Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says that Mitt Romney will not release his tax returns, because he hasn't paid taxes for years , and ,his father would be ashamed of him . This is an interesting accusation , considering Senator Reid has never released any of his tax returns . Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has condemned Chick Fil a CEO, Dan Cathy, for his anti gay marriage stance, which is nothing more than a Christian belief in traditional marriage. The Mayor has made it clear, that Chick Fil A is not welcome in Chicago , because Dan Cathy's beliefs do not reflect "Chicago Values". What values are they, exactly? The Mayors so called values didn't seem to stop him from cozying up to Black Muslim leader Louis Farrikhan , a hate filled racist , in an effort to end the gang wars that are tearing the city apart. So much for Chicago values. So, What is really behind these hypocritical attacks? Just one thing; . Obama has nothing positive to run on , other than killing Bin Laden , and having reasonable sucess at killing terrorists in drone attacks. But, even his military acheivements are neutralized , when he tries to supress the early military vote in key voting State Ohio. His only workable strategy therefore , must be personal attacks , and most ofthem , need to center on the issue of racism . Romney's ability to turn a failing business around , is impeccable . When you give this man a job to do, he does it, pure and simple. And, that includes saving the Olympics from financial ruin . So, Obama's team must attack, Not Romney's work record , but his character. Hence the idea that Mitt Romney is a tax cheat. Is he? Of course not. The IRS would have already nailed him on it, if that was true. However , the same cannot be said for many members of Obama's own administration , such as Tim Geitner , who seems to have a real problem with paying his taxes. The Chick Fil a situation is about one thing , promoting President Obama's new pro -gay marriage stance, by attacking that mortal enemy of gays;....Christianity. The Obama re-election machine is hoping that everyone forgets the fact that Obama , until recently , had the exact same stance on traditional marriage as Mitt Romney. And despite his change, Obama has yet to pass any legislation to actually promote gay marriage , nor will he . It's all lip service, designed to bring out the gay vote in November . That's all this is. That's all it ever was. The bottom line is this;...attacks like these will be coming , in ever increasing numbers , from the Obama administration , and the left , in general, right up until November 2nd. This is the campaign strategy. This is the only strategy that Obama and the left can run on . All they can do is run an endless slander, on all things conservative, and, by so doing, they will continue to expose themselves for what they are , namely, leftists that survive off of one belief ;.....that the money the citizens of this nation earn ;...belongs to them and , they will do whatever is necessary; get that money. This is the plan . This is the strategy.Right up until November 2nd, when the American people will elect a new President Mitt Romney, for one simple reason;.........He's a Republican . Republicans are the only ones who cut taxes , and regulations , and let the people who earn the money, keep the money. It's really that simple. In a Nation that functions as a Republic, that is. Republicans cut taxes , Democrats do not. There it is . Vote Republican this November; get to keep more of the money you earn. Vote Democrat ; get to keep less. Will there be a renewed attack on guns by the left , in the wake of the Aurora massacre?Will this be a part of Obama's strategem of defeat? Highly unlikely. As Bill Clinton discovered , on many occaisions, the NRA reaches across party lines , and will destroy any candidate that tries to take away from Americans , what is esentially , their first freedom ;...the freedom that makes all the others possible. This matters little , however , sice the President will fall on another sword ;...heavy taxation , and heavy government spending. |
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Strategem of Defeat
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