Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Second Coming

Newt Gingrich has won the South Carolina Primary; telling the truth. That's all it took. When asked thursday night by a CNN reporter about his ex-wife's allegations,he angrily told that reporter that the issue was being brought up to protect Pres. Obama from defeat at his hands . That was the truth. The applause and standing ovations, agreed. When asked about taxes;..Romney hesitated, stammered, and then said we should pay whatever the rate is, but he would probaly cut taxes to 25%.
Newt said he would cut taxes to 15%;...guaranteed. He did it before, as Speaker of the House under Clinton.Again, that's just the truth.
Romney panicked over the issue of releasing his tax returns.Newt had already released his, the day before. The truth , again.
Newt also, most importantly, sees the truth about the so-called issue of, "creating jobs"He knows that jobs are not created by tax payer funded programs . In fact; cannot be created at all., Jobs are merely a by-product of that dreaded entity;.......corporate greed.You see, businesses do not exist to create jobs. Businesses exist to make a profit, for the owner of that business. If the businesses owner is sucessfull at making that profit, then , he hire people ;...not to get them off their couches, but to help him make even more money;...for himself. Newt knows that, without greedy businessmen, there are no jobs. And , if heavy taxes and regulations on the business free market continue;...then the business owners will not hire anyone;..ever. That , would eliminate their profit margin, you see.
Newt Gingrich understands this;...and that's why he'll be our next President . As Speaker of the House under Clinton;..he cut taxes , cut regulations, forced Pres. Clinton to sign Welfare reform , slashed entitlements, cut the deficit in half , and a booming economy and balanced budget were the results.
This isn't rocket science. You simply let the people who earn the money;....keep the money. That's how it works in a free market systyem.Newt gets it, and used these principles to save a rapidly failing Clinton economy and Presidency;...and also to usher in a new era of Conservative Republican dominance;..after 40 years of Democrat destruction.
Now , We the People, must continue this era , by following Newt's formula of tax cuts , regulation cuts , and entitlement cuts. If we do this , jobs will follow;...guaranteed.
The plan is clear
The man is here.
The time is now.
We may have to wait for the second coming of Christ;....but the second coming of Newt ; upon us;;;.....Newt,2012.

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