise to secure our borders sometime in the future. What utter nonsense. The border will never be secured. This bill is nothing more than a Trojan Horse , designed to trick gullible Republicans into passing legislation that will almost certainly mean the end of the Republican Party , as we know it. Senators Lindsay Graham , John McCain , Marco Rubio , and others , have fallen right into Senator Chuck Schumer's trap. A trap that will not create security, but will instead create an unlimited supply of future Democrat voters . For, once Amnesty is granted, even more illegals will eagerly flood our country with the single purpose of living off our entitlement programs that the President and the Democrat Party so generously supply. And, in the end, the border will remain open , and all illegals , who will now be legal, will most eagerly vote, in all elections, for their benefactor, the Democrat Party.
Republicans need to wake up to the simple reality that the Hispanic community will always remain a Democrat voting base . No efforts by Senators Graham , Rubio , or McCain , to cater to them by passing this fraud of a bill, will matter at all. You don't change your Parties principles to appease a potential voting block. It won't work, and in the end, you will have reduced yourself to nothing more than an extension of the Party that is supposed to be your enemy. The solution to this mess? The Amendment to this bill proposed by Senator John Cornyn, that will demand a secure border first , and foremost, before any talk of Amnesty can happen . Senators Cruz, Hatch , and Paul, support this amendment, and it should be passed. Hopefully, Senator Marco Rubio , an otherwise staunch conservative , will wake up and begin to understand that he has been suckered by Senator Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats , and reject this bill , or any bill that doesnt demand a secure border first , before any proposals of Amnesty are even discussed.
The Democrats in the Senate , led by Chuck Schumer, have refused to entertain this notion , predictably , since they had no intention of ever securing the border, otherwise, they would have done it in 1986, under the Reagan Amnesty bill. A secure border would not only prevent new potential Democrat voters from entering our country, but it could also cause many illegals , already here, to self-deport, since they only want our low wage jobs and entitlements if they can continue to travel back and forth , across the border at will.
In other words, those here illegally will leave if the border is secured, because they do not want to become American citizens. They do not want to pay our taxes. They do not want to learn English . And, most importantly, , they do not want to be identified , as even being here , ...ever. They only want our jobs and entitlements . They do not want to be Americans. They do not like us , as a people, and, they do not like us, as a country. But, they do like the freebies that Obama gives them , in exchange for votes . You see, in the end, it's all for votes. Obamacare is part of this plan , for , while its registering illegals for medical coverage, it will , at the same time, be registering them with the Democrat Party.
This bill needs to be stopped, now, in the Senate, before it ever comes to a vote in the House. You see, despite Congressman Paul Ryan's assurances that the bill's flaws will be worked out once it gets there, we cannot rely on the Republican Congress to vote the right way on this . History has proven , that they cannot be trusted. Immigration is the Achilles Heel of all Republicans , including President Reagan . You see, deep down , both Parties want Amnesty, hoping to control the Hispanic voiting block. Republicans need to understand that , if Amnesty happens, it will not be in their favor. Illegals will always vote Democrat . Therefore, there can be no Amnesty,....ever. There is only one Immigration Bill that should ever be considered , and only one Immigration Bill that should ever be signed into law;....a Seal the Border Bill;....that is all. Seal the Border completely, and all other issues will be solved . And, more importantly, it is the duty and obligation of those that represent us in Washington , to seal the border , in order to secure our Nation . That is, after all, their Primary Job, the job that they swore an oath they would do.
The Republican Party needs to stop worrying about gaining votes , and start worrying about our war on terror, and the ever increasing invasion of illegal Obama Zombies ;...all potential terrorists and criminals , and all ready , willing , and able, to vote for the Party that wants them here , ...permanently, voting for them forever;....the Democrat Party.
Ultimately, if the Republicans want to pick up a new voting block, they need to do it the right way, by promoting conservative values and defending the principles of the Constitution . It worked for Ronald Reagan , in two landslide Presidential victories, and it will work for the Republican Party . It will always work, for the message of conservatism ; the message of truth. And, in the end, truth always wins. All the Republican Party needs to do is believe in this truth , and promote it , and the 2014 Midterm Elections ,....will be theirs .
Republicans need to wake up to the simple reality that the Hispanic community will always remain a Democrat voting base . No efforts by Senators Graham , Rubio , or McCain , to cater to them by passing this fraud of a bill, will matter at all. You don't change your Parties principles to appease a potential voting block. It won't work, and in the end, you will have reduced yourself to nothing more than an extension of the Party that is supposed to be your enemy. The solution to this mess? The Amendment to this bill proposed by Senator John Cornyn, that will demand a secure border first , and foremost, before any talk of Amnesty can happen . Senators Cruz, Hatch , and Paul, support this amendment, and it should be passed. Hopefully, Senator Marco Rubio , an otherwise staunch conservative , will wake up and begin to understand that he has been suckered by Senator Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats , and reject this bill , or any bill that doesnt demand a secure border first , before any proposals of Amnesty are even discussed.
The Democrats in the Senate , led by Chuck Schumer, have refused to entertain this notion , predictably , since they had no intention of ever securing the border, otherwise, they would have done it in 1986, under the Reagan Amnesty bill. A secure border would not only prevent new potential Democrat voters from entering our country, but it could also cause many illegals , already here, to self-deport, since they only want our low wage jobs and entitlements if they can continue to travel back and forth , across the border at will.
In other words, those here illegally will leave if the border is secured, because they do not want to become American citizens. They do not want to pay our taxes. They do not want to learn English . And, most importantly, , they do not want to be identified , as even being here , ...ever. They only want our jobs and entitlements . They do not want to be Americans. They do not like us , as a people, and, they do not like us, as a country. But, they do like the freebies that Obama gives them , in exchange for votes . You see, in the end, it's all for votes. Obamacare is part of this plan , for , while its registering illegals for medical coverage, it will , at the same time, be registering them with the Democrat Party.
This bill needs to be stopped, now, in the Senate, before it ever comes to a vote in the House. You see, despite Congressman Paul Ryan's assurances that the bill's flaws will be worked out once it gets there, we cannot rely on the Republican Congress to vote the right way on this . History has proven , that they cannot be trusted. Immigration is the Achilles Heel of all Republicans , including President Reagan . You see, deep down , both Parties want Amnesty, hoping to control the Hispanic voiting block. Republicans need to understand that , if Amnesty happens, it will not be in their favor. Illegals will always vote Democrat . Therefore, there can be no Amnesty,....ever. There is only one Immigration Bill that should ever be considered , and only one Immigration Bill that should ever be signed into law;....a Seal the Border Bill;....that is all. Seal the Border completely, and all other issues will be solved . And, more importantly, it is the duty and obligation of those that represent us in Washington , to seal the border , in order to secure our Nation . That is, after all, their Primary Job, the job that they swore an oath they would do.
The Republican Party needs to stop worrying about gaining votes , and start worrying about our war on terror, and the ever increasing invasion of illegal Obama Zombies ;...all potential terrorists and criminals , and all ready , willing , and able, to vote for the Party that wants them here , ...permanently, voting for them forever;....the Democrat Party.
Ultimately, if the Republicans want to pick up a new voting block, they need to do it the right way, by promoting conservative values and defending the principles of the Constitution . It worked for Ronald Reagan , in two landslide Presidential victories, and it will work for the Republican Party . It will always work, for the message of conservatism ; the message of truth. And, in the end, truth always wins. All the Republican Party needs to do is believe in this truth , and promote it , and the 2014 Midterm Elections ,....will be theirs .
Friday, June 14, 2013
FBI Director Robert Mueller was asked by a Congressional Committee to name the individual who is in charge of investigating the IRS scandal. He did not know. The most dangerous scandal in the country right now, and he doesn't know. He didn't even have the decency to make up a name. The reason Director Mueller doesn't know the name of this investigator, is because this individual doesn't exist. There is no ongoing investigation of the IRS scandal , because in the minds of Obama and his Administration , there is no scandal to be investigated. In their minds , nothing that has happened has been wrong .All of it, whether Benghazi , IRS, DOJ, NSA, or even this administration 's blatant denial of an existing terror threat, has occurred because it was all part of the plan . All of it has happened because it was supposed to happen . Why then , would you investigate the scandal, when there is no scandal? This is why no one has been fired . This is why no one will be fired , as long as Obama, and the Democrat Party are in power. What then , can be done? Win the 2014 Midterm elections , and win them big ,That is the only solution , the only way to reverse what is happening , and, most importantly, the only way to stop Obamacare from completely collapsing our free market economy. Republicans need to retain the House, pick up even more seats , and sweep the Senate. Essentially, it needs to be a repeat of the 2010 elections, but on steriods. The fate of the Nation is at stake . This is the one election that cannot be lost , or else the country is lost indeed. The Tea Party is a key component to victory. After all, , the Tea Party was responsible for victory in 2010, across the board. This was an uprising of just ordinary citizens , many of whom were engaging in the political process for the first time in their lives. All it took to awaken this sleeping political giant was Obama's ever expanding government , reaching deeper and deeper , into their wallets . That's okay, because that's the reason that spawned us as a nation as well. America only came into existence because of heavy taxation and regulation from the homeland, namely England. The Tea Party is the grassroots , get out the vote movement that will be the chief weapon in the fight to restore America its founding roots, but, ...there is one caviat, ...what took place in the Presidential election must not happen again, in this election . Make no mistake about it, the Tea Party was engaged in this election as well , yet, somehow, Romney lost. Why? This remains a center right country . The left is , fortunately , outnumbered. So , with all that was at stake, with all that Obama had done to the country already, why did Romney lose , even with the Tea Party component? The reason is unfortunate , and disturbing. The most important Presidential election of our time, and maybe of all time,was lost to the left , because those on the right , those in the Tea Party , refused to throw full support behind the Republican candidate ,Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Their reason was petty , and small minded. Apparently, Romney was simply not conservative enough for them . Apparently, many in the Tea Party , and many Republicans in general , bought the left's depiction of Romney as an out of touch rich guy who's Romneycare was a duplicate of Obamacare . They were wrong. Romney's certainly no hardcore conservative , but he was the Republican Party Nomineee whop pledged to destroy Obamacare , cut taxes , cut regulations, and strengthen our waning military. The bottom line is , Romney was the Republican Party candidate . We, as Republicans , should have had the common sense to get off our butts , go down to the polls, and pull the lever that would bring defeat to Obama and his agenda. The fact that many registered Republicans , who should have known better, simply stayed home on election night. Intolerable. Inexcusable And , this willful ignorance of political reality cannot be repeated in the 2014 midterms. Not if we are to survive as a Nation . Fortunately, deliverance from this previous mistake has come in the form of one time Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin , who has , in the past , proven to be the Archangel of Death to the Democrat Party. After all, every Republican candidate this woman endorses wins easily. That is a formidable political weapon to have on your side. Governor Palin has finally renewed her contract with Fox News , and as her appearance at CPAC demonstrated, her message remains as strong as ever . The timing of her triumphant return couldn't be better , since the Tea Party is the special domain of Governor Palin . Palin must rally the troops within this organization , and make it crystal clear to them , that all , I repeat, all , Republicans are to be supported in these elections , no exceptions. To win a team victory, you must support the team , the entire team , whether they are hard core conservative, or country club Republican . And , the timing for this election couldn't be more perfect as Obama and his Administration are imploding from one self imposed scandal after another. We can win ,and win easily, if the focus stays on backing Team Republican , no ifs ands , or buts. We are the Party of of Tax Cuts , Regulation Cuts , and a Strong Military. We have to win . Obama is wounded by scandal , but he must be finished off at election time. They say you shouldn't kick a man when he's down , but I say , you should not only kick him , you should get Roger Ailes of Fox News , to hire Sarah Palin , to not only kick him when he's down , but do it with high heeled , conservative hunting boots , and kick him so he doesn't get up again . Sarah's the Tea Party weapon , , but , in the end, it's up to us , the American People , the Conservative majority , . Let's not screw it up this time. Get off your couches and vote this time, not for an individual, but for the Republican team , that will end the scourge of Obama. Do it for country, for your children's future , and yes , let's do it for Mitt Romney . After all, Romney didn't lose that election ;....We did, with our apathy, and ignorance . Hopefully , that ignorance won't be repeated, this time. |
Saturday, June 8, 2013
The Deadilest of the Species, Part Two
No one has been fired , or repremanded , for Benghazi, or the IRS,or the AP scandals. And, no one likely will. Now, more than ever, the fight , by conservatives especially , must go on . Why then , has Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann , announced that she will not run in 2014, for re-election?Her answer is one of conservative principles . She simply feels that public service is not a career . Presidents get to serve only eight years , or two terms. Bachmann , therefore feels that eight years is enough for members of Congress too . She is principled, as is Palin , who resigned as Alaskan Governor , after only two years , because attacks from the left , regarding ethics charges against her , were costing the State too much tax payer money , and were affecting her ability to concentrate on the duties of her office. Her reasons for resigning were correct , as are Bachmann's for bowing out. But these conservative dynamo's principles are part of the problem . Democrat politicians are playing by different rules . They serve as long as they can secure votes for them . And, they refuse to quit despite scandals . They are , quite content to make a living off the taxpayers dime. The Republican Party's problem is clear;...;leading conservatives like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann , must put aside their principles and realize that we are at war ;...with liberalism . And, in war, you fight to win . Period. Constitutional Conservatism , when forcefully expressed and articulated, wins every time. But, it must be expressed , over and over, relentlessly, by those who will not give up , no matter how long the fight. Bachmann and Palin are sorely needed. Bachmann and Palin must run again, if not for Congress , then for Senate , but, they must run . Their voices are needed. Their votes are needed. Their relentless conservative determination is needed. They need to forget a rule that matters only to them , and fight dirty , fight to win . Because no matter the tactics we use , our side is the right side , the conservative side, the side that defends the constitution , the side that defends freedom . If we want to defeat liberalism , and Obama, we must wake up and start fighting to win . Forget our high sounding principles , principles that force a strong voice for conservatism to quit after only eight years , to quit at the crucial point of the battle , to quit just as liberalism is indeed on the ropes , as the Obama Administration is engulfed in endless , self-made scandals. Let's fight to win . No more quitting by conservative women can happen , because liberal women , and the left , in general, never quit. Let, once and for all, prove to Hillary, Sebelius, Rice, Lerner, Pelosi, and the rest, that its conservative women that are the deadliest of the species, and will help bring defeat to Obama and the Democrat Party, in 2014. Both Bachmann and Palin need to wake up to the reality that they are soldiers , fighting for the future of our Republic.Will they be content to sit on the sidelines as mere spectators , while the battle for the soul of the country goes on ? I think not. |
Friday, June 7, 2013
The Deadliest of the Species
A new scandal has emerged .The Benghazi, IRS, and AP scandals have now been joined by , lo and behold;.. the Verizon scandal. Apparently , Verizon phone records are available to the Obama Administration . All phone records , of all citizens . Ironic, considering Obama's opposition to the Bush Patriot Act , which called for the wiretapping of suspected terrorists. But ultimately Obama's support for this latest invasion of American citizen's privacy is really no surprise , considering the overall theme put forth by the Obama Administration , namely;...control and shut down the opposition , by any means necessary , in order to secure the Democrat Power Base . Find the enemies of the Administration's weaknesses, and use the President's enforcers , the IRS, and the Justice Department, to silence them by financial means, and if necessary , by criminalizing them .All to secure future Democrat election campaigns. More information will no doubt, emerge in time, from other organizations , exposing more scandals , simply because control;..... of the media and the message , was the Obama plan from day one of his Presidency. However, there is one particular item , that has been the looming threat that seems to engulf the others . Obamacare , is the main control mechanism , the main weapon that the liberal left has long sought to implement . For through it, the left knew it could control the free market and the citizens that operate in it. One of the more frightening aspects of Obamacare is the concept of Death Panels , the idea that, once passed, the government would , quite literally, have the power to decide who would receive medical care , and who would not. Not based on medical reasons , but on financial considerations . In other words , if the care you need, is considered too expensive , and you were considered a bad risk, you could be denied medical care , for no other reason than it would save the government money; that could be better used , in more important pursuits , such as the Democrat election campaigns . Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin warned us of the possibilty of the Death Panel. Obama and his Administration denied there would be any such thing , despite evidence to the contrary . Now, however, we have solis , working , evidence that Death Panels are indeed real. Kathleen Sebelius , Director of Health and Human Services, is essentially the number one individual who will run Obamacare , once it is fully implemented. Recently , a ten year old girl has been denied a lung transplant , simply because of her age. She is ten , instead of the acceptable age of twelve. Acceptable to who exactly?Acceptable to Obamacare rules apparently;...rules enforced by ;...Kathleen Sebelius. The little girl has barely five weeks to live . Lung transplants on children of her age have had a history of sucess, in the past. Sebelius refused to overrule the existing age limit imposed by Obamacare , and allow the dying girl to be put on the donor list, despite the fact that she could have ,.with one stroke of the pen , made an effort to save this girl,by allowing her to be put on the donor list. She , instead, condemned the girl to death , by refusing to use her authority , as the Obamacare administrator in chief , to intervene on the dying girl's behalf. Refused. For no other reason than to help her , would violate the liberal law of nature , the law that places no major importance on any individual , but instead relegates all people to an equal status ;.... Equally screwed, that is. Under Obamacare, you and your madical problems are no more important than anyone else waiting for medical treatment , unless you're a rich Democrat supporter that is . Then , you can move Obamacare mountains. It took a local Philadelphia Judge to overule Sebelius, and pass a ruling that allowed the ten year old to be placed on the donor list . He saved her life , or at least , gave her a chance at life, a chance that Kathleen Sebelius would never have given her. You see Sebelius is a hard core liberal, who believes in the Obamacare agenda , and used this situation to demonstrate the control, and the power, that the Obamacare health sytstem would give the Democrat Party over its citizens. That demonstration , proving that point , was far more important to Kathleen Sebelius than one little girl. As the Director of Human and Health Services said before a congressional committee;"some people live, and some people die".This was the left's chance to demonstrate to the people that they are not important , unless the government says you are. So, they better get used to it. Condition the people to accept that they are just numbers , only as important, as the next number. Kathleen Sebelius is not alone in this attitude. Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi and showed no remorse for the deaths of four Americans at that embassy.When grilled about the circumstances of the attack, Hillary's only answer was, 'What difference does it make?" Susan Rice has now been approved as Chief Security Advisor to the President, despite pushing a false video story to explain the Benghazi terror attack. It was a lie , and she knew it . She has refused all questions , and gave no explanations , and now has been appointed by Obama to a position that would , in effect , make her immune to further scrutiny over the scandal. Lois Lerner directed the IRS to target conservatives in order to shut them down and secure Obama's re-election, and the 2014 midterm elections. Lerner refused to answer any questions put forth by a congressional committee, but still felt the need to arrogantly proclaim her innocence , while refusing to defend that claim. Arrogant, elitist , merciless , heartless. It would seem , apparently , that the female is indeed the deadliest member of the liberal species. But fortunatly;...they are opposed, by a force equally as deadly, namely;...the ever growing species known as conservative women . Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, in particular , have stood strong on conservative principles , and opposed all that the women on the left represent. But, the fight must go on . There can be no quitting, no surrender, no fear. The Death Panels, predicted by Palin , have now been proven real by Kathleen Sebelius, by her refusal to aid a desperately ill , ten year old girl. No one has been fired or repremanded, for Benghazi , the IRS, or the AP |
Sunday, June 2, 2013
The Riddle of the Sphinx
The deadline for the IRS to come clean with answers regarding their alleged targeting of Conservative Tea Party Groups has now past . Now, the next move is up to the Republican House and Senate. Will they call for a special prosecutor? Time will tell. Attorney General Eric Holder has also failed to admit to knowing anything about the Justice Department 's targeting of Fox News reporter James Rosen .This, despite the fact that his signature is on the documents that approve the targeting of the Washington correspondent, esentially accusing him of espionage. Hoder refuses to answer questions regarding this incident, but is willing to meet with the press to discuss the matter ,"off the record". The fact that most of the AP outlets refused the invitation speaks volumes . Benghazi will never be answered either. No one involved will provide the answers to the four questions that must be answered;.."Why were requests from ambassador Stevens for increased security at his embassy repeatedly turned down? Who ordered the stand down? Who invented the youtube video cover story? And , where was the President, and what was he doing, during the eight hour attack on our Embassy? No one seems to know;...anything. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she was , "not aware" of requests for more security in Benghazi. IRS Director Lois Lerner testified befor a Congressional Committee that she is innocent of any wrongdoing , yet then proceeded to take the 5th Amendment , refusing to defend her claim of innocence before that same Congressional committee. IRS Director Steve Miller was also, "unaware" of any targeting of Tea Party groups , or any other conservative groups. He simply claimed to know nothing. Same with IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman , who also had no answer to why he visited the White House 157 times , in the space of four years. His only response to the question was a smug, smart ass comment about a White House Easter Egg Hunt. No one knows anything . No one is admitting to anything. No one, in the future, will admit to anything. And, apparently, even Republican stalwarts such as Congressman Darryl Issa , Senator Lindsay Graham , Congressman Trey Gowdy, and Senator Ted Cruz, despite their persistent efforts , cannot force answers from this gang of conspirators , whose unwillingness to unlock their secrets has begun to resemble the Riddle of the Sphinx . No one knows anything. Yet, circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that they had to know everything , and had to be directing this massive effort to protect Obama's Presidency , his re-election bid , Obamacare, and most importantly, the Democrat Power Base. Here's the bottom line;..Will a Special Committee be able to force answers from these people? Not very likely. Democrats rarely, if ever, admit to any wrongdoing , nor do they willingly resign when their guilt is proven. No, only Republicans resign under the pressure of scandals . But, if no one is held accountable, what will happen ? How can it ever be proven that they are all guilty of what they are accused of? And, what of Obama? How can the Republican House and Senate ever tie these events, these scandals, to Barack Hussein Obama, let alone the members of his Administration? What is the ultimate proof that President Obama, and his Administration , are guilty of all that has transpired ;...all that has now reached fruition , all that is the result of the Obama plan , that has been in effect , since the day Obama was inaugerated in 2008? The proof is found in one thing;...the Bush Administration . Under President Bush, there was no lack of security for our Embassies , during 911 anniversaries, or any other time. Under President Bush, there was no denial that we are at war with Radical Islam . . The result was no terror attacks on our soil, for the eight years after 911. Under President Bush, there was no IRS scandal , no targeting by his Administration of Americans , who dared to call themselves Constitutional Conservatives. And yes, under President Bush, there was no AP scandal, no attack by the Justice Department on the First Amendment rights of Americans , who might have disagreed with his Administration , and its policies. That is the key, right there. That is the key that unlocks all that was , all that is , and all that will continue to be , the Obama Presidency. Bush did not care about , or respond to his enemies , or their endless attacks. And, Bush was indeed attacked by the left , in ways that make the attacks by the right on Obama pale in comparison . Bush never reacted . Bush never defended himself. Bush never let his enemies hatred define him, or his Presidency. President George W.Bush had a job to do , and he did it. He made a vow , while standing on a pile of smoking rubble in New York , that those who knocked down those buildings, and the world, would hear from all of us;..soon . They did hear . The world heard , as well. Bush kept his word. He ignored his critics and enemies and did his job as Commander in Chief. He defended our country, and unleashed hell upon our enemies. And, the critics be damned. The Bush Legacy, then ,and now, through his continued work with the Bush Institute, is clearly defined. It is a legacy of strength, compassion , and determination to make the world a safer place where freedom and liberty can grow and prosper. In many ways , his Presidency was a mere prelude to the global work he does now to aid his fellow man and improve the human condition . The Obama Legacy has also been secured. Obama's need to silence critics of his socialist agenda , and his need to secure his power base , no matter what the cost, have created a legacy of deception and malfeasance , that is reflected throughout his entire Administration . All critics need to be silenced. Fox News needs to be silenced. The Tea Party needs to be silenced. All Conservatives , that believe in the principles of the Constitution , need to be silenced. And , this is why we are , where we are;...right now. Is Obama guilty? Is his Administration guilty? Of course. Obama knew all . He directed, all.It was his plan. It was his agenda. But , more importantly, it's the Liberal Plan, the Liberal Agenda, an agenda that was always there, but flourished under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama, and his Administration . And , that is all the proof of guilt that the American people need , to condemn the President for all that has happened , during his reign. Will he be impeached? Will any of those accused be fired? Will any go to jail? Not very likely. No, Obama and his Administration 's ultimate punishment will be one thing;...Massive,and decisive defeat in trhe 2014 Midterm Elections. A defeat that will reduce his Presidency , and his legacy, to one of a lame duck President , whose need for power and control, was greater than his love of country, and the freedom and liberty , that defines it. The Riddle of the Sphinx remains unresolved;...its enigma spanning the centuries . The Riddle of Obama , however, is really no riddle at all. It's answer was always apparent to those willing to strip away the liberal press created Myth ;...from the Man ;....and see the President for what he clearly is. |
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