In his State of the Union address , President Obama spoke of energy independence, transportation and infrastructure innovation , investment in education , investment in new energy sources , and , a coming together of Democrats and Republicans in a united effort to, 'solve our Nations problems."He also spoke of equal opportunity for all Americans , equal chance for sucess , and of course, equal outcome. Yes , the President spoke of all these things , and demanded that the wealthy be taxed more , to pay for it. He spoke of Warren Buffet's secretary paying more in taxes than her boss. Why then , is Obama's solution to raise Buffet's taxes , instead of simply lowering hers?The President spoke of many things regarding taxing the wealthy to fund his plans for his second term , and insisted the middle class will not see their taxes go up one dime. However , he didn't mention anything about cutting their taxes one dime either. He can't. Liberal Democrats do not cut taxes for anybody;...ever. His plan for taxing the rich , however , cannot work . The rich are the job investors and creators. . Punish them with higher taxes and regulations and you destroy the economy;...guaranteed. But then , he should know this already. You see, this man Obama was not giving a campaign speech to run for President . He already is President. , and has been for three years. He seems to forget that. But, fortunately, .....we haven't. The President has passed everything he wanted to, taxed and regulated and entitled everything he wanted to , and invested in education and energy alternatives , as he wanted to;.......and, it has all failed . It's time for a new plan . Time for the man who can turn our nation around. Time for the man who also speaks of many things , some practical, some implausible , some outrageously arrogant , some truly brilliant . And , mostly all, conservative. The man who speaks abrasively. The man who speaks simply and directly. The man who speaks , the truth. The man who speaks for conservative values , and the reality of implementing them. A flawed man. An arrogant , savage, grandiose man . A man of dreams and visions ;...some practical , some implausible, but, a man who Reagan entrusted with the future of conservatism , after a forty year absence in Washington. A man who reversed the socialist downward spiral of Clinton and made our Nation the 'shining city on a hill', that President Reagan evnvisioned. Slash, cut, rip , and gut taxes , regulations, welfare and entitlements. A simple, brutal, savage prescription for what ails our Nation , and Newt Gingrich IS the savage god of politics that did it before , and ......will do it again;....this time as Commander in Chief. Romney had mandatory healthcare in his State of Massachusettes. He said it worked . He still says it worked. He refuses to admit it was a mistake. He forced citizens of his State to buy Health Insurance, or, a fine. You cannot force an American citizen to buy anything ;....and then claim to be a conservative, Let's vote smart this time. Let's save the Nation.Don't vote for the man who says he 'll turn this country around; his second term ;...or the man who says who says he'll repeal Obamacare ;...and yet implemented it in his State , as governor. Let's vote for the man who actually did turn this country around, during the dark days of Clinton. The man with the proven record of conservative results;...not talk , not promises;....RESULTS. Some jobs require a butcher. Some jobs require destruction , in order to create , ...11 million jobs; Newt has . Newt is the Savage god , the butcher , who will do the job , that no one else has the stomach for. Let's remember , Conservatism , as it is today, would not exist , if not for Gingrich, and his Contract with America. Lets get the job done. Lets vote for Newt , the Savage, pure, force of nature, who may not always be right, or accurate, in his words;......but his results certainly are. . Ultimately, it may not matter who is nominated as our Republican Candidate;..since Obama's State of the Union address assured his defeat. For, you see, no President , can be re-elected , by promising to the American people ; raise their taxes ;.....NO PRESIDENT. |
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