Monday, August 27, 2012


Are Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan out to destroy Medicare? Let's hope so. It needs to be destroyed. For, only from destruction ;...can come ;.....creation. Medicare,  Medicaid , and all of the government entitlement programs must be destroyed;...for, they do not work. If they worked, why would the President think we needed Obamacare?Why did the President take billions of dollars from the Medicare program to pay for Obamacare?
The reason is clear;...the purpose of all of these government controlled health care systems is not to provide health care for all ;......the true purpose is simply to take more money from the taxpayers . It's to take more control of the private sector , and control of our lives. The best way to control people? Control their money.
Money is freedom . The more money you are able to keep, while working in the free market, the more freedom you have . It's that simple. Look at any nation on earth , that suffers under totalitarianism rule;...and the one thing that defines them all; that most of their money , goes to the government ;...that controls their lives.
We don't need Medicare, Medicaid, or Obamacare. They are nothing but taxes, elaborate , deceptive, taxes, that's all.
All entitlements should be destroyed, completely. The idea of vouchers was raised by Romney and Ryan , but the real issue is;...what will happen if the programs , that people depend on , are eliminated?
Answer;...Nothing. Nothing will happen . As long as we have a free market ;...the greatest capitalist free market system , on earth. All worthy programs will survive, in the private sector, of course. Remember, there is nothing, no program , no function ;...that the government runs , that the private sector can't run a thousand times better. Education, Health Insurance , Welfare, all are being done better in the private sector,  right now, and under President Romney we will hopefully expand that sucess, by moving even more of these so-called'entitlements" into the hands of those that have a proven record of sucess in running;...everything; running;....essentially;....the world;...since our economy , the U.S. economy, is indeed. the economy that keeps the world from sinking into darkness and despair.
Romney and Ryan know the solution to the entire Healthcare issue ;...for seniors and for all citizens; market competition .
Free Market competition creates  quality service.
Free Market competition prevents fraud.
Free Market competition grows the economy.
Free Market competition creates jobs.
And, best of all , Free Market competition creates more tax revenue;...for the government ; Since it creates more tax ;....payers.
It's really that simple.
We currently have 1, 750, existing Health Insurance agencies scattered across our great Nation. If , "We the People " are permitted to choose our own Health Insurance from this pool of agencies, a pool of competitors that will fight to get your business, then, all Health Insurance problems in this Nation are solved.
Competition between companies creates quality service . 
Monopolies create corruption , apathy,   bad service, and poor quality.
And, there is no bigger monopoly than a govt. controlled Healthcare program . Those citizens that would prefer to get Health Insurance in the private sector;...can now only choose between one, or two companies per State.
Romney must end this, and let us choose from Insurance companies across State lines , and end the threat of Obamacare, which will, if not destroyed, will surely destroy us; a Free Nation;...and destroy our economy;...permanently.
The choice is clear;....Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan must destroy Obamacare , and all entitlements that are bankrupting us, and then , from this destruction;...........creation.
They must create a new dawn , , a new day, .....a rebirth, of the system of self government that has made us the greatest Nation on rearth , and the last , best, hope for the future of our world.
Let's do this.
This November;...let's  initiate ;.....Operation ;....Rebirth!!

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