Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Choice;....and the Challenge

To those on the left who continue to attack Mitt Romney on his refusal to release more than two years of taxes;...."Is this the best you can do?" Because, if so, you have already admitted defeat and conceded that President Obama has failed, and must be replaced by Romney. You see, Mitt Romney doesn't have to release his taxes, end of story. He has more important things to focus on. Like using his proven record of job creation to turn this socialist economy of Obama's around; economy wrecked by heavy taxes and regulations, reckless spending, and a Marxist approach to entitlement programs,
Mitt Romney will end this. His record is one of sucess . Obama's is one of failure, And Romney's choice of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his VP running mate , is just more evidence of Governor Romney's political strategic genius . Ryan is a hard core conservative , who is aslso the architect of a budget plan that, if implemented, would turn this nation 's economy around in less than a year;...and , Obama knows it.
Cut taxes , cut regulatiuons , end Medicare and Medicaid as govt. institutions ;...and move them into the private sector, where they will be run effeciently. End Obamacare, and allow American citizens to privately purchase Health Insurance from the 1, 750 companies that currently exist  , and , most importantly , end all entitlement spending that has bankrupted our Nation , and compromised its security.
Romney has made his choice. Now, its time for us to make our choice . The simple truth is;...the left cannot win with Obama, or any other Democrat. Every State in this Nation that is controlled by Democrats is nearly bankrupt, while all those controlled by Republicans are growing and prosperous. This is something for the left to ponder.But, one things for certain ;...the Democrat Party's  pathetic, weak, attacks at Romney's tax status and Bain Capital interests;..... reek of fear, and desperation . And , they are , in fact, a prelude , to their total collapse , and the end of the Party's Marxist agenda.
This November , America has a clear choice;...and a challenge. The choice is between tyranny , and freedom . The challenge is to save this Nation;...and save the future ;...for our children . When you vote; for a winner . Vote Republican ; the party of winners. Vote for Mitt Romney;...a proven winner. Here's a simple fact that the left won't tell you;...Only Republicans cut taxes. Only Republicans let the American people keep more of the money they earn ;..with their sweat and hard work. Democrats do not cut taxes ;...ever. They only raise them . Never, in the history of this country, did Democrats cut taxes when they were in power, and left to their own devices. Never. JFK doesn't count. His radical tax cuts for all Americans , and strong support of our military; ..means that he was, in fact,   a conservative . A wolf ;...dwelling among liberal sheep.  
Here's the bottom line;....If you believe the money you earn , is yours to keep, vote Republican . If you believe it belongs to the government; Democrat. But, remember, the day of Change ;...IS OVER. And, the time for renewal ;...of this great Nations conservative values , is coming this November , when Mitt Romney becomes President and ends President Obama's mad dream of a socialist utopia . A utopia that has already collapsed ;., they all do, around the globe;...under the weight of its own arrogance, indifference, and contempt, for 'We the People" who run this "shining city on a hill", and the free market principles;...that define it.

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