Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gathering of the Gods

They have nothing. Nothing. President Obama had four years to accomplish his goals; stop the sea from rising; save the planet. He said he could accomplish this while standing between the Greek columns of the Temple of Obama in 2008. He had the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court ;...all in his pocket, all ready , willing , and able, to do his bidding. He passed everything he wanted to pass;...all the dream projects of the liberal left , made reality;...and he still failed miserably.
Notice the liberal left didn't attack Clint Eastwood's convention speech, his statements, his facts;...because they couldn't. So, therefore, the attacks were made ;...on a personal level.
Conservatism is truth. You casn't attack truth. You can't argue against truth, and hope to win . So, attacks against Romney, Ryan , Palin , Bachmann, Gingrich, ;...and yes , even Clint, must be on a personal level ;....if  Obama wants to win , that is.  Personal attacks are all the left has; the face of conservative facts ;....and reality. If you're young, middle class, and conservative;'re stupid;..and most likely , a hick; Palin. If you're young ,wealthy, highly educated, and conservative;'re a misguided dupe ; Ryan.  If you're older, wealthy, educated, and conservative;'re a racist ; Romney. And, last but not least , if you're really old, wealthy , educated , and conservative;'re a  senile brainwashed old man. Predictable attack strategies , the same old playbook . They used the senile card on Reagan ;..they used it on Charlton Heston , and now ;...Clint Eastwood will be the new target of this strategy. Same old , tired , liberal cliches;...all personal, all designed;...not to win the arguement in the political arena, but to demoralize the opponent , keep him on the defensive, trying to counter the personal attacks , leaving him no time to debate the actual issues that effect our Nation ;...and our security.
Why debate issues? The left knows their policies are designed to destroy this country;...why should they admit it? Better just to stick to the failed game plan ;..raising taxes endlessly, demonizing the wealthy, who create jobs , and , of course , weakening our Nation  by reducing spending in the one, the only , area that the left has ever been willing to cut;...the military. The only thing that keeps us free ;...the one area of government spending;.... we should never cut.
Yep, the same old tired playbook;...same old Democrat Party;...all out of ideas , all out of time, and soon to be;...out of power , permanently.
The main purpose of the Republican Convention this year was to 'humanize" the Romney campaign machine , by letting the two candidates tell their personal history , their struggles , and their love of family ;...and country. Clint Eastwood's speech/ It was off the cuff, improvised , but still , it was designed to mock the Obama Presidency;...a presidency that well deserves it ;..a President who , in only four years , made a mockery of his office , the Nation , and the free market principles , of which he has nothing but contempt for.
The Republican Convention is over now, but, within that gathering of conservative gods, was a portent of things to come. A new age of heroes , who, like Eastwood, are not afraid to be in the arena of ideas, not afraid to suffer the," slings and arrows" of the enemies of freedom , knowing that, in the end , when the smoke clears ;...Conservatism is still the truth;,,and Conservatism , always wins.
But, what of the Democratic Convention ?Many prominent party leaders will not be attending ;.. includng Pelosi , Reid , and Hillary Clinton;  Obama's secretary of state. Why? Well, only a fool stays with a sinking ship;.. and Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi ;...know it. Yes;...a fool ;...or the Captain. In the case of the Democratic Party , that Captain is Obama, who , will indeed go down without much support from fellow Democrats, who now, finally, realize that Obama has no interest in saving his party, ;.....if he doesn't survive as well.
Clint Eastwood summed it up nicely;...."We own this country, politicians are our employees . When someone doesn't do the job; let him go." Or, in President Obama's case; let him go down;.....with his ship. You have to;...for he has failed to understand the one simple law that makes a free market economy work;.......You let the people who earn the money;.....keep the money;.....and, prosperity, and freedom, are the results.

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