So. how should Mitt Romney respond to the attacks being launched against him by the Obama campaign machine ? The attacks have not only been vicious and personal , but, also completely false. The latest of which infers that a woman died of cancer , because Bain Capital fired her husband and canceled his insurance . A total fabrication. The employee , in reality, was offered a buy out by Bain , which included Health Insurance. And, his wife was not even on his policy to begin with. She had her own insurance . This, of course, is nothing new for Team Obama , and the Democrats , in general, who will say or do anything to slander Romney's character ;...since they have no accomplishments, no achievements , of their own , to focus on and promote. What then , should Romney do? Should he respond? Should he defend himself against these allegations? Nope. What he should do , what he must do, is what he did that got him the nomination of his Party. He should not defend;...but attack, and attack relentlessly. And yes, even on a personal level, , fight fire with fire. Mitt had no problem going after his opponents for the nomination , nailing them in attack ads that kept coming , like machine gun fire, all through the Primary Season . Why then , is Romney reluctant to use these same aggressive , but effective tactics, on the Obama team? Romney needs to get in gear;'...and quickly. Time is short . He needs to outline his plan of cutting taxes and regulations for busineeses , and all Americans, and unleashing the free market to do what it does best, what comes naturally to competitive capitalists;...namely, make a profit, and by so doing;..create jobs. He needs to explain that , all entitlement programs , including Obamacare , that are currently bankrupting our Nation ;...need to be eliminated;...and put in the hands of the private sector. That's all there is to turning our economy around, and Romney , a highly sucessful businessman himself, well knows it. He needs to start putting forth this plan , right now. And, he needs to put Obama on the defensive, by attacking all , I repeat all, of Obama's questionable past associations. John McCain refused to do this. John McCain lost. Mitt Romney should win this election handily, but , he couyld snatch defeat from victory, simply by becoming the political equivilent of a deer in the headlights. This cannot happen . Not only is the Presidency at stake, but the very future of our Nation , as a free Republic , as well. A Romney staffer recently responded to the woman with cancer attack ad by saying the woman would have had health insurance , if she had lived in Romney's Massachusetts. This staffer needs to be fired immediately. No more gaffes. No more mistakes . No more misstatements. We cannot afford them . Romney must lay out his plan , clearly . and maimtain a steady stream of savage , merciless attacks , on the many skeletons in the socialist closet of Obama. This Nation is out of time. Romney must unleash the merciless attacks he used on his fellow Republicans ;..on this socialist President who wants to end the basic structure of this free Republic ;...we call America. For, if he doesn't Governor Romney will have not only failed to win the Presidency, he will have failed his Nation , and the children who shall inherit it one day;...when they needed him most. I feel confident that Mitt Romney will do what is necessary to win . Picking Paul Ryan as VP is a good indication of this. Congressman Ryan; addition to being a Tea Party favorite;... is the architect of the budget plan that would , if implemented, save this Nation . It calls for tax cuts , regulation cuts , restructuring the tax code, elimination of entitlements , and , of course , repealing Obamacare. The Democrats have refused to pass the bill ;...or even vote on it, for that matter. This November, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will get that bill passed , when they become President , and Vice President, of the United States. |
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The War of the Inheritors
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